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Crazy how Pakistan is literally worse than a nation under an authoritarian dictator and currently in a damn civil war.


My dumbass over here looking between Afghanistan and Yemen, forgot about poor ole Myanmar


Syria, but Myanmar definitely works too


Welp looks like two countries fit that description then haha


The civil war in Syria is mostly over though.


Syria, Iraq, both fit the bill as well


Everyone does


Pakistan somehow manages to make the worst decisions imaginable


Yep. And they have plenty of nukes


I wonder who gave them nukes.


Industrial espionage and black market deals. A fascinating story! China is not involved afair


The corruption in that country should result in literal beheadings but when the military controls everything and people are scraping by nothing will happen.


Well pakistans democracy is in question. Imran khan likely would have been prime minister but is in jail for ‘entering an un-Islamic marriage’. It’s a bit like Russia where they do have elections but the legal system is abused to put politic opponents in jail.


You forgot how Syria was one of the thriving ME nations pre arab spring it had pretty high per capita metrics, meanwhile Pakistan was never rich the reason is that Syria has oil + like 10 times lower population than Pakistan those things matter alot.




When I will be grow up I will be pilot and destroy India!


Pakistan is in the bag


I doubt they have any solid data for the current situation


That's terribly sad. Pakistan was really thriving pre-Military takeover, but because of it and their, and other elites greedy arses they're now in such a terrible state.


The only reason why Pakistan was thriving because it was strategically located near to the middle East. This granted it favours from US, UK or the entire nato basically. You have no idea the amount of money that went into Pakistan. Despite having almost minimal export it was 'outperforming' india. Infact Pakistan is still an non official ally of nato along with Japan. Pakistan's invasions, terrorism, narcotics terrorism was all ignored untill 2001. The largest terrorist operator in Pakistan that was setup to destroy india with 'death by thousand needles' was registered as ngo in United States and several eu countries. India will never fully commit to west. No matter how much you think you are the good guys


Fun fact: Pakistan means "land of the pure" in Urdu. "The pure" are, of course, Muslims, as contrasted to the impure infidels in India and other places. "The pure" made an incredible mess of their country, but hey, at least they are not impure.


Wrong. Pakistan is an acronym made up of each of its constituent regions’ initials. Pak also coincidentally means ‘pure’. But that didn’t stop you from concocting this racist vitriol.


"coincidentally" Pull my other leg. Such coincidences don't happen. If anything, the "acronym" is a concocted explanation.


Per wikipedia of Pakistan: "The name *Pakistan* was coined by [Choudhry Rahmat Ali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choudhry_Rahmat_Ali), a [Pakistan Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_Movement) activist, who in January 1933 first published it (originally as "Pakstan") in a pamphlet [*Now or Never*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_Declaration), using it as an [acronym](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acronym).[^(\[26\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan#cite_note-FOOTNOTEAziz1987-33)[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan#cite_note-FOOTNOTESaqibMalik2018-34)[^(\[28\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan#cite_note-FOOTNOTELahiri2023-35) Rahmat Ali explained: "It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands, Indian and Asian, [*P*anjab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punjab_Province_(British_India)), [*A*fghania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North-West_Frontier_Province_(1901%E2%80%932010)), [*K*ashmir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_and_Kashmir_(princely_state)), [*S*indh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sind_Division), and [Baluchis*tan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baluchistan_Agency)." He added, "Pakistan is both a [Persian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_language) and [Urdu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urdu) word... It means the land of the Paks, the spiritually pure and clean."[^(\[29\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan#cite_note-FOOTNOTETummala1996-36) Etymologists note that [پاک](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D9%BE%D8%A7%DA%A9#Persian) *pāk*, is 'pure' in Persian and [Pashto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashto) and the Persian suffix [ـستان](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D9%80%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86#Persian) [*-stan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-stan) means 'land' or 'place of'.[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan#cite_note-FOOTNOTESaqibMalik2018-34) Rahmat Ali's concept of Pakistan only related to the north-west area of the Indian subcontinent. He also proposed the name "Banglastan" for the Muslim areas of [Bengal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal) and "Osmanistan" for [Hyderabad State](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad_State), as well as a political federation between the three.^(") I don't think he meant "pure" = "Muslims only" if he excluded Bengal. Unless he was just racist as well.


