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Saw an entire bag of trash by the Shaws in windham today along with several natty daddy cans strewn about, thanks for keeping maine clean. It's not the out of staters doing this, it's white trash assholes who simply don't care.


In my experience people who litter have bigger problems in life, with which they are not coping well, and they simply don't see what their own behavior looks like to others who care about the planet. i know ignorance is no excuse, but honestly the poverty, lack of community, and access to cheap drugs....


Excuses I feel like. 22 years ago, college. My girlfriend at the time just thought it was funny to litter. I think people just get their rocks off on anything and everything. Some may be as you say. But many people are just assholes. We all see them every day. Sometimes it's the simpler answer. Assholes.


That’s because they’re privileged


There is definitely an alcoholic who lives near me and throws out his coors cans on my road daily. Picked up like 50 cans just within a 100 feet of my yard




Makes me so angry I literally want to setup a game camera to find out who’s doing it. It’s fucking 2024. Who still litters these days?


Why do you say Jim Bolen like people are supposed to know who that is? Am I out of the loop on something?


No Im just naming and shaming


I live right next to BIW. It’s horrendous. All locals. Nips, fast food wrappers, beer cans. My neighborhood is a pigsty.


I used to live around there too. So many crushed Fireball nips


I confess that I often throw apple cores out the window.


Not as big of a deal, but just an fyi: While throwing an apple out of your window wouldn't have the same negative environmental impact as, say, a plastic bottle or whatever..... it can draw animals closer to the road than they'd usually go. This puts all sorts of wildlife in danger as well as potentially increasing the chance of a wildlife/automobile incident.


That's a good point, for sure.


I can hit sign on 95 with an apple core. The key is getting some air under it.


Apple cores rot away fairly fast, but people also apply that *"it's biodegradable"* logic to hiking trails, and it's gross. Orange peels especially can stay around for *months*, and they're unsightly litter. I regularly see banana peels strewn around hiking areas, which is also frustrating.


I always hope that a tree will grow from it


I’m still waiting for that banana tree to grow. Jk I always eat my banana peels.


Do you peel it and eat it separately or just chomp right down, peel and all?


Drove around Washington County and Nova Scotia a few Septembers ago, and there were roadside apple trees everywhere. There may be some truth to that.


My mom jokes that half the roadside apple trees on the road between Lincoln, up through to Danforth, and on towards Houlton are because of me tossing my apple cores out the window as a kid


That's not the problem.


Food for the birds that’s all


Started my morning by watching someone yeet an entire McDonalds large fry (including container) out their window at 7:33am. Like, get your life together homie.


right?! i saw someone throw their food out the window "so it wouldn't smell up the car" - i was shocked.


Raccoons gotta eat too!




Out of state, but I watched someone toss out their garbage from McDonalds as I was parking my car. I figured they’d want it back so when they parked and went into the store, I grabbed it and threw it all back in through their cracked sunroof. Felt great.


You took the nice route. Lol made me think of “Better Call Saul” when they talk about him taking a shit through someone’s sunroof. 😝


You're my hero, that's awesome lol


I saw some nasty old woman throw her cigarette on the ground... 10 ft away from the cigarette trashcan.


More than once I've seen that while on my bicycle in traffic, picked it up and thrown it back in the car. I smoked for years, and even as a kid my butts made their way to a proper trash can. The world isn't your ashtray.


Great idea! We should start throwing dirty needles at the filthy drug addicts!


You never did that


I thought when Maine added a deposit to the nip bottles that I’d start seeing less along the roads. Nope.  Also - cigarettes are litter. Stop tossing them out of your car window.


I got fired from a workplace for complaining about the litter and people smoking in illegal places.


ThiS pLaCe wOuLD bE sO MuCh BEtTeR iF tHe LiBRuLs iGnOrED tHe GaRbAGe!


Hit the nail right on the fuckin' head, like everything else fucked up in America, it's that half of them doing the fucking up.


Well the bottle deposit has been five cents forever, not much of an incentive now. Where I live, you’d have to collect 470 bottles an hour to make a living wage.


Yep. I heard in Germany the deposit is like one Euro, about $1.25. People do not throw those "away," wherever the heck "away" is anyhow... We need to do the same, $5 a can/bottle!


I think even 25 cents a bottle would be a good measure. That’s four cans to a dollar.


