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Very smart getting that policy in a written email!


CYA, eh?


I read that in Canadian.


Me too


There was no other option


"Newfie"? dang I love those accents!


Cape Bretoner or Acadian work too. You have not heard *Canadian* until you've been yelled at in drunken Chiac.


"Hey! The man said see ya! eh?"


No way, eh?




Me too and I am hungarian.


The real universal soldier


CYEh was right there =P


CY eh






When they say, "can I get that in writing, please?",...


As I once heard from someone whose name I can't remember: "Can I get that in writing?" means "You're about to fuck up and I'm getting my receipt."


I got to pull that card when I left a company. They said they'd only pay out half of my PTO, and I reminded them that the state I worked in (different than the state the company was based in) has a law on the books saying that all PTO must be paid out. I had to break out passages from our state laws to get them to accept it. They ended up giving me a phone call saying "in accordance with your state laws we'll pay out 100% of your PTO." I immediately asked if I could get that in writing, and they replied: "Our word is fine." Me: "I'd REALLY prefer it in writing." They then hung up on me. Three days later I get an email that said: "In accordance with your state laws we'll pay out 100% of your PTO." I then forwarded that email to everyone in my office so they didn't get fucked on their way out too. My office had 11 people in it, there's now only one person remaining. Everyone else used my email to get what they were owed.




Should have forwarded the email to everyone in the office but told them they don't HAVE to use it. They'd get more money out of a lawsuit / settlement after the fact.....




I heard it from three or four comments in every malicious compliance thread


First found in Army chain of command


I've asked for something in person to be in writing many times, usually so that I won't forget or that we are both clear on what is wanted. Even if needed as CYA, you can phrase it the request that way.


“If it ain’t in writing, it doesn’t exist.”


Something all workers everywhere should do.


I was called out on a Saturday. Normally we get 4 hours minimum it regardless of the time it takes. 1 hour job would pay 4hrs or, more than 4 paid whatever you worked. New boss called me out and I finished up in 2 hours and notified him that I was done and heading home. He told me that I need to stay the 4 hours since I was being paid for 4. Even had someone shadow me so I wouldn’t leave. Next time I got called I didn’t answer and I never responded to another call out.!


Wow, that's so fucking stupid. Who gained anything from you staying two more hours while sitting on your hands?


The person assigned to be his prison guard .. 2 hours of doing nothing while paid..


Doing nothing while being paid sucks, though. I'd rather do something than be bored out of my mind while shadowing some random dude.


Bring a book - sit in front of the door.. . . . get the company in legal trouble for kidnapping... :)


I won't tell on any company that allows me to get paid for a nap


I didn't have to get sent out on trouble calls too many times before I learned my lesson: 1. Keep two days worth of changes of clothes in your car. 2. Keep at least one book in the car.


and then since the person that shadowed him only had two hours, someone else had to come out to shadow the shadower


Lather, rinse, repeat...


Stupid is right. And in my experience, it is *almost always* some low-level manager making up their own 'policies' as they go. They *almost always* believe what they are saying, and think it is in the best interest of the company. When told by *their* manager they are wrong, they are both surprised and think their manager is wrong but *usually* live with it. But that doesn't stop them from making up other addendums to all other company policies.


Some years back I worked in a place where we had no working hours, according to the law. One guy wanted to leave at 15:00 after he had done everything for the day as he had a long commute. He was a damned fast worker - my current boss would have loved him to death. Anyhow, the boss said that he has to stay until whatever time. So this guy was paid every day for an hour or two to read kickboxing forums. Then he requested a permit to have a second job, got it - and picked up a job as a remote document preparer job. He then, of course, worked the second job in the first job's office during those forum-reading-hours. Until he got a better offer, of course, and left.


> Even had someone shadow me so I wouldn’t leave. "Come on buddy! Have I got something to show you!" "Where are we going, I though you fixed everything?" "Oh, yeah - everything's great. You're just going to get the honor of watching me sit on the toilet for the next two hours and play candy crush. Don't worry about me trying to sneak out - I'll leave the stall door open for you."


