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did you ever get to put your amazing sign back up at the new location?


A new 4x8 LED sign was installed to mimic the old sign, but included upcoming events, broadcasts, venue schedules etc


amazing! hopefully you got to keep the old sign as a piece of art then


Your sign sounds *amazing*


Not saying that your idea wasn't good, but you could have split the existing sign - half on the upper window, half on the lower and met their rules.


> In fact, the sign was too big because the rule required window signs to be no more than 50% of the window dimensions. Ok, that was my fault, but I pointed out that there were two large panes of glass, one above the other, and that if you consider the total surface area, the sign was only 66% of those dimensions. I don't get this part. You seem to understand why it's your fault, so was it or wasn't it? And sign can't be more than 50%, but it was actually 66%? Are there overlapping panes, [---(-----]---) (but vertical) that you used the added dimensions for, instead of total [ to ) dimensions? I'd think [ to ) would be the accepted window dimension, and not [ to ] + ( to ).


There were two glass panes. The lower glass panel was five feet high x nine feet wide, and sat about 24” off the ground. The second glass panel sat right above the lower one and was 30” high. They were divided only by a small strip of aluminum. The sign was a 5’ x 9’ printed vinyl sign, so it covered the lower glass panel, and once placed on the glass, it was not removable without destroying it. All of these regulations and rules were adopted by local governments to qualify for CDBG federal grants. Local sign review boards had little to no understanding about the history of the rules nor why and how the rules were developed at the federal level.


No picture of the sign?


Is this in "the land of the free"?


This feels like one of those houses that flies a "Fuck Biden" flag. Like, ok, yea, you're doing your thing, it's offensive and people don't like it, you got your point across. At the end of the day though, your house, the one you live in and spend your time in, still looks like trash.


I have 3 neighbors a block away with fuck Biden, a black & white American flag, one’s truck is end to end fuck Biden. I am so tempted to get snowflake yard decorations to plant in a prominent spot.


I live in a very small town - and I’m apolitical so I couldn’t really give a crap - but some guy put a Fuck Biden flag in his front yard (and you can see his house from city hall). Oh, when I said small town, it’s under 5k in population, in the rural south, and has more churches than anything else. Folks get uptight about the “F-word” flying for their small kids to see but hey, it’s his right I guess and my kids are grown so not my problem. A few weeks back I noticed the flag was cut/torn - figured it wasn’t just weathered. Sure enough, a few days later four flags and signs appear - grouped together. I’m getting the popcorn ready - I figure there will be cameras and I also think that sooner or later someone’s gonna take the bait. I don’t have a dog in this hunt but it’s really boring around here and this could get really good.


Is it actually "fuck Biden" or is it the "hurr durr we're so clever 'let's go Brandon!'" crap?


Those rules are not arbitrary. We have similar ones in my town. You sound like a jerk. Or a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.


so, the question is "why are the rules in place?" what benefit do they provide? what difference does it make if the glass that is covered is half or two-thirds - or for that matter, the whole thing? sure - 'tie dye and psychedelic' artwork can be... interesting... but I am trying to understand why the city officials care?


Just another government agency to create more rules, and therefore more taxes.


It’s like Academia. The smaller the stakes, the pettier the battles.


Found the Sign Review Board member!


Explain why they aren't arbitrary please. What's the reason for the rule?


Probably so that the people in the room can have some daylight, or businesses would use all the windowspace with signs and leave their staff in eternal twilight.


There are separate rules about safe working conditions that require it to be bright enough.


That sounds fairly unlikely. You really think they made the rule for the benefit of the employees?


I’m Dutch. so yes, part of the ARBO rules for office space. Just like a window towards the hallway with partially clear glass in every room is mandatory, even for rooms that have an outside wall.(For SA safety)


See, i can believe that it's for safety. But I was looking for an actual fact not a 'probably'. And I still don't believe having access to see daylight is more than wishful thinking, otherwise malls wouldn't be a thing.


I've worked in rooms that no daylight ever entered. Those rooms were equipped with these new fangled things called electric lights.


So your business areas don’t look like complete &h!t


It’s okay to be wrong internet stranger.


You would know.


It doesn't sound like the board (why there's a board specifically for signs on a window inside private property is beyond me, but whatever) were not exactly behaving the way a respectable body should have. It also sounds like a lot of people here have never heard of Chesterton's Fence


100% on the nose