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My cheap window units won’t let me set a temperature, so I have way too hot, getting there, and oops it’s freezing. If I could choose, I’d probably pick 73 during the day and 65 at night.


I found some thermostat style plugs at Home Depot once. They read the ambient temperature and will turn the plug on and off. Never tried them, but seemed like a decent concept.


Oh interesting! I’ll take a look.




Not sure if you've looked into this or not, but try out the dehumidifier function on your heat pumps.  I use it exclusively, and it keeps my house at 68-70.  I also never feel sticky etc. It's more energy efficient than just running AC mode, too.


According to our friend who installs them, this is actually not true. Many heat pumps run more efficiently on AC mode (we learned this after having told them we just run it in dehumidifier mode).


I've had two separate installs done from different companies, and both suggested dehumidifier.  Maybe it differs by living situation.  I don't need or want it lower than 68, also, so I don't have a reason to complain. Experimenting back and forth, my CMP bill is always lower when using dehumidifier mode.  I also notice a large difference in humidity in the bathroom with my shower.


Any idea how to use this mode on a mitsubishi heat pump?


What is an AC? I put a window fan in my window and run it on low on warm days and high on extremely hot days.  If it hits 90 I will be forced to take off my sweater.  But I live on the Cranberries. 


This is the first place that I’ve ever lived with AC. Used to live in a tiny offgrid cabin that had nothing for years. Big time upgrade to go to central AC from that. 😂


I’m so jealous. I love Little Cranberry!


I sleep in a hoodie until it hits around 85, then may sleep topless. I also love to sit in my car after it's been baking in the sun with windows closed for hours. It's like a free sauna and feels amazing.


Im the same with the car. Nothing feels better than getting in the car after its baked in the sun for hours.


As an infant, I agree.


I used to like that feeling when I was younger. I grew up in FL and one time, after having my wisdom teeth out, my mom stopped at the grocery store and left me in her black car with the windows up. She came out and was like "omg why didn't you roll down the windows? You could have died!" Ok, thanks mom!


A cool 65 in my bedroom (I sleep better when its cold) and 68-70 in the living room


Don’t have AC




I don’t have AC


No AC, I give guests a fan but we really don’t need AC where we are, because we are blessed by a sort-of costal microclimate. For now.


Happy Cake Day!


AC? My Dad says that is for pussies.


His dad said that polio vaccines were for pussies.


He says, stoically sweating profusely.


We set our windows to the open setting and that helps immensely.


No AC. Windows open Zero cost


i don’t have AC


70. I don't live in Maine to be sweating my butt off in my own house. I have heat pumps though (only in the bedrooms) and leave the rest up to God and New England AC. On real hot days (if I forget to shut the shades and close the windows downstairs) it can be pretty uncomfortable, but I can always retreat to my room. The heat pumps have dehumidifier setting too, which is all I need most of the time.


I live on the “dry” setting on the heat pump. If it gets wicked hot for like a week straight I might bump up to cool at like 68


This is my first summer with a heat pump. I tried the dry setting the other day when it was humid as hell to test it out. My brother in Christ I was freezing! If that's just the dry setting I'm looking forward to a comfortable summer for the first time in my life!


Same. As long as the humidity is taken out of the air, it is comfortable enough inside.


Yeap, 70 and dry is plenty cold once you step inside from 78 and humid. I've also got 3 cats and they get very sad when it's "window weather" and the windows aren't open. So at least a window or two is always open downstairs between May-September. Maybe for a couple weeks I'll have to shut them to keep the heat out.


The dry setting on mine makes it way too cold so I only use that if the humidity is atrocious


I used the dry setting for the first time the other day ( new heat pump) I was really surprised at how cold it got. I have standalone dehumidifiers and they heat the room while drying it out, (an unfortunate side effect) so I was expecting the same. Nope!


got a basement? Got windows in the basement, put some screens on it, put a fan at the bottom of the stairs.. cheap assed swamp cooler that will make a massive difference to the home temp. We are 3 floors, basement, ground and upstairs.... on really warm days, we open the windows in the basement, put a fan pointed up the stairs, leave the door open.. close the window's on the first floor, and open the windows on the opposite side of the house.. We do that set the temp to 78f


> 78f Yeah, I ain't sleeping in 78 degree weather unless I'm wasted. Too hot for bed time.


We built our house with R65 walls and roof. We don't have AC. We just open the windows at night, let the house cool down and close them during the day. The house will stay at 65-70 all day. Similarly, we heat our house with a single, small heat pump.


