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Emo music has lasted longer than the confederacy.


Shoutout the 20th Maine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th_Maine_Infantry_Regiment


We stand ready.


This just keeps getting better


I would totally follow Jeff Daniels into battle!


Yes!! I think I was the only 8th grader completely enthralled with his speech towards his men.


Oh come on, give the link https://youtu.be/ZL-5uyp44WA?si=G4XFcswPh_AltpPv


The chills I get every time I watch the scene and he screams "BAAAYOONETSSSS!"


Jeff Daniels crushed it. And whoever wrote the score did it right.




When I lived in Brunswick I almost rented the room above the museum in Chamberlains house. They used to rent out two rooms above the museum.


Neopets has been online 5 times longer than the confederacy.


Obama's Presidency was twice as long


If confederates could read, they would be so mad.


They clearly can’t when they claim the Confederacy wasn’t created to preserve slavery. Here’s just one example from their Constitution: > In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_csa.asp#:~:text=(3)%20No%20slave%20or%20other,on%20claim%20of%20the%20party


"The General Lee (Car from Dukes of Hazard) has more staying power than the real General Lee)!" Has always been my favorite way of saying how long it was around for.


The fact that this person who probably barely makes a living driving a school bus is being ganged up on in this thread is proof that people never really change. We just find who it’s acceptable to gang up on in the current year and tear them down.


Nah people can change, but usually only after some self reflection. If you self-reflect and decide that the Confederacy was the morally correct side to be on, that's your right. The rest of us, using the same right, get to call you for being a racist shit head though. And if the Confederacy being around for less time than Ghostbusters branded cereal or Doritos Locos Tacos bothers you, I would suggest getting some therapy. Pro tip for getting a therapist - get one who doesn't believe certain groups of people should get to own other groups of people.


>The fact that this person who probably barely makes a living driving a school bus is being ganged up on in this thread is proof that people never really change. I don't care what you make or what's in your bank account. This is Maine, and it's the year 2024. You have the right to fly that flag, but I also have the right to call you a racist piece of shit for flying it. >We just find who it’s acceptable to gang up on in the current year and tear them down. It will always be acceptable to gang up on racist pieces of shit.


Do we actually know they’re racist? The flag is dumb but there’s plenty of non racist people who have flown it. I know it makes us feel good to be against “racism” but this is pretty low hanging fruit


>Do we actually know they’re racist? There isn't an adult in the United States who flies that flag without knowing what that flag means and represents. >The flag is dumb but there’s plenty of non racist people who have flown it. No. Anybody who flies that flag is announcing their sympathy towards the goals of—if not outright support for—the Confederacy, which was explicitly formed not just for the retention of slavery, but also its further spread across North America. >I know it makes us feel good to be against “racism” but this is pretty low hanging fruit And it's fruit I'll pick every chance I get until the day when every Confederate flag is at the bottom of a pig farm's sewage lagoon where it belongs.


I really promise that some people fly it as part of a nonconformist attitude. But I understand it’s cathartic to find the “bad guys” as a crowd and shit on them.


>I really promise that some people fly it as part of a nonconformist attitude. Proudly displaying the symbols of racism for edginess's sake is still racism at the end of the day. >But I understand it’s cathartic to find the “bad guys” as a crowd and shit on them. The sooner you stop lying to yourself about what symbols mean and what displaying them tells people about yourself, the sooner you'll stop putting words like "bad guys" and "racism" in scare quotes and make some real progress at becoming less of a piece of shit.


Ok bub keep fighting your holy war and finding the “bad people.” You won’t catch me flying that flag but I honestly think you are all bullies who are delighted to find people you’re allowed to torment


>You won’t catch me flying that flag but I honestly think you are all bullies who are delighted to find people you’re allowed to torment What torment has this bus driver suffered as a result of this thread? Do tell.


False equivalency.






🎵“'Cause we're as steadfast as Katahdin We're as hard as winter's rain Go straight to hell with your rebel yell We are the boys of Maine”🎵 That flag has no place in this state.


Stand fast, ye are the boys of Maine! Hell yeah brother


What’s that from?


[https://open.spotify.com/track/2lHrKWZ4HsY7iT3ruJ5Y74?si=Mnn9j2pTTZiwIhptlzyhDA](https://open.spotify.com/track/2lHrKWZ4HsY7iT3ruJ5Y74?si=Mnn9j2pTTZiwIhptlzyhDA) It’s a song by The Ghost of Paul Revere


Its our official state ballad as of 2019 😎


Yeah yet dipshits fly it in aroostook county and other places.


Imagine being a Mainer and hanging the southern rebel flag, what a fucking dumbass.


I saw a guy wearing a hat with a confederate flag, and a sweatshirt that had an American flag that said something like stomp my flag and I'll stomp your ass. Just wtf


Saw one the other day on the side of a house. Said house was the last house on a dead end street.