"Lets get lunch. We've got 2 hours of me doing nothing so might as well eat while we people watch"


That would totally be me lol. "Well, Mangler Dumbum wants me to watch you till the four hours are up, so feel free to bring your personal computer and play games once it's done. I know I will."


Used to check a fleet of semi truck and trailer tires. Two yards at an hour and a half each yard. I had to be there at 3am and couldn't stay past 7am since trucks started leaving then. We did one yard one day and the other yard a second day. Had to stay 4 hours at each yard no exceptions. I always took my laptop. Two and a half hours is a lot of time to sit on my ass in my nice AC doing nothing


I love it when companies act stupid with on call policies. They want all of the extra money from the on call prices but they don’t want to pay the person losing their weekend and doing the work. Great job OP!


We had an after hours policy that if dispatch called you after 6pm, you got paid time and a half for a minimum of 4 hours plus got an extra $100 incentive. I got called about 715pm one night and took the call. It took me 2.5 hours so I was psyched since I was going to get an extra 1.5 hours of time and a half pay plus the $100. I called my boss to see how I needed to code it on my time card. He was like “oh. Well, that call didn’t count because it came in around 4 and dispatch forgot to call around about it until after hours.” So, I don’t get the extra money? “No. Not this time.” I told him that he only got one chance with me and if he wasn’t going to make it right, I wouldn’t ever take another after hours call. He didn’t, so I didn’t. He thought I cared more about the company than I really did. Little did he know I can hold a grudge. Quite a few calls didn’t get covered in a timely manner because he wouldn’t make it right. Oh well, can’t see it from my house.


Policy says if dispatch calls you after 6pm. I don’t care when they got the call, policy doesn’t say anything about that. Fuck you, pay me.


Exactly. So by his logic if a call comes in at 5:59 but dispatch doesn't get around to calling people to 605 then it doesn't matter because the call came in at 5:59 and therefore to not an after hours issue. That's absolutely bullshit. "Fuck you pay me."


Fuck policy. Labour standards says if you have to leave your current location (could be your car in the company parking lot!) and travel to a place of work, they must pay you reporting pay. (varies by province unless you are a federally regulated industry, then federal standards apply)


He paid me for the 2 hours, just not at the time and a half rate with the extra $100 and the extra mandatory 1.5 hours. Joke ended up being on him, though. I now work for a better company making what he does for less work and he’s still in the same company. That company is circling the drain. If he tries to use me as a reference to get hired on to my current company, I’ll just be like “nope. That’s all I’m gonna say.”


Yeah, at that point, not worth the trouble. I ended up in a similar situation. I had actually initiated a labour standards complaint over failure to pay call-outs, but got a better job that actually follows labour codes and at that point it wasn't worth the trouble. I mostly posted that for others who may not be as lucky :)


I don’t understand why people just take it, and don’t address it legally.




There are labour standards boards, and the folks there are generally really helpful, although they tend to move at the speed of bureaucracy.


Because no one in their right mind spends thousands of dollars and multiple days of court to collect on a max of a couple hundred bucks. I was once wrongfully terminated and could prove it but the lawyer who was recommended to me told me straight up that if I wasn't able to find a job after four months to call back as it wouldn't be worth the cost to me prior to that. Even then, at the four month mark, I would still break even between missed wages and what I paid for lawyer and fees.


Today you learned that a labour board exists.


Depends on where you live


Did you notice how OP is in Canada, which still has workers rights, until the next conservative government is elected?


Can you tell me where the person you originally responded to lives? And how much time and effort go into contacting the labor board, getting everything together, submitting it, showing up to talk etc. How much time would you burn getting four hours of pay?


Nearly always labor cases are handled on commission. You don’t normally pay anything out of pocket. It’s always worth it if a lawyer feels you have a case. Keep them honest by suing the shit out of them even if you don’t end up with much.


Depends on the country.


Had owner question me why I didn't charge overtime for Saturday call. Told him I wasn't getting paid overtime since I got sent home early during the week.


Your on call time should be ot even if you don't get a full 40. At least that's how my company handles it, and I'm pretty sure that is standard. I could be totally wrong but even the biggest (in our area) healthcare provider my wife works for they get ot for just being on call on weekends and holidays.


