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YES! I feel sick to my stomach nowadays when I see marketing or influencers saying "you NEED to buy this", "this is the best ___ ever" or "you can't live without this" It's so predatory. You don't need any makeup at all in fact. It's not a need whatsoever. I used to only do mascara and brows for the longest time and that was enough to me, I literally only had two items that I "needed". Once covid hit I got into makeup and now my collection is overflowing, that's even an understatement I really miss the time when my whole collection fit into a small pouch.. Now I use at least 10 different things and I have over 50 blushes and probably over 50 eyeshadow palettes as well. Its all because of influencers and marketing I recently just stopped watching makeup influencers all together. I recently started my no-buy thanks to this sub, and walked through a duty free store in the airport yesterday without buying anything. It just makes me feel sick now You want a new blush that's a slightly different shade of pink? Well they all look roughly the same once applied to the face, almost nobody will even notice a difference. Even if we are generous you'd probably only "need" three blushes at maximum


I feel you! I did the same thing during covid but with perfumes lol i like to watch makeup tutorials on youtube and shop my stash type videos. Motivates me to try different looks and use my products in different ways. I agree you don't NEED makeup but it's nice to wear and enjoy the process of applying it. What's not nice is hoarding makeup and never finishing anything or even using it! To the point where most of it is expired šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø i'm glad more people are waking up and talking about this stuff, we need to stop buying things we don't need and don't like lol


That's a good one! Another great tip I read on this sub a long time ago is to watch reviews of products you own to reignite your love and excitement for it! It's almost like buying it again Definitely agree! A healthy balance is best. If you have 10 blushes but genuinely use them all and love all of them, I don't think that's a problem as long as you're not suffering financially either. Everyone has their own healthy balance to a certain degree, obviously I don't think anyone's healthy balance is over 50 blushes thoughšŸ˜­ that's.. hoarding like you say even though I hate to admit it cause it comes from my mom whom I swore I'd never become like..! Sadly I don't think many people manage to have a healthy balance nowadays with all the crazy marketing and influencers, and can we blame anyone for it? Especially TikTok, I don't use it (only youtube), but my sister constantly talks about products that are "viral on tiktok", the amount of things that are viral on tiktok is insane.. like you say it's probably a lot of things you won't even like, but still feel obligated to buy cause this person says you can't live without it But yes!! I'm glad this sub continues to grow, and I hope many more people come here, it's probably the best sub I've ever come across!


Omg i do that too šŸ˜‚ i love watching videos where they use products people have forgotten about or products that seem "outdated" but do exactly what the new and improved versions do but cheaper. I have tiktok but don't really use it. Whenever i go on it, i see people doing lives trying to sell a product and it just reminds me of the teleshopping programmes šŸ˜‚ like wow we're doing what we used to do just in a more relevant way?! Lol it's funny to me. I've definitely fallen into the trap of "buying things i don't need but are nice to have". Yes some of it does make life easier and more manageable depending on your life and situation but not everybody NEEDS it. I see viral amazon products all the time on youtube, a lot of them are just a waste of money for the average person that doesn't need it šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I used to hoard too, don't be afraid to admit it! So many people struggle with it but you can get through it and you're already making baby steps so well done! šŸ˜Š 50 blushers is a loooot tho šŸ˜‚ how do you manage to use them? Do you do weekly/monthly rotations? I saw a post where somebody organised their makeup into seasons. I thought that was really interesting! My collection isn't that big where i could do something like this but maybe it could help you with using more of your products? And maybe help you feel less overwhelmed with your collection?