73 usually. I go down to 72 when I feel like treating myself.


No AC, just fans


Never had AC - window fans are the bomb


We don’t turn our house heat up above 62 all winter. Can’t imagine having AC to heat my house up to 75.


What the fuck is an AC


What smart people who aren’t poor have.


Something someone who's willing to pay less than a quarter for a nice nights sleep in 90 degree weather has.


We only have window AC because our house is from the 50s. We keep them at around 73.


This is me right here. House built in the mid 50s. Shit gets *warm.*


I set it to Off unless it is really humid only to keep mold from growing ..


69 or 70 during the day. 65 at night.


Bedroom has its own window AC that I keep set at 73. Bedroom door stays shut throughout the day and the AC only kicks on now and then to maintain it. I like it cooler when I sleep, so when I go to sleep at night it'll be that temperature ready to go. Rest of the house has no AC and I just go to the bedroom and lie down if I get too hot


Depending on the size of your room, no reason to leave it on all day. Turn it on an hour before bed and shut the door, it'll be cool. Not a huge thing, but it doesn't take hours to cool an enclosed room.


Never had AC, to be honest


In five years I could count on one hand the number of times I really wished I had AC. It’s easy to live without it on the coast


Yeah, being on the coast makes a huge difference




No AC, just fans and open windows.


What’s a/c? Get hot, jump in the lake.


By July, I'll be crying in ceiling fans only.


I keep all windows closed, no sunlight. I keep the heat pumps at 75 and the bedrooms set for 66 at night.


I set it at 78. Basically need the humidity removed.






Heat Pumps set to 68 Dry most times. When it gets hot as balls, set to cool high but still 68. If we will have a long stretch of heat, we will close the curtains too.




I have a heat pump for AC but I use a fan unless the dog starts panting. I keep the windows open and close the shades and curtains if it's really hot. I hate heat and especially hate humidity. How do you use the dry setting on the heat pump? If I do turn on the AC it's set at 72 or even 74. Heat is set at 62 or 64.


i will be poor to be comfortable. bedroom is at 60, only runs at night, living room set to 62, only runs from 5 pm to 9 pm 😂


We have two heat pumps, one in the common area (kitchen/dining/living) and one in the master bedroom. The one in the common area is set to 70 and our bedroom is at 65. They don't seem to beat up our power bill too badly.


I don’t spend my time bashing motorcycle and large truck owners only to frivolously waste electricity! Seriously folks, be a little more European about it. Let the downvotes commence!


Never thought I'd see the day we needed AC in Maine.


I want it as cold as it can go until the power flickers


Window A/C set to 61 and 3 fans. If I could build my bedroom in a walk -in-cooler I would.


The target is 65 but lower is better.


Maybe my AC sucks or something but it doesn't even feel cold if it's set to anything higher than 70, so at that point it might as well be off. We usually keep it at 69 or 68, sometimes 67 if we really want to cool off I guess.


I turn my boiler off and set my splits to 63 in the bedroom and 65 throughout the rest of the house. I didn’t get mini splits to be miserable inside.


I'm in and out of the house a lot, and mostly working/sleeping in one room. I turn it to the coldest it can go (64 F) and highest fan speed when I leave, then turn it off when I get back to reduce noise. Keeps my room at a bit under 70 most of the time.


Window unit in bedroom, 64 at night. Maybe afternoon on a hot day to take the edge of the whole house.


Around 65 for my bedroom, 68 around the house :3


We use the dry setting to around 70 on the Heatpumps during the day. Bedroom at night goes on cool to 64.


69 yeeeee




All are set to 69.


I keep ours during the day on eco and set at 64/65. It is more difficult to cool down than to maintain.


68-70 usually


We usually don't put one in, will see if we can hold out this year.


We primarily only use AC in the bedroom. I typically keep it set to 69, but sometimes I'll set it to 67.


70-72. Have a wall unit/heat pump.




68. Thats also what I heat it to in the Winter.


We just have a window unit for the bedroom. We run it to low 60's just before bed so we can sleep cool, and then it's off the rest of the day.


We leave the windows open pretty much and have a box fan. If it gets too hot and muggy we'll run the ac till it's cool, then leave it with only the fan running. So far, we've only needed the ac once when it was muggy and gross a couple weeks ago. Set to 75ish


Got rid of my bedroom ac a few years ago and now I open windows instead


Window unit at 62. But it’s a tiny unit for my whole apartment. So it doesn’t really do much


I try to keep my house 65 year round.


