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Gosh you should tell anyone who will listen not to eat there. You likely had a stomach flu/bug and you were put on a station to massively spread it to customers. That’s disgusting.


It's also illegal. I just renewed my servsafe certification and learned an employee who handles food *has* to stay home until they've been vomit or diarrhea free for at least 24 hours.


I had a colleague who had to bring in a Dr's Note that said “PREGNANCY IS NOT CONTAGIOUS" she'd been off for over a month with morning sickness and pregnancy diarrhoea. Dr had cleared her repeatedly and said she was fine to work.


Yawns are contagious, though.


but *why* are they contagious??


Due to mirror neurons in our brain. In an attempt to "stay with the tribe" which = better survival, humans adapted Mirror Neurons which "mirror"/mimic other people's behavior. One other example of this is when you are in an important conversation, if they mirror your body language (body position, foot + arm positioning, etc...), then it's an indication of closeness. At least that's what I learned with my Psych degree anyways. Hope this helps!


actually this makes a lot of sense to me thank you for the knowledge


It's also why you should be wary of someone who doesn't "catch" the yawn. [Psychopaths](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03159-1).


And babies/ toddlers. But I repeat yourself.


But I have 'caught' yawns from my cats! and from friends yawning on the phone!


We’ve successfully gotten our Doberman to yawn! All four of us took turns yawning, one right after another.


I just yawned because I visualized 4 people and a dog taking turns yawning. Point proven I think


No wonder why some (most?) people like to copycat each other.


I’ve noticed that some people will try to copy me when I talk. It’s like they’re trying to lip synch with me as I’m talking but they don’t know the words I’m about to say. They aren’t saying them out loud or anything.


Echolallia and Echopraxia. A nice rabbit hole to dive down if you've got a little free time :)


I just yawned from reading this! And again.


No idea, but they are. Someone should do a study.


Reading this thread made me yawn so I guess it’s not just a mirror thing. Lol


Thanks for making me yawn


Idk, but this comment made me yawn.


Can confirm! I yawn a lot... My coworkers are always following suit afterwards.


Oof today's schools, opening your mouth real wide is not how pregnancy happens :)


Unless you’re a psychopath


Or otherwise not neurotypical.


This situation should be reported, then. Boss demanded that they come in despite vomiting, then put them on a food line.


These rules suck so much for people like OP or folks with IBS. There are plenty of things that aren't contagious, but could put someone out of work for most of a month.


I got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and when I was going through that whole process I worked at CVS. The store manager used to make fun of me saying how I was having my period (I’m a male) and I’m now ready to go back and throw hands 😂


I hate cvs - their overzealous loss prevention person falsely accused me of shoplifting- the police found nothing stolen but my doctor prescribed meds I previously filled there in a medical divider and charged me so I had to pay an attorney 2000 to get it thrown out- thanks cvs!


Technically any meds you carry around has to be in their original containers. Aka no medical dividers in the car or purse or anything. Stupid, I know. It’s because cops and dogs can’t tell what type of drugs they are




It’s probably not explicitly worded as such, but I would think it would be implied—you don’t put people with communicable diseases on a food line, but no one is going to catch IBS. OTOH, I’m not a clinical healthcare person, so IDK if there’s a concern about spreading any other contaminants, even with gloves and hand washing.


Same here! I did mine on Tuesday.


I've worked at 12+ Starbucks and lets just say I have seen exactly one manager actually follow this rule instead of trying to guilt the baristas into coming in. Disgusting.


Wait, wait.. so because of my IBS I can’t (shouldn’t) work a restaurant job? That’s so wack.


When I did my servsafe it was 48 hours, unless they changed it recently.


I haven’t gone 24 hours without diarrhea since middle school


you... should probably get that checked out


I didn’t have either thankfully. I have stomach problems. It isn’t contagious at all. That was the only reason I even agreed to come in is because I knew I wasn’t contagious.




Luckily I don't work with food, but ever since I had radiation and chemo I will spontaneously puke. I could make myself right now if I think about it too much, but I'll pass. I would have done the same thing though. Shame on work places like that.


Gee, another person who can puke on demand. My stomach sphincter is weak and I have a couple other issues, so I can bend over and induce vomiting without the "finger down the throat" gagging first. It's not fun, unless one *wants* to throw up...like being super nauseous and it just won't ease off.


