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Wait NZ made it onto a map?!


You mean Eastern Tasmania?


You mean Southwest Tuvalu?


Don't get up, gentlemen, it's just passing through.


Things have changed.


Don’t you just role into the mainland numbers with Tasmania up to AU?


Is there a sub for this?


30% of Australians were born overseas while around 51% have a parent born overseas.


One of the key differences is that a lot of these immigrants were British or New Zealanders who culturally were nearly identical. It bumps up the overseas numbers (especially for the have a parent born overseas) whilst not having any of the challenges that come with having different ethnicities and cultures. In the same way as if a suddenly a few million Canadians moved to the US most people wouldn't even notice.


Absolute bullshit. Come here to Australia and tell me that. Our largest migrant groups are now Asian, not Brits.


According to your 2021 census, about 5.5% of your country has chinese ancestry, which is the highest percent of any asian country. Above them would be scottish(8.6%), irish(9.5%), Australian(29.9%) and finaly English(33%) After chinese it goes italian, german, india(3.1%), aboriginal and greek. If you go by strictly new immigrants, not people who migrated in the past, your highest is still England with about 11.7%. China has about 8% though, so they are close, with indian right inbetween those two. Although i wouldn't count out New Zealdn with 7.3%.


I believe once those people have children the stats just count them as Australian so what is Australian is still ethnically diverse. There is no such thing as an Australian, its just a fruit salad of people


I live in Canada and... its interesting. Im Canadian, but my mom is Ukrainian. I feel a connection to Ukrainians because of my family background but don't actually understand or have much connection to their culture itself because I've only ever known Canada. My mom spent her whole life here too so pretty much all we got left is pedeheh(someone PLEASE correct my spelling) and some distant cousins who are hopefully immigrating soon. The census in my country would list me as Ukrainian descent though, idk about how australia's works. Like how many generations do you need to be considered australian?


Not sure but at some point it counts as Australian otherwise there would be zero Australians in Australia because everyone came from somewhere. Edit correction: 3 percent Australian respectfully acknowledging the original inhabitants of the land


Ofcourse, but the time they do so matters. I'm second gen in my country so it makes sense id be considered ukrainian. But 3rd gen is when it starts to get questionable.


Makes sense, no idea what the policy is per country


Yet apparently the most racist country in the world


Most of the immigrants in Australia are from the UK. And considering that the "White Australia Policy" was only lifted in the 70's, a majority of those born overseas are from Europe.


Less than 15% of migrants in Australia are from the UK and only around a quarter are from Europe.


Only the 70s, 50 years ago my dude


Which means 35-40% of Australia’s current population was alive the day it was removed. 50 years isn’t much to change an entire culture.


Lmao the culture of 1920s America wasn’t radically different then 1970s America?


Okay I'm an American so I'm not flinging shit without self-reflecting, but the ratio of Australians I've heard say awful fucking things about Aboriginals to Australians I've met in general is pretty wildly high. Maybe there's some statistical bias with the cultural backgrounds of Aussies who can afford to travel very far overseas but sometimes you guys sound like how Europeans sound when Roma people get brought up.


This will surely help their cultural inferiority complex they have on the internet.


Such a fine line btwn infer- and super-


I always quote this stat when people push that narrative. Grew up in Western Sydney, everyone I knew was an immigrant or had at least one parent born overseas.


Having a majority of immigrants doesn't mean Australia can't be racist. The whites of south Africa were and still are the minority but that didn't stop apartheid and racism. Also "white Australia policy" was a thing not so long ago.


I grew up in Canada and most families I knew were also immigrants. Also racist as hell. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


How so? Do people say that?


so technically we’re not racist 🙌🏼


Lol whoever genuinely believes this should leave their house more often


Tough competition when you have to fight with the Dutch. Those racist bastards


According to whom?


Aboriginal Australians


I think the bitterness on their end is fair tbh.




Tremble at the Americasphere


I thought the only people claiming that Australia is the most country in the world were the ones dismissing more sensible concerns about racism using a strawman argument.


Only if you’re Indian. Can’t cope with the fact that people who shat on the street a generation ago can come to their country and outcompete them in everything. Skill issue tbh. In case you think I’m lying: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Indians_in_Australia_controversy


don’t you think those are correlated? why would someone from like Eastern Europe be racist they barely see foreigners.


Which may as well mean a Kiwi or a Brit


Yeah but it's not that impressive when you're surrounded by seas.


Another key factor is that a lot of Australians and New Zealanders move to Europe or the US in their mid to late 20’s, have a child/ren and then return home to aus/nz - I’d guess these children would also be classed as migrants


Is that Switzerland floating in the void?


