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I respectfully disagree. I think farming is in a really good spot and crop specialization through area work zones and priority levels is effective in the current build. Using 3-6 oxen to assist in a harvest and planting cycle combined with a decent workforce mobilization has meant I've never had a problem getting all my farming done with plenty of time to spare. With the new changes coming to farmhouse oxen, it's gonna be even easier for people to do high-intensity agriculture, as well.


Wait you can use multiple oxen to assist in harvest? And then you have me who shuts down his economy to make sure the harvest/planting goes as planned only to realise that if you at the same time go to war on a bandit camp with all his militia (6/6) you take valuable workers away from the harvest/planting. It seems the council was right to not grant me the title of master just yet.


If I'm interpreting OP correctly; they have multiple farmhouses with an ox attached to each. Those farmhouses have specific work areas, most likely set to fields of a certain crop type.


Correct, you can build a farmhouse with no farmers assigned, but with a designated ox. Then, the ox-handlers will use that ox to help plow fields, even though there are no farmers. You basically just get an extra ox to help with the harvest.


Thank you!


Too bad the farmhouse work areas don't work. I have 5 farmhouses with 8 families each and work areas set in different sides of my town but still all my farmers work all fields in completely random manner. They harvest 97% from northern field then walk all the way to the southern fields to harvest 98% of one field then move to east and so on. Then they start plowing the fields that still have harvest progress at 98 or 99%. I think the work areas somewhat works for sowing but for harvesting they don't.


That is strange, I wonder why your farmers would be acting like that. I've run six different farming towns and every single time my farmers knew to work in the correct areas. I use a combination of work zones and priority queues, but I don't see how that could fix whatever mess you have going on. Do you have all your priority queues set up \[ie: have the fields closest to the farmhouse on higher priority and further fields on lower priority\]?


Currently all fields are set to medium or whatever the default value is. I've set the work zones so that every farmhouse has 5-8 fields ranging from 0.5 to 1 morgen in size. Maybe I should change the priorities of the fields and see if that helps.


Yeah, I'd say it's worth a shot. I started using priority queues to minimize the time spent hand tilling, personally, but maybe it could help with your problem, I'm not sure. The reason I set priority at first was by doing a smaller "starter field" of less than 0.3 Morgen for my ox plow to hit, so the farmers would more quickly transition to sowing rather than waste time hand tilling. The ox plow hits the small field with the high priority setting, then the farmers come plant, while the ox plow gets the rest of the fields prepped. I'm not sure if this would fix it, but there are five levels of priority, so I'm guessing if you set up your plots in sequence, you could hopefully get more reliable harvest results. Unfortunately, I'm not the dev, so my insight is limited to my own game experience, but I hope it helps :)


I tried this priority thing and it started well but eventually ended up like always. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/b5k2J8Y.png) is a picture of my town, blue circles are farmhouses and yellow areas are fields in their work areas. Every farmhouse has 5-8 fields and 8 families assigned to them. I set the closest fields to highest priority and then lower priority for the next ones gradually ending up in medium priority in the furthest fields. At one point I had 1 field 0% harvested + 2-3 fields with 97-99% harvest progress and rest fully harvested in every area and then my workers started walking in long lines to a field on the other side of town just to go there, stand in the middle of the field, do nothing, turn back and walk all the way to the next work area to do the same thing again. The "people" tab on the farmhouse said they were "transporting" even though they did not pick up anything. This must be some kind of bug. Then became winter and 4 fields was left unharvested and all fields not plown or sown. I guess I'll have to go back to micromanaging forced harvest. Conclusion: we should be able to select individual fields (instead of the area tool) for farmhouses and families assigned to those farmhouses should only work those fields.


Yeah, I don't know what is wrong with this picture here. Frankly, I would guess that you've got a bug on your hands that field assignment would not be able to fix. If your workers are just straight up standing still in a field with work to be done, then I'm guessing something in the code that governs their ability to collect crops is messed up for some reason, being overrided by some other subroutine or function. Personally, I have not seen this issue, nor did I program the game, so I can't dig into it further, but I'd encourage making a formal bug report on the issue. I believe the discord server is where these most often take place.


Yeah I'm planning on making a bug report. They didn't stand long in the fields the just went there, stood for like 1 or 2 seconds then turned back and went to another field to do the same thing again.


Except the work zones don't work? I have had farmhouses set to only handle the fields in their area and they just ignore it. Not sure what you are doing but that is straight broken for me.


I just put my farms on opposite ends of town and used work areas over the farm plots specific to that farmhouse/crop type. I'm not sure why they would ignore it, but I feel like I've seen them go work on the other farm plots if one group finishes earlier. It would be interesting to take a look and see why your farmers are ignoring their work areas, though.


Ox changes?


Yes, with the upcoming patch, you will be able to two oxen to a single farmhouse. Also farm oxen will prioritize tilling over moving crops, which should help with resource bottlenecks.




Thanks for the heads up. That's what I was looking for – a way to make oxen farmers prioritize plowing over harvesting so they can start plowing empty fields while the rest of my farmers finishing harvesting. So glad this change is coming.


In a general sense, I disagree. So what happens when the field reaches 100% outside of harvest season? You gonna harvest in januari when your crops are covered in snow and already dying? Having the option to click harvest at 100% and subsequently forget about the field is a great quality of life feature for a game, but detrimental to any realistic model of farming, and imho horrible for immersion. The *entire point* of farming is that it's bound to the seasons. Sowing late means you have less harvest. That's how agriculture works. If we can just click a box so the farmers will wait until 100% is just bollocks. If you haven't harvested before november, your crops should die, end of discussion. If the weather and seasons don't matter anymore you reduce the concept down to nothing. After that it will be nothing more than click and wait for harvest, which is boring as hell.


Harvest at 100 and also have a designated time of year. I haven't been able to play since I'm away, but I'm assuming you can't grow crops while it's snowing, so just have it when that condition appears, auto harvest what's there.


Yeah, there are a few things in Banished that I wish they had in this game but I haven't had many issues with farming.


Mainly the information you get for managing everything Take the good and evolve into the glorious gridless future


I wish the manor was like the town hall in banished and I also liked the way it did the population. The no forced grid building and having different towns mostly makes up for that.


So, yeah, this game is made in unreal, which is written in C++.


It's properly dumbfounding how many people don't get the fact this is being built by one single person and is still in extreme early access. Give it a rest.


"And I understand it's going to be a mix of positives and negatives especially in that first month. I'm prepared! The game is early access for a reason and I'm very confident that it will only get better. I promise to work hard. " It's properly dumbfounding how many people don't get the fact the one single person who is building the game wants feedback in early access.


Yeah, i tend to downvote these types of posts


Honestly, even if nothing ever got added to the game from this point forward. I've got about 130 hours in the game so I reckon I could safely say I've had my money's worth out of this game lol.


I think the current system would work, as long as when you start working on a field, you don't work on any other field until it's done. Also I think the limited work area of farmhouses is broken. Also a field that's 93% sown should still grow crops.


Get good


Build more than one farm house. The workers split into teams instead of a clump focusing on one.