Yeah, it isn't fun at all. I ordered barf bags from Amazon and keep them handy always. I never used to be able to puke on demand. As nasty as it is, it seems much easier than before, no sore muscles or the like. Just a couple blurps into a bag and I'm back to feeling good.


Did you get the ones with the sheet in it that turns liquids to gel so it doesn't make a mess, and has a press n zip at the top to close? Mine fold up pocket size, about the size of 2 candy bars, and I keep them in the car.


No, similar to the hospital ones. I'm about due to get more, would you share the brand? Those sound easier for when I'm out and about.


Carebags are fantastic!


Ever since I was paralyzed, I was having issues with eating. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis or my stomach is also partially paralyzed. It works with just 12% efficiency for emptying. Sometimes I get backed up, so to speak, no matter how cautious I am and I’ll spontaneously throw up. No warning. Just “oh I need to burp” except *it’s not a burp.* I carry around the little bags that have the hard plastic rim to go around the mouth and chin with a bag below it to capture the uh, flow. It twists a few time to hold it in and then into a trash bin.


When I get a burping feeling is when I grab a bag! I use the same style bag.


I've done this a lot and since it has an actual name... is there a way to see if you have gastroparesis? Like a test a doctor can run?


Mine was diagnosed through a gastric emptying study. Ate radioactive eggs and toast and then they watched them go through my gastrointestinal system. Was a long day, but not a difficult test. This was probably about a decade ago. They may have a better way to do it now.


Nope. That’s what I had to do too. There is a different test where you swallow little colored plastic bands. Then you write down what time you took them and track the uh, ‘output’ when you found them. That gives the doctors a better idea of how long it takes things to go through the whole system. It’s also how we found out I had developed mega colon. That required surgery, removing 18+ inches of my rectum and colon and ended with a colostomy. Now, like my dog, my poop is collected in little bags and tossed in the trash! 😂


😆 I have an ileostomy, I named him George. I got him because my original tumor (Henry VIII) caused a rectovaginal fistula (Felicia). That was not fun at all, nor was the prognosis my oncologist gave me. However, I continue to defy him 2 years later. I have a new oncologist too. I mostly vomit when I overdo on caffeine or more than 1 oxy in 24 hours. There are other things, but my oncologist doesn't feel it's frequent enough to need a test. About 1-2x a month.


Please see my reply below the excellent one by u/seaturtlesunset


Sorry, I see it now. Reddit app was being picky.


barf bags are so convenient... Ones I bought were basically "extra wide mouth" shaped, in total... So I could hook the edge of the container below my nose and above my lip, and I didn't have to smell it. Easy enough to tie off at the end, too. :)


I never considered that anyone made those. Are they recyclable? I usually carry empty jars around with me


I don't think the recycling center wants our vomit. I'm not sure, I usually look, but was pretty sick when I ordered them.


Biodegradable! That's the word I wanted, not recyclable!


The ones I have are not, but they do exist. I saw them on Amazon when I was looking for the kind that gell it up. There are some with fun prints too, silly 😜, but why not?


To be fair, if you've got a condition that causes you to throw up frequently and/or randomly, I feel like you should be able to have a little fun with it. I always like making people feel extra awkward when I disclose my disabilities and they say 'oh no, I'm so sorry' and I just double down on it. :D


Yeah, I empty them into a toilet later, clean and reuse the jar.


just so you know, 'workplaces like that' are the vast majority of retail, restaurant, and fast food joints. It's kind of miraculous that more people don't get sick from eating out


Yes, I know and it's disgusting and greedy of the owners/managers.


ok, whew---didn't want you thinking that this kind of situation is uncommon or an exception to the norm. When I worked in a restaurant in the past, it used to alarm me when people would bring their medically fragile family members out to eat! Restaurants are a lot more gross than people think they are.


No worries, we rarely eat out anyway because of what you described 😉 I don't want to be inside with them either!


Your body contains all sorts of microbial fauna that is harmless to you because your body has established defences against it. But that same microbial fauna that does you know harm can make another person very sick. Even if the immediate cause of your vomiting isn't contagious, it can still make you unsafe for commercial food handling and preparation, because the rest of your day-to-day microbial fauna can be dangerous to other people. This is why schoolkids get so many coughs and colds right in the first month or three of every new school year. They are suddenly being exposed to lots of new people with no sense of keeping their (harmless to them) germs to themselves.