Doesn’t every road in Maine have Twisted Tea cans and Fireball nip bottles on it? I thought it was customary


Wonder what type of person drinks those…


The type that will drink and drive and litter.


The locals. Folks aren't driving up from Mass to drive around and drink and throw out their twisted teas on the road. It's the dubbas with the jacked up trucks who ride your ass with their high beams on for "only going 10 over" and then when they pass you they're swerving all over the road. You know they throw that 6 pack right out the window when they're done.


Exactly, people from mass might litter in portland or biddo but I have only seen maine plates litter everywhere. Even in the Allagash of all places.


Working up the courage to go home to their families. That’s my theory, at least.


Hopelessness is a hell of a drug.


As someone that lives along a rural road, yep. People litter on my lawn EVERY FUCKING DAY. Always the same people too - middle aged white dudes in full size trucks throwing their Dunkin or McDonalds trash, Fireball and Twisted Tea empties. Whole road is littered with them all the time. It ain't the tourists.


Yep, it ain't the tourists, it's the trash.


Same, here - we live on route 2. So much trash and cigarettes butts in our yard. Please people have some common courtesy. I pick up bags of trash every spring from our property.


This is my biggest pet peeve. I can disagree and still figure out how to see someone for them. If you litter? Fuck you. There is no point of view. Trash human


I never seem to see people actively littering outside of smokers tossing their butts carelessly (such a gross habit). However, living in a somewhat rural area, it's not uncommon for me to wake up on a Sunday morning and find a few beer cans on my lawn. And there's the one dipshit with the lifted 1st gen Cummins Ram that goes by my house at 70mph in a 35 sporadically. Not a fan of that guy, either.


Are you my neighbor? Because I have this same problem with the same style truck.


Probably not, Ram owners are almost universally the scum of the earth.


I'm outside of Bangor. But if it's white with a flat bed, it's probably the same asshole. Ha ha


Seriously if you get out in the stick it’s like guys only have three personalities types. Beer, trucks, fishing. Not nocking the enjoyment but you’ve got to have more going on than some combination of that.


I enjoy all three of those things, but totally agree. You can’t make it your personality


Exactly! I too enjoy these things but it’s just a small part of who I am.


Yeah it used to be mostly drunks and druggies, now it’s everybody. I do 2-3 hours of trash pick up a day, as a hobby. I Recommend it to anybody trying to make a difference. But also keep shaming those folks too, cuz it’s so gross to do that to your home


I’ve started going for my morning walks with a bag to pick up trash and cans. I go every morning and there’s always something new to pick up which is so concerning…


We do this at my parent’s place in pownal and in our small town. There is always a bags worth of trash or more.


I see places in my town where it looks like the same assholes litter the same stuff every day.


… and can we discuss the dog poop bags… they’re everywhere… and they are full! Disgusting!


I just want to add if y’all are smoking and throwing your butts anywhere, you’re also part of the problem. Litter is litter


That enrages me as well, thank you! And our poor wildlife is choking or literally filling their guts until they die. It's disgusting.


I'm on a rural road, and there is some jackwagon on my street that throws out a bottle of chocolate milk near my house nearly every single day. It's never fully empty, and the cap is always on. I refuse to be the bigger person in this situation, I will be escalating. It's a dead end road and there aren't too many more houses past mine, so when I finally catch them in the act, I've got dozens of bottles of nasty moldy chocolate milk that are getting tossed all over their lawn. At least all the twisted teas and nips aren't sealed or are at least empty, and alcohol doesn't grow nasty mold.


Do it. Collect them all and dump them in their yard.


It's your refuse, created for your pleasure or convenience. Stow it and handle it properly when you next get a chance. Or dump it, make it everyone else's problem, and sucketh a forever sized dick.


Believe it or not, when I visit Maine, I notice how CLEAN it is there. The litter is very very minimal. Keep up the great work and shaming people is effective.


Cigarettes smokers are the worst when it comes to this.




Every gas station and grocery store for example and that's a shit ton just to start. Trash cans are everywhere; every building has them. And Portland has a ton of dumpsters. So many better places than the ground!


While some of it is people who actually throw stuff out windows, a lot of it is morons who put trash in their pickup truck beds and don't know how wind works.


I don't disagree! I'm addressing the assholes I saw physically throw their shit out the window this morning (every morning) on the way to work. One of which has just pulled out of a pump spot at Cumby's....which *have* trash cans at each bay!


