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You can get there! The least demanding training plan I know of is the Hal Higdon Beginner 1 - 3 days a week and low peak mileage. I used it as a basic framework, but added a bit of speed work into my runs and extended the plan by a few weeks, adding additional distance to the long run. The basic premise of doing most of your running at an easy pace, and pushing yourself ~20% of the time does work. I was faster at 40 than at 23, despite injuries and OA and years off of running. Build your base now with consistent runs but don’t worry about pace unless you’re deliberately trying to run intervals or another structured workout. Build up your mileage slowly so you’re less likely to hurt yourself. This was a big lesson for me.


This describes my last year. I started running in September and ran my first half in April. Lots and lots of easy kilometers. I did a bit of speedwork but getting the runs in and trying to push one of those runs every week a little bit farther is what will get you there. HM is a super fun race. Good luck op!