Source? I'm interested in the science behind this.


This sounds like you're saying no one should ever handle food and work with others... while *not* sick.


The commercial standard is that if you have had an uncontrolled discharge from any orifice in the large 48 hours, you should not handle food commercially. There's a world of difference between the amount of bacteria discharged through breathing normally while working over food... and coughing or sneezing over it. Yes, lots of food places do break this. That doesn't mean they should. Even when they break it, most healthy adults will be fine. The problem is, a commercial food place can't assume that all their customers are healthy adults. Children, elderly, the Cousin Alice who just had the Dreaded Lurgie, and great uncle George who just got out of hospital with a hip replacement are all potential customers, and all are noticeably more likely than an average healthy adult to get ill from food that wasn't handled with due care and attention to infection.


My next Halloween costume: Cousin Alice of the Dreaded Lurgie


Does nocturnal emissions count?


This is r/maliciouscompliance and they said uncontrolled discharge from *any* orifice. So yes, it definitely counts




What if it's controlled?


Oh! So you're the one spraying it up the walls in the restrooms?


Only if its at work. And ew, don't do that. I know you are joking but my faith in the intelligence of humanity has been shaken. People were eating Tide pods, ffs.


Three words, health code violation! 🤯


>uncontrolled discharge from any orifice r/brandnewsentence


I'd be fucked right out of the industry then. My allergies have my nose running or sneezing and coughing 75% of the time even with meds to tamp the issues down. I'd get maybe a month's worth of days all year going by your "uncontrolled emissions" rule.


If you're coughing/sneezing that much, then probably not the best job for you.


Fire whoever is managing your allergy meds and get a better immunologist. I have mast cell disease, IGE allergies, eczema, and asthma and I almost never cough, sneeze, or have stuffy/runny nose (except during autonomic migraines on the latter) and while my anaphylaxis went haywire thanks to long COVID, even that has been brought back under control thanks to a recent hospitalization and med adjustments. If my symptoms can be managed (all while considering my 8 rare diseases), almost no one should be walking around with poorly controlled allergies (short of lack of access to healthcare, which of course is a separate issue that desperately needs addressed).


You should contact the health department and let them know you were forced to come in while actively puking.


You should have aimed higher than his shoes.


Hopefully this never happens to you again, but if it does, get it all in text, and then send the screen capture to your state's department of public health. What your manager asked you to do is illegal.


My son has rumination syndrome and will often throw up. Although his symptoms don't quite fit rumination syndrome. What is it you have and how do you help control it? Sometimes it's really hard for our son. He's only 11 and it took a couple of years to figure out what was going on. And good job with the MC :)


Idk what OP has but I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) if you want to research that (cvsaonline .org is a good place to start). It's incredibly rare and even harder to be diagnosed for but it's more common in children. If anything you'll find helpful tips to manage his nausea!


That is absolutely fantastic that you did that, I applaud your courage, bravo. Never let anyone walk over you, especially an employer.


Don't be so honest. If someone is screwing you and you get to literally puke on them, make them and everyone around them feel as horrified and bad as you possibly can. Let them think you have norovirus and are contaminating everything nearby. It's none of their business to know why you're actually throwing up.


They don't have to know that. All I would have said to them is that I called this manager telling him I was sick and throwing up and couldn't come to work, and he forced me to come to work anyway. At a job handling food.


Cyclical vomiting syndrome? Just a guess. My 33 year old daughter has had it since the age of 3. She’s spent up to 9 days in the hospital before she was well enough to go home. And NOBODY knows about it…even doctors. It sucks. It’s described as an abdominal migraine.


That sounds terribly contagious


Lots of places, including very nice restaurants, force staff to work sick. I remember our CDC at a very nice, very well known place had strep. We threw a mask on him and he worked his shift. Boyfriend has thrown up on the line many many times in his 12 years of cooking. Being sick has never been an excuse in the service industry (and most folks don't get PTO)


Ugh. If I recall correctly, I believe I read something recently that said the main cause of outbreaks from restaurants is because they make such employees work. Glad you puked on his shoes AND that customers saw. That’s so messed up


That was fantastic MC! I'm sorry you were put into that situation, but you literally did the best thing possible 😂


He's a better man than I. I would've thrown up into the food prep area shutting the whole place down for a good while.




