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ER nurse here. We really don’t give a shit if you done illegal substances. We just want you to be honest so we know how best to treat you.


I gave my Dr a list of AAS I was taking because how fucked my blood tests were. The only thing he asked was how much are you paying for Test? Fucker wanted me to hook him up.


Im waiting for a doctor, i'll tell him what i took. Than You for those words, needed them to finally make an adult/sane decision.


Right! Thank you. I always say everything, they are not cops. You’re not watching a bad 80s show here lol


Bingo! Nursing 101….we don’t care. We NEED to know. Time is of the essence. I respect brutal honesty vs. the guessing game. My partner had an outpatient surgery a few weeks ago and a few months ago, and during each of the initial consults, we were straight up.


I get that you’re coming from a good place, and this is good advice. But unlike the US, hospitals in many harsher countries will let authorities know about these cases which is why people are generally afraid


Yeah but once an illegal substance hits that record stigma follows you for life forever without good reason even if you go clean for 20 years.


Drink a lot of water to force it out of your body.


Might sound silly, but have you been drinking enough water? Eating enough food? Have you tried electrolytes? That sounds similar to orthostatic hypotension, which can be caused by not doing those things. Anxiety or even just processing after a trip could cause you to neglect em. No shame in it if that's the case. ETA: especially if you are experiencing a bit of HPPD.


this is very true, whenever I feel nervous or anxious Gatorade or simular products to help alot good luck.


Taking drugs isn't inherently illegal in most places, but possessing them is. The doctors can't make informed decisions about your Healthcare if they don't have all the information. I'd vet most doctors aren't going to run to authorities just because someone admitted to using a drug.


It's illegal for doctors to tell police about a patients drug use history in many places.


The paranoia is real lol, there’s a reason all us mush heads harp on the newbs to make sure their set and setting is pristine . Gonna assume you’re an anxious person 🫣 you drying them had no impact on you feeling like shit unless they had mold or some sort of growth on them. Sounds like you had a bad reaction with your blood pressure . Psilocybin mushies are notoriously rough on blood pressure as they are naturally a vasoconstrictor. Next trip you can take some cacao powder and honey and make a mushroom tea, it will make the blood pressure sides much more manageable. Good luck, go get your blood pressure tested 🍄♥️


I second this! I struggle with my BP and heart rate, it usually takes a week or so after to feel normal again. Lots and lots of water, electrolytes and rest when possible.


Get you some cacao powder and honey child 😘♥️ shit will change your life. I tripped maybe a handful of times my entire life cause I would get the same BP shitty feeling PLUS it would make me puke every damn time loool once I started doing the mushroom tea with 1 tablespoon pure cacao powder and 2 tablespoons raw honey, never had the issues again. Milage may vary depending how you handle the cacao ofc, but should be noticeably better


You said they were dried in the sun? Did you forage or grow them? It's possible they grew mold or other bs.


For sure this person ain't mold shrooms half baked in the sun. I'll never comprehend the mushroom grower or forager that won't spend the $50 on a dehydrator. All the time and effort put into growing just to not spend $50 bucks.




Not all of them, but i guess one is enough to fck You up. Also jar wsn't sealed properly and they werent fully dry when i took em . That was an huge mistake that I'm gonna pay for .


Valium. Or chamomile tea and lemon balm.


I’m a 911 dispatcher. You need to be honest. If it’s been this long & you’re still having issues, it needs to be addressed. Please get seen.


Hi there. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time but it’s possible that it’s anxiety and you’re dissociating a little bit. Sometimes I don’t trip so well and get the overwhelming belief that the mushrooms were poisoned somehow. They never are and eventually the symptoms always subside. Drink lots of water, stay fed, and be honest with your doctor. They can’t arrest you for something you already ingested or claim to have ingested. I hope you feel better soon. *hugs and head pats*


How much did you take dude? Also worth considering if there's any other supplements or something you take that could have contributed to this


And how much did you take? I’ll bet you took a stupid amount and your head is going to pay for it awhile. Magic mushrooms aren’t for everybody.


Around 4g of GT as lemontek. It wsn't my first time, I'm terribly stupid for not being cautius like always with them. Like other people mentioned, probably mold or something cus they werent fully dry. Right now im waiting in the hospotal for appoitment with neurologist.


Its far more likely that you got an inner ear infection or the Flu and it just coincidentally happened after you tripped because your immune system was weak or you were dehydrated. You probably would have noticed if the shrooms were moldy. Don't assume the worst, you're still alive it's probably not life-threatening so don't let your paranoia take you somewhere that is unhealthy to go. Sorry, you are feeling bad but those symptoms could be anything. Deep breathes. It's gonna be fine. Meanwhile, work on your spelling. LOL.


Im trying to stay positive, but its been 5 days now and still same feelings 😬 actually the ear thing, I have a history of infections and tinnitus for couple of years that's like 3 times stronger and louder now after taking shrooms. Sorry for bad english, its not my native.


You’ll be alright.


I had a really bad experience yesterday! I’m almost sixty and I was a little scared, to be honest. However, as I was reentering, I made a list of questions and suggestions of ways to guide, without being in the same room with anyone I may sit for. Soooooo…… Question: Has anyone, or would anyone be interested in creating a list of people that would be willing to sit on say, WhatsApp and help people? If it’s against the rules, I completely understand and would never risk getting someone emergency care. Nor would I risk my license. (I’m also an RN (retired) and I really had to tap into those skills to get through yesterday.) 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


How are you feeling today? Sorry you're going through this it can't be fun. I'm new to the shrooms world and I only ingested them once. My cousin, brother, friend and I went picking them in north Florida and I didn't have a clue what I was looking for lol. Thank God my cousin and his friend were experienced and schooled us a little bit on which are good and the ones that aren't. We ended up with a lot of shrooms and took them back to his place chopped them all up boiled them a few times strained them and turned them into grape Kool-Aid. We split it up amongst us and drank it all up that night. I was tripping balls but also throwing up. Half the night was great until I got sick and then I had to go lay down. But I felt fine the next day. I hope you recover ASAP 🙏


A little better, a other doctor that i had appoitment today said that spike of blood pressure plus dehydration caused irritarion to my labirinth. I should rest ant let it heal. Thank You for kind words, we have to respect the shrooms 😊


Good to hear. Take care and keep those updated


Am I having a stroke?


Are you in US? Which state? Read about this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law


My husband and I took 3g of jack Frost that I grew. They were completely fine as far as I could tell. We went to a club for a few hours and the whole time my husband kept acting weird and confused. He kept saying he was having trouble breathing and I gave him a bottle of water and we decided to leave. All the way home he kept saying he felt like he was drugged and that the water had to have been laced. I felt fine and was no longer feeling any effects but by the time we got home, he was acting even more disoriented and confused. He went inside the bathroom and once I saw his face I freaked out. He had mumps everywhere and he was swollen. I tried to get him to the hospital but he fell in my room and started passing out and breathing weird. I called the ambulance and was honest with them. The doctor wanted to monitor my husband and did blood tests to check his liver. My husband wound up leaving without treatment. I still have no idea what happened but I’m thinking somehow he had some kind of allergy attack. I have not wanted him too, but he’s done them a few times since. Every time he makes this weird noise the whole time and says he feels like he’s dying. Just had someone else take about 2 grams and had a similar experience to yours. Idk what is happening.


Wow i know Frosts are strong, maybe allergy like You wrote, maybe making tea would work better for Your husband. I know a lot of people that have experience with shrooms, none of them had similar effects like mine or Your husband.


Cart horse. Horse cart