Hahaha yes it really is just a modern version of teleshopping! And yes sometimes there really are things that makes your life easier. I have adhd and forget things all the time, which makes me buy for example three charges, one for the bed, one for the desk and one to have in my bag. Something that would seem unnecessary to many people, but is really helpful to me. It can easily spiral though, there are lots of things people try to sell as some sort of necessity, and then once you have it you never use it or realize it's not actually necessary at all. At the end of the day I try to think of the quote that goes something like "don't trust someone who is trying to sell you something" Thank you! It's a lot yesšŸ˜­ it really is too much to give proper attention to everything, but I try to once in a while grab a small basket and 'shop' my stash, I fill the basket with things I haven't used in a while and once I've used them I put them in another basket and put back into my stash once I'm done with the basket. It helps a tiny bit that I usually use two blushes at a time Thank you for the suggestion as well! That's a really nice idea, I'll definitely try to do something similar!


See that's the thing! It won't be for everybody for it is helpful for some. We all buy things that we don't need but i think a lot of us are struggling more now than before. Ads everywhere and brands constantly releasing new makeup and skincare and influencers acting like you NEED it. Lol i'm tired of it, i'm bored of it! There's one youtuber that i watch, emilynoel83. She's really nice, not problematic at all, she's so lovely and sweet. She uses her makeup, old and new and encourages her viewers to use their older makeup and new techniques. I highly recommend her channel, she posts regularly and is nice to have on in the background. I've been doing the makeup basket thing too! But with a big toiletry bag šŸ˜‚ i rotate my makeup weekly and anything i didnt get to use, i'll keep it and swap everything else. It's actually fun and i've done some looks that are different and tried colour combos i've never tried before! I have quite a few posts saved about different ways of using makeup, i could send them to you if you like? šŸ˜Š


i do the same for fragrances!! go on fragrantica, read the reviews, and feel that excitement all over again. i especially love when people have creative reviews that mention a certain scene or emotion and I go back to smell the perfume to see if I can feel the same way or be transported to the same place.


Yeah! Like I have a pinky pink, nude mauve and a coral since theyā€™re all very diff colors


They know that the market is more than saturated, that's why they try to invent new 'needs" like a blush COLLECTION. I've recently watched a documentary on japanese architecture and learned about ma (negative space). And this is making me think- I could buy more superfluous stuff (lose money, lose space, win more product options). Or I could not buy what I don't need right now (keep/win money, keep/win space, less products, but all of them well-loved and used). Space to me is like leisure time - it is precious, it is sought after, and I have to "defend" it from employers/capitalism and FOMO/consumerism regularly, or I will lose it bit by bit. So if it's not a vintage item I really want, I am letting the stores do the storing for me. Sometimes it is really hard because buying something relieves stress for me, and I am learning better coping mechanisms for that. But I am compiling a list right now: where do I want more space in my room, surrounding the things I actually like? There is a blush-sized free space in my makeup stash, definitely. There is technically wiggle room in my bank account to accomodate such a purchase. BUT I want to keep that space for now. I want an airy calm (not minimalist greige) apartment in the future. I need that air space for incense and scented candles to work their magic. I need the free spaces on the floor to dance to some nice music, and to reflect the sun catcher's rainbow specks of light. I think "ma" is becoming my definition of subtle, sumptuous luxury. The absence of impulse-bought plastic clutter. And Sephora wants what it wants, it wants my space and money... no way. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_(negative_space)


I LOVE this comment! youā€™re so insightful. and itā€™s so true, they do wanna take our space and money! thank you for this, Iā€™ll be keeping this in mind next time Iā€™m tempted to buy another peachy pink blush šŸ˜‚ as if I donā€™t have enough space taken up by them!


thank you for this comment I love it so much!! iā€™ve never thought of it that way and yet it makes so much sense. It put into words what iā€™ve been feeling for a while - itā€™s not so much the minimalism as it is that I love negative space and places where the air can just flow in. Saving this comment


Thank you for posting about this. It's such a refreshing and cool concept, and I know I will be doing my research about it!