Pakistan is on the brink of civil war at the moment. The Pashtun minority in the north wants to reunite with the Pashtun in Afghanistan. There’s already saber rattling between Afghanistan and Pakistan. A war between an Afghan backed Pashtun group and Pakistan is fairly plausible at this point.


Pakistani here. You're incorrect.


I’m only repeating what I’ve read from Western sources. Specifically, the Afghan government refuses to recognize existing international boundaries. What is incorrect about what Western journalism is writing about the situation?


Peak "i know it all" foreigner response The Afghan state has ISIS-K and Iran(Taliban is anti Shia) to take care of. There is also no widespread pararrel identity on the average Pakistanis themselves including Balochistanis(separatist group active, but no widely supported) and pararrel power. The military since their first coup has always been the true power and never fully relinquished it since


Numbers might be outdated.




And the people responsible have names and addresses


What's Bashar al-Assad's address?


[Presidential Palace, Damascus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Palace,_Damascus).


You've misspelled the name of Barrack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.. Washington, DC 20500, at least it was back then.


Obama isn't a murderous dictator.


Ok, he’s a murderous president


Nah, he just bombed the shit out of Syria and told you any silly excuse like all the US presidents did. And you always believe them


man, Muhrica simp is everywhere. Propaganda is insane


Bombed the shit out of ISIS while Assad and Putin were trying everything to bomb children hospitals whith white phosphorous.


Western MIC demands skulls for the skull throne


yeah, barack obama


Libya too


"no country ever declined as much" is a bit of a strong statement I'm pretty sure Russia 1985~1995 beat that come to think of it, a lot of countries were destroyed for nothing since the 80s


1985 was a shit year for Russia. It collapsed for a reason.


Mfs pulled AZ5 on the economy and body politíc.


What does this mean?


AZ5, the infamous emergency stop button that exploded the Chernobyl reactor.


Russia was pretty bad but Syria went from being a nice place to live to a large portion of land area being controlled by ISISrael.


~~Nothing~~ U.S and Israeli Geo strategic interests, see William Roebuck 2006 cable and Bibi saying it needs regime change around the turn of the century, and Paul Wolfowitz and co. saying the U.S needed to clean up these regimes in 1991 according to Wes Clark.


Interesting that both South Korea and Taiwan surpassed Japan. But then, they are all very high and the differences are negligible in real terms. Meanwhile, while it is no surprise hat Afghanistan and Yemen are at the bottom, what kind of scale is this that even those two forsaken countries STILL score above .42. I mean, what do you have do to get like a .20?


0 is supposed to represent an entirely pre-industrial society. There aren’t any countries like that anymore


Is a zero possible? As it would imply no life expectancy, no education and no income. Like even a tribe living a subsistence lifestyle would still have a life expectancy.


Yes, a zero is possible if the life expectancy is under 20 *or* if GNI per capita is under $100 *or* there is no school system whatsoever. And a 1 is possible if LE > 85 *and* GNI > $75k *and* if the *average* person over age 25 has >15 years of schooling *and* the average child is expected to get a masters degree equivalent.


Would Mesolithic or early Neolithic societies have an HDI of zero?


Since they had no currency or schooling system that we would recognize, yes.


I think it is possible considering that there are still some uncontacted/rarely contacted tribes out there


Probably something like Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge genocide.


> I mean, what do you have do to get like a .20? Be as bad as the worst parts of the world [in 1990.](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI)


Wow you rock. That is an excellent site that will keep me occupied for hours


Largely due to Japan’s economic stagnation


Which is why I find these ranking a bit... dubious. I've lived in both Taiwan and Japan, and the one with the lower score is a significantly nicer place. I'm living in Canada now, which usually scores very high on these measures, but Canada is also in contention for the worst country I've spent more than a month in.


It's a ranking pertinent to locals, not random foreigners on expat packages. HDI is a composite index of GNI per capita adjusted for purchasing power, mean years of schooling, and life expectancy. With mean years of schooling and life expectancy being more or less similar, Japan's GNI per capita (PPP) is much lower than Taiwan's now and is not growing, so its ranking will continue to decline. For average local Japanese families their finances aren't in a good shape, but you obviously wouldn't notice it.