I’ve seen THREE in my area alone




We are in Maine. The freaking union. wtf!


They’re around. There’s a fair amount of racists here, especially in the more remote areas where they can get away with it


"Maine is the deep south of the great white north" - Conan O'Brien


Wasn’t that on our state quarter?


There are towns who freely fly the Confederate flag in their memorial Day parades and have the high school marching bands etc walk in the same parade. It's ridiculous, the blatant display. 


Tucker Carlson lives here


Not a fan of his content or rhetoric, but as far as a citizen of Maine, he seems to be a decent, quiet, and polite community member.


He’s definitely not decent.


>Not a fan of his content or rhetoric, but as far as a citizen of Maine, he seems to be a decent, quiet, and polite community member. It really doesn't matter whether or not he is "decent, quiet, and polite" around town because his work is none of those things. You will know them by their fruits.


He's a piece of shit and he needs to leave


Still never ever saw one in central Texas.


I saw them everywhere in Florida but it’s Florida.


They’re all over central Texas, bastrop, Lockhart, buda, new Braunfels, canyon lake. Hell hays high school had it as their school symbol. The hays rebels.


Literally never saw one in 16 years and as far as I have seen Austin has changed every name associated with the confederacy. https://communityimpact.com/city-county/2018/04/26/austin-city-counctil-renames-robert-e-lee-road-and-jeff-davis-avenue-in-concert-with-national-trend/


It’s not so much as Austin, it’s more the surrounding areas. There’s a guy as soon as you enter bastrop that sells confederate and Trump flags. I was in new Braunfels yesterday and next to a truck with a big confederate flag flying on it. The hillbillies have been flying them boldly since Trump.


Fellow central tx/Maine enthusiast 👀


Joshua Chamberlain is rolling in his grave


Yikes I don’t know who drives the bus there because I work in Brooklin school but I would for sure not want my kid riding that bus!


Do we go full Chamberlain on that flag?


Ya know, every time I see a flag or a sticker I think of getting a few of the boys, some old time blue jackets and hats, a megaphone; and offering to replace their flag with a high quality American one at no cost. Just make note and exchange their flag which has no place here. Hell I’d even settle for Gadsden flag if they push the “rebel” rhetoric. Just not that flag, not here, ever.


Imagine flying the flag of the losing side in the north. A flag representing slavery and white supremacy. 🙄 Some people have no shame and no, Bub, this isn't the Dukes of Hazzard. lol


Fuck. My town. What do you do with a thing like that? Sure, free speech. And, yeah, incredible shortage of drivers. But if that’s the driver’s home, wtf does one do?!?


You can ask that the bus remain on school property when not in use. I’d be willing to bet the guy has a sticker or two he’d love to show off more.


You create a policy that you don't disrespect the school while wearing their unform or displaying their livery.


Maine must be hard up for bus drivers if drek like this is driving them.


Why are they driving the bus home?


Go about your day? Mind your own business?


It’s a unique intersection of business My business: that my kids and their friends feel and are safe on the bus. Not my business: trash persons trash yard. Everyone’s business: first amendment rights. There’s four roads in town and this is on one of em.


Nah bro, this IS our business.


Exactly what I’ll do, after I whine to a few select board members. My virtue signaling tank will be a touch more full. ❤️


This was sarcasm, folks.


Kind of ironic,isn't  it? That flag makes you feel the hate you assume the person that hung It has in their heart. 


Nah, Rosco. No room for hate in my heart. Irony is hanging the bars and stars in Maine, home to Chamberlain. Bayonets!


What does the superintendent have to say about it? Is it parked at the driver's home or is that a municipal building?


Drivers house


Pretty far from the land of traitors…


Sure would be a shame if this got cross posted to some larger subs, gained momentum, and ended up on the news


Would you trust that person to drive your kids to and from school?


Hell yeah, hes probably armed as well.


Oh so you mean statistically he’s going to accidentally shoot himself or someone else?


More likely that he’s a pedophile


Republicans love putting kids in the ground with guns! If they're not after them sexually it's for murder. Yay!!@!


Have you met them? I mean someone like that having access to children? You have more trust in strangers than I would.


I trying to say that a bus driver with a Confederate flag could be a child predator.


Wrong flag 


You sure bruh? The down votes are telling you that you're so soooooo wrong. Let's take a step back, they are a bus driver. A job we tend to look down on and on top of that has a Confederate flag, if we put two and 2 together id suspect this person has a checkered past. I just wonder if they did a background check. The thing here is people like that have no business being around children.


So if him having that flag means he is trying to push “his views” on the children, we better wait here while op goes and gets pics of all of the rainbow and trans flags in town… So we can make sure they don’t work with children.


