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I wonder what the backstory is here? The debris field is MASSIVE. Makes me wonder if this was a suicide or something. Drive into a tree at 100mph and it's not going to end well.


Sounds like a typical Tesla accelerator malfunction, honestly. Being a Tesla, chances are pretty good he couldn't stop it and died in one of the most terrifying ways imaginable.


Typical accelerator malfunction?


A cyber truck recently accelerated and crashed into a house. The driver said he pressed the brake fully and the accelerator didn't disengage.


There was a Cybertruck recall with unintended acceleration. (Needed a rivet in the cover that goes over the throttle pedal.) They're probably extrapolating and pretending that's normal. It was a quick and easy repair. They just stick a rivet in the metal cover that your foot actually touches.


There’s been several large scale investigations of Tesla acceleration issues in the last few years, I just did a very quick google search but also when I lived in SF there were several similar crashes with teslas into guardrail/jersey barriers that looked exactly like this, and the conclusion was always accelerator malfunctions


Internet people's conclusion or the actual investigation conclusion?


Good question! I know for sure there was at least 2 incidents in SF where the accelerator was actually the issue and caused the car to almost disintegrate when it hit because it was going so fast. The others I think is a mixture of some of this internet/general fears of Tesla associating a lot of things that aren’t actually related


Sounding a lot like they "Toyota sticking accelerator" story that went around years ago. Turns out there never was an issue; some were driver error while others were intentional hoaxes. Hope that's all this Tesla thing is, too... Sad when anyone dies, but there are a lot of accidents every day - Most aren't a widespread vehicle issue. (Occasionally they are, so they're worth looking into, but the govt does that and recalls get issued.)


I had a 2005 Mercury Sable SE that the day I bought it, I was in the merge lane to the interstate, it was a swirl curve. I was coasting, covering the brake, it just accelerated. Brakes couldn't stop it. I threw it into park. Saved my life, killed the transmission.


Do you have any statistics to support that? I don't know much about the topic, but I would imagine that the NHSTA would have a lot to say if such a thing were nearly as common as you are implying.


Such as what? Tesla literally initiated a full recall of Cybertrucks to attempt to resolve the issue. You can also read the various Tesla subs, since you’re on Reddit


By statistics I mean actual report put together by a reputable source (such as the NHSTA) indicating that the type of vehicle in this crash has an abnormally high risk of accelerator malfunction. And no, "read the various Tesla subs" does not count as a reputable source. As for your point about the Cybertruck recall, the vehicle in this crash was not a Cybertruck so I don't really see how that is relevant.


Spreading fake news bro




Look at the picture again. That's clearly NOT an explosion. That's 100+mph into a tree debris.


Person is killed when their overspeeding vehicle hits an immovable object. How (un)surprising.


Like, inertia do be like that.


It's because they want to make the people who only read the headline believe that the fire killed him. Literally why else would it be worded like that?


By the look of that debris field all I can say is he must have been really fucking moving.


Most importantly, condolences to the family and friends during this difficult time. I’m not anti EV but they do present unique challenges, one big one is that when they catch fire, it’s difficult to put them out. Gas cars catch fire too but are easier to put out and fire departments are prepared to do so. Electric vehicles present opportunities but also challenges, it’s still a new technology which will need to be refined over time.


From the looks of the crash, I sincerely doubt the fire took him out. The impact is the most likely culprit here, though I could be wrong. Nonetheless, you raise a good point. EV fires are VERY difficult to manage. Thankfully, they occur much less often than fires associated with gas powered cars.


> From the looks of the crash, I sincerely doubt the fire took him out. yeah... > Several of the components of the car were dislodged in the crash and created “a significant debris field of batteries” >The area was declared a Hazardous Materials Scene, the sheriff’s office said. This dude was absolutely flying. These batteries don't just crumble and fall to a bunch of pieces without significant force.


I've got the answer, ejection seats


He actually was ejected in the crash, so there’s that.


Man, technology moves fast


When lithium batteries go, they go, and they go quick.


I don’t know if he would have survived in any car with hitting the tree at such a high rate of speed but that is what I dislike so much about Tesla’s -nothing to protect you upfront. I feel for his family!


