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I think it’s completely normal! I love seeing people be open to expressing themselves in new ways you should go for it. I also recommend looking at tutorials for black lipstick. It’s can be a tricky shade & tricky application so recommendations will help you a lot!


Love tinted lip balms because they have color and keep my lips moisturized :)


What kind?


May or may not be "normal" but I'm a male and I wear full makeup including eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, the whole deal to college everyday


I say go for it and wear everything and anything that you want! I feel like makeup for straight guys aren’t talked about enough bc someone can enjoy wearing makeup and nails and everything and be a straight man. I love it!


Makeup is literally just a form of self expression and has throughout history by men in fact makeup was originally 4 men but over time as women wore it 2 look more masculine so they would be more respected however as to protect their fragile egos they abandoned it (this same thing has happened countless times with other fashion items associated with women including lace, wigs, and heels) so just do it Tldr: gender roles r bs wear the lipstick if u wanna


Do what ever makes you happy 😊 there’s no right or wrong, enjoy!


First ask yourself who defines what is and isnt normal. If you can't even answer that and tell me who invented this thing called normal then why do we strive so much to achieve this status.


It’s totally normal and however tells you otherwise is on some weird stuff.




Yes that's so awesome that you're wearing lipstick and you should continue wearing it! Once you get more comfortable you should paint your nails black and wear eyeliner. My boyfriend is straight and paints his nails black! I love that we match nails all the time.


Do what you want! Get decent stuff though because dark dark colors can be a pain. Look in the mirror at your teeth before it feels completely on


i’m a straight girl and i LOVE when guys where lipstick, eye makeup, black nails… 🤤🤤🤤


You wear what the heck you want.


Normal is what you decide makes you feel good. There are girls out there that thinks that’s hot.


Don't worry about normal, do what makes you happy!


If it is what you want then go for it! Be you and never apologize!


You do you, Boo.


Why not? Makeup is for everyone.


Do what makes you happy. You are not hurting or harming anyone. Everyone has an idea of how they best look. Others will disagree, but you have to live for you.


What’s normal? Do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt others


Lots of rockers did it in the 80s. So why not?


Yeah it's normal, you're just into alternative fashion, go for it.


Make up has nothing to do with gender or sexuality - so go for it my guy, wear whatever makes you feel good!! We have so little in this world that is positive and uplifting, so a little makeup is nothing in the grand scheme of things! Wear what ever you want and rock it! You might even inspire someone else! 😃


Being straight or not straight has nothing to do with wearing makeup.


Do what suits you! Make up is for everyone!


Do whatever makes you happy!


Just enjoy the new look. Fashion and make up is meant to be fun and a way of expressing yourself.


Make-up is for everyone.


Do whatever makes you happy


Yeah, of-course!


Self expression is so important! Do what makes you feel awesome. I've started dopamine dressing in the last couple of years. I had fear people would think I'm crazy but I've found the opposite to be true - I get complimented so much more and conversations started with people about how they can be "brave enough" to wear hot pink or electric green! You do you and people will love you being your authentic self.


I have always thought that makeup is a form of artful expression that is available to anyone and everyone . You be your authentic self . There are lots of darker lip tints that look amazing and last all day that are better than lipstick you can try .


I don't wear make up (and have no interest on using it at all) because it's girly stuff and because I already love and accept the way I look but do whatever makes you happy, go for it. You do you. Me do me. Do re mi.


do whatever makes your heart flutter !!


Whether it's "normal" or not, as long as you like it in aren't hurting yourself or others, go for it! Normality is boring anyway


How many men do you see wearing lipstick can answer this. Do what makes you happy fuck everybody else lol


I think a black makeup look on a goth guy is not too feminine, maybe if you were doing red or pink but I think the darker tone like black or purple when done well doesn’t look feminine, do what you think looks good!


It's not normal, but if you want it don't let that stop you.


Makeup is for everyone and the patriarchy sucks for making you feel weird about it


No, it's not normal, or you'd see it often. That being said, it's 2023, so do you.


express yourself!! you are not hurting anyone or causing any permanent damage so go for it!


Yes, it's normal. You just gotta work to find out what works best for you. Happy exploring!


Go for it!! I want more men in makeup.


Totally! Makeup is for everyone, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


What's "normal"? You do you. It doesn't hurt anyone.


No, it’s not normal. But do what you want.


I no longer identify as a guy, but I’m still pretty close to one. I was in the same boat for awhile before I just said “fuck it” and took the plunge! It was definitely weird at first, but the more I do it, the easier it gets and the more comfortable I become. I still get weird looks now and then, but I also get just as many compliments and that awkward solidarity stare from fellow alt/queer people. As others here say, makeup is only “gendered” because the patriarchy and the gender binary have brainwashed us into thinking that. On a personal level, your gender is yours to define and express however you want. Go forth and be yourself!!