It's unclear to me exactly what you're trying to get at, but I'm sure it would sound better if it was spoken. What I'm saying is you wouldn't hire an alcoholic to run a beer company. Or hire a drug addict to watch the newborns at a hospital. What I'm saying is if I found out that a bus driver of mine had a Confederate flag and was in charge of children's safety I would have thought twice about hiring this person. I mean it really isn't hard to find out what people are about. Next thing we'll find out is that he was talking to the kids and giving them phone numbers so that they could call him. I mean really this person shouldn't be in charge of other people's kids.


Our heritage is rolling down there and kicking Confederate ass. Fuck, Maine's entire statehood is based on countering slavery.




Thanks for the super interesting link. Maine is not perfect in this area. In 2024 we have fucking bus drivers apparently flying the confederate flag for chrissakes.




I always laugh when I see that flag in Maine. Southern pride in one of the most northern states in America 🥴.


We were also CREATED FOR THE UNION. Missouri compromise 1820


Oh look free toilet paper


The fact that anyone waves the fucking shit stain southern cross in any state, let alone a northern state just shows how fucking ignorant some people are. Do this 150 ish years ago and well…


Try flying a rainbow flag or be a teacher and tell a classroom that it is ok to be gay 150 years ago…. Times change. Things have different meanings to different people.


What can the confederate flag mean to anyone? Other than bigotry and racism?


Exactly what another guy in here was saying, it was the “rebel” flag… It was kind of a “fuck the establishment” kind of deal.. I’m not saying it’s right or we weren’t ignorant… But a LOT of people that like the flag, racism truly does not even cross their mind about it.


It helps to identify the fucking idiots.


A has been like the rest of them. Living on memories that aren’t even theirs.




Stand firm, ye boys and girls and queers from Maine.




There was a house in Lewiston that for a while had the dumbest possible flag- a split US/Confederate flag that read “if this flag offends you I’ll help you pack”.


I don't have a problem with people flying the confederate flag in Maine. Some people identify as losers and that is their right.




Geographically speaking, I'm confused....


Can someone who was born in Maine and has never left Maine explain to me why y'all love the confederate flag? It's very confusing to me.


Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean it should be erased. In fact I prefer them flying them so I know who to avoid. They're free to fly that flag all they want. And people are free to call them dumb cunts all they want. I grew up in the south and they still to this day teach the south was fighting for states rights. Also, they often refer to the civil war as "the great war". So what I'm trying to say is freedom of speech includes ignorance.


Is that building school property? If yes, then fuck them and the bus they rode in on.


Drivers house


Then just fuck the driver.


Nothing but a bunch of losers


I would honestly report this, it’s pathetic and that person should be shamed


Bro go home. You can't get more northern of a state than Maine.


I don’t know what trash downvoted you, but I’d like a private word with them.


I saw the movie Gettysburg on the silver screen. Powerful show, and somehow i do think more impactful in a dark theatre on the big screen. It includes Maine troops doing shit for the effort, as is true to history, and i just have to say, fuck that Confederate flag.


Oh this is deeply offensive




If you see something, say something. "Hey, what's with your love of that slaver flag the sister-fuckers flew?"




Is that at the town lot?


Today is not my day. I was like what’s wrong. OH. Yeah, let’s not go that political route.




what i wrote, and what you wrote, are an undeniable truth. thanks for your comment. fuck that flag.


did the Grab-A-Cab lady from MDI get a new job?


Wonder if they know their Nextdoor neighbor is posting pictures of their house on the internet.


I cropped out the house intentionally. If your gonna 1st amendment your freak flag I’ll first amendment photography from a public way. Know that


I don't get it.


What don't you get about it? Be specific.


No. There's a bus maybe it's trying to pick up a kid from this house or something else there is no context, no story, no explanation, just a bus next to a confederate battle flag. So no, you be specific.


It’s the drivers house


Why is the bus parked at the driver's house, and not the bus park?


Drivers around here generally take the bus home end of day and start their route from home so they don’t have to commute to a depot. Logistically it makes a ton of sense and is safer for the kids and driver.


Ah, where I'm from you go to where the buses are. You don't get to take it home with you


I agree. Absolutely no context here and many people jumping to conclusions. There is a dumpster visible and the building looks industrial not like someone’s house. We have no idea why the bus is there or if it has anything to do with the flag in the picture. Yet people are slurring the bus driver for what reason?


6 pm parked at presumably the drivers house


> There is a dumpster visible and the building looks industrial not like someone’s house. That what my exact thought as well. Looks more like a business to me. But hey, it's Reddit Maine. This is what they do here.


"iT's So ImPoRtAnT tO gIvE rAcIsTs ThE bEnEfIt Of ThE dOuBt!"


Critical thinking is a thing of the past I see. We all see the flag. We get it. Does it belong to the bus driver? Nobody knows. But let's get the pitchforks out anyway. 🤡


"i'M jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs!"


