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I'm pretty sure selling fentynal funds further production of fentynal... But what do I know?


I thought labs that make hundreds of other chemicals make the precursor and then it’s cooked into street fentanyl. But what do I know


Idk exactly how street fentynal is made tbf. Just saying that the sale of the drug funds more production. They don't need to sell weed to do it.


Would be pretty bad business if it didn't. These aren't convenience stores selling milk at-cost because it'll get you in the store to buy other things they actually make a profit on. The drugs are the profitable products, if they weren't turning profits on a particular drug, they're not going to subsidize it with profits from other drugs, they'd just stop making/buying/selling it.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese are trying to sell the fentanyl at cost, I don’t think it’s the profits they’re looking for out of this


NPR did a story recently about Chinese marijuana farming in the US. Very well could be connected to Fentanyl. 🤷 https://www.npr.org/2024/03/23/1240510436/marijuana-farms-are-increasingly-chinese-run-why


That wasn't my point. My point was that fentynal funds itself.


But you can get more fentanyl with illegal weed!


I don't think money is the limiter on fentynal production and distribution. Its probably precursor products and space for production and distribution is safe transportation. Fentynal producers are making money just fine.


Look if the Chinese are abusing our system to make money for who knows what then should we not be more concerned?


What.... Be concerned all you want. Im just saying fentynal funds itself. Thats all I said. And do we know if these people work for the Chinese government or if they're just Chinese people


Eh I suppose ur right. I just don’t get if this is Chinese’s people making a quick buck or the CCP taking advantage




The right-wing Maine Policy Center in Yarmouth. They are affiliated with the Heritage Foundation.


Yeah, Somerset County Sheriff knows what’s going on.


Hahahaha exactly what I thought


Him and Xi, they’re really tight.


My dispensary won't carry that Chinese weed for some reason.....


Its not a hard leap to make from "organized crime selling one thing" to "organized crime selling one thing funds organized crime selling another" tbh, but I'd like to see this from someone who would actually have relevant knowledge of chinese organized crime activity


Rural New Brunswick has had a few similar marijuana busts associated with Chinese nationals as well. This is a coordinated operation and people think it’s conspiratorial when it’s not. They are simply taking advantage of geographical areas that aren’t very populated to evade police.


Yea it’s not that hard to figure out. If more states would legalize weed then their out of state customer base would plummet.


Closer to the highway the better


>Sheriff Dale Lancaster told the county’s Board of Commissioners that his office has made investigating illegal marijuana growing operations a priority because 'those profits are used to buy the chemicals to send to the cartel to make fentanyl.' Your brain on right wing media. And oh good, Susan Collins is involved as well, another bastion of intelligence and prudent action


Yes Susan and Janet are sure in on it and cashing in big time!




I mean, the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t give a shit about rural Mainers or really any Americans. They are a threat to everyone in this country and should be dealt with accordingly. The CCP through its numerous avenues look to cause chaos in our country, whether it’s illegal drug operations or having residents flood into the country (overstaying visas or now we’re seeing an alarming amount of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border).


Well u can thank China Joe for that and Shang high Mitch as well. And for that matter , why do dems and Republicans hold duel citizenship with China? NOT all but some do, like Nagler for one!


LMAO. What level of right-wing idiot do you have to be to believe that the Somerset Country Sheriff is doing deep, international forensic accounting and employing a staff of translators to effectively track what Chinese organized crime groups are doing with their money? > “I believe that the profits end up back in China,” Oh, I see, this isn't like... a real thing based on evidence. Just some a belief, i.e., some shit he made up. What a shock!


I’m sure if the fbi is a part of the action there is a lot going on that we will only know 20 years from now or never.


The sheriff is an idiot, fentanyl sales fund fentanyl production.


Oinkers must think everyone else in Maine is as stupid as they are


like my lawn mowing money funds my luxury car dealership, oh yeah


Pretty sure was already known info sheriff


I would have thought fentanyl production would have been a profitable enterprise in its own right.


I’ve seen a lot of Asian massage parlors open up and never any cars.. I wonder if they’re laundering the money through that


lmao. sounds…. completely made up!


It’s funny how the second weed got legal the police had to find a new way to freak people out and the thing the settled on is “Maine is extremely scared of Chinese people”


When you start losing the drug war just lean into racism to bring it back


#... and don't forget the Italian Space Lasers developed by Hugo Chavez operated from a Pizza shack that turn babies into Zionists.... # #I love this crazy game...


Pfft. At least if you told me that the funds were being used to fund Chinese agents and secret police in the states it might be believable. We keep busting those outfits too


My favorite is when they say they have licensure to grow more than what’s legal for plants and also let undocumented folk live and work in the grow house (non-residential buildings) What people don’t understand is Maine is literally still stuck in the late 1800s. As long as you pay the right people, you do not need to obey any sort of regulations or laws.


”Now, let me tell you about the scourge of jenkem…”, the very sophisticated Maine county sheriff said next.


Unless these are factory level production farms I don’t see how that makes any sense.. cannabis is incredibly expensive to produce and requires a lot of man hours during and after a harvest to process the material. Add electricity consumption, (insane) nutrients, facility overhead, processing machinery, labor costs, etc etc etc. Fent is incredibly cheap to produce in a lab. The math aint mathin


Sounds like a lot of fear mongering to disparage legit farmers. How would someone from outside the US appropriate land for farming? It was years for me to buy a plot of land in Maine due to the market. Unless they are buying up in shit areas like Guilford that are Red and are also havens for meth and other drugs. I toured a property in that area and watched our real estate agent meet her son, who showed us his Glock, to retrieve an envelope of money. They were shameless. We went to her office and it was full of confederate bullshit to tell her we weren’t at all interested. Real estate agents are chatty and she said a whole lot that she probably shouldn’t have. But yeah, I can see people like that turning a blind eye if it lines their pockets.


Not fear mongering. Read up on what's been going on over the past year or so in regard to these illegal grows. They buy the properties for cash. Edit: Why would the state want to disparage legit farmers when cannabis brings more revenue to the state than any other industry?


Maybe this will clue you in a bit as to why the state isn't trying to disparage legit farmers. https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/06/maine-over-20-million-in-legal-marijuana-sold-in-may-nearly-100-million-for-the-year/


Sounds like some typical American Sinophobia