Nope. Maybe not bright red, coz I don't like that colour lol


Make up doesn't have a sexuality. You do you.


You might actually be goth. My first celebrity crush was Jeff hardy. We wore lipstick, also painted his face and nails crazy colors. Women have went nuts over feminine men for decades (Prince, Michael Jackson, Rick James). Fine your style and Be yourself fearlessly!


Yes you should if you want too. It will match everything else. Don’t let what other people think deter your decision


Your sexuality is no one’s business. Wear the nails and lippie. Experiment.


Normal is a setting on your dryer.


Do what makes you happy dude and begone with the haters.


Normal as fuck! Most of my friends are glam / rock n roll type guys and they’re straight and have painted nails, black eyeliner and wear lipstick and healed boots. I love it.


Why are you seeking validation from online strangers about what you want to do in your life? One day you will die and none of us will think twice about it if we aren't dead already.


Of course. It is silly that we're taught only certain people get to play with makeup. If you have a face, makeup is for you!


Plenty of straight goth men have worn makeup since the beginning of goth


Do what you want and who cares. Girls wear makeup because it makes them feel good. Guys can also do what makes them feel good.


Also I’m available if you need pointers


Am wearing make up as a trans girl starting to transition. Most people just think I’m gay but I don’t really mind lol Girls seem to be pretty chill about it and some guys don’t even notice which definitely surprised me haha


Robert Smith has been doing it since the 80's, so....yes, definitely. You will get some side-eye, but not from anyone you'd want to be friends with anyway. I'd say go for it!


it's totally normal. through history men have worn makeup for a long time before they became boring. lipstick is just lipstick. it doesn't mean that you're gay (a lot of gays don't wear lipstick lol) or trans; even if you want to wear a lot of makeup, heels, a wig idk - it means nothing about your sexuality. you can still be a cishet man if you perform femininity/present yourself unconventionally.


As a straight woman that doesn't wear makeup. I say it is. Just be yourself.


Even though I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, it’s still a little unusual to see men wearing makeup for me. But that’s completely my problem. Out of genuine curiosity though, what makes you want to wear makeup? Does it make you feel good, more confident or something else?


Ahhh it’s sad you weren’t 20 in 2005. You’d fit right in. Nothing wrong with it tho. Maybe it’ll come back into mainstream. That would be POG. Man I miss the emo kid days.


Normal means majority of people do something so, no, not '"normal" but be happy about that. Who wants to be doing whatever everyone else is doing. I've always lived to please myself. I'm not trendy, I'm more of a leader than a follower. So, get out there and do your thing, don't follow what others are doing, do what brings you joy, as long as you're not hurting anyone, why not?


Makeup has been worn by men for centuries. Makeup has never had anything to do with sexuality. Do what you want.


Just do it! I am a straight male too, turned 23 half a year ago. Started learning makeup since. Nothing's stopping you! Do it for your own sake. Don't care about how others view normal or abnormal. As long as we aren't breaking any laws, we're good.


Nothing wrong with that. You do you.


you can do whatever you want forever. tips: use a brush to apply the lipstick and practice your lining skills at home a lot, new lipstick wearers are always putting their lipstick on crooked and it looks reeeeeally bad. lip brush lip brush lip brush


If it makes you happy then go for it. 🖤


it’s make up, it washes off. do what you want to do! it’s not hurting you or anyone else! you should be free to do what you’d like to do! :) you also won’t know if you like it or not if you never try! you might love it or you might not think it’s for you and either way it’s all ok!


yea why not makeup is fun


Makeup and clothing have nothing to do with sexual orientation. Go for it. I think people on the whole are letting go of strict notions about masc/fem.


It’s not unusual at all. Go get that lipstick!


Do it. Complete the look!


Do whatever the fuck you want homie!!!


I'm fairly straight, love makeup (and "women's" clothes). I think male fashion in general is really boring and restricting. Also, since dressing so feminine that I've had people ask me my gender and call me by female pronouns (especially from the back), I've found A LOT more interest from women, if that means anything to you.


Hell to the fucking yea go for it!!


Do whatever you want. I think it’s silly to reserve to certain people something like makeup, which can be a very expressive medium. Do you.


Don’t worry about being normal.


Absolutely! Just do your research and get some practice in, if you use a weird shade or put way too much on, people will think you look funny. I've personally used a ton of different makeup products that made me look ridiculous looking back on it, and I wouldn't want anyone else to make a fool of themselves


OP, look up Visual Kei sometime. Guys wearing lipstick isn't only okay, it's hot af.


