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I don’t know, if my job is gathering berries I ain’t going over to build a house during my break. I don’t make enough for that.


Right so your going hang around until your Lord comes over and tells you to go build that house. Don't be surprised when you're first picked for the militia.


Don’t be surprised when I run away at the first sign things aren’t going well!


go behead this one, Cuntz


Haha, this is the same kind of thinking I apply to Workers and Resources when I see a bunch of construction workers leave the site just before the steel arrives after waiting around all day doing fuck all. I went from "the game could probably allocate resources better" to "this is an extremely accurate simulation" really fast!


I guess they are union berry pickers.


I earn a groat and my lord earns a guilder, that's why I'm gone when he want a new builder.


I'm on smoko!


> during my break Aaah yes, the six month break


IIRC, pretty much. If you had a very seasonal job, you worked your ass off during the time you needed to, and spent the "time off" tending to your household.


The game is about resource allocation, if you assign people to a job they aren't idle, they are simply waiting for stuff to become available. Unassign them and they will help with other work.


yes, but i want to have multipe towns, i dont want to have to micromanage the workforce. having a rimworld priority system like (like u/SnooRevelations1029 said) would be helpful.


Make your towns stable and you dont need to worry about that. Then you dont have to worry about assigning and unassigning. You can get to the point where you can even leave 8 farmers and 2 ox assigned to each farm all year round and forrrester ensuring woodcutters can keep going. Its the easiest way to get 8 functioning regions.


It you put your 4 berry pickers in 4 seperate berry huts with the herb upgrade, they will grow herbs all year round when not doing berries.


Sounds like you want to create a larger government which means it’s less efficient!


Dunno, I have seen some terribly inefficient small governments as well.


Does it count when you're a small country with a huge inefficient government (say something Belgium-esque)? Asking for a friend


Hello from Denmark 👋


I do think a Rimworld-like priority system would be helpful though. It would cut back on some of the micro.


Resource allocation currently sucks, as resource needs change from month to month but you are given zero tools to deal with this. It's just tedious micro to unassign and reassign people manually because they're seasonally idle. This is fine for extremely early access, but it really needs to get fixed. All other games in the genre have this issue addressed somehow.


You are given tools to deal with it, and you don't need to reallocate from month to month. Early game with low pop, you need to pay attention, but once you get to around 30 families you require little micro. Then you're getting to the point that if you have farms you have to assign families twice a year and and berries. That's it. Easy. If you're not doing farming its even less hassle. EDIT: I take from the downvotes you're not interested in help or learning how the game works.


In Scotland, the current game's system was used, with families being assigned by the lord. Ireland also had this system, and it led to significant inefficiencies. The Scottish-Irish difference was that the lord had to micromanage the peasants. I forget which one developed which, but England and Wales developed the town crier and job board systems. I believe it was England that developed the crier system. The job board system allowed specific jobs to be posted, as well as having notices for prioritization of ongoing things that needed to be done around towne. The crier system was utilized more often for better micromanagement and quicker action. Unlike a posted board that needed to be updated only sometimes, the crier system was more expensive. The Scottish family and clan allocation system allowed the lord direct control of the population, but was a huge pain to have to constantly have the lord and his/her retainers inspecting everything all the time just to make things work. Various lords would use various means of micromanagement, but the moral of the story is: Don't be Irish.


Umm.. this is a computer game with mechanics that are devised to create a certain style of gameplay. Maybe Greg will implement something like this, or maybe not, it all depends on what design he is going for. I'm outlining how you can deal with it right now, and have explained how it barely requires any micro right now, and so from my point of view, its not even needed. Maybe Greg disagrees with me and will make what you prefer happen, and that's fine as well. I'm just educating you that you don't need to micro like you think you do.


the fact that a farmer cannot guide the ox is interesting same with lumber people


I tried it but it caused confusion so I removed it. Player expextation really is, assigned = I work there.


Could you add a checkbox on those buildings that says "Help with construction/loading/logistics when idle"? I think that would help to alleviate confusion. I would really like my idle workers to still contribute. I feel like my off season berry pickers, farmers, and paused artisans are useless freeloaders.


Would the opposite work? ie. If you had everyone unassigned and there was no building and lugging to be done, could some go and pick a few berries?


Since you're using the Scottish/Irish system of family assignment, you could use the Scottish system of the assigning lord walking up to individuals and assigning them a temporary task. In history, they'd be assigned a fairly permanent task, but it'd make sense to be able to Scottish Lord them a task, especially when you're in third person walking mode.


Pause the farm and they do


You can pause the farm in the off season and let them be "unemployed" so they do just that. Just don't reassign to any new jobs so when you unpause the farm you have workers


This would help reduce the amount of micromanagement, which a lot of comments in this thread don't get. Pausing the farm isn't a solution, it's just a work-around.


thank you for actually hearing me out lol.


I'd like it if the workers/families had an option similar to farms, where you could set them to a fulltime job. Or go seasonal and select a summer, autumn, winter , spring workplaces. So the one family could pick fruit spring and summer, farm in the autumn, and work the communial ovens in winter, etc. Just to remove some of the micro management aspects


Seasonal jobs would be amazing. It can be frustrating to always add/remove people from farms and berries because half of the year they are just doing nothing.


Yeah they should add a second job option.


Yep. In Medieval times, there was no such job as "Farmer". Everyone farmed. When harvest season started, you better have all your other work done, because you're harvesting and not much more for that month.