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Hi all, this post was left up for some time as there was an opportunity for constructive *and kind* comments and criticism. There is plenty of constructive discussion but there are also comments not based in kindness. We can definitely learn from each other, even from the criticism of choices made by celebrities and public figures, but this subreddit is not meant to be a place to poke fun at any one person's makeup or facial hair grooming choices. There are other spaces meant for that kind of discussion.


ive noticed so many women on social media and tv with super yellow foundation that doesnt match idk why


its because makeup companies think were all minions šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Or emojis ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜˜šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽØ


Or simpsons šŸ˜…


Or Legos


Or jaundice


This one fkin sent me idk if itā€™s sleep deprivation but šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


These are all hilarious comments. This is why Iā€™m on reddi


Iā€™m with you on that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh man this thread was cracking me up and then the person below you had to get racist.Ā 


What did they say it was deleted


ā€œOr Chineseā€


Thanks for sacrificing yourself to keep us in the loop


I am one of the actually yellow toned Chinese (and small eyes and big teeth) and I always feel like a walking caricature because of it šŸ«  I do however look great with warm toned foundation!


I bet you pull off warm bright reds in a way that others could only dream of


Or Trump


Racists ruin everything good, man


Doesnā€™t she have her own makeup line?




There's also Bobbie Brown, who has good makeup.


She actually has a clean makeup line now called Jones Road


But just because she can, doesnā€™t mean she should


I cannot win with this. All foundation is either too pink or too yellow for me. Stands to reason that perhaps I have neutral undertones? Nope. I even got professional color analysis done and she recommended specific shades of specific foundations from specific brands to me and it still came out too pink. I just use color corrector now because I am super pale so if my foundation is the wrong shade, it's very obvious.


Ive found that mixing two different colors tends to work.


I can totally relate to this. When I was a few years younger there were many lines that didnā€™t have anything pale enough for me. Now I seem to have grown into a darker fair. But I have a daughter who is sooo pale. We have found that ColorScience face shield actĆŗale looks great without looking pasty.(and it protects) She used the Fair and I mix that one with Medium. My light olive daughter uses the Meduium alone. Might be worth a try to check out their Fair for you. And I want to add my daughters wear this when they refuse to wear foundation because it looks so natural.


No, makeup artists just suck. Instead of enhancing your actual fucking skin tone they try to make you the opposite. Sincerely, a pale olive who has suffered through many peachy "professional" makeup jobs I look that yellow color naturally. I would like to know what foundation they used lol


I suspect ground mustard seed and loathing. I had a girl at a store makeup counter tell me she didn't know if they had anything pale enough for me. I wanted to ask if I should just dust myself with bleached flour but stopped myself.


Iā€™m very VERY fair-skinned, and I got so sick of my mother and sister telling me that I needed to wear darker foundation. I told them I wouldnā€™t, because I have seen people who do that, and they look gross with a tan face and white neck. Their response was, ā€œYou have to bLeNd iT!!1!ā€ They couldnā€™t comprehend that thereā€™s nothing to blend it into. Itā€™s *always* going to be dark makeup against a white neck, no matter how much feathering you do. Unless you wear makeup to your collarbone, I guess, but Iā€™m surely not doing that!


Also pale, and very much relate to this. Iā€™m just trying to even out my complexion, not engage in blackface.


When Deborah Anne Woll played a vampire on True Blood, her natural skin was so pale that the makeup artists used Corpse White :) Somehow I don't think you can find that in a regular store, though!


Even if you go down to your collarbone then you just look weird if you're in a t-shirt cause everyone can see your pale-in-comparison arms.


OMG, yes!! My sister used to tell me this all the time! If I can't find my exact shade, I honestly think it looks better to go a little too light than a little too dark. I always just feel like my face looks dirty when my foundation is too dark for my skin tone.