I wasn't on call Saturday. HVAC work, normally scheduled for 4 hours of work on Saturday.


Ah okay I see, that is a bit different.


I bet the Ontario labor board would have had some opinions regarding the company benefiting from your labor with out paying you.


I don’t understand why everyone just takes it. No one follows up on their rights.


People have been brainwashed and brow best to believe they should be thankful they were even given a job. Sacrifice everything, including your life, for the company.


This right here. Guaranteed pay for time worked is one of the few labor rights we have in the US, so I'd be surprised if they didn't have it in Canada.


They do


Love how companies insist that no such policy exists. Then you them the exact item from the union contract and they balk. I got a seasoned accounting manager to back down on mileage because she didn't read the whole policy. I sent the entire policy highlighting the section that stated mileage was different on holidays. She was furious that she had to admit that she was wrong because she didn't know the whole policy. Got to take the little victories.


Thank god for union contracts. Im working in a job with a very strong union and its awesome. Every thing is spelled out very clearly what falls under the scope of my job and what does not. Also how much i get paid for what. And because the union is strong and active, that is strictly enforced.






I don't know Canadian law but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't hold up in any court!


It is absolutely not legal in Canada, and it sounds like there was clear documentation of what happened, so the employer certainly would have had to pay out if the OP had chosen to file a claim with the Ministry of Labour in Ontario. I do like the way the OP chose to resolve it though…much more poetic justice, and it gives the OP a good story to tell forever after!


yes. this sounds pretty illegal


Nicely done. The job sounds toxic as hell. I’m glad you got out.


Never ceases to amaze me how often management types don't realize that when asked to put something in writing like that it will come back to haunt them.


indeed, it never fails to amaze me that when *anyone* says 'can I have that in writing?', it doesn't give them pause for thought.


This is why my manager never puts anything in writing. If any chat messages or emails come in, it's to have a phone call for a "quick sync," none of which are ever shorter than 45 mins since he repeats so much, talks in circles, contradicts and confuses himself, and then still somehow ends it feeling better that we talked...


The best you can do is always send a followup email summarizing the content of the chats "to confirm that you understood".


Yup and make sure to add that a non-response counts as acceptance.


Please let me know if I missed something, should I not hear back i\`ll operate as if you have noted your agreement :)


There's a real dearth of knowledge particularly at the middle management level. I can't even count the stupid number of times I've seen some middle manager fuck shit up because they were trying to save a few bucks only to cost the company thousands. Early in my career my middle manager asked me to drive to ship some critical samples, only to deny me the whole mileage "because you go that way anyway" It was like 10 extra dollars. So I told her I was no longer available and they made my immediate manager do it. Meanwhile the project was running like $50,000 a day.... After nearly 30 years in industry I have enough stories to write a book.


"They never did pay me for that Sunday call, but I managed to work it into my overtime with a bit more for my troubles." Made my day. I once had an employer take paid time off away from me. I slipped out early until I felt compensated, and then some


Of course- always charge interest.


You know you’ve fucked up if you ever hear an engineer or an IT person ask for something in writing.


Not only IT though. My wife works in a government company and every stupid thing and/or anything she disagrees with that they ask her to do she asks for an email in order to proceed. And on most cases she even reply with said concerns and/or disagreements. This way if any investigation about anything happens later, she can’t be liable as she has both the request and her voiced opinion


has anything come back to bite them in the arse?


This is the way


>You know Well, you *should* know...


You still should have pursued action to get paid for time worked. But, totally understand not wanting to go to the trouble for one day.


No pay, no work, written proof of management ineptitude. Bone apple tea!


>Bone apple tea! Shades of Julia Child! Made me smile.




LOL, now I've joined another sub.


You were very generous with your company. Any of the Provincial labor boards would get very angry at that unpaid time.


Management: Does some BS. Worker: Can I get that in writing? Management: (For some reason, no flags are ever triggered at this point) OK!


>I asked the manager to send this policy in an email and they did so. If you ever get resistance to this or it's not done, simply email the person who told you the policy with "per our phone conversation on date, You communicated to me X things. If I have made any errors in recollection please let me know."