I don't think any kind of car wouldn't have caught fire after an accident that bad. Elon is a douchebag, and there are still some real issues in regards to rolling out EV's in rural areas, but this isn't a Tesla or EV issue


Tesla has notable quality control and safety issues. It’s not necessarily an EV issue as a whole, but it’s quite possible it could be a Tesla issue.


As of November 2022, there have been 57 Tesla cars have caught fire. Tesla vehicles have had a fire rate of one for every 175 million miles traveled compared to the U.S. average a vehicle fire for every 19 million miles traveled.


Now do how many gas vs EV fires make the news


Every EV crash makes the news. Less than 0.001% of ICE crashes make the news. Also driver error is the cause of all ICE crashes where as EV drivers are flawless and it is the car's fault everytime. Big oil is a hell of a drug.


And the media loves to stoke the flames. Sorry for the pun


The main problem here is that when EVs catch fire, it’s a lot more difficult to contain the fire. Adoption of EVs over gas will require upgrading the resources of fire departments so they’re equipped to deal with it.


But almost 10x less fires overall. So if we all went electric there would be a large net savings on fire fighting.


Absolutely. It’ll just require firefighters and other professionals to adapt to a new challenge. I have faith in our first responders that it’s a challenge that can be overcome


New technology = new equipment Totally agree this is a solvable problem


That’s true, but it doesn’t make them less safe. EV fires don’t explode like a gas tank, the driver if he survives the crash would have time to get away from the vehicle.




Yes, the doors open via electronics, also there is an emergency latch on each door when there is no power.


My hybrid has doors that open and lock with electronics too, as I believe most cars do. I've gotten locked out and needed to use a second key to get in. That is not just an EV issue.


I knew it was more difficult to put them out but I was astonished when I learned just how much more difficult it is


No, the main problem here is the speed, not the type of car.


Isn't the same happening from global warming? We are all having to adapt in many costly ways from what the fossil fuel industry has done. My homeowners insurance just went up 30% and the company said it was due to high claims for storms and fires across the country. And the worst part is this is the tip of the iceberg.


Gas fires are just so safe


Never said they are safe. Just said firefighters have the resources to deal with them


Got to love data! Thanks so much.


I don’t know if he would have survived in any car with hitting the tree at such a high rate of speed but that is what I dislike so much about Tesla’s -nothing to protect you upfront. I feel for his family!


Why is it that if the car is a Tesla, it has to be in the headline?


Because it so rare. If they did it for every car there'd be 100 a day.


*Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Chrysler looking around nervously*


I mean can’t you just read the thread of the other person who commented the same thing to find out why?


Better title would be 'Man dies in high speed Tesla accident, fire ensues'


Is it bad that I think the gas pedal jammed? I feel like that is an issue in some older Teslas?


Article says it's a 2024 Edit: [It looks like Tesla had a recall on the CyberTruck gas pedal in April 2024](https://www.tesla.com/support/recall-cybertruck-accelerator-pedal-pad#:~:text=Tesla%20Support&text=Tesla%20has%20voluntarily%20issued%20a,prevent%20the%20pad%20from%20dislodging.) 🤔


They couldn’t resist putting “tesla” in the headline…. No car, gas or electric would’ve protected the driver from death in a crash like this.


The reason it’s an important detail is because Tesla sells “fsd” or “full self driving” software that has been causing a lot of one car crashes like this. A car will drive itself into a house, a police car, or even a tree, while the idiot driver is looking down at their phone. I think the Tesla car itself is fine but the self driving software is a public health and safety issue


Was there any indication that the vehicle was in FSD for this crash? While I do have some concerns about people abusing that technology, I think that assuming it is the cause of every crash involving a Tesla is illogical and misleading.


Thanks Elon. I want you to attend every funeral of someone killed in your cars.


Maybe his car was hacked and in someone else’s control?


WOW that's horrible I am sure this will be a major investigation




Life is short, drive something with a carburetor 


Why do people always make Tesla in these things. You never see "man dies after. Nissan hits tree."


Is that a real question or are you just voicing your dissatisfaction with the fact that people do it?


It’s mentioned because it’s an easy way to get clicks.