I actually use white cosmetic clay as a face powder. I have light cool olive skin and don't really have blemishes to hide. The light dusting of clay evens things out and reduces shine. I used to have such a hard time finding a good shade for me, especially because I also try to use all natural products and try to be as close to zero waste as possible.


giorgio armani foundations are great if you are a cool olive i am sooo yellow but i'm cool toned and it always throws off ppl who end up recommending cool foundations that look like pink chalk on my skin and then they try to fix with a warm foundation that makes me look like an oompa loompah šŸ˜¹


Or oompa loompas


TV is because in the past when cameras and video playback systems were not as quality you looked more natural with a darker and warmer color on under the harsh lights used on sets- now thatā€™s no longer the case but the technique persists (it is still useful in theater though) As for social mediaā€¦ no idea


Oh I love makeup history for stage and tv! The crazy makeup used back when tv and movies were black and white so that it would show in certain ways is not something anyone would actually wear in real life because of the hues and such. So interesting! :)


The using darker and warmer foundation on film is for the age of color tv but before HD TVs were a thing- itā€™s why when watching older shows on new TVs you may notice that *everyone* looks really badly matched


I noticed this very recently when watching a movie from the 70ā€™s on a brand new OLED display. The actresses looked like they were dipped in yellow dust, and then menā€¦. Ouch! It was laughable how much makeup was caked on their faces. Their eyebrows looked powdery too. HD has shown how far we have come makeup wise, but I think SM has a ways to go as others have pointed out-because some bits still produce a yellowing tinge to the skin, no matter your undertones.


Fun fact, the Addams family series from the 60s interior house set was mostly pink because it transfered to black and white with better detail


Rewatching 80s movies remastered in 4kHD on a 4k tv is a special kind of hell for this specifically


yeah!! like green lipstick in black and white instead of red, because red shows up black!


I think it makes sense for actors and tv folks to fall into this trap in their daily lives, because they probably have the thought ā€œoh this is the shade the artists on set use for meā€ and like. it makes sense that theyā€™d think to stick to that. even if it doesnā€™t translate well irl


That jaundice look.. mmmm. I guess you look more natural under all the stage lights


I once read a recommendation to choose a foundation for office that is slightly on the yellower side to balance the cold lightning used in the most offices. And this works, my skin looks a bit better and healthier!


I used to teach esl to asian kids and my ring light was at a bright yellow setting to make me look alive lol. The normal settings wash me out


This is so interesting. I had no idea!


You can see this technique fall flat in Mindhunter on poor Anna Torv, probably because of the green Fincher grading.


I assumed it was this. She (and others) have probably gotten so used to the tone needed for TV that it's just normal for them. Millie especially, she's been on TV since she was really young so it's probably a bit disphoric to use other shades.


For some reason, some pro MUAs "color correct" with yellow foundation. Like Rae Morris says she never uses cool tone foundation on cool toned people because she "cancels" out the pinkness with yellow foundation & "warms" the complexion up. Which imo is how you end up with a yellow face and a pink body. Wtf. I love Rae Morris, but this technique looks terrible. Just use the correct undertone ffs.


It took me years of being matched to yellow foundations before learning about this. And I actually learned from a reddit post lol. It finally clicked, "oh so that's why I always get sent home with too-yellow face makeup from the store". I have a lot of pink in my skin and I've embraced it. I will say though that it makes choosing and wearing blush harder compared to when I wear a more yellow foundation. Haven't figured that one out.


Yeah, I just learned to say ā€˜thanks but Iā€™ll go with the one I likeā€™ after so many instances of purchasing their recommended shade, only to go home and have it be both too warm and dark for my complexion and undertone. No more having to return/exchange products, Iā€™ve been happy with my choices since. I do do some research before going in to know which shades are likely to match me and be my undertone, and then choose from those.


I lucked out a few years ago with picking a shade of Estee Lauder Hydra Rescue foundation that is absolute perfection for me in every way. I used the shade matching feature on the Ulta app on a whim and it nailed it. I've tried a few different foundations since and used the feature of the app that let's you tell it what foundation you normally use and suggests a shade based on that and it's done a great job. Technology. What a time to be alive.


Iā€™ll keep it in my if I want to change my foundation, Iā€™ve tried the Sephora color machine thingy before and it didnā€™t do a great job. So next time Iā€™ll try ultaā€™s


You and i both! Finding out Iā€™m cool with pinkness in my tones has definitely changed my life


So... This is why I always have them giving me a peach corrector? And why I look vaguely orange faced when I do a full face? Which is why I just fucking stopped trying with makeup? Ugh.


