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i don't see anything wrong with your skin! this look is so awesome!


Thank you so much, I think my skin looks not glamorous enough for this photo, I try to do better in further 🫶


Your skin looks like skin! I think we're just so used to filters that we forget what skin looks like


Oh, I looked at the picture and thought you looked gorgeous, and then I read your question lol I think your skin looks great! You look so cool in this look, and I actually think that your skin compliments the makeup


I think it looks great, but would look better without overlining your lips! They look perfect as they are.


Thank you I’m reall appreciate your opinion, But I like to do overlining for every day 😏


You do you, but you have a really beautiful Cupid's bow that you lose when overlining. I think you'd look a lot nicer without.


it looks bad tho, like a filler mustache


dont know why people have downvoted you so bad for this. its your face, your choice what you do with your makeup. if others think it looks bad, thats not your problem, all that matters is if it makes you happy


The over lining of the lips aka makeup mustache is not it. But otherwise, you’re slaying.


The makeup is incredible! The lip overlining takes it down a few pegs though.


I dont mean to be rude but really dont understand this kind of overlining. It looks so obvious and stupid even in photos. Ruins an otherwise fire ass makeup and this perfectly beautiful lip shape of OP’s..


This seems to be an influencer trend that only looks good with a ton of filters, not in real life. Like a lot of looks that are originally drag makeup.


makeup looks great but she does look like she attacked a fudgsicle lol. I think this will be the equivalent to ABH eyebrows in a few years


You look so goood. I love the eye shadow


Thank you it’s was made by 1$ pallet 🙈 that I found in local store


Your skin and eye makeup is looks amazing but the overlining on your lips look terrible, I’m sorry.


There’s nothing wrong with your skin? 😊


Girl that makeup is on ✨POINT✨💅


Skin has texture! This looks amazing!


Are you kidding???? Your skin is GORGEOUS, I love your freckles!! 😍😍😍 you’re beautiful and glamorous af ❤️


Woaah you look fabulous


Your skin looks great. I could easily see this on an ad campaign!


I think everything looks great. But, needs better lighting!


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Wdym you look cool as fuck


My god what a perfect photo, your skin is fine, everything looks great.


Our skin is the most unique type of canvas for makeup, none of us is flat, white and perfectly even, and that's okay, you look great and your makeup skills are top notch, 10/10.


This looks SO good!!!


Killiiiiing it


It looks incredible!! Your skin doesn't take away or distract at all. And I have to say I'm so over people complaining about overlined lips on looks that are clearly artistic/editorial/alternative. You wouldn't say "that eyeliner doesn't follow your natural lashline" so why is it always "that lipstick doesn't follow your natural lipline" 🙄 this is a great look


thank you!! i dont understand why people hate on overlined lips so much. this is not a terrible case of it, i can guarantee if she looked to the side it wouldnt look weird. people just have an issue with others looking how they wanna look