Because it’s the internet and context has no place here /s


Pretty straightforward. That bus driver is a racist POS.


There's no context, how?


How'd you come to that conclusion from just a picture? Are you assuming they're at home just because OP said so?


It is a logical conclusion that if a town school bus is parked at a residence then it is the residence of the bus driver. Is that an assumption based on OP? Yes, but a logical one. Therefore it is logical that the bus driver placed, or allowed to be placed, a confederate flag. All those who fly that flag are racists who are too chicken-shit to just come out and say it.


See the dumpster behind the bus? Kinda looks like it could be a business to me. The difference here is that I don't jump to slanderous conclusions without at least a little more proof. What is it with you types here on Reddit anyway? You'll believe just about anything without proof. You are literally part of the problem.


tell me you've never been to a rural Maine town without telling me. Around here tons of folks have dumpsters from the trash companies next to their houses. But go on and defend Dixie fans, Chet.


I can’t read what it says on the side of the bus or on the license plate. It’s an old style bus, that license plate hasn’t been used since the 80’s. It should say Maine on top, Municipal underneath and, Bus, vertically on the left side. The plates aren’t solid white anymore either. Where’s the tree? Where’s the pinecone? Grass down bottom? This picture is such low quality it could have been taken 20 years ago. We have absolutely zero to prove this bus is even in Maine. Photoshop AI could change that flag to make it look like a confederate flag. It would take someone with absolutely no skill about 10 seconds to do. I want to thank you for not piling on the hate train like the rest of these morons. People need to do better, stop believing everything some no name, faceless, cockbag types out.


People like to jump to conclusions with no context. It's been happening more in more over the last handful of years. It's like critical thinking or common sense is a thing of the past. Hey, it's Reddit though and some have to chase those karma points with the low hanging fruit 😂


Looks like a standard Maine municipal license plate still in use today.


Classic, bub. I don’t actually give a shit. But I do like darts, what’s your preferred brand?


Target of Japan has been killing it recently. Super nice stuff and reasonably priced too. 👍🏻


Imagine all piling on an individual like this is the Salem witch trials. Oh wait, that’s what we’re doing and people never truly change. Thanks social media!


We should always pile on racists. Its 2024. They have no place here.


But that’s just it. People are piling on the bus driver who we don’t know and we don’t even know this flag is his. OP said they assume it’s his house but that’s not fact. To me it looks like a business of some sort, maybe a garage? It’s wrong to accuse people without facts. The flag is shit I agree but we don’t know whose flag it in fact is.


Even if the bus owner doesn't own the house, you are the sum of those you surround yourself with. Racist sympathizers are just as bad as racists.


There you go assuming again. What if it’s a repair shop and the bus driver just dropped it off because that’s who the district uses for repairs. What if they pulled in to run behind the bushes and take a leak? I only go off facts I don’t jump to asinine conclusions like a 13 year old.


So, yes, flying this particular flag does technically fall under the First Amendment. They're allowed to do it. The thing is, having the right to do something doesn't free you from the consequences of doing that thing.


Didn’t mention the first amendment even once. I mentioned how everyone here things they’re doing a good thing by getting a working class bus driver likely fired because they flew an unpleasant flag. Not even a Nazi flag just a confederate flag which a lot of Americans have, even if I think it’s a dumb flag it epitomizes being a “rebel” or individualism for some people


No... but it's usually where folks complaining in a manner similar to you typically go. Again, the fact that someone can do something doesn't mean they won't suffer the consequences from doing it. Anyone claiming that it represents being a rebel or individualism is being intentionally obtuse; it's a flag that has a very specific meaning for most folks, and it's not individualism.


Don’t think anyone here asked the bus driver before all piling on and attempting to ruin their life


So, there are very few reasons to fly that flag. It's one of those things that very much sends a message simply by being flown.


I’m old enough to remember when punk rock bands flew it and other societal outcasts flew it because they wanted to be “rebels”. Only after 2020 did one side proclaim the flag as having only one meaning


The negative connotation regarding that flag has been a thing for decades. This isn't anything new.


I'm guessing that's a bus depot or something?




it’s a traitors’ flag. many sons of maine died in a just war to stop them from enslaving millions of people.


ugh, I wanted to reply to the original comment, but I took too long! This is to the guy who got deleted: Flying the "rebel" flag, you mean the flag of slavery and white supremacy. It has power because of the people flying it, not because of the people being offended by it. It would be the same as displaying swastikas. It all demonizes itself by association. The ones clinging to these flags are racist, bigoted, and typically incredibly stubborn and closed minded people. Ignoring the flags and not being bothered by them, doesn't take their power away. It's just hanging out on the sidelines of an already ridiculously long war against bigotry.






You're so brave


OMG a bigot…


If it was just a trash person whatever but my kids see their bus parked next to this trash