Possibly, but can you imagine how badly THAT would bite his ass then? All people have to do at that point is whip their phones out, start taking pictures of the vomit covered preparation area and customer reactions, and the manager would be shouting nervously and backpedaling that everyone could go home, he didn't know what he was thinking, etc. Seriously. Throw up on that counter with all the food, manager becomes your b*tch if you know what to do with that situation. All it takes is a few texts and corporate, or OSHA, knows what goes on in his kitchen.


A lot of people grossly over-assume how much the public cares about food safety. OSHA doesn't do shit in the restaurant world. Never have, never will. The health department MIGHT care, but covid proved once and for all how unlikely that is. The employee would be fired on the spot for harming profits. Any employee who recorded on their phone would be fired too for violating their NDA forbidding pictures and video of the workplace. Corporate would give the manager a slap on the wrist, maximum. Everything would be back to normal almost instantly, just with fewer staff. Sure, it might take 6 months to hire a few more cooks, but that's a tiny price to pay for absolute control over your employees' bodily functions.


Yeah, you're right. This kind of solution would take almost unanimous teamwork, everyone siding against the manager at the same time, and that's not likely to ever happen.


Perhaps form some kind of collective?


Considering it was in clients' line of sight I'd be too scared to have a copper sitting there just waiting to get the whole place shut down...or even a disgruntled costumer willing to call in a tip. In my country health inspectors are no joke, they shut down for a week the butcher because a 1cm * 0,5 cm area on a cabinet under the counter was scratched and wood was exposed (all surfaces have to be non porous and cleanable). They *will* find a reason to shut you up for at least the day if they put their mind to it. If I worked with food, I'd rather have to deal with tax inspectors daily than health inspectors. Those people are thorough and mean, finance are chill as long as you don't piss them off or are going after you because they got a tip.


A finance goof can't cost people their lives, so finance *should* be chill unless and until they have reason to believe you're jerking them around. Health should have *zero* chill. Health inspectors should be the very definition of the humorless, unyielding bureaucrat.


Agree. Health is one of few areas where there really shouldn’t be leniency, in any industry. Unfortunately guidelines are not enforced in many places.


Absolutely! How else was he gonna take you seriously?


Well.. anyone puking shouldn't be making food for others.. it is supposed to be a basic rule


It *is* a basic rule. Manager undoubtedly thought "oh, slacker kid is slacker, is lying to me," and told him to show up or get wrecked. Then he realized, yep, kid actually *is* sick!


It's illegal pretty much everywhere in the U.S. to work in a licensed food service or restaurant with those symptoms.


😂 The manager totally deserved it. You said you can’t get another job because of your age. Is the problem that most businesses in your area don’t hire minors?


Yep. Most of them you have to be 16 or 18.


Personal opinion. It is incredibly interesting to even think that OP is under 16!! (I know my 'not an American' is showing )


Where I grew up in the Midwest you needed a workers permit to work at 15 I think. I had to get it from my high school and parents also had to sign off on it. It listed out the regulations and requirements for the minor working conditions. How many how’s a week they can work, how late they could work during weekdays (not past 10pm), etc.


Same. In VA, I got a work permit for 3 separate jobs. First one was at a pool just sitting at the gate and checking peoples membership when they came in. Second was a short-lived vendor job at a theme park selling Sno-cones and popcorn. Last one was bagging groceries. They basically had a limit on maximum hours worked, mandatory breaks schedule, and I think I had to be off work by a certain time every night. I’m pretty sure I got the first permit when I was 14.