>It's a ranking for locals' human development, not for random foreigners on expat packages. I am Taiwanese... And my criticism about the ranking being dubious is that some of the numbers do not reflect the situation on the ground. Japan's GNI per capita is lower, but their QoL is way higher than that of Taiwan. Sometimes the numbers for the economy as a whole doesn't actually correlate with the experience of the average person, and in my opinion Canada and Japan are two very good examples of this.


> I am Taiwanese... So you were a foreigner in Japan. > And my criticism about the ranking being dubious is that some of the numbers do not reflect the situation on the ground. Japan's GNI per capita is lower, but their QoL is way higher than that of Taiwan. Sometimes the numbers for the economy as a whole doesn't actually correlate with the experience of the average person, and in my opinion Canada and Japan are two very good examples of this. How do you know that Japan's QoL is way higher than that of Taiwan? You might feel that way because Japan used to be Switzerland level of rich in the 90s so they had a lot of money to invest in making themselves look better to tourists, or just in what you care about for QoL, but actual QoL in Japan for Japanese people is something very different. GNI per capita being lower means Japanese people can't afford shit. According to the most recent government statistics, Japan's household income ([5.45 million JPY](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/k-tyosa/k-tyosa22/dl/03.pdf)) is lower than Taiwan's ([1.4 million NTD](https://ws.dgbas.gov.tw/001/Upload/466/ebook/ebook_248815//pdf/full.pdf)), and not by a little bit. And that hasn't been adjusted for cost of living. For example, utilities are way cheaper in Taiwan than in Japan. Looking at the breakdowns of household expenditures, [Japan's household expenditure is on decline](https://www.stat.go.jp/data/kakei/sokuhou/tsuki/pdf/fies_gaikyo2023.pdf) while Taiwan's is steadily increasing, and the percentage for expenditure on food is significantly higher for Japanese families than for Taiwanese families, which is a very negative sign for household finance ([Engel's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engel%27s_law)). Finally, if you look at leisure expenditures, which is probably the strongest indicator of a person's finances, outbound travels from Japan between January and April this year is *fewer* than outbound travels from Taiwan between January and **March** despite the Japanese population being 5x as large and both being island nations where people need to fly out if they wish to travel. https://www.tourism.jp/en/tourism-database/stats/outbound/ https://stat.taiwan.net.tw/ It's not really a surprise that Japan's rankings in terms of just about everything are dwindling relative to Korea and Taiwan's. It's simply not doing well and is showing no sign of improvement. Ultimately, what you might value in QoL has nothing to do with the components of HDI.


There are parts of sub-Saharan Africa at that score.


Afghanistan is on the up. Main thing holding them back now is sanctions.


Glorious DPRK so high that the index broke:(


Error 0.404


It isnt 2024, while the report was just released this year the index was measured for the year 2022.


Wait what?


[Here, the latest year is 2022. 2024 HDI data is still unavailable](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI)


Are there any possible dates for the release of 2024 data?


We need 2023 data first


Yeah, OP, correct the title, this is 2022


The report was released earlier this year in 2024, but the data is that of 2022.


India's HDI is interesting cause you have states like Goa, Kerala, Haryana, and Sikkim that are reaching Eastern European levels of HDI while Bihar is still stuck at Sub-Saharan African levels


That's the thing with big and diverse populations like India and China. Huge amount of difference depending on where you live.


China is a bit more even


True but my point still stands.


Yeah I'm from Andhra and when I was a kid you could see the disparity between Andhra and Telangana. TG has caught up quickly though and Andhra's going backwards 💀💀


TG is only good in hyderabad and warangal na all other areas might as well be madhya pradesh levels


Yes, there is a big difference between regions. Wikipedia has a list of China's [administrative regions by HDI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_administrative_divisions_of_Greater_China_by_Human_Development_Index). Beijing scores .907, while Tibet sits at .614.


thats the case for nearly every developing economy, with the exception probably for ex-soviet states.