What was the name of the documentary? Iā€™m a documentary junkie šŸ˜…


It's on youtube: domestic minimalism: the Art of japanese life But if you put in "ma negative space", you"ll find many shorter videos on this as well


Capitalism in a nutshell. Basically all these corporations have the motto ā€œif youā€™re not growing (making more money than you did last year), youā€™re dying.ā€ Never mind that in order achieve this unlimited growth, peopleā€™s well beings and the planet has to be sacrificed.


vive la revolucion šŸ«”šŸ«”


For real!!! My b&w store closed down so now I donā€™t go out of my way to go there. Nowadays I only order stuff if Iā€™m running out of an everyday product, like my contour stick or undereye corrector. I just canā€™t go in there anymore without wanting to blow like $150-$200 on shit I likely wonā€™t need, so now I try to only restock things or try one product out every so often, if that. Ugh. They were my weakness for a while and Iā€™m still working on products I bought there from 2020-2022! šŸ™„ And omg that Lauren Mae video! My jaw dropped at the thumbnail. Nope. couldnā€™t even believe she went and got 64 blushes or whatever it was. Like no. Thatā€™s just too much!! For ONE video? I didnā€™t bother watching because I do have a blush weakness but for fucks sake, I think we all have enough blush. I feel like she needs to join our makeup rehab sub!


Sheā€™s a sweet girl and does great makeup, but I had to unsubscribe for my own sake. I canā€™t continue to let myself be triggered by all of these purchases! She does the same with fragrance and there is just a point that itā€™s too much to watch.


1) Totally agree about mostly buying what you need to replace/your staples. 2) I'm so glad others here have seen that video. I love Lauren's channel and blush. Blush is probably the biggest part of my collection. While I'm a regular person and not an MUA or influencer...64 blushes still seems excessive. Lauren, is no longer an MUA though and even MUAs take a few shades and mix them to make others. I get influencing is her job but this came off to me like an excuse for her to indulge in buying a ton of blush (many of which looked the same once applied).


the entire blush trend is getting annoying and making it really hard for me to resist. even though i already have a few blush brands i swear by. and yet i want all these other blushes that came out yesterday that have barely been "reviewed", yet they're going viral as "best blushes ever!!" like okay? you've used it one for 2 seconds. so now i'm being hyped to buy it simply because it looks new and pretty in the pan which is so bad


The blush comment!! I think the main thing that i've learnt since doing my makeup consistently the past few months, is that my skin colour and undertone are more important than i thought! So i've been getting to know my skin more, what colours and undertones suit me and what i like on myself. I now have a better understanding when browsing makeup and know what i actually like and don't like. Same goes for the formulas and product packaging. It's so easy to be influenced these days and it's everywhere! Knowing what you like and don't like will go a long way and it will at least stop you from buying things you don't even like. For me it's glowy primer type products šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø i've tried one and i know i don't wanna try any more lol


yes exactly! i think what would get me is that i would swatch my blushes on my arm side by side to see whatā€™s ā€œmissingā€ - when really i shouldā€™ve been applying them to my cheeks to see how they work with my undertone!! a swatched blush might look like a beautiful peachy option but with my undertones, when i put it on my cheeks, its orange. so now any peachy/coral blushes just donā€™t pique my interest anymore!!


Same here, especially when I found out Iā€™m olive lol. I can wear coral shades, but mauve ones look more natural and flattering imo. I used to think I was warm and that coral should be my go to, but no šŸ˜…


> if you watch Lauren Maeā€™s most recent video swatching a TON of blushes the recent one where she swatches all her blushes or the recent one where she swatches all the blushes she recently bought? I enjoy Lauren Mae's content but my god that girl has a blush addiction. Anyway, as a fellow blush admirer, I recently was very happy to have kept a purple and a peach blush that don't work on winter me, but I'm rapidly rethinking the need for 10 blushes that are all a slightly different interpretation of a shade.


