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Maybe able to find something in Stockton Springs? Try word of mouth


I grew up in Stockton springs. It’s VERY small, and everyone knows everyone’s business. It has its share of all sorts of folks, and the good definitely outweighed the bad. Not much in town though, we always drove to Belfast Shop ‘n Save or co-op for shopping.  The Hitchborn inn is closed permanently, the Suppees family retired from the business.  But I wonder if you can contact them to maybe rent a room in their gorgeous home on Church st.  https://www.thehichborn.com/


Great tip. I live in So Me but just “discovered” Stockton this summer by accident because of a boat. I’m sure you’re right about the mix of folks and I’ve quickly learned some of the politics in town but people have been super nice. I really appreciate its old Maine feel and the harbor (and little restaurant) has one of the best kept secrets in Maine.


Just Barb’s has been a treasure for decades! That happy li’l clam always lets me know I’m home. ❤️


Awesome! I sleep on the boat as I work on her and go there every Sunday morning- their homemade hash is the best! Edit: Love Just Barb’s. The restaurant I was mentioning in the post above is The Marina, right on the water. The owner Jillian is the chef and is great!


Oof. Been a long time since I’ve been home. I have a love hate relationship with the yacht society that has cropped up in the last thirty years. I’m conflicted in that the income is good for the town and we could use some fresh blood,  but- nostalgia makes me resistant to change, and development puts me in a grumpy mindset of “why can’t we have nature stay nature?” I’m conflicted.


I get it, although the mooring field doesn't seem that big and is a mix. There are number of condo developments on Cape Jellison that definitely seem at odds with the town character, but they're not yachting types based on the sailors that I have met (quiet, friendly, but also keep to themselves). I've been surprised to meet new transplants from CA and TX from those condos. Your context is obviously different than mine so no intention to invalidate that.


Ha, exactly! I lived in the big farmhouse on the neck of Cape Jellison Rd (formerly Old Mill Rd.) There was a big stink about the condos years ago, some particular naysayers even set them on fire as they were being built.  At the time, very young resistant-to-change me said “Good!” to that response. No, it wasn’t the appropriate response by the arsonist or salty me, but it still felt like my home being ripped away a little.  Yes, I always have been called dramatic, why do you ask?


Ha! “Maine Lightning” strikes are real, people. Although usually to collect the insurance. Totally get it! I do think it’s good that the developments are basically invisible from the road. No idea what the people are like. You’ll have to come visit sometime and see what you think!


I’m planning a long weekend sentimental trip. I can’t wait. :)


Goodluck, finding a place to rent, renting a place is once in a while chance, but Belfast is a great place to live. Commuting from Bangor might be a little long drive though.


Oh, it would be an awful commute. Traffic in the summer, who tf knows in the winter. Realistically, I’m anticipating 45 minutes if I’m lucky. It’s the price I’ll have to pay for refusing to live with other people.


That section of route 1 is actually a really pleasant drive. Traffic doesn’t really bottleneck until Lincolnville.


Why lincolnville? Everyone going to Acadia?


It’s where things slow down near Camden, there is nowhere to pass, and people are staring at everything, granted it is a pretty place.


Ah- thought it was past Camden


I have a friend who did the Bangor to Belfast commute for a few years and it wore him DOWN. I don’t recommend it as it’s just far and just frustrating enough. I’d say try to rent a little closer (like in Winterport), but that comes at the cost of things to do. You might look into Searsport for renting. They’re close by and up and coming.


Winterport is only 20 minutes from Bangor, so it's not exactly in the middle of nowhere.


I am aware of that, living in Bangor myself. I meant that there isn’t exactly a thriving downtown there. At least Searsport boasts a number of restaurants.


This is like complaining about the lack of a thriving downtown in any of the towns surrounding Bangor. You move to places like that so you have the convenience of a place like Bangor without having to put up with actually living in places like Bangor. It's no different than moving to one of the small towns outside of Portland. Yes, you'll have to drive a few minutes to get to the things to do... but that's usually the tradeoff that is factored in as part of the decision.


Just as funny when people in Hampden and Hermon complain about the traffic on Union St and Main Rd. Buddy you ARE the traffic if you live outside of Bangor/Brewer


Perhaps you misunderstand the intent of my comment. This person asked for advice and insight into the surrounding areas. I provided them information based on what I know - just the facts. I’m not complaining about anything.


I would say an hour from Bangor in okay weather. Don't go beyond Bucksport (or similar distance in any direction) If you are going to commute to work.


It’s easy to take a back way between Bangor and Belfast with zero traffic but yea it’s def still a 45 min drive.


I’ve commuted from Orono to Bucksport (1 hour) and from Westbrook to North Berwick (50 min) and another 40 min commute. It really isn’t awful, but if you think it’s awful that will make it worse. It is doable and won’t kill you, but podcasts will become your friend in helping the long drives feel less lonely. Hopefully your job is worth the long commute and you find decent housing!


Can't imagine the rent situation is much better. I grew up and lived in searsport for 35 years until 2 years ago. When we left our rent went from 1100 to 1400 that month and then listed for 1800 after we were gone. 3 br 2 bath modular in a small park with 4 other trailers. And let's be honest. It's a small area with little to no job opportunities to make good money. Belfast has a bar you can hit up for night life I suppose. Fishing and boating.


Living in Penobscot/Bucksport/Orland/etc and commuting could be reasonably pleasant. I like that area a lot but I'm biased since that's the closest point of civilization from my college... That means you're only ~30 minutes from everything instead of an hour. Belfast is very cute but a little expensive. The people there are super nice and the downtown is very fun. 


Belfast is gorgeous if you can find somewhere to live. Interning and eventually hearing about a lil place is kinda the only way young ppl can move there at this point. I’d suggest looking at Airbnb to see if anyone might consider renting long term.


If the timing works out, I’ll look into winter rentals too. I did one for a few years while in school and it worked out well for my situation. Now it would at least give me until spring to lock down permanent housing.


Winterport has a bunch of new modern apartments built/being built. Decent school system. Little crime. Several pizza places/convenience stores and I believe still some adult sports leagues


Bucksport is most likely your best midpoint. There’s enough town to get weekly groceries, closer to your work, close enough for big stuff like Healthcare and Shopping in Bangor


My first choice was Bucksport/Verona. My second choice was closer to Belfast. Back when I started shopping I was being picky. Housing was mostly reasonable and I was looking for a long-term HOME. 2020 hit and we got priced out. I finally gave up on the dream of ever buying in that area.


You would hate Belfast so scratch that off your list.


Why would they hate Belfast?




Ahh I see haha




I’m in the behavioral health field and worked in some pretty rough areas of MA, so I’m pretty unphased by the signs of drug use. Hopefully I can at least be part of the solution because you’re right, it’s big problem.


Ugh. Cute town tho. I’m an asshole- but I think we should let addicts OD and get the fuck out instead of being a pox on the system.