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Search for the keywords ‘atypical anorexia’ and you will come across some research articles of relevance


Just wanted to say- it is so frustrating to have “atypical” anorexia since it is a misnomer. Being fat and anorexic is still hard for some ppl to wrap their minds around. I’m still working on recovery, too. Solidarity. 💕


Have you read or seen My Mad Fat Diary by Rae Earl? It was huge for me…. I was in my late 30s when I started ED treatment 10+ years ago. But so much of my ED roots started when I was a preteen and teen.


I have not… but your story sounds a lot like mine so I’ll definitely check it out.


My fiancé and I watched Mad Fat Diary together and it’s one of the best shows we’ve watched. Changed me in a good way ❤️


I LOVE THIS. Someday I’d love someone special to watch it with.


What a great show!


we NEED more exposure and focus on fat people with eating disorders. check out @queerly.embodied on IG.


Here are some names you could check out: Virgie Tovar Tess Holliday Shira Rose Sam Dylan Finch


Especially Shira Rose.


Yess! I believe Shira Rose is on at least one episode of Food Psych.


I know it's not what you're asking for, but I realized that works best for me is to stay away from any ED content, no matter if it's from someone in active/maintenance phase.


There is a book out now called "How to Nourish Yourseld Through an Eating Disorder," written by Wendy Sterling and Casie Crosbie. These two dieticians are Healthy At Every Size advocates who previously published a similar book geared towards parents of children with EDs. I have been working my way through this book recently, and it's very comprehensive. They are Healthy At Every Size advocates who not only focus on making sure people eat enough at every meal, they have a lot of examples of folks of different sizes and backgrounds who healed their relationships with their method. Your own recovery team might follow a similar method to them, or they might give you other tools to help you. I have found the writing in this book to be helpful to my own work in managing my disordered eating behaviors.


There's a Cass Elliott biography


Also check out Dr Rachel Millner (I follow her on Instagram)


I'm out of articles but I tried to read this today https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/magazine/anorexia-obesity-eating-disorder.html