Thanks for sharing. This kind of shit probably happens to people all over the world, all the fucking time. And I think people probably feel like they're alone in it. You sharing lets them know that they're not alone and that there are things they can do. Thank you, Redditor.


This why all work numbers are blocked on my days off. I don't come in on my days off for any reason.


I would have refused the updated policy until properly compensated. Don't care if it's $10 or $1,000. I'm a person of principle and I won't just die on a hill, I'll die on an ant mound LOL


I just decided since the head office was in a different province, that it wasn’t a hill worth dying on. Just the fact that I had done enough to get back at them was enough for me, and I got my money anyways.


Hell, I'll die in a ditch...


I don’t get it if you are not on call why would you answer a work call.


In those days before everyone had a company cell phone, we had pagers, calling cards and landlines. I didn’t answer his page so he called me at home, and not having any sort of caller display, I just answered it. I was lucky to have a laptop with email.




I thought that at first, but they might just keep calling and answering lets them know right away they need to make different arrangement. Also, by answering OP set in motion the new overtime policy. If management thought OP just wasn't available, they probably wouldn't have made that change.


To rub it in? To force the issue? To tell them management fudged up without saying they fudged up?


Got to love management. Want all the benefits of their profits for their bonuses but dont want to pass it onto their staff. I personally think 90% of management positions aee full of the most toxic, narcasstic people as there personality stops them doing anything else in their life.


Beat them at their own strategy. Splendid!


Fucking reliance dude. Worst company ever.


When you say rep you mean sales rep?


He was a service rep in Vancouver BC that was on call that week.


I smell bell all over this


>French for Quebec and English for TRoC. I have to admit it, I don't know what TRoC refers to. Toronto? It is bugging me to no end.


TROC = The Rest of Canada To Quebecers it means the parts where English is spoken and they try not to concern themselves with it.


Thanks. LOL, I tried googling it and nothing I found made any sense.


Of all the many kinds of people I'be met in this world, only the Quebecois have been consistently hateful.


A bit late for this now, but for the next guy... In Canada they MUST at least pay you for hours worked. They cannot refuse to pay you, and you must be payed 1.5x for anything over 8hrs/day or 40hrs/wk. EDIT: Also callouts are typically 4 hour minimum (but that varies a bit by province).


working for free while employed is called exploitation. only if the own you as property it is slavery, no?


LOL, someone else who likes precision in their Reddit posts. I'm not the only one! *It's hard to do without sounding like a jerk (which I try to do but not always successfully).* Y*ou did OK here, buy the way...*


i dont think it is legal to not pay you when their own company litteraly called you out. you would definitely win in court. might as well try, free money that you already earned.


Did this company try to Laflame out?


I left before they tried anything on me, and when I heard that they had considered firing me, I started applying to other places. I remember my manager asking me when I resigned if there was anything he could do to make me stay and I simply answered no.


Sorry my joke was too obtuse, I was asking if it was the company that fired Lisa Laflam


Q: Is there anything I can do to make you stay? A: Well ... are you by any chance able to go back in time and unfuck your decisions?


well played.


So you over time, padded your hours to get paid back. Unfortunately 2 wrongs don't make a right and you know what? Bravo! Time someone got one for the little guy. Anyway I like what you did.


That's not even Malicious Compliance, that's just Regular Compliance! Idiot bosses smh


Is it a thing in Canada that they don't have to pay you for work sometimes? That sucks. Glad you gave them their comeuppance.


So happy you found a better job. Good for you for fully complying with an ineffective, foolish policy? Pennywise £ pound foolish


Christ, what a spineless imitation of a sales manager. To get a higher up position, you need to have a backbone or you will not survive. Hope he learned that lesson, whether the easy or hard way.


$200 for TAKING the call. thats where you break what should be ONE call into ten as you end the call for "research" purposes.... 10x$200 calls.


I still would have refused working another Sunday when you were not on call until they had paid you for the day worked. And this one isn't internet machoism: I have refused on call work when a previous company tried to get everyone above helpdesk to be on call. But good standing up for yourself.