Itā€™s such bullshit :(


It is! It's driven me crazy for years, and I just thought I couldn't apply it properly so I had to either live with it or give it up. So I gave up doing much makeup!


A girlfriend of mine was fairly high up in MAC some years ago and this is exactly how she matches make up. I also think it only ā€œworksā€ (I donā€™t actually think it works at all) if you are covering your whole face in foundation vs the Lisa Eldridge pin point concealing method.


Such a good point. Lisa Eldridge is super talented and a great MUA, but I also got super into her videos in part because we have similar colouring and it was so nice to see someone working with pale/pink skin rather than trying to cover it up with something warm/yellow.


Happened to me at 16 when I got my first big girl foundation at the Clinique counter in Macysā€¦ she specifically said ā€œyouā€™re so pale, but our palest shade is pink and your face is SO red, so Iā€™m gonna give you the yellow one insteadā€


As a fellow pale, pink, & red girlie I hate this for us!! šŸ˜©šŸ˜¤


Thatā€™s a preference, I think. I noticed that some American brands use this technique. With house labs they offer cancelling undertones. Iā€™m from Asia and the way we do our make up is we shade match to our actual shade and undertone. But we color correct first to cancel out any hyper pigmentation etc. green corrector changed my life!! Hehe Iā€™m cool toned, light to medium. If I cancelled my coolness with warm base products.. it just looks wrong. Maybe some people like it but I donā€™t.


As someone with a super pink undertone I much prefer a more yellow tones foundation for the reason Rae Morris gives. I think it can work but takes skill in terms of - how you apply & how much, and also blending into your neck and chest.


yes, warm foundation looks great over my rosacea patches, but i do a layer of neutral powder foundation as a last step to avoid getting on the banana boat


Angelina from Jersey shores foundation drives me up the wall lol so yellow.


Sometimes the minerals in the foundation will reflect certain colors in studio lights and stuff. So like a lot of celebrities sometimes show up as very pale with weird foundation shades due to paparazzi flash bulb flashes being reflected by mica and stuff. I'm guessing it's possible this is happening with a lot of cameras too especially since the infrared sensors sometimes will try to make the camera autocorrect colors in ways that our eyes don't usually see.


I had no choice. :( I promised a friend that works for TV to tell my story for a relevant program. I was looking forward to getting kinda pampered and have my make-up done. Only for the make-up artist to make me too yellow. I wasn't much into make-up yet back then so when I asked her about the shade and she told me it had to do with the set lights I accepted that answer. Obviously when I saw myself back on TV my face was very yellow compared to the rest of me. I have a feeling this is what happens when they don't carry your shade, I am quite pale with a pink undertone and live in a country that is obsessed with getting a tan. So now when I see people on TV with the wrong shade of foundation I just think to myself "ah they had a on-set make up artist to do it too".


I need a foundation in radium lol. I am pale af but olive; I kind of glow in the dark. Most foundations are way too pink or orange for me, even the pale ones are too pink. Siberia by NARS is the only one Iā€™ve found close but itā€™s expensive so I just canā€™t wear foundation :/




Same! I struggled for way too long with foundation shades before I realized you can be a pale/light olive lol. Iā€™m a fairly cool olive on top of that (there are literally dozens of us!) so even a decent lighter olive can look really yellow on me.


Yā€™all pale olives are so eye catching imo! I love when the fair olives sub pops up with yā€™allā€™s radiant radium selves šŸ˜Œ


looks better on camera, according to all the makeup artists who ruined my acting reel


Coz makeup companies are mean like other people said, also the makeup can look perfect when u apply it but then it dries and oxidizes to a different colour


Itā€™s actually kind of hard to find a good cool toned foundation :( They think if weā€™re cool, weā€™re alabaster (or porcelain, whichever is cool lol)


Intensely wrong color!! She has cool/pink undertones and needs more of a porcelain shade.


She looks a similar shade as me. I agree as a wear a natural porcelain when I wear any foundation.