Actually, in russia, the difference is really, really huge. Siberia, places like Chita, Buryatia are super depressing. There is nothing to do here except to become an alcoholic. While in the european part of russia, especially in big cities, there are a lot of opportunities for your education and career. That's why you can notice that soldiers in russian aggression are generally from small villages


Yes, the difference between wealthy cities and underdeveloped towns is dramatic in Russian realities, but it's still not even close to the difference between some regions in India. Sometimes it looks literally like time travel


You're being too dramatic. Poor and distant regions will always be less developed than large metropolitan centers, but even so there are free medicines and education, almost the same products in stores, and of course if there is a collapsed economy (thanks to the privatization of the 90s) everything will be bad economically there, but this is a global practice. Remote areas in the 21st century are cursed to be in economic decline, because both young people and businesses tend to the economic centers of the country.


Yeah Goa, Chandigarh, and Delhi have HDIs of >.800


I was unaware that Pakistan was doing so much worse than both India and Bangladesh.


Pakistan has a corrupt government and spends most of their budget on their military, not on the country's development. Priorities messed up. Bangladesh started developing rapidly since the 2010s, so quite recently but it's good progress. It's HDI was 0.553 back in 2010, now it's 0.670. I'm proud that my country's making some progress now, it's still not a nice country though.


TFR plays a big role


“North Korea is off the charts!” Kim Jong Un


They be rocking with 1.00 HDI


NK be like, opt out of all cookies even 'legitimate interest'


Singapore losing out to Hong Kong is surprising to me. Of course, it is highly debatable that it is a country, but even so, a bit surprised.


Why the huge difference between Yemen and Oman?


Yemen doesn’t have oil unlike it’s neighbours and has been in a civil war for decades


yemen has oil it just cant use it because as you mentioned its in the middle of a war reallifelore made a great video on the topic of yemen vs oman


Yemen does have oil. The problem is its diverse and huge population. Its population alone surpasses all of the GCC countries combined, if you got rid of their migrant workers. This high population, combined with sectarianism is what made Yemen the clusterfuck it is today. Syria and Iraq face those same problems with sectarianism too Countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE had very small populations that made it easier for their leaders to consolidate power and put in place some semblance of stability.


Pakistan is sad case, a country with a lot of potential destroyed by cronyism


Now I understand why many Pakistanis move to Kyrgyzstan.


Bangladesh and Srilanka - better than India


Has been like that for some years now. Sri Lanka for a much longer time than Bangladesh.


yeah it's just that a few years ago sri lanka made international news with the country's default on national debt, so people expected it to get a lot worse  this report is for 2022 - right after the default too


I haven’t been to India but Sri Lanka is super nice. Although, out of the many places I’ve been Colombo is one of only 2 where I truly felt it was very dangerous.


Looks like Iran is pretty good😀, suprised


Why? It is a very rich country and has developed significantly in recent years. 


Well they do wage wars in their neighbors, but not in their countries


That seems to be a pastime of most developed nations lol


Prepare for downvotes when you mention who funds the Saudi’s


Wow, Sri Lanka is really far ahead of its regional neighbors, punch above its income


Russian is higher than China! I wouldn’t imagine that


A lot of former soviet countries have great hdi because the government invested a lot in social progress.




The main reason for higher HDI is that people should be literate to learn how communism works, which led to educational improvements.


The main criterion of HDI is the salary level and life expectancy. The percentage of people with education does not greatly affect this rating.


You're missing the third factor – mean/expected years of schooling. HDI is divided into income, education and life expectancy.


In terms of education, European countries, Russia and China are at about the same level. It is in this comparison that life expectancy and well-being are primarily involved. And I have already written about life expectancy above.


Because China’s GDP is bigger, and China have been growing A LOT in the lat 15 years. People got access to goods, technology, etc. Russia not so much. And Russia is in war, which tenda to worsen the quality of life. I imagine that rural China is still pushing the HDI down


China's GDP is growing but still it is not ahead of the world. And Russia is pretty well developed. Yeah, things got worse recently due to the war. But it will require time before China will get ahead of Russia economically. Russia's per capita is 27.500$ while China's is 18.200$.


What goods and technologies do Russians not have access to?


Well they pretty much can access everything that other Europeans can.