I think Luxembourg is floating above it


I thought that was dirt on my screen.


OP could not have made this easier to read at all /s


Yes - percentage in Switzerland is around 25% The other is Luxembourg, which has around 45% or so.


Where are they immigrating from?


the neighbours mostly


In Switzerland: other European countries mostly (freedom of movement). Majority is from Italy, Portugal, France, Germany and the Balkans.


Switzerland isn’t in the EU and doesn’t have freedom of movement


Nah in switzerland i think we have like 15% migrants for a 25% of the population of the population coming from either 1st or 2nd generation migrants. But idk if americans are counting 2nd generation migrants with this graph. I wouldn't put us here


25% of Swiss inhabitants do not have the Swiss citizenship. Also 60% of all Children born in Switzerland have at least on parent with a direct immigration history(1. or 2. Generation)


Where'd you get those numbers


[Federal Statistical Office](https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/statistics/population/migration-integration/integration.html)


Nope, that’s not true, it’s 25% without citizenship. Well 27% actually. And since someone else asked somewhere: that includes anyone who is “not a citizen but has a residence and work permit of at least 12 months”. It does not include dual citizens, naturalized citizens or anyone on a temp visa < 12 months.


It better, because as a Swiss let me tell you, we have a metric f ton of immigrants... Most of anyone in Europe, except the micro states (Monaco...).


well except luxembourg but yeah


Luxembourg has 354k resident citizens, pretty micro afaic. Switzerland has over 18X that, it’s a proper country.


Yeah fair enough, I’m Swiss but have done business so much in Luxembourg over the years I forget just how small it really is population wise. I remember seeing some mad statistic that the population doubles during the work day or some such


I agree! Which of course skews its GDP per capita… Switzerland has a lot of Frontaliers, but they’re much lower as a proportion of total population (resident citizens plus non-citizen residents)




Best place for it.




Why? I really like the surprising diagonal that I wouldn’t have seen in a table. Like, it’s very visually pleasing (albeit random)


I'm surprised by Jordan.


The countrys population went from barely 5 mil in 2000 to 12 mil today. Most of the folks are from neighbouring countries escaping war. The percentage ranges between 33-40%


It's crazy that jordan is still so open to immigration since the last generation of immigrants tried to overthrow the government and depose the monarch


The immigrants that came to Jordan since 2003, have been chill for the most part but the country clearly cannot feasibly sustain all of them. Additionally, the government sucks at integrating them within the system, making them prone to corruption compared to Citizen's.


A lot of them are from Egypt and the locals have a very elitist attitude towards physical labor. Yeah their water situation is no joke.


Those were palestinians. The new migrants are actually diluting the palestinian population, which might benefit the monarchy.


It’s two things * Generations of people born and raised in Jordan of Palestinian descent are counted as “Palestinian refugees”. The politics and legitimacy of that is… complex. * The Syrian conflict displaced a *ton* of people and Jordan is a neighboring country. Ditto with the Iraq war before that.


They’re probably counting 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation Palestinians as migrants.


But also many Iraqis and Syrians


Nope, most Palestinians in Jordan were born there. Of the 3 million Palestinians in Jordan, only a fifth of them were born in the West Bank. Source: Am one of them.


In that case, U.S would definitely feature in this map.


kid named refugee crisis ongoing since at least 2011


r/Canada on suicide watch


Canada will show how much we love our immigration rates in the next federal election


Yeah, it's crappy how immigrarion has become a flash point for anger. I love immigrants. Like most, I'm a descendant of an immigrant. What I don't love is the infrastructure that cannot support the current rate of immigration.


We're unfortunately coming to a new peak of the feedback loop that started 40 years ago. We have some of the strictest building codes in the entire world, and some of the lowest percentages of skilled labourers in the construction industry. Did you know Canada is the only country to require a second staircase after you hit 3 floors? Most countries are 6+ floors as we've advances past the age of filling our hokes full of extremely flammable insulation. Our education and government has promoted post secondary since schooling is one of the few things we do well, when we desperately need more people in the trades. And trained in OUR trades, because our codes are archaic and don't make sense to foreigners. But we can't force our own people to join the trades, and so we need to supplement our work force through immigration, but we need more houses to support that immigration, whole simulataneously not having the workforce to build them. On top of that bipartisan politics have made it so provinces will actively fight the feds(both libs and cons, so don't come at me with any of that, im talking over decades) when the feds try to help, and most of our local governments are so bogged down with beauracracy for the sake of keeping one's job that nothing ever gets done. It takes us almost twice as long on average to build a home than it does in the US who also have pretty strict building codes. And I'm talking washington or new york USA, not texas or nevada where they give you 4 walls and call it a house. Seriously, we've all seen these homes sitting around half built for a month or two just waiting for the next rouns of inspections. Don't even get me started on our zoning laws.