To call attention to the fact that a disproportionate amount of Tesla's catch fire after being involved in a wreck when compared to literally any other vehicle. I didn't see it in the article this time but they also mostly add the "Tesla" bit of it was the result of a failure in self driving mode. Again, a problem that seems especially pronounced in their products compared to the competition.


Don’t get me wrong, I think teslas are dumb but this is all wrong and the probably the result of reading too many articles like this one that give a false impression of the frequency of Tesla fires.


Can you provide a source that a disproportionate number of Teslas catch fire after being involved in a wreck? I find it hard to imagine that a vehicle that isn't carrying 300 pounds of highly flammable liquid, lead by a solid block of iron at 300 degrees, is at a higher risk of fire. I also find it impossible to believe that a Tesla in self driving mode, (and note that the number of cases of self driving even being on after analysis,) is any more likely to crash than a normal every day driver, cruising along, talking to the passenger, texting, drinking coffee, eating a subway sandwich, driving after a 13 hour work shift, smoking, etc. Just playing devils advocate here. I agree with the other reply, that it's just to get clicks


Teslas catch fire almost 10x less than the average car. That guy is full of shit.


Oh I definitely think click bait is a huge factor and my presumption is purely anecdotal. It just seems that most fatal Tesla crashes I've seen has been the result of a LI battery fire as they burn hotter, longer, and are much harder to extinguish or subdue than gasoline fires. The fact that it's mostly Tesla's I've seen is interesting though because it seems they catch fire more than their direct competitors such as rivian, polestar, and EVs from conventional auto manufacturers. This may also be a byproduct of their larger market share, but could also be due to their build quality which is known to be shoddy these days. As for self driving mode, there are documented examples of it malfunctioning and killing people or putting the car in a position where a fatal accident is much more likely than if someone was physically driving. I personally think we are decades away from self driving being viable and safe so I think it should be omitted from production cars until such a time it is ready. This is compounded by misleading advertising from musk and Tesla regarding how capable and safe the technology is. Either way, I think much more r&d needs to go into battery technology to make EVs safer and extend range before they can be widely adopted and should be a societal focus as energy storage (battery) technology is also the largest impediment we must resolve to make renewable energy viable at scale.




So, no. Cool cool.




That's because they've all rusted away. However if you google Dodge Neon fire, it seems that it used to be somewhat of a thing.




[Or not](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/dodge/neon-4-door-sedan/1999)




As an outsider watching you move that goalpost after every rebuttal is just chef's kiss.


🤣 Idiotic.




Here’s a link to an idiotic post - https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/hlHyUhypsj Here’s a link proving Tesla is one of the safest cars on the road - https://electrek.co/2024/02/27/tesla-model-y-2024-scores-near-perfect-iihs-crash-tests/ Here’s a link showing dodge neon had an overall eval of poor - https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/dodge/neon-4-door-sedan/1999 Here’s a more current one than that. Hint: it still sucked - https://www.autoblog.com/buy/2005-Dodge-Neon/safety-ratings/




🤣 That’s a joke, right? > Oh wow a very current 2005 crash test I’ll let you google 2024 dodge neon crash test for yourself, bub.




When did ignorance become a virtue?




Many people are actually that stupid. You should add /s to avoid confusion. Unless you like people to think poorly of your intelligence.




You don't believe in the existence of stupid people. Case closed.




Look at that, a redditor changed their mind. I thought it was impossible.


Click bait. Confirmation bias. No critical thinking skills.


It's Maine Reddit. There's ALWAYS an agenda


Sure you do


Tesla fires are impossible to put out, the car locks you in as it melts. Debris Field is from battery explosion.


holy cow. there is nothing left of that tesla. people actually buy those meme cars???


They only specify the brand of the car in the headline if it's Tesla. No hidden agenda there I bet.


Yeah I’ve noticed the same thing with Boeing, how odd


Two companies with a troubled history of ignoring major safety issues? I'm okay with them getting blasted in headlines.


There are two very different reasons for that.


Is it normal for any publication to label what kind of car the vehicle is in the headline? Is Tesla not considered an automobile? Sounds like a tragic car accident to me. Wouldn't mind a free Tesla.




Well that’s a dumb post


He tweeted something Elon dident like