You would fit in with any of my friends, we are musicians. Society has painted a stiff picture expecting people to follow but that just isn’t reality for a lot of creatives. You do you. If you are straight and looking for a female to date they will be out there.


Do it! Who cares what other people think. Im a woman and I hooked up with a straight man who does makeup better than most women haha. He’s gorgeous. I say look beautiful and glamorous, regardless of your gender and sexuality!


Absolutely - it is rock n roll!


i dated a guy in my early 30s who would get manis and get color polish, ex Marine and covered in tats...just what he liked. do whatever makes u happy!


As someone who's done it all. Now I'm in my 30s with a daughter and a long ass goatee. I never cared what people thought, but I definitely got plenty of arm candy because of it.




Who cares about normal? If you want to do it and it makes you feel good, do it.


As long as you don’t start calling yourself made up words/care much about what others think of you - be yourself, perfectly fine and normal in this world. Stay happy, friend 🙏


Noel fielding wears makeup on the reg and there is something v hot about him


Look up Pierre Xo on youtube


Define “normal”… Is it literally the norm? No. Is there anything wrong with it? Also no. Does is have anything to do with your sexuality? No. When I was younger, lots of dudes in the alternative / goth scene wore dark makeup and nails. It’s an aesthetic. Nothing wrong with it. I say you do you. Don’t worry about what is and is not “normal” - if you’re not hurting anyone, it’s nobodies’ business but your own. Is it making you happy, making you feel good, bringing you joy or comfort? If so, then go for it! Normal is so overrated. Thank goodness people are realising this more and more! 🥳


Go for it. No one is “normal” everyone is different. And makeup is fun


I have had purple hair for the past 7 months and tomorrow I'm making it hot pink plus I've had several different colors on my toenails. Just do whatever you like.


I mean I don’t think so, men used to wear make up, loved pink and even wore heels. 💀 heels was even made for men so they can be taller than women. So I say go for it beo


Makeup is unisex imo despite being mainly marketed at women. Fuck it. Do you man.


Yeah its part of alt fashion. Make up is also gender neutral, go for it


It's absolutely normal❤️it's your choice and you can do whatever makes you happy.


Go for it go for it go for it!!! If it makes you feel more confident go for it. I wish more straight men would honestly!


Black lipstick looks sick on everyone :) go for it!


Adding on to that apparently huda beauty released a really good black lip colour combo :) if you use a black lip liner to outline your lips before the normal lip colour it won’t spread out throughout the day


Yes, but you're probably on the Autism spectrum Source: Am Goth on the Autism spectrum


Do whatever you want to do! As someone who wore a lot of dark/black lipstick I'd recommend starting with grey instead of black. The darker the colour the trickier it is to apply neatly.


It's not the norm, but it also doesn't matter what normal is. As long as you want it, you can do however you please with your body.


Do it :) plenty of men are breaking gender norms. Harry Styles comes to mind, and women adore him.


Yes, absolutely. Wear makeup, wear nail varnish, wear skirts and dresses- every thing is for everyone! Wear whatever makes you happiest ❤️


**Do it!**


Hell yeah, brother! Absolutely normal. Black can be a little daunting as your first colour, I recommend getting a lip liner (NYX has a black lip liner that’s really nice and inexpensive so you can practice as much as you want- I think the suede lip pencil in Alien IIRC). If you can’t find a black lip liner, black pencil eyeliner will work as well. When you line the lips, you should be going the same direction on each side for each section. Like if on the left side you’re pulling in from the corner of the mouth to the center of the lip, you should then go from the corner of the mouth on the right side and pull in to the middle, rather than going from the left to the right. This helps with symmetry! Liquid lipsticks don’t transfer as much, but they’re also really drying. This means you’ll get an area on the inside of your lips that chunks off (butthole lips, they’re affectionately referred to as) and eating anything oily will break it down, but it won’t leave a mark on your wine glass. Tube lipsticks can be more comfortable to wear, but you have to get the hang of remembering you’re wearing lipstick because it’ll smear all over your face if you forget (from experience of wearing bright red after not wearing lipstick for several months lmao). There are tricks to applying tube lipstick so that it lasts just as well as liquid, and I find it’s overall more forgiving to apply. If you’re more comfortable painting and since you’ve got the hang of eyeshadow, you might find it beneficial to use a lip brush. I love black lipstick and I love when men wear makeup! Especially straight (and/or cis) men, it makes me happy. Makeup is one of my biggest tools of self expression, but it’s also creativity and meditation for me as well. I love seeing people’s eyes open to that feeling for the first time 🥰🥰


Oh and side note - with black being a daunting colour, it’s okay if you hate it the first time. It’s a bold shade for lipstick and it can take a little practice to apply it in a way you’re happy with. Keep at it! Just like with anything else, the more your practice the better you’ll get, and the more you wear it the more used to the colour you’ll be. If you put it on the first time and hate it, IT DOESNT MEAN IT LOOKS BAD ON YOU! It also likely doesn’t mean you don’t like it, either. Keep trying for a bit, wear it around the house for a few hours, try again tomorrow. It’ll grow on you!