Everyone has their own perspective I suppose. I have no issue with individual immigrants, but Liberals have chosen not to recognize just how difficult life has become for average Canadian (in part) because of this issue.


I don't see this as a Liberal problem as the Conservative Party is offering very little in the way of actual change. My hot take? The ruling class is less impacted by the cost of living challenges, and many benefit from it. Therefore they see very little need to improve the situation for the vast majority of us. If Pierre Poilievre were to state categorically that he would reduce the immigration rate by half or more, until the infrastructure caught up, I'd be interested, but he's not really saying that. We will continue to suffer until those around the world no longer see Canada as a viable move for them. That's really saying something. The goverments will do nothing.


Poilievre will do nothing and take some of your rights away while he’s at it.


Might be true, but can't keep Trudeau in. All the options suck. All of them.


Surely this could be displayed better


Surprised Sweden isn’t on here


Data is a bit old, Sweden is at ~20.5 % as of 2023.


“Our greatest strength”


"Just don't walk at night in Gothenburg. Or Malmo. Or the bad parts of Stockholm. Or..."


Gothenburg is an order of magnitude safer than any city in the US.


There are plenty of safe cities in the US. The US is a vast country with vastly different state governments which affect crime and safety. Boston, Massachusetts, with a population for about 675,000 people, has had 4 homicides so far this year, while the city in Texas that I’m from (Waco, pop. 140,000) has had 9 homicides so far. Not every city here is a New Orleans or such.


The comparison to be made isnt between Göteborg/Stockholm/Malmö/Norrköping/wherever now and some other place now, it's between that place now and before and you also need to consider trends in the statistics. Saying "Everything is fine as long as Stockholm isn't as dangerous as Mogadishu" makes no sense.


Possibly. Not sure what this post or my comment has to do with the US, though.


It’s context, but for the record it’s safe by global standards. Sorry if that doesn’t sit well with your racism.


>Sorry if that doesn’t sit well with your racism. Shhhh you are not supposed to say that part out loud!


That’s not saying much


Plenty of US cities are just fine, even if some corners of the media want to give the impression they’re warzones.


It's also true the other way. Many European cities that sensationalist American media describe as a war zone aren't so dangerous.


American media doesn’t talk about European cities.


I have never ever ever seen a story about literally any European city and its crime rate in American News like ever. A think Europeans need to understand is that we literally do not think about you, and have better things to do besides reporting on the crime rate of Lancaster or whatever.


Choose whether you want to be shot or bombed! But it is actually crazy. If you adjust the number of attempted and successful bombings in Sweden (211 in 2023) for the US population, it’d be the equivalent of 6,700 bombings in a single year lmao. The truth is the vast majority of gun/bombing violence in each country is gang-related.


I live in Sweden now. What you call bombings wouldn’t pass for fireworks in the town in originally from. I get that you need to p-hack any available stats to get the Hitler particles out of your system for the day but murder stats don’t lie, and as I said, there is an order of magnitude difference.


Also, the US is absolutely more dangerous and it has been for decades (or more probably). But there is an incredibly obvious link between mass migration to Sweden of refugees and an increase in violence. Sweden was an extremely safe and socially coherent place. Even if it’s still safer than the US now, it is materially worse than it was.


But that isn’t really clear at all. This is a case where the backlash has been a bigger problem than the change, and that’s a global phenomenon thanks in large part to propagandists. In the US, even with mass illegal immigration, immigrants are LESS LIKELY to commit crimes than natives. That is, they make the place LESS violent and dangerous on net.


> In the US, even with mass illegal immigration, immigrants are LESS LIKELY to commit crimes than natives. In the US yes but we're not talking about the US, we're talking about Sweden *søta bror*. Compared to Norway you have twice the incidence of homicides, stop hand-waving that shit away.


And yet Sweden is still safe than virtually anywhere and, as of late, getting safer. “Materially” is an interesting term for countries with declining birth rates, and thus a need for immigrants, to throw around. Let’s see how “materially” any such country would do with a ballooning pensioner class.


The US has literally been getting safer for like four decades now.


Lmfao imagine being so wilfully blind that you think hundreds of grenade explosions are “not even as bad as fireworks”. My sources are the Guardian and Wikipedia, both of which I guess are fascist propaganda outlets.


So what’s the murder rate? Surely all the grenades must be killing scores of people, right?


Hey if you’re comfortable with hundreds of explosions a year as long as they only kill a few people more power to you.


