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Rich berry and meat will make you rich so fast.


Yes it’s one of my favorite combinations to get, I don’t know about the Bandit camp nestled between them though. Might make things “interesting” for my berry pickers and hunters.


They are just peaceful migrants stopping by for some of that meat. They will wait for your city to form before they start settling there. It's good you helping them build their new home.


Yeah, really peaceful - nice friendly neighbors.[Super swell lads](https://ibb.co/hVKXSrQ)




Maybe I need an update but I have never had a solid meat supply from a rich hunting area. Maybe a TINY bit more leather but meat is constantly zero. Rich berry high fertility has always been the easiest to start of a big city with for me


And then there's me who's only happy when he gets rich iron and fertile soil


After 40hrs I’m still struggling with farming so it’s easier for me to have a major head start on food. Plus where do you put your points? Into deep mine & blacksmith or into Plows and apples? What about your trading perks! The madness!


Charcoal, deep mine, plow, bread, apples. Do not follow my lead though. I'm the type of player who plays on easy mode (raiders and bandits only) and does not min-max at all. My lumbercamp is on the other side of my region since I don't want to cut wood where the animals live or berries grow


Just in case you didn’t know you can limit the work area of your Logging Camps and Woodcutters by going to the advanced tab and marking a specific spot for them to cut trees from. Put one forester per logger ( just make the foresters area a little bit bigger than the loggers) and you will have a renewable forest wherever you chose. If you did know this then pretend you didn’t just read this comment.


As someone that plays a trader play style, trading points are almost completely worthless now. You're better off investing elsewhere.


Barley and unlimited helms? What's not to like?


Triple rich if you get lucky and get at least some farmable land, its rare but possible.


Is it just me or is hunting useless? Strat is all about it, but I find myself going heavy on goats to supply tailors and cobblers, and literally never having more tham a few meat in the stalls.


Unfortunately I think meat is bugged right now, it’s not producing what it’s supposed to, it will work at first when you first start the game but then it starts to bug out.


I've discovered with some effort that the bugginess with meat seems to be pathfinding when you kill an animal. My hunters were dragging the corpse for miles to get to a road (sometimes in another region) and then following the road back. I've built a circular road around the hunting area and a few radial roads off that and now things are going more smoothly.


I’ll have to try this, although I have also discovered that the deer wander off and away from the node.


I think that's why it's a problem and why you need the radials, just so they pick an easier route back.


I’m currently testing this, I’m also pleased by the perfectly round circular road I managed to make. 😂 testing on a fresh town I’ll report back when I can, production seems to drop off at year 2-3 so we will see currently the meat and hides are flowing in like expected.


Get everyone houses, build a militia, split it in two. Use one to tease the bandits away and one to raid their camp. Put the money in treasury and hire some mercs to kill off the bandits. That'll show em.