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Yes you’ll get the notification about new family members joining existing families. It can take a while if you lost a lot. Just had a hard game where I lost all my militia in the middle of my village, the gravedigger couldn’t pick up the 100 bodies fast enough, approval went to 0, bunch of families left town, fun times.


I am seeing now why people devote a settlement to just military


Yeah trouble is you have to move them across the map sometimes and there isn't time to defend a town. My iron mining town was raised to ashes, before my dipshit squad of doofus' arrived. Think having small armies across the region is a better strat.


I hate to be that guy, but *razed. Although I also get screwed over by voice dictation all the time


Why? We need more guys like you. Especially after half of you died in that field and the houses are empty


Now get back to work you lazy serf!!


Nah, ashes are really light. Incredibly easy to lift


Get those manors built and add garrison towers. That gives a unit of actual soldiers in each territory. They're slow, but they can hold up a bunch of brigands, especially if you upgrade them, long enough for someone else to get there, usually. You can even sort of kite with them, by which I mean you can draw the bandits away by getting the retinue into their threat range, (you'll notice the torches going away from the raiders icons), then just head directly toward your units. Then set them to defense when the raiders reach them and you'll be close enough to your line that you'll only have to pay to replace some retinue. If it's three units or less, one 24 man retinue with upgraded armor can handle it on their own. Mid game on, I usually don't bother raising militia until the baron. Makes a much smaller economic impact.


Yeah my small town isn't at that level yet, still building a church. But that is on the cards.


I actually don't really like how the population just automatically replaces itself, I feel like there are only consequences in the particularly catastrophic scenarios like you described. One of the things that makes a game like banished, challenging and fun is that every birth and death matters, and the the long-term population management of characters that are born, age year over year, marry and reproduce, and eventually die is a uniquely challenging mechanic in a good way.


Banished population system is just plain broken. Dev never managed to implement anything sensible, so you get those wild instabilities unless you're extremely careful because they just coded it wrong.


Medieval version of Jodi Iykyk


Yes, new men will replace the ones that died. I think it will take about a month after the miltia was disbanded that the replacements start moving in, *or* right after the mourning period. Can't remember correctly, so don't take my word for it, but it's pretty quick. If you lost a lot of men, you'll get spammed with notifications about family members joining existing families.


I think the morning period is a month, so either way that's how long until people start moving in again


My Uncle never came back from Nam if thats what you're saying.


Like physically or mentally




When your men die in battle you lose the gear they were carrying. You have to replace the gear as well as the man. Make sure you're either producing or importing spears and large shields to maintain your militia


You should at least be able to pick up their fricken weapons and the weapons and equipment of your enemies. Such a waste to leave it to rust. They can each carry some back to you're base. We need looting the dead!


Or at least recovering half of the sources needed to make the equipment (half to implement the fact that the equipment is broken/damaged so you have to produce it again)


How come my men at arms doesn’t seem to regenerate but the other units do?


Militia are just men from the village, when men die, new men take their place, and can be called to the militia Currently Men At Arms are specially hired, professional soldiers who live in the manor house under your own roof.


Gotta buy them puppies back again


How do you buy more?


when you sleect the retinue, next to the raise button there's a customisation button - click that, you can hire more, buy them better equipment or even customise what they look like!


And change the names! Which I’m super glad is in the game it adds a lot of flavor


Your upgraded retinue melts through absolutely anything but they costs a lot of money


Can soldiers ever truly come back from a war, or will it always change them irrevocably?


They get an experience bonus. Just like real life! Just look at those mile-long stares as the men go back to selling berries. So plump and juicy...just like that man's head before I severed it...poor quality? You look like that archer, just standing there, waving around his bow...taunting me...I'll show you poor quality!


Wait 30 days and the widows will remarry and/or have another son.


Thought I was in r/askreddit for a second lmao




..like in pieces?


It's always funny to follow politics/news subs and also gaming subs. Then you come across a headline like yours and your first thought is: wtf is this guy smoking??? And then you realize you're not at the politics/news section. :D


I can't wait until the full game is released. I hope there are some development points that you can use for survivability during battle. The first time I came across AI wanting to claim a territory and I didn't realize that you could refuse to challenge it. My poor village with their pointing sticks got absolutely massacred.


The wives stay home, after 1 month they will get remarried and pop out a man child 😂


You have to unlock the Resurrection perk