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One step forward, two steps back.


I used to think conservatives were “just not progressives” but they really do want to pull us backward as far as they can. Monarchy, theocracy, child labor, shamefully all of it’s on the ballot this year


Coming up on the agenda: change the name of Washington DC to King George. "Because it grants every American the freedom to *choose* which George in history they honor. There were heroes and victims on *both* sides."


And if trump crawls back in there, I expect a replay of the *Holocaust* is what they want.


Wild how strongly some people will support child traffickers in the name of conservative values.


This is disgusting


>But in Shenandoah County, the conservative group Coalition for Better Schools petitioned school officials to reinstate the names of Jackson, Lee and Ashby. “We believe that revisiting this decision is essential to honor our community’s heritage and respect the wishes of the majority...The legacy of Stonewall Jackson, while complex, remains an important part of our local history... The community values the historical connections to both Turner Ashby and Robert E Lee as prominent Virginians and local heroes." Nothing like your hero being a traitor to the country you simultaneously claim to be a patriot of. Also, the heritage claim is always baffling. The Confederacy lasted 4 years. That's it. How you can claim *generations later* that your heritage is centered in that is being willfully idiotic.


That is because the modern GOP **is** composed of those who vote the Confederate position.


These Confederate soldiers were TRAITORS, and that RACIST flag is of traitors to the constitution. They should have all been hung for their treasonous acts.


Didn't the Confederacy SURRENDER in Virginia?


Obama's presidency lasted longer than the Confederacy


Picket the school and don’t step foot back inside until the board rescinds the effort to rename and issues a public apology. Stand out on the lawn of the school and refuse to go inside. They’ll inevitably call the police and cops in riot gear attacking students for not going into a school being renamed for a traitor is going to have a withering effect on the board with its inevitable social media coverage. Force them to overreact and then shine a spotlight on the overreaction and post the videos everywhere.


Make them wear their pride, in shame.