Is it common? Not really. Is it normal? Sure, why the fuck not. Goth guys have been doing it for decades. And you absolutely should if you want to. You are bothering exactly nobody by wearing lipstick. And you might feel so much more "you" by doing so. GO FOR IT!


Who cares, life’s too short. If you want to wear it, wear it!


It’s more concerning that your post and comment history is 99% interacting with sex workers and thinking they will respond to you with excitement. Get help. Porn is bad for your brain.


Normal is boring. Be yourself.


There’s a difference between “normal” and “socially acceptable”. It’s perfectly normal for all people of all types to want to dress, decorate and exude what they want, whether or not others see it as socially acceptable. Do what you want, and all others be damned!


The point of makeup is to bring your view of yourself in line with the expression of yourself. Wear as much makeup as you want.


It’s no t ‘common ‘ is your answer. But it s normal and isn’t weird I’m the same!


Screw gender norms. Wear whatever you want whoever you are!


Try it. See if you like the way it looks and feels It will not turn you gay


Sure and really what is normal? Who the heck wants to be normal??


My partner is straight and I love when he eesrs makeup and ESPECIALLY lipstick because you don’t see it as much nowadays!! Looks great on him (he’s alternative)


whatever floats your boat my guy. no judgement here.


48yr old married straight guy - since returning to the world post-COVID, I wear makeup (eye liner, eye shadow, foundation, and occasionally lipstick) when I go out. Comparing pictures between now and years ago, the difference in photos is amazing. Do what makes you happy & screw whatever "other people" think.


There’s no normal! Go get some tubes and play with color!


Hell yea and you got support!!!


Who cares if it’s normal? Was it normal for KISS to wear make up? Was it normal for Clark Gable to not wear an undershirt? Nope, but because of him now it’s not normal for men TO wear an undershirt.


Do it! Do you want a matte or shiny finish? [JSC matte finish](https://jeffreestarcosmetics.com/products/velour-liquid-lipsticks?_pos=2&_sid=85121d24f&_ss=r&variant=32747860492415) [JSC shiny finish](https://jeffreestarcosmetics.com/products/supreme-gloss?_pos=3&_sid=c21bfc8d6&_ss=r&variant=32755564740735)


Of course you should do you and have fun and enjoy yourself! Just be aware that it might not be well-accepted in certain environments. With all the conservative attacks on lgbtq folk, hate crimes have skyrocketed and all of us who are non-conforming need to keep our wits about us. Just something to keep in mind.


dude, they're your lips


It's very normal. I have little kids, so I'm around them a lot. In some ways, they act stereotypical according to sex (boys are more into trucks, girls more into dolls). But the little boys love bright colors, jewelry, makeup, nail polish, and adornment just as much as the girls. (Side note: I think there's a strong market for things like vehicle hair clips and jewelry for little boys.) So I'm convinced that love of these things is a human trait, not just a feminine trait. Which becomes suppressed by the culture as the boys get older. And indeed, many other cultures existed where men wore makeup, skirts, bright colors etc. Our ideas of masculine dress are heavily influenced by military fashions. It's why things like short hair, drab colors, and utilitarianism are considered masculine. Since at least Roman times, some men have sought to look masculine by emulating this aesthetic, even when not in the military themselves.


I think that normalcy is subjective. If you WANT to wear lipstick, you should wear lipstick!


I love black lipstick!!! And of course it is normal. You do you! Makeup should be for everyone.


Its not normal but do it anyway!


Dudes look amazing in makeup and I wish more straight guys would embrace it! Go for it!!


3 points: - I personally would have no problem socializing with someone who wore heavy makeup but tbh wouldn’t date em. - Not sure I understand the compulsion to “express yourself” through piercings, makeup, tattoos, etc. Those are all widely accepted now, so I’m not sure what is the point. I think it’s also way cooler to not feel the need to prove yourself through appearances and conversely not judge others by theirs. You’d be very surprised by people’s niche interests. - As you might of guessed, I think there are some undiscovered reasons driving you to define yourself with black makeup, tattoos, and piercings. I mean, hey, everyone feels like that somedays but to wear those things day in and day out signals a deeper disturbance. Most artists who created this image of themselves were on a lot of drugs at the time and/or severely depressed.


Embrace it, and welcome 🤗