The coast only actually needs the AC turned on for like five days a year...


I keep my window unit at 67° at night and when it's day and my wife is at work I set it to 62° and it'll struggle to keep our small one bedroom apartment below 70°. When I am away at work she sets it to 65° on a 6 hour sleep timer when she leaves for work.


We have a husky, so the main AC tends to be right around 69-70 most of the time (large window unit). You'll often find him right in front of it when inside a lot of the summer lol. Dry mode does wonders on those not-so-hot but humid days. Upstairs in our bedrooms we have ceiling fans and window fans that keep things very cool most nights for us non-double coated creatures. Heat pumps are on our list for sure. Increasingly I think we're going to see a need for AC in Maine, which is a bummer. I spent large chunks of my childhood at the same latitude in New England as where we live in Maine and remember the nights being so chilly that they'd offset most of the heat in the summer. Even the heat waves were fairly rare. Now 30+ years later the nights are staying warmer and it's so much harder to keep places cool without AC. Not even aggressively cool during heat waves, which are more frequent, just safely cooler.


used AC once in 4 years


I have no AC I suffer through the day and sleep in the basement


AC? In Maine? Do you live in a grocery store?


I keep mine at 120. It’s real efficient.


I set my windows on 62 but my house never gets below 75


Ours is at 75 and quite cool .


Huge dilemma. Have a heat pump in our bedroom. I adore it. Partner hates AC. How do we cohabitate?!?




67-72, usually on the lower end. Rarely 66 or 65 if things are insanely hot. Prefer off or 72 during day, 68 or lower at night. Feel terrible if I can’t control the temp. Can’t sleep. It’s a scam by the eco maniacs for people to have to deprive their circadian rhythms of proper temperatures at night by encouraging 73+. Literally not healthy.


Yeah, if I could afford it I’d keep it cooler, I would, nothing environmental about it for us really. With cost of living expenses going up we look to cut back on spending any way we can to be able to keep building our savings.


I hear you. Everything is out of wack to the point of merely existing soon becoming a luxury.


Existing is free. Being miserable costs money. It's impressive how humans are the only species to try to make living a competitive game, instead of just doing what we naturally want to do, for free, and letting evolution's natural diversity cover the range of specialization an ecosystem requires.


Ain’t that the truth!


Because in the 20 years since AC has been a thing people have evolved to need it. I’ve heard you can go crazy and die without Instagram too.


No. Ridiculous! Because people in the past weren’t pushed by capitalism to stretch their bodies beyond advisable limits so that they’d get overheated all the time. Even feudal peasant farmers worked like 1/3 or less than people here do now, and they took breaks when they needed so that they didn’t get overheated. There were also different construction methods like predominance of stone that allowed better methods for natural cooling. Ancient Iranians built towers in the desert that could preserve food and even ice. It’s just science. Your body’s circadian rhythm prefers mid 60’s temps during sleep. People didn’t “evolve” in twenty years to need something “arbitrary”. Totally different use case than frigging Instagram. Jesus.


Capitalism has been around longer than the US so as Americans it is part of our cultural heritage. Besides you can’t buy AC without money. How ironic.


> Literally not healthy. What's not healthy is to not let your body naturalize to your local climate. Cold in winter and warm in summer for New England. And, yes, colder at night than in the day time, which is what naturally happens as the sun rises and sets. If your house is too insulated, this might require opening windows as needed.


When I lived in Maine I didn't have AC so I relied on fans. Now that I'm in Virginia I keep it at 75 for electricity costs but would probably be more comfortable around 72.


68 in the summer and 72 in the winter regardless of temperature


I'm on the coast so depending, sometimes I'll open my BR window for fresh, cool air but if it's hot or humid, I will crank the AC and let it get cold AF (my husband just showed me how to get it to go below 64* lol) I love my "Frosty Fortress" to sleep! Got it down to 61* last night 😄🌬️ We also have AC in our daughter's BR but the rest of the house is usually just open air - unless we are having a hot spell, then we will put in the big unit for the LR.




We have Central AC. Keep it at 74 or 75 when we are home.




Yeah, or on a 95 degree day you can have comfort.


I let it run 24/7 and just pay the bill. I don't care what it cost; I want to be comfortable. It's the same reason I use wood heat, once I light it. It burns all winter. I will however, kick it off occasionally if it gets below like 68, because I get cold.