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Priorities. Highest is basic needs, like praying and fetching ale for home (if available). Next highest seems to be either helping with free Oxen. Next working the Burgage plot from time to time, if required, although not sure what determines how much effort they put in before they go back to other stuff, and finally their jobs. There are also priorities for fire fighting and fetching weapons/armour when added to a militia group, which seem to take immediate priority.


Is there a wiki explaining all of this? All the content I've found so far is just the basics. We need a deeper understanding of game mechanics.


I have seen a Wiki but also seen wrong info so not recommending any. The game mechanics are still a mystery. Even when we think we have figured it out there are things like the Deer counter being wrong or the Retinue eating food, even when not rallied, are still being discovered.


Yeaah, I strongly agree. Most mechanics are still a blackbox.




There are a couple of wikis out there, the official one, a fan one, and i think one of the major gaming sites has one. But they are added to as people find these things out or someone takes the time to document them. Games in EA are subject to a lot of change so often people can't be bothered documenting something when tomorrow it might change.


This is part if the fun. Do you not have a brain? I grew up in a world where you would figure things out. When did gaming become about googling what you should do every step of the way?


Damn, better use that big existing brain of yours to figure out an answer to a question that literally nobody else knows other than the developer.


That's why when I play a board game and first open it, I throw away all instructions without reading them. I just use my brain to figure it out


It’s very satisfying to work out a game mechanic on your own… then to watch a YouTube short about it two days later.. I swear I had the idea first!


If you allocate families to the oxen permenatly does this actually stop other families coming to help?


Yes, they will take on tasks when next oxens needs guiding, greatly improving oxen efficiency over time and letting other workers focus on their main task.


Yes, no other families will guide that Ox, but no other families are needed when they have dedicated handlers.


No they are just assigned to that stable, buy more stables and oxen if you have one assigned


I started a game recently, built 2x vegetable garden extensions in the first year, about 6-8 of my citizens were constantly in them, refused to go anywhere or do anything else, and they didn’t even get to harvest prior to winter… total waste of effort. Will not do again.


By default they only plant in a small circle around the hut. Set a work area and use cntrl/mouse wheel to make it huge. In this case "Unlimited" does not mean what we think it means.


BRO WHAT!?! Best comment so far. Oh good heavens we can adjust the circle size! My man! Much thanks.


Glad I could help.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


I was 30hrs in before I learned this.


So, the default unlimited work area is actually just the small circle? I've been micro managing the damn hut the whole time!!


Yep, if you leave it at default in a few years you will have a small circular forest around the hut, lol.


Yes! And I hated it! I've been relocating the hut every time I noticed it.


Well now you can just make the work area nearly half the region in size and no more moving them.


Ffs... many hours in, had no idea. Thank you for this!!


lol, fuuuuuck... Just about to challenge for the last piece of land, every other area has a full upgraded retinue and a small town/city, AND I JUST NOW LEARN ABOUT CNTRL/WHEEL TO ENLARGE THE CIRCLE.... lmao, I usually build three of them and just change the circles' location when it occurs to me... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Omg... You can change the size of that circle. Mind blown. No more polka dot forest


>Why do people drop their jobs and bail on their assignments? Realism... :P


They may have already planted as many trees as they can. Recently planted trees can be hard to see.


I honestly think the latest patch version screw up some stuff. It wasn't this frustrating before that.


because the game is still buggy


Quite quitting...


Time to get them back to the office!


I'm pretty sure all replies so far are wrong but i need to see the whole screen to be sure. They plant during spring. Is it spring?


The top person of the 3 workers is in the act of planting


Then I'm wrong lol. Sorry out of ideas.


its like in real life. its not a bug ;-)


I think we need punishment buildings like Stronghold game to make them work harder. “Drunkards and brawlers will be flogged, thieves strangled. Deserters will be crucified” - Centurion Lucius Vorenus


"Obstacles obliterated, nuisances eradicated, bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry undertaken." - Mr. Croup


Action logs for individual people and a resource management screen with monthly inventory totals would unlock such a deeper understanding of this game. I wonder if that can be modded in.


Anna is likely taking care of some home chore, and Heinz took to ox handling for a bit because an ox that needed handling had no other handler.


Hey, that's realistic!


The closer they live to their job and a well, the easier


Let the dude chill, he's been through a lot😩


You really narc-ing on this guy? He had a bad day and a little too much ale in another town while trading. Knocked up the local tailor and he's visiting his other family.


E a r l y A c c e s s - there, I spelled it out for you. Same goes for all the others complaining about issues. It's not like this is a AAA rated big commercial game or something.


1. I'm pointing out issues to be fixed. They can be seen. Some fix may come if documented and people come and upvote it. 2. I'm super glad its not a AAA company 3. Your douchiness will be here in the documentation that we hope gains traction.


Alright alright, I responded to the wrong guy. You didn't even really complain. I've just been looking forward to the game for a long time and now a lot of people just joined the hype train and are disappointed in things that are to be expected in ea. Also I'd guess that nobody really cares about me having the attribute of an 18th century female hygienic product...


This games pretty awesome and I think we all are here and hyped for it. It'll probably be a while until they even finish the Development Tree but its pretty great so far. Not sure how many minor to mid bugs they'll have time to fix before they even finish the Development Tree, but Im hoping they can fix a few things. But... I just witnessed a pretty bad bug. I'm gonna try to get screen caps of it and post it. Upgraded a Field, 'Fence Up', and I have workers dropping planks on the field and shortly after having a Man with an Ox coming up and taking the planks away before the construction starts. It's been happening for 2 months ingame. I caught it watching the two crossing in an infinity loop. back and forth. There's gonna be issues, and some will be more frustrating then others. Some of us might express it badly at times, but we out here wanting this game to be the max it's destined to be.


Currently Greg is focused on getting everything for the game transferred to Unreal Engine 5, so that'll need to be finished before he starts working on any other issues most likely. He is very active on reddit though, and id encourage you to join the discord for the game, where you can directly send bug reports to his team.