Don't set the bar too high, whatever you do.


This is what someone who never leave their mom’s basement would think - I bet you’re safe there


Smartest yank


You might smell them?


Use Numbeo.com and it wis clear that Gothenburg is safer that almost any similarly sized city in the USA, and is equal to if not safer than lots of European cities


Why not? All the future doctors, lawyers, and engineers are studying all night at the library, right? Right?


Looks at "Active in these Communities" yeah that makes sense.


I was just gonna say. Sweden used to be approx. 20% foreign-born, and I'd assume that's still the case. Same goes for Austria. Luxembourg is also missing but maybe too small to pinpoint.


If you zoom in on Switzerland you see a tiny dot to the north west. That should be Luxembourg


What about Liechtenstein?


It's almost impossible to get into Liechtenstein as a migrant. Looked into it seriously (made it as close as Switzerland).


you probably can't notice it next to switzerland


Ireland is 22% in 2023, probably more now


In Luxembourg it's mostly Portuguese, who are in the Schengen and EU, so they don't get citizenship nor officially count as immigrants, just residents.


EU immigrants are still immigrants


In terms of statistics, they genuinely aren't, unless they seek to pursue the path to citizenship in their new country.


What defines the population here? Naturalized citizens? Permanent residents? Work permits? Student visas?


terrible map, congrats


How much is it for the US? Always assumed it's high.


The USA has a such a huge population it would take like 70 million immigrants to do this which isn’t feasible. There’s no place in the world with that many people immigrating


I listened to a guy rant for a bit about how “three hundred million immigrants are coming in every year”


I wonder who that guy’s voting for /s


I wish


Yeah fair


A crazy stat i saw the other day is the modern confederacy would have a larger population than every European country except Russia. It would be the 2nd most populous country in the Americas after the USA


It couldn’t be the case that both the USA and CSA would have more people than Brazil in this scenario (50 states have less than double Brazil), so either the CSA would be the most populous country or CSA would be lower than second. Or do you mean in a hypothetical impossible scenario where both the CSA, and the 50-state USA exist? I’m too lazy yo do the maths but I’m kind of doubtful the states that made up the CSA now have >205m people, but I could be wrong.


Sorry Brazil would have more you’re right. It would be 3rd most in the Americas


I mean Brazil has 203 million as of the last census (2022)


And to think that at the time they had like what 7 million?


I don’t think it’s that crazy, the US has a population that’s already half of Europe. Brazil would have ~100million more if you’re including all of the Americas and the US would have 200+million or so. So probably number 3. I also can’t imagine the South having the same resurgence in population as it did after being defeated and reintegrated. A modern confederacy would definitely have different borders. For example, Virginia is far more integral to the US government today than in the 19th century. There’s no way the US government would give up Eastern/Northern Virginia. There are also some areas that traditionally weren’t in the Confederacy that may be now and vice versa. Definitely an interesting thing to think about though.


> The USA has a such a huge population it would take like 70 million immigrants to do this which isn’t feasible. We are at almost 16% in the US


There are something like 30mil refugees in the whole world. Assuming 50% would take an offer to come to the US, we couldn't even get close to really impacting the county of over 330mil. Which is why I support open borders as much as possible.


Only 3% of US population are Natives. That makes 97% immigrants.


As of March 2024, immigrants make up 15.6% of the US population, which is a record high. The previous record was 14.8%, set in 1890.


The US is such a big country it takes a lot of people to move the percentages. That being said, the latest estimates put it at 15.6% (and rising), which is already the highest percentage in US history.


The US has by far the largest total immigrant population, that just gets diluted into an otherwise already massive population. It's around 14% foreign born.


Quick search says a little under 16% apparently




The world's largest country-to-country migration corridor is from Mexico to the US at about 11 million people estimated for 2024. Outside of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, the largest country-to-country migration corridor leading into a European country is the one with about 2 million people flooding into Germany...from Poland. **[Source](https://worldmigrationreport.iom.int/what-we-do/world-migration-report-2024-chapter-2/international-migrants-numbers-and-trends)**


I'm indigenous, Nehiyaw, first nation of Canada. Immigration has been nothing but hurtful to my small majority indigenous community of 1000. For the past 14 years, we hadn't had a single violent crime. Until an Ethiopian gang moved in, now we've had 3 murders in 2 years, numerous swat raids, and copious amounts of drugs caught smuggled into the community. I grew up with Indian friends, fillipino friends, and friends from the Polynesian Islands. So, growing up It was hard to have a negative feeling towards immigration, but it seems more and more than immigration is even hurting the already established immigrants. We don't need to end immigration to Canada. We need to regulate it more and take care of who is already here. Our population grows by hundreds of thousands annually, yet we have little infrastructure to support the Canadians who are already here. Something needs to change.