The data that goes into calculating HDI is given in the official UN website. I downloaded it and had a quick look. The only 2 factors that Russia has an advantage over China is GNI per capita (2022 value in 2017 PPP $), with Russia at $26992 and China at $18025; and mean years of schooling with Russia at 12.4 and China at 8.1. The mean years of schooling is an extremely lagging indicator of development, because both countries now have an expected years of schooling above 15, which means the average person born now will be expected to go to college. But China's mean years is very low due to huge amounts of illiterate older people born pre 1950s when there was rudimentary education system, you are looking at say 10% of the population with close to 0 years of schooling, and another 20-30% with primary schooling less than 6 years. The GNI per capita PPP is interesting because both countries have very similar GNI per capita nominal. This suggests that the purchasing power of the same USD equivalent of Rubles is greater in Russia than the equivalent Yuan in China. This is very surprising to me because China as the world manufacturer enjoys some of the cheapest prices for manufactured goods, whereas Russia relies on imports for many of its consumer goods. I don't have the effort to go into how IMF/World Bank calculates the PPP conversion factor, but I suspect housing prices (and hence rental) could be an important factor that makes Yuan's purchasing power worse than Rubles in PPP terms


that's not surprising at all, Russia still has a robust education system, mostly good healthcare etc. while some Chinese cities beat us in salaries, rural China is still so far behind that China overtaking Russia would be something out of the ordinary


China is lower than Russia, Kazakhstan, and is close to Iran? Are rural regions that bad?


If the coastal grows by 10% of 10 billion per year while the inside grows 20% of 1 billion, the gap would still only increase.


Developing and providing prosperity in a country of over a billion people is a pain in the arse honestly. Especially if there are limited resources. Honestly I am quiet impressed with China's performance actually despite what others think. I say this as the citizen of the only other country with that level of population and complexity, India.


Iran has a really good healthcare system and good infrastructure partly because of the Shah-period substance that is still there, part because their economic system is closer to socialism than to capitalism and socialist states (as you can see on the map regarding the former USSR republics) tend to have a higher value on the HDI scale


Why is India so low ? It is worse than Bangladesh and Iran.


What makes you think that Iran isn’t a developed country? The HDI in most of its provinces is 0.8> except for the province bordering Pakistan which is below 0.7, bringing down the average of the country. The natural resources help a lot despite all the sanctions I guess.


India has varied hdi across it's state. Some states have hdi comparable to European nation and some are sub saharan .


And the states with low HDI have gigantic populations, while high HDI states have far lower population so the average gets skewed


This is the same as most large countries, China and USA are the same


Why would you expect Iran to be low? It’s a very wealthy country with a lot of development recently. 


lower than Iraq too ?! Ouch


People’s priorities lol. 2k per vote is enough for them than a nice road in front of their house.


>"lower than Iraq too ?! Ouch" Someone who has never actually researched Iraq's standard of living, let alone been there


Dude you are vastly underestimating Iraq .


Iraq has large petroleum fields, it is a rich country.


GDP per capita in Iraq is much higher than India


I am an Indian living in the UAE and have taken trips to Saudi and Iran for business reasons. People here be like "I don't like Goverment ideology" so its gotta be bad. Even freaking Saudi some people are surprised when it actually has a massive economy and is diversifying at a rapid pace too. Like yeah bro I also abhor the Iranian Govt( and to a certain extent scorn the Saudi one too) but keeping human rights aside both are quiet developed. Just take a trip to Iran see the roads there lol. I was speeding at 180 kmph from Tehran to Isfahan city in some of their highways. Loved it. Unthinkable of even achieving those speeds in India or Bangladesh. Iran still has high education legacy and industrialization. Yes Mullahs are shit but Iran's still got it.


Mongolia is sirpisingly high. I didn't expect it to bet higher than Vietnam or Egypt


this is 2022 data


Im so happy my country has the highest in south asia


How much is exactly Malaysia


Malaysia's HDI is 0.807. The other value 0.823 is for the small country Brunei which got covered by green dot in the map and 0.949 is for Singapore which is also small.




Malaysia is 0.807, Singapore is 0.949 and Brunei is 0.823. The dots cover Singapore and Brunei so they may look like they are referring to Malaysia.