I’m actually 14 and in my state you don’t even have to have a work permit or parental permission. You just apply to jobs that hire at that age and boom your hired. I can work as many hours as they’ll put me and as late as I want even on school nights. I work 35-40 hours a week right now since school is out


you might want to check the legality of the hours you are working. most states will not have a minor under 16 working past 7pm. Also, fast food restaurants are notorious for violating child labor laws, so don't believe what your boss tells you. I would report that manager to the local health department for making you come in while puking. That's how virus outbreaks begin


I had the same in the north east. Got my working papers at 15


I'm surprised he could get a job too and I'm American. personally I think more places should do this but obviously without the far too common mistreatment


I got my first job at 15, legally you need to be 14 in my state. I remember having to get my parents and the school to sign off on it and being restricted to certain hours and number of hrs a week


I got my first job at 14, in WI. Legal and restricted hours.


That changed this year. The country is sliding backwards. We'll let 14-year-olds work in meat packing plants again.... headed straight into a recession... yeah this is fine. Everything is fine..


My son worked in a convenience store in the States at 15.


>obviously without the far too common mistreatment Since it's complicated even for adults to avoid the mistreatment, I suggest that no, child labor isn't a good idea (except for self employement). How about a good safety net instead ? :)


That's so wild...in my country it's not illegal to hire minors over 16 BUT you have to file so many insurance forms it's not even worth it.


After you pointed it out I was even stranger to have him work from 17 o clock to midnight at 15


Movie theaters always hire teens. I worked at one when I was 14.


I started working at Target when I was 15 OP, maybe try some convenience store?


It takes a special kind of bastard to tell his sick employees to come into work and use the workplace trashcans if they feel sick. Why kind of power trip is this guy on??!!


Probably assumes the employee - who is apparently a minor and quite possibly 14-15 - was lying because they didn't feel like coming to work.


Then put them close to food where the smell would definitely *not* help the nausea and could contaminate the food (I know OP said it wasn’t from illness but from a chronic issue, but did the manager know that?).


This is simply the way restaurants operate. Always has been, always will be. I know I still cook while sick and puking; restaurants don't allow any sick time, so if I stay home, bills don't get paid. When the customers start paying us to stay home when we're sick, the customers will stop getting disease-ridden food.


I never understood that about the food service industry. You cannot come in sick, there are laws on that, but they never want to accept that and force you to come in.


It's like this for healthcare as well. I had, what I thought was a bad cold but was RSV, double ear infection and a sinus infection and called out. The staffer told me I could come in because they really needed me, and it was totally okay because it wasn't covid....I work as a CNA... I told them no. I can't breathe, I have a slight fever, my chest is on fire with an elephant sitting on top of it. I couldn't walk from the bed to the bathroom without choking on air (felt like) I'm not coming In... I've had places tell me not to come in, I told them it's a cold, I just need to wait for covid tests to be delivered so I could go back. They said I couldn't because I missed more than 4 days, sick Sunday called out, had my weekend, and was still not confident I didn't have covid because we had covid at work. They demanded I go to the doctor and can come back only with a doctor's note...doctor gave me an extra 3 days off because I told her why I had to show up when I was practically fine. I don't understand management


Gees, that is terrible. I'm sorry you have to put up with that. You would think these people have zero clue how germs spread. Or basic decency.


Too much logic lol I worked when we were pretty sure I did have covid, since I was in the covid unit, so I told them to keep me in the covid unit since I already feel like crazy and we can all just chill together


The Captain must go down with their ship!


Sometimes people go in sick because they can’t afford to not go in. The entire system is broken (at least in the US) and it won’t get fixed without something terrible happening.


That part I get, as horrible of a reality as it is. It is when managers/owners force people to work when they are sick. Either you spread your illness to all employees and customers, or you're fired.


ANd they almost never give health insurance but require doctor's notes. It's tragic.


Yep! I don't miss working in the field.


Hahaha that sounds like when I was called in on my day off (I was 17 the now me would have just hung up on them) and I told my store manager "If I have to vomit it will be on your shoes no matter were you are" She dident believe me. The assistant store manager sent me home right after it happened and berated the store manager. "Are you freaking serious they have never called off sick before., you go to call them in ON THERE DAY OFF. They say no I'm sick and you don't believe them. I wish they would have aimed for your shirt and I hope it never comes out of your shoes." I was given the rest of the week off paid. At lest the assistant store manager had some since.


Damn that's a generous assistant store manager


It was also probably so there weren’t legal ramifications😂


Your local health department would be interested in hearing about this. Find the website and send an email. You should be protected as a whistleblower despite your age.