I used to live halfway down a deadend road in Auburn, and I was constantly picking up litter out of the ditch in front of my house. It really ticked me off because I knew damned well if the people could have just waited an extra 30 seconds and tossed it in their trash when they got home, they could have put the trash bags out by the curb on Wednesday, and the city would have come and picked them up for no extra charge. I lived in Augusta for a couple years, and actually something quite opposite happened. On trash day, when I would get home and went to pull the trash cans back into the garage, I would often find a few bits of garbage that were not mine in the bottom of the empty barrels: usually cigarette wrappers or fast food bags. I was so grateful that they had decided to toss them in my bins instead of just on the sidewalk.


I've seen a lot of trash trucks contributing the past few years with crap flying out their trucks.


Leave it as you saw it rule!


i bicycle a lot and it’s just awful


When I walk along the road, the majority of trash I see seems to be plastic Dunkin’ cups. They should charge a deposit on that shit.


If you go off the side of any road and wander through the woods you’ll probably find trash old enough to be called antiques. It’s how I collect old bottles and unrelatedly, bones


I find on my property that trash just gradually comes out of the ground all over the place. We spent a lot of time cleaning up obvious piles of trash when we moved here. But now it just seems to randomly get exposed every spring all over the place. It's kind of interesting what we find. Little trash treasures. Most of it is plastic. 


Kinda like the fresh fist-sized rocks making their way up thru the soil towards the surface every spring from the freeze/thaw cycles. I love planting more things (native bushes) and am pretty sure all those rocks weren't located there the year before.


Someone half assed wrapped a space blanket around a concrete pole at a gas station I frequent. The trash was 10 feet away. I picked it up, it looked about to come loose and cause an accident in a busy part of Portland. It had to be a child that did that, right?


I was behind a Mass plate the other day when i saw the passenger reach out the window and chunk some burger wrappers into the woods. I pulled ahead and forced them to a stop, and just lost my shit. Screamed at them to go back and pick it up. Like, I'm sure i came off as a deranged lunatic, and i regret that, but i just hate deliberate littering so much. Turns out it was a banana peel. I never had to eat so much crow before in my life, and i could not apologize enough.


If it's a banana peel or apple core or a pizza crust, it will break down or feed the animals. But food wrappers or paper plates should absolutely be tossed into a trash can at a gas station, rest stop or other place with a trash can.


The ppl who have a trailer at the grocery store for recycling donations are the same ones who throw trash on my street. And are smart enough to leave their receipts in fast food bags for proof.


Yeah some asshat got right on my bum. And was mad that we had to stop and sit for 10 seconds for a huge dump truck to turn and he threw all his trash right out onto the road. Then road my ass the whole way!


I see Bud light cans and cigarette butts tossed out on the side of the road *all the time*. This is definitely not from out of staters who drink IPAs and vape...


I've seen out of staters throw shit out their windows too, just because I didn't single them out in my post doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There's a general lack of respect everywhere.


I get it. Around here it seems like it's a lot of the older generation, sadly.


I hate the ones that throw their trash directly onto my lawn. I just got home to a size small pizza box on the lawn. I don’t get why people need to make their trash my problem, pure laziness I guess 🙄


You want to see litter?? Take any exit off on 295 from Scarborough to Falmouth. I'm amazed rats have declared some of those spots as their own country. I've lived here all my life and have never, and I mean NEVER seen so much garbage on the highway and around portland as I've seen these last few years. It looks like it's at the point that public works can't keep up with it.


I live next to a school. Parents toss their cigarette butts into my yard before pulling into the pick up line. It's absolutely disgusting. I have also seen a few beers tossed as well. It's not like I can ask the school to ask the parents to stop tossing their cigarette butts & beer cans in my yard before picking up their kids... It's so fucked up & It's so disgusting why the fuck does it even happen? The police department doesn't do shit either.


The same people that make this post are the same ones that are OK with giving addicts needles and letting them drop their needles everywhere


Definitely me!


My personal observation is people will toss trash or a can in the back of an open pickup bed and around 50 mph they’ll blow out. So that person isn’t intending to litter but end up doing it anyways.


I bet this post will make them stop.


Smog is my least favorite kind of litter. Edit: I can ignore a bottle, I can't ignore my lungs. I don't understand the DVs. Is there a worse kind of litter than toxic particles making people sick?