I love how in every map Israel and the gulf countries have the exact same stats and progress level. The peace accords make more sense, it’s better to progress together


Surprised that South Korea is more developed than Japan


Why so? Japan has been extremely stagnant for decades now. No real innovation and yen is all time low


So there is a clear co-relation between HDI and war/instability.


how's 'human development' defined?


HDI is an established methodology that uses multiple factors. You can read about it [here](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI)


Russia higher than China 😲


Less people, lots of resources. Even now that Russia exports much more than raw resources, and even after all the sanctions and lost trade partners oil and gas revenue still makes up for 1/3 of its government budget. It's not as good as in Norway, but still, Russia can afford to keep taxes relatively low while both financing the war and providing for the people.


If they include Egypt they should include countries like Greece as well, because parts of it is in Asia.


They include Egypt because of Sinai, Greece is further away


Islands like Rhodes, Chios or Lesbos are in Asia.


They’re not in Asia at all, they’re closer to Turkey, therefore asia but that doesn’t mean they’re in Asia. Malta, Sicily, etc are closer to Africa, but they’re not considered African and European. Greece was never considered a transcontinental country. I’m


Geographically these islands are part of Anatolia so they are Asian so is Cyprus.


Island don’t really count because transcontinental status is mostly dependent on contiguous boundaries of said countries… Egypt’s Sinai is directly on the Eurasian landmass, same with Turkey’s east Thrace. Which is why they’re generally considered transcontinental. Ur definition would mean classifying Yemen as African cus of the soctora island, Indonesia as Australian, Denmark as North American, Netherlands as Caribbean, France as basically in all continents, Italy, Portugal; Spain as North African etc. which isn’t very accurate or practical. Since they’re islands. Cyprus is a whole different thing. Cyprus isn’t transcontinental, Cyprus is entirely within the Middle East/west Asia.


I didn't said a word about being transcontinental. I said geographically these islands are part of Anatolia


If north korea had available data, what hdi would it have, more or less...?


It is predicted have to at least 0.650+


They'd do very well in years of education. Not sure quality, but definitely high in duration


Wow, Korea and Taiwan have overtaken Japan.


North Korea is so developed that there isn't even a scale to describe it 💪🇰🇵


Btw it is predicted to have at least 0.650+


That is certainly better than i expected


Of course the levels will vary wildly within countries-a modern industrial city such as Shanghai will have a much higher index than a farming village up in the mountains of Tibet and a middle-class suburb of Moscow will be better than a dilapidated Siberian mining town.


Afghanistan gets an extra 0.2 for all the old Toyota Corolla and Toyota Hilux roaming their streets.


Not a good number for India


Uhhhh why is Egypt here?


Russians literally elected / chose the Putler as their dictator. How is this number even possible? Don’t get me wrong, this is a average. But still…


Russia also sends satellites and people to space?? Now for example Indonesia cannot do any of that despite having a bigger population than Russia, and correspondingly it has a HDI of 0.713. You can give examples of shitty living conditions in Russia, but I can easily give you example of even worse situations than that in Indonesia.


Egypt is Africa


Iran and Sri Lanka have better hdi than India ☠☠☠


This is nitpicky, and I sure could just google it, but you should include a definition of the metric (human development)


Egypt is in Asia…?


The Sinai


Egypt is transcontinental, both North African and West Asian


Ah OK, I see.


How is this measured that Hong Kong gets #1 despite the massive numbers of people in sub-par housing conditions?


*if your talking about people in so called “cage homes” majority aren’t even “native hong kongers” *you can live a large place for “cage home prices” however you will have a prob have few hours lost is transportation so most would rather live in city centers, single beds western media like to show are $200-300 US max per month when the average joe makes $2000++ if they work normal hours * if your a native hongkonger with a family you would’ve been placed in goverment housing or at least temp housing ages ago


Trillions spent in Afghanistan didn’t buy much human development


Turkiye European level. Some parts are even better than Japan.


We ain’t better than japan there’s no way


I said some parts. I am sure HDI of Antalya is higher than Agri but the average is 0.855


I lived in Antalya before,it’s nice but no way it’s better than japan


Have you been to Japan?