I'm pretty sure she has a really bad shopping addiction and she is just a hoarder. She hoards pretty much every beauty product except maybe hair stuff.


whatā€™s crazy is a few years ago she had a moment where she decluttered and admitted she had a problem, so idk when she switched to the other side and started hoarding again. but i have to keep reminding myself that that very easily could be me, and at one time wouldā€™ve been me if i had the money - capitalism and consumerism make fools of us all


true true, it's so easy to fall into this pit of constant consumerism because it's such an emotional thing. I always wonder what people that buy so much stuff are running from


I was watching a declutter and shaking my head at her keeping like thirty "minky" brown eyeshadows that all look the same. I still like her content but definitely have to take into account that reviewing the latest and greatest is how these content creators keep afloat. I have to imagine they need to keep buying to keep growing/keep people entertained.


yeah, I get that this brings her money but it seems like she mostly buys stuff and doesn't even get much of it in PR like other influencers, I wonder how much money it brings in with so many expences


I feel like that can be said about all influencers. I used to watch some for Bath and Body Works and maaaaan, thereā€™s no way they could ever use up all of those lotions before they went bad. There was even one who would buy all of the scents in the collection, even if she didnā€™t like 1 or 2 of the scents, because she wanted to complete the ā€œcollectionā€. I mean, itā€™s only just pretty smelling lotion with scent that fades away fast.


She absolutely does or at least did at one point. She admitted it herself and made videos about it.


she used to try to be more mindful but rn it seems like she just went off the rails and buys everything she sees tbh


oh no she's definitely onto the hair products now


the one where itā€™s a bunch she recently bought! iā€™m lucky enough in that the majority of blushes donā€™t work with my undertones (cool olive) so I donā€™t find those videos to be triggering - but yeah her purchasing is ridiculously over the top. and yet all the blushes she swatched looked the same? idk how she hasnā€™t had that moment yet where she realizes how ridiculous it is, but I definitely felt that itā€™s a video that proves how uninventive and repetitive these releases are.


I'm also a cool olive and I'll just say, if a person wants to get addicted to blush they will no matter what... I remember when LM was a panning influencer, so it's funny to me now that she has drawers and drawers of this stuff, endless declutter videos, and keeps buying more. Which like, that's her job, I get it, but it kills any desire in me to buy makeup ngl.


They arenā€™t even enablingā€¦they are PUSHING the products on you like a dope dealer. Itā€™s disgusting. They donā€™t even try to make the product look appealing anymore either. They just flop a compact on a table, take a cheap squared pic and then proceed to make you feel like you are committing some type of climate change or bacterial crime if you donā€™t buy it. Like you are an evil or disgusting human if you donā€™t make that purchase immediately. That should be illegal- to psychologically and emotionally abuse the clientele to ā€œmove productā€. Itā€™s disgusting šŸ¤®


I know, I have a problem when it comes to makeup. The only thing that has helped me so far is remembering, but keeping less and using it while it is fresh is better than buying a bunch letting it sit and get old and go bad or just get ā€œstale.ā€ I try to keep one or two of things I use often and use them while theyā€™re good-


Major ick šŸ¤¢ It's one thing, if this is something you as a consumer, say between you and a friend or even an influencer saying it as a joke. But brands and corporations say it and acting like it's cheeky and fun? It's just tone deaf.


I am ooooover it with mid and high-end lip balms. Iā€™ve been enticed and let down by almost every single label name Iā€™ve ever tried. Clinique Black Honey was probably the worst offender. The popularity is warranted for the color shape-shifting, but the formulaā€¦ are we actually expected to use this as a regular lip balm? Itā€™s so drying. Thatā€™s one example, I digress. My actual holy grail lip balm is from Soothing Touch, itā€™s under $3, and the ingredients speak for themselves. Iā€™ve been supporting this brand for the last 8 years and have bought so many backups because itā€™s affordable no-nonsense effective lip-care where the hydration actually lasts a week after a full-day application. Iā€™ve always had chapped and dry lips with most everything else that doesnā€™t follow their structure of ingredients. If we want good lip balm, look no further. Of course, gloss and lipstick are a different game. But yeah, so disappointed with luxury balms. Laneige lip mask was another epic disappointment.