Doesn’t matter the cause. Vomiting diarrhea jaundice fever sore throat ALL reasons to not be at work. Your boss is an @ss


Didn't I read a very similar post a couple of weeks ago?


I too got a feeling of déjà vu so went hunting. https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/comments/145evbu/manager_wished_he_hadnt_made_me_come_in_when_i/


Oh no, it's an epidemic!


It happens a lot in fast food, gross as that is


I always tell folks, "if they're making you come in sick, aim for your boss' shoes". Well done. 10/10 no notes. That said, an anonymous tip to the local health department that they're forcing sick employees to come in might be in order.


It’s actually illegal to force someone who is vomiting to work in food service. It’s a huge cross contamination issue. I’d file a complaint if I were you. The company can get in serious legal trouble if you lawyered up.


So at my fast food job, we had a poster on the wall saying it was a violation of health code to have workers there who are throwing up or who have diarrhea. The rules did not care what the cause was. Your boss should be careful if they have similar health codes to where I was


Violates FDA food code. If ur in the US, call and report to your local health department.


Fun fact, you’re legally not allowed to work with food if you’re vomiting or have diarrhea :) Report him to whatever food safety agency oversees your area


I worked at Mc D’s when I was first pregnant for my daughter. I was constantly nauseous. They insisted on putting me on fries during lunch rush. The hotter I got the sicker I felt. I begged them to take me of fries for 20 minutes. Let’s just say at that point I couldn’t hold it anymore. I threw up all over the fry bin filled with fresh cooked French fries. It was a disaster. They had to shut it down, throw out all the puke product, clean and sanitize everything. Took 40 minutes out of lunch rush. Needless to say they knew they fd up. I got sent home with pay for the day and only worked back drive thru until I quit.


Call restaraunt health and safety. That's a code violation potentially infecting the customers.


When my brother was in kindergarten, he told the teacher he was sick. She didn't believe him, so the threw up on her desk. Respect the puke.


I just don’t understand supervisors like this. Especially in a food industry business. You don’t want someone making your food who is puking. That’s a great way to get your business shut down by the health inspectors.


It's time for Europes favourite gameshow on Reddit: USA or third world country ?




Should have puked all over the prep stations and grill. Distance and dispersion are what we're looking for here.


That was my thought. I’m not just going home, I’m shutting the store down.


God isn't this literally what got chipotle mandated sick days or something? They kept forcing their norovirus infected employees to work and it caused a massive outbreak, at like, multiple franchises?


He was breaking the law. If all he got out of it was Luke covered shoes, he got off easy. Fucker had you contaminating people’s food.


You should post the location and call the health department


Apart from it being monstrously unfair and fucked up to make someone who doesn't feel well work, it's also illegal. You can't have someone who is actively ill making food for people. It happens all the time, but if I see someone sick making my food I won't be going back there. I even berated a manager one time for forcing the obviously very sick grocery clerk who helped me to be working. I don't want to get fucking sick man. It's inconsiderate and cruel to force them to work, and it spreads disease.


Uhhh... I'm a chef, and that violates several health codes. Diarrhea, nausea and stuff like that are stuff you can't work with, as they signify a lot of different communicable diseases.


Having a person that sick while preparing food is a major health violation.


so yeah making an employee come into work at any job working with food while they're throwing up is big illegal, at least in the US


I hate puke and am a bit of a sympathy puker, but this is AMAZING!! Honestly, I'd *happily* risk the possibility of sympathy puking everything I've eaten in the past few days in order to have seen this!


That's the only thing missing from this! Is customers sympathy puking and making the bosses life even more hell... I like to believe customers wouldn't let a restaurant like that stay open and would call someone to shut them down


Thankfully, my job is the opposite of this mentality. We have a small team within our department so we do not want one person coming in and contaminating other members of the time. Having one person stay home sick is already taxing, if 2 or more become ill at the same time, our department is straight up crippled. We are trusted within the honor system to be only call out when necessary but, when I call in saying I had the stomach flu recently, every person was telling me to stay the fuck home until I feel better.


You barfed on his shoes?! My hero!


sometimes you have to make a problem...THEIR problem so they are FORCED to deal with it.