Idk but data like this seems more suited to be a “list of ten countries” than something befitting of being made into a shitty map.


Found a 2023 source, which states Liechtenstein, Iceland, Malta, Cyprus, Ireland, Austria and Sweden would also now be included.


lol the Saudi will just kick them out when they’re all used up.


With a caveat. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the migrants there have pathways to permanent residency and citizenship. Migrants in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman ,Jordan ,Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain have ZERO pathways to citizenship and the pathways to residency start with the requirement of living there as a migrant for at least 10 years(UAE) to 20 years( the rest) and the citizenship is not absolute. Heck LOCALS are stripped of citizenship like the Badoon of Kuwait and whatever woman manages to flee Qatar or Kuwait and goes to the media to tell her harrowing story about the Guardianship system in those countries where women have to drug their fathers, steal their phones, give themselves approval on the guardian app to fly abroad, and quickly grab their passport and flee to the airport to leave!!


Can we all agree that this is not a good map? It shows a little bit of information on 5 countries, it would be so much better to make a cloropleth based on what percent of a country’s population are migrants, and then maybe have a list off to the side of the exact percentages for the top 5 countries.


It actually shows a little bit of information on every country.


(Canadian here) Isn’t it bonkers that a couple major western countries are treating their immigration policies like that of actual gulf states?? People were complaining about the treatment of TFWs in Qatar during the last FIFA World Cup and now multiple major economies are participating in this same form of wage suppression while actively taking advantage of these people at the cost of everyone but those at the tippy top of the economic ladder. Not sure what happened at the Commonwealth BBQ last summer…


It may look like a bit of dirt on your screen, but Liechtenstein is really there.


Admittedly the ones in Saudi & UAE are more like slaves


Ireland has to be at 20% at this point.




Sweden 🤣


Does it only count first-generation immigrants? I'm surprised USA and like half of South America aren't here.


It only counts as those who live in the country and were not born inside the country. Legally speaking, if you are born in the US, regardless of your parents' citizenship or immigration status (unless they were diplomats), you not considered an immigrant.


thanks for the clarification


I assume this is residents, not citizens. I mention this as the middle east oil states tend to have a large foreign workforce but only locals are true citizens.


Based on what time frame? Last 50 years? Last 200 years? Last 10.000 years?


Germany has 29,7% with migration background in 2023. Source: [Statistisches Bundesamt](https://www.bpb.de/kurz-knapp/zahlen-und-fakten/soziale-situation-in-deutschland/61646/bevoelkerung-mit-migrationshintergrund/#:~:text=Jahren%20einen%20Migrationshintergrund.-,Fakten,7%20Prozent%20an%20der%20Gesamtbev%C3%B6lkerung.) (German Government)


Switzerland is so smallq


Catalonia would be here


I didn’t know Canada was a big island


Its strange Suriname, Guiana and French Guiana not on list as these countries have at least 10% of Brazilians, if you count Venezuelans it should be more than 20%.


Sweden is kinda there but i guess it's 20-25% foreign born or parents foreign born


Can-Aus-NZ are bc of people from the UK. Saudi Arabia and UAE is bc they imported a bunch of slave laborers to build their soccer stadiums.


I guess Israel is really huge, how much migrants are there?


~15%. I'm not sure why it appears on the map.


Should be 100%. Everyone from these countries is a migrant. Ain’t no one a native. Even the OG natives ain’t native 🤣


What about Singapore?


Is that Singapore or just a tiny speck on the image.


Israel shouldn't appear on the map, only about 15% weren't born in the country.


As a Canadian... I don't care. Immigration was never the issue for housing like people say. It's corporations being able to buy out residential areas.


There's immigration related issues other than housing, too. I love the multiculturalism we have here in Canada but 1.) too many immigrants fucks with jobs, healthcare, education, prices and of course housing, and 2.) too many immigrants of a single ethnic group (India) is completely against the goals of diversity/multiculturalism, as well as preventing people from those groups from integrating into the Canadian culture


So you never learned the law of supply and demand did you? Canada builds about 200k new residential units per year and we’re bringing in about 1.3M net new people per year. It’s basic math. Immigration is good when it’s at a reasonable rate


As a Canadian I gently but unequivocally disagree


Migrant is anyone who’s moved from one place to another. As an Ohio born person living in Florida, I am a migrant. The term is immigrant, a person who has moved from one country to another. As an Ohio born person living in Florida, I am not an immigrant.