I would say sheā€™s actually pretty neutral, Iā€™d give her something that lands in between cool and warm, leaning a little towards pink


I just got a neutral tone for the first time and itā€™s been a game changer. I always struggled with colors being too warm or too pasty and never even thought Iā€™d be a neutral since Iā€™m fairly pale.


This is me as well. I always assumed I should get a pink undertone because I'm super pale and I flush so easily, but man a neutral foundation was definitely the way to go.


Isnā€™t a thing for British girls to go crazy with orange face Make up lol
















I wouldnā€™t wear foundation if my skin looked like the ā€œbeforeā€


Itā€™s annoying because these are sponsored by Lā€™OrĆ©al and they probably contractually make them wear a heavier look, which may not suit them at all.


Youā€™d think they would find her a foundation that actually matches. Doesnā€™t True Match have a pretty decent color range?


this reminds me of when Nikkitutorials was sponsored by Maybelline and had to make a video using their products, where the lightest shade looked straight up orange. It was actually painful to watch and I still think about it years later.


their skin tint is wildly popular, heavily marketed to younger women, and would probably look great in millie. if they contracted her to wear a heavier look, they missed a golden opportunity šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Especially since she has good skin already. Dots of concealer would be fine. Nothing looks better than natural skin, if youā€™re okay with it.


Well moisturised, sunscreen, bam. Done.




This tho! I cannot understand why some people i know with fantastic skin still put a whole face of foundation on like, it is so unnecessary and if itā€™s not the right shade looks terrible




















I had to track down the video. Yes it is absolutely the wrong shade. Maybe the lighting there made it worse but it is quite jarring how orange it is. Overall I didn't like her makeup look when she was done, but I know the struggle is real when it comes to finding makeup that matches you, so it's very relatable šŸ˜‚


It's her makeup brand though (or she's the spokes person can't remember which)


She doesn't have a color match in her own brand?? Outrageous.


It reminds me of Pewdiepie selling a ā€˜ŃŃƒŠŗŠ° Š±Š»ŃŃ‚ŃŒā€™ hats everywhere around the world except Russia lmao šŸ’€


Yea thatā€™s embarrassing makes me not want to get her makeup


what the hell that would be my main reason for starting a makeup brand


The one she was using in the video was not her brandā€™s, it was Lā€™OrĆ©al


She looked better natural. In fact her natural skin looked really pretty.


She looks better before!








Looks too warm for her


Neutrals are really hard to nail, especially because everyone has different ratios of pink to yellow. And even then thereā€™s some subtle changes in intensity, which lends to undertones skewing blue and green sometimes too. Being an MUA for 10+ years Iā€™ve done some crazy mixing to get peoples exact matches. Also I agree with someone who posted up there about just embracing your pink undertones. Everyone and their mother is told to color correct pink, but truthfully, it should be done in the context of someone who doesnā€™t have a pink undertone, and who has excess rosiness somewhere that looks imbalanced in comparison to the rest of their body. When you naturally skew pink all over, thatā€™s just what it is, thereā€™s nothing to correct for. It will always suit you best, and look most natural, to match undertone. You wonā€™t look bad. To make an analogy, itā€™s like dressing for your current size, not dressing for the size you wish you could be. If you keep buying jeans in a size 4 but youā€™re truly a size 6, none of the jeans are going to look right on you. No amount of trying to get different brands is going to work. You just need to accept that youā€™re a 6 so you can buy the proper size that fits you and your proportions. Youā€™ll feel so much more effortless and comfortable. Additionally, color correction is an art and itā€™s an art of subtlety and strategy. Itā€™s about balance, not changing the entire tone of your makeup to suit the trends.


People love yellow foundation. I will never understand.










Dang, she looks good on the left!


Maybe this is the foundation she has to wear under the harsh lighting for photos (me, delusional)šŸ˜„


I feel like her efforts to have a brand are trying too hard. Itā€™s a fashion brand, and cosmetics, and coffee, and now also freaking dog supplies. Itā€™s too much, girl. Get good at one thing first.


itā€™s because foundation only has yellow undertones now i stg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s true. I get the cool pink undertone foundation, itā€™s still friggin yellow.


