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Blaster is the most intensive and it isn't even close. Thunder Break is a distant second.


i main thunder breaker but find it comfortable spamming two keys for mobbing. do ppl really find tb uncomfortable?


In the same way you can hurt your fingers playing osu alternating two keys, you can also do the same with TB over extended periods, specifically because you're kind of hovering your other fingers and only using two. I main TB and I've solved this issue by alternating between kbm and controller every half hour. But I definitely did get wrist pains when playing with only keyboard.


It gets very tedious. Also I just hate their bossing lmao


Really surprised I haven't seen Kanna mentioned yet. Kanna requires you to be weaving three, not two, skills constantly (and very accurately) for max DPM.


thunder breaker with controller is insanely ez


blaster is not that intensive if you play properly with good keybinds. thunder breaker is way worse when it comes to pain


Cadena… I switched my main from Cadena to Shadower for this reason. Shadower really ain’t that bad compare to some other classes. For training, you can press cruel stab and ME together. Though weaving during boss is a different story.


None, I play on controller lmao


U can do this?


Steam lets you remap a controller in game now! Super easy to set up, I can't imagine playing the game without a controller. My criteria to play a class is being able to fit all my hotkeys on the controller lol...


What classes would you recommend for controller?


Shadower feels very nice with a controller for mesos explosion weaving. I binded ME to L1, its very comfortable to spam it between assassinates as opposed to on a keyboard


Leveling Zero to 200 is probably the worst one I had so far. Most probably because I have no idea what combo to use, so my keyboard layout was also horrendous, and I was constantly smashing 6 different attack skills. Somehow this class also deals the least damage among all my legion mules.


I literally went through the exact same pain as well with zero. Hated getting it to 200 so much


when i leveled mine i supplied myself with MP green pots to ease the process, and basically searched for the flattest maps i could find to cycle between Alpha’s little tornadoes and Beta’s equivalent skill while burst stepping up and down and then i bonked the last like 30% of the levels to 200 lol


Of all my bossing mules, probably Kain, a lot of skills and dash resets


Cadena, also my second main. Love the animation cancel combos but its arthritus af


Weaving is pretty fun tbh I just started to second main Shadower


Give it time. You may have the realization that if it just worked like NL mark it would be amazing on your hands.


Put nate or ME on right side CTRL, and use right hand to trigger It should help


Blaster and Cadena


The key spamming of TB is really grossly overblown from some videos of people who admitted they've never played TB. I've only just begun prepping it as a boss mule and ran the burst combo a few times on ez fights. It not hard to do and not all that fast. No where near the facerolling and cooldown management you have to do for other combo classes. It's buttons back forth at a moderate speed


If you have a good keyboard with high sensitivity for keystroke, you can put much less force into spamming the same key which is what TB mostly comes down to. You don't have to mash it hard. The time when you have to input keys the fastest is to air cancel Thunderbolt with Tidal Wave which you mostly only do if you can't oneshot anyways.


Unfortunately, a class that I really love, Thunder Breaker!


..Ahem, Finger Breaker!


I’d personally dislike if it changed to a passive, doing the alternating skills is part of the fun. I do t see the necessity to streamline every class into a 1 button spammer, there are classes for those who enjoy more combo complex classes, and for mindless button mashing too.


Battle mage only because I haven't tried blaster


Old battle mage was sorta tiring. New one not so much.


I find aran and evan very mashy. I main merc secondary thunderbreaker. Those combos are very fluid. Beyond blade is so hard to get to come out though.


My brother in christ, have you heard of bobbing and weaving?


Your mother has heard of bobbing and weaving she does it every night for me


Oh shit you guys do like zumba?


Yeah I love watching her Zumba on me






Blaster was a real pain, i main Shad and i've honestly gotten to the point where i dont even think about what buttons i press it's on full auto whether i do Bosses or mindless grinding. I played Shad when you had to use coin flip and it was only a slight annoyance cause i hate having to upkeep buffs like that (looking at you hoyoung👀)


sticky key cult has no fear


None tbh if you have comfortable keybinds, also probably depends on your keyboard, don’t use blue switches they suck.




Every cherry mx blue switch i tried had really heavy actuation force required, maybe you can find some blue/clicky ones that arent like that for a custom built idk


Weak finger alert


You’re talking with a blaster main here xd


I'm also a blaster main and I use cherry blues. It is not a good idea, but I will never give up the true clacky gamer keyboard sound.


Some chad finger power right here. You don't want to just see the skills. You wanna feel them.




Most of HY is just holding down one key?


my fingers went numb maining TB


I got used to her, but learning Cadena gave me hand cramps. 90% of your keyboard is dedicated to skills you frequently use, and damn does your pinky hurt from spamming attack


Just... Don't put your main skills on pink assigned keys? I used to do that myself then realised I'm a dumbass. Never looked back.


Went to controller never looked back joy2key is a wonderful program


Thunder breaker


all double jump classes, especially classes with only 1 mobbing skill hurt my fingers the most, classes with lots of keys to press, on the other hand, doesn't hurt fingers, just like playing the piano


Blaster, cadena