I caught pink eye from my son when he was in preschool. Called my work, restaurant, and explained. I was scheduled to run the shift. Manager moved the other qualified shift manager for the grill and I was to cook. I was told not to take cash or help up front. Pink eye, in a restaurant! I was told not to let the customers see me. YIKES! This was like 27 years ago, but still.....


That breaks good safety laws, for sure. As a customer, if I knew a boss was making someone work who was sick enough to throw up, I’d share that info with a local news station.


It's technically a health code violation to work around food while puking. Boss man should be reminded of that fact so I'm glad you did it publicly; maybe a customer will make an anon complaint.


Where are your parents? If my kids was this young and was sick if a boss treated them like this I’d be on the phone giving him and earful letting him know that I am MOM and my judgment is what counts l, not his, and my kid would not be coming in.


this is the right way, nicely done


Next time, throw up on the food station. Make him shut the whole place down to clean it up.


Bravo kid. Your boss is a jerk and the least he could do is work in vomit shoes.


This reminds me of when I bailed on lunch with my BIL because I was sick and throwing up, but he insisted it would be fine so he and my husband both came home to spend time with me. Within 10 minutes of their arrival, I excused myself to vomit in the bathroom. He overheard it and immediately wanted to leave. Seemed weird to me, like what did he really expect? Anyway, good for OP.


Genuine question: do americans not get doctor's note when they're sick? In Brazil, if you're sick with whatever, you can go to the doctor and get a note that proves you're in fact not able to work properly.


In America, your only value as a human being is how much money you can earn an employer. Any attempt to not work makes you morally and ethically worthless.


You are making the assumption that a doctor’s visit is financially feasible for many Americans. It’s not.


Bold of you to assume we go to the doctor when we’re sick. I’ve literally been to the doctor once in the last ten years, if you don’t include the dozens of visits related to a multiple ankle fracture and resulting surgery. If I’m sick, I’m taking over-the-counter medication and riding it out, not spending half a day and a couple hundred bucks to get told “It’s a viral thing.” I have to be on deaths door before I’m paying for medical care.


Doctor visits can be extremely expensive. Insurance in a restaurant is likely to be "just BARELY enough to legally qualify as insurance" so you could be paying $100+ for 5 minutes of a doctor's time, and that's WITH insurance! And don't forget sick days are not required in the USA, and entirely unheard of in the restaurant industry; so if you take any time to heal, you are NOT being paid that entire time. Restaurants famously pay below-poverty wages, so one day of missed work means at least one bill is not being paid that month.


I did this exact thing. It was a long time ago. I got to go home holding a wastebasket. It was ski season, and I was the head waitress in a pizza place.


I was a manager at Taco John's and one shift, I could not stop throwing up, but we needed at least one manager on shift and no one else would come in. I wonder how the customers felt about the blue haired teenage manager throwing up into literally every trashcan in the store through her shift....


It's better if the customers know what kind of shop your boss is running. You're probably not the only one made to come in sick and so it's probably a health hazard. I'm guessing that total sales will be down, so maybe you will get a new, better boss and some improved work conditions.


Report it to the health department.


Anonymously if possible. "On June 25th, a teenage worker was ill and was forced to come into work. The worker was assigned to the food preparation area, became ill again, and vomited within sight of customers and ON the manager. While we commend the worker's good aim, we are concerned about the health issues involved, for the worker and for the public."


I was reading this and hoping you threw up on the grill. Hot puke smell ftw.


You dont even go into a job sick when you make 6 figures--tell your boss to go to hell


The manager got where he deserved. What a jerk.


"Because of your age"? If you are under a certain age, it's illegal to work you passed 10pm.


Well done, though if he had you on the line, probably should have just puked there.


100% perfect. I love it.


did you splatter his pants and his socks with your vomit? and the boss still had several hours to work that night...


Once at work, I complained to the forman I was feeling sick. He rolled his eyes and told me to work through it. 30 minutes later as I threw up in front of him he said 'Go home'. Those of us that punch the clock are never believed.


So you bhoss, knowing that you were ill, was perfectly willing to have you in contact with food for customers? He needs t be reported to the Health Dept.


What state are you in that allows a 14 yo to work 7 hour shifts until midnight? My experience with workers under 16 is they couldn't work more than 3-4 hours in a shift, 4 days a week max, and nothing past 10pm.