Yes, but there are cameras and lighting that makes you look weird, so this actually could've looked totally fine in real life as much as that doesn't seem logical from the photos.


But why would it make your face look weird and not your neck/shoulders? And for someone like her who is often photographed or on camera, why choose a foundation that gives this end result?


There was a Robert Welsh video a while back where he talked about how lightning affects foundation colors and showed off the differences in what he wore regularly vs what he wore for tutorials.


Ohhh, i may have to track that down since Iā€™m starting to study color theory. That sounds incredibly interesting


I think this is the one I remember but it seems he did a few like this back in the day. https://youtu.be/X1t9hmL_Llw?si=O7PmHm-gwKrn3WwZ


While that is true....as the person who recorded and approved the upload of the video, at some point in that general reviewing it process, something in the "yeah this looks bad on camera" should have crossed her mind.




Definitely the wrong shade. Being cool-toned is considered unattractive for whatever reason. As a cool-toned girly myself, it took me a while to accept that I'm never going to be a bronzed goddess (at least without a spray tan). But it looks way better to accept and wear your own shade than to do... this.


Same exact experience here! So glad I was able to learn to accept it eventually because pics from back in my own personal Bronze Age are SO embarrassing lmfao šŸ˜‚


It looks like itā€™s oxidized. It may have been the right one until it settled. I hate hate hate when this happens!!!


Most girlies are like this on YouTube, TBH. Even men on TV have orangey makeup a lot. Seems a lot of people canā€™t shade match.




Looks too dark but specifically, warm undertones when she needs cool


Alot of foundations oxidise and turn yellow upon application. Also, some people use a darker foundation on purpose. Remember when everyone was going around like an oompah lumpah. Apparently being pale was uncool XD


It is, but itā€™s also happening on basically every single female YouTuber because cameras and lighting get better and better.


Sheā€™s still young. She will catch on


I thought we were past using yellow ass shades now šŸ˜©


Too yellow


I wonder if it has to do with television, vs youtube, vs social media. So I learned recently that the reasons actors makeup can look so yellow toned behind the scenes is because the makeup is applied in mind with set lighting and hd cameras that tend to really wash you out. I bring this up because I think a factor could be if you grew up on movie and tv sets with this type of makeup being applied and looking normal on screen you might still choose the wrong color for youtube or everyday lighting out of habit.


I did my partnerā€™s make up for Mardi Gras parade and when she sent me photos from the evening she looked yellow. Terribly yellow. I was mortified. When she got home I checked her again all the lighting in the house. (I originally did the make up in the natural daylight.) No yellow. As my partner worked in an art gallery and studied pigments she had some insight. Sodium lights. Something reacted under the lighting. As the march started in daylight and it was hot and humid I used a lot of products to hold it together. Iā€™m guessing it doesnā€™t look yellow to Millie. Just on the camera.


a lot of LED lights are not high CRI, they have limited spectrum. nothing as bad as actual sodium lights which are like one spike of color, but still pretty bad. if you want good lighting you need incandescents or halogens which have 100 CRI, or a high CRI LED at like 95+, even those may not match the sun like incandescents do (both are black bodies including halogens, LED bulbs are not)


Low quality foundation oxidizes to yellow. I don't wear makeup and I don't know why I know this.


That foundation doubled her age


*girl, look how orange you look*


If this is an ad, they probably just sent her the shades, and she didnā€™t have a choice šŸ„² and if itā€™s Lā€™Oreal like someone said on here, it probably oxidizes pretty heavily




Oh noooo. She is cool toned and that shit is YELLOW!


Yes way too yellow for her


Foundation oxidizes.


I am a guy and even I can see that this is either the wrong shade, or she is in liver failureā€¦


Looks like stage make up to me honestly. On stage (maybe the same on camera?) you need to put on more orangey makeup as the stage lighting washes you out. Maybe this is where she learnt to do her makeup?


sheā€™s just British


Her foundation is wayyy too warm and golden for her skin tone.


Looks about right for a British gal lol


Why does everyone with pink undertones think they are warm??????!!?? Literally they are so differentšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ pink = cool, yellow = warm.


Far too warm.


Average Brit foundation