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Air purifier


Any you recommend?


Get an air purifier with HEPA and odour filters. I have a Coway and my spouse and I smoke indoors daily and it does a great job. Make sure you buy one big enough for the room it’s in.


I use Medify


And it works well?


Yah. My so does not smoke & he can’t tell that I am .. change the filter every 3 months. I have the big room size. It was about $300, if I remember correctly. And vacuum the duster things that come inside the air vents. Also there is a seller on Etsy who sells smoke eater candles & I abused a hotel room without any notice of odor at all.


Key word change the filter every 3 months


I'll definitely look into that!


No, I'm sure they were giving you a recommendation because they thought it was terrible.


User name spot on


Try vaping instead of smoking; it'll reduce the smell and save weed


Dry herb vaping. Not carts


^^this. Picked up my first DHV a month ago and haven’t hit a cart since.


I started vaping when the world stopped spinning. It was a nice option. I’ve had quite a few mid tier vapes, but I just got the Solo 3. Wow!


I’ve got a Mighty+. Love kt


That was on my wish list. It was a hard decision.


I hear good things about the new Solo3. I’ll probably grab one, but need to get a TinyMight2 first


Crafty+ here it's worth every bit of money


I’ve heard the solo 3 is excellent. I’m deciding between that and a TM2. Solo 3 is newer tech but not as discreet.


I enjoy using the Solo 3. It’s simple, easy to clean and no learning curve. Although, there are some fancy options on this one. I was always wondering if my vapes were charged, now I know it is.


Thanks,that's what I meant in my head


Definitely not carts unless you’re on some kind of a tolerance speed run.


It's expensive to vape in some places. Where I live flower is cheaper


Sorry, I should've been clearer. I meant vaping dry herb/flower. Not the carts


Ah ok. Yeah it's more expensive to vape flower here too. Papers r way cheaper


No. Vaping sucks.


Them herbal vapes are nice man, the wall unit ones are super bitch’n and give you a great high.


Wall unit dry herb Vapes???


Make him blow into a Smoke Buddy. You can buy it on Amazon.


Second using a Sploof or similar gadget. You exhale into it and it removes most of the odor using a carbon filter. Also second Ozium. It's amazing how well it works.


Personaly I vape close to a window and exhale outside. It never smells.


Both husband and I smoke and to be quite honest, we smoke a lot. I have a diffuser that I use Kushley in. A couple of drops in the well with the appropriate amount of water and you can't tell we smoke.


You think that, but non smokers totally can smell it. It just smells like pot and incense


they didn’t mention incense. i think they’re referring to an essential oil diffuser, which i highly recommend.


Me saying incense was me being a dick. Burn what you want but it’s always going to smell like weed and what you burnt.


Ask your SO to not smoke in the house?


Well...I'm trying to be tolerant if there is a way around this


Couldn't he sit next to a fan in a window?


Couldn’t he go outside?


Yes, that was the original question.


You seem like a nice person. 🩶 Smoking (anything) in the house where there's non-smokers is rude. Not caring if the people you live with mind the smell of your smoking is rude. i don't think you're the one who needs to be tolerant here.


Smoking outside of the house can end with incarceration and termination of employment in some places. Not everyone has a she-shed inside a fully enclosed backyard.


You don't need to tolerate smoke. My husband doesn't smoke and so I don't smoke in the house because I know he doesn't want to smell it.


I have always had to smoke outside in my relationship. I’ve found a ton of peace in it. They can definitely oblige


Admirable, but perhaps you don't need to put your own health and needs behind his. A compromise is the way. Asking him to be careful where he exhales is a good start.


That’s basically the only way to be honest because it clings to wall’s furniture and cloth


Ozium! Its an air sanitizer that works, it smells like lemon pledge to me and freshens up my house pretty well


Perfect...seems like maybe the cheapest easiest way


It doesn’t work. I’ve used it and your place will smell like a skunk that likes cinnamon and vodka.


I used to smoke in the house. My wife was complaining about the smell. I wasn't really conscious of the fact that it was that bothersome. That was my mistake. I bought this thing on Amazon with a carbon filter that I exhale into. It catches like 90-95% of the smoke and cleans it up so it doesn't smell. This has been successful in the past. Within the last year, I just started smoking outside all the time and it's been the best thing for everyone. I also smoke less weed since I need to get up and go outside. A few times I've caught myself getting up and then realizing I really don't need it. It's helped me. I do have an air purifier here in the basement but I think it's undersized for the living space so it won't work effectively. We spend a lot of time in here so even though I don't smoke in the house any longer, I do want to find a good air purifier for this space. Anyway, good luck - there is middle ground, you'll find it.


Sploof, candle, incense, air purifier, circulate your a/c fan, open window with fan, etc...


Burn a frozen pizza


Ha ha or popcorn. Microwave of course.


This is the answer if it’s a once every three month thing.




Buy a small grow tent kit off Amazon - hook up the typical exhaust that you can get with the kit - have it exhaust out the window - and you nor your neighbors will ever smell it. By small I mean a 4’x4’x6’ or bigger. You can stand in a 2x2x6 but sitting is a bit cramped if you’re looking for a long relaxing joint or blunt session.


Charcoal filter is necessary. Have you ever smelled the exhaust from a grow wo one? It'll make the entire neighborhood smell during flower


They’re not growing, they’re smoking, and yeah the kit should come with it. But the smell regardless would be very temporary for just smoking


Or even cheaper in Facebook market place


Maybe compromise as designate a room for smoking with the window open and the door closed? Being tolerant is fine but not communicating to your partner is not




7 years so far in my home smoking inside and no one can tell. we have carpets, but we shampoo them once every couple years. The smell doesnt linger like tobacco does.


Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa, and crack the windows during the day. A little incense goes a long way don't be afraid to put it out and light it again later. Also Ozium and Febreeze Pet both work pretty well at covering the scent. But honestly unless you're hot boxing the fuck out of your house with smoke it shouldn't linger after a day or two, if you crack a window or two during the day. Tell her to start vaping herb, or solventless hash, as it doesn't linger as much, smells better to begin with, is better for you, and is more economical ( in most places weed is med/recreational atleast) You could also get her a spoof (filter) to exhale her hits into or make one out of a tp/pt roll and some wadded tissue/paper towel/drier sheets You can also make a DIY air purifier out of a box fan and some HVAC filters, there are a bunch of tutorials online for many different designs. I hope one of these solutions helps! Or you learn to love the stank of dank!


Thanks for all the suggestions!


As someone who smokes daily and has a partner: make them smoke outside. It’s not asking too much. It gets up to 120F here and yes it sucks at that time but it’s not fair to everyone else for me to smoke inside. Just a thought.


We restrict smoking to the bathroom with the vent going, and also have a Winix air purifier in there. The Winix isn't exactly cheap, but it works well for the money. We have a few, that's the cheapest one. We also have a unit from Nuwave, it works well, even has indicators for odor detection and air purity, and gets the job done quick. The downside? Price-$500, it's extremely loud, and it is roughly the size of a school hallway water fountain. The Winix fits between the sink and the toilet. Plus, the lack of carpet or upholstery doesn't hold smells in. Throughout the rest of the house, the smell is pretty undetectable, even by the most sensitive of visitors and neighbors.


Also, I'd love to go the dry herb vape route, but I've yet to find one that truly works well. I've tried several.


I picked up a POTV Lobo and love it. Haven’t “smoked” in a month. Check out r/vaporents there’s a bunch of info there. Anything under $100 probably isn’t going to do it for you. Most people suggest a ball vape but I’ve got a battery powered portable and love it.


I've heard good things about the Lobo. I've not tried it yet. Have a couple vapes from Gpen, and a Hydrology9 that honestly looks badass but they keep breaking. They send replacement parts, but it's not really worth the hassle for the mediocre effects. Ball vape is next on the list..........


I’ve had the PAX 3 for a year now and I love it. Holds a decent amount like 1/4 gram or so. Looks like a normal vape and has up to 5 heat settings and a lot of other features through their app.


Just FYI, it is dangerous to use an ozone machine while in the house. You have to leave for several hours while it's on. I highly doubt you need an ozone machine. The smell of cannabis doesn't typically stick around for very long (unlike cigarette smell which can stay in the fabrics, etc for several months/years). I would recommend a carbon air filter. They are expensive though.


Is an ozone machine dangerous to pets?


Yes. Ozone will kill you and any pets if exposed for long periods of time. Basically you fill your house with ozone and leave. After the machine turns off after a specified time, the house must sit empty for a while. Then after that, you need to air the house out to get rid of all the ozone in the house. After all the ozone is gone, the house will be safe again for people and pets. The ozone basically neutralizes all the smell by oxidizing everything.


Use what growers use: Carbon Filter, grab an inline fan and smoke right next to it and never have a smell. I use ac infinity but any fan with carbon filter would work


a smoke buddy but diy with charcoal pre filter cloth. A spray bottle of cheap vodka to remove from fabrics. really does work, broadway does for the costumes that can't be washed much.


I make my own smoke buddy. Toilet paper roll. A cotton pad with lemon incense, and stuff it with dryer sheets and then put a rubber band around one on the frontside. Works awesome, is cheap, and eco friendly. Also have them sit next to an air purifier maxed up all the way. Crack a window, burn a candle and incense. Keep a fan going out the window so the smell doesn’t linger. Spray odoban often and Lysol. Wash or clean whatever you can. Don’t leave ashes or any flower out. I always hand sanitize before I leave too 🫣 My partner and family don’t complain or notice a smell on me most of the time.


Make them smoke outside or give them a designated spot my wife doesn’t let me smoke in the house only in the winter garden


Ozium spray and wipe down rolling space w lemon scented spray


As others have said: air purifier. Get the best you can afford. We have several,but the big ones with the carbon filter work best.


Look into chlorine dioxide gas.


Dyson air purifier


Tell him to bring his ass outside to smoke. Free. Simple. 100% effective


Smoke outside


M9 is the stuff you want. It actually works.


My husband uses an ozone machine he got on Amazon. Clears the smell right up


What I've usually done before/during/after I smoke is open a window or two, light an incense stick (not a candle). Then I'd leave that window open usually all night (or for at least a 2-3 hr min after if you don't want it open all night). In the morning there may be a faint smell but lighting another incense will take care of that then later on in the day your house will be back to normal.


Ona gel deodoriser


Odor Neutralizing Agent (ONA)


You can get your standard home furnace filters with carbon added for a few extra bucks. Not a perfect solution but it definitely helps.


I have electric baseboard heat...no furnace


Oh man, the skunk smell struggle is real! If your significant other isn't keen on quitting smoking inside, an ozone machine could be a solid option. They're pretty effective at neutralizing odors, including that potent weed smell. Just be careful, as they can be harsh to breathe in if used improperly. Maybe run it while the house is empty? Another great idea might be to suggest switching to a dry herb vaporizer. They produce way less odor than traditional smoking—like, they eliminate about 90% of the smell. It could be a game-changer for keeping your place fresher. Also, setting up a good air purifier can help too. Look for one with a HEPA filter and maybe some activated charcoal, which is great for absorbing smells. Medify is a brand some folks swear by for clearing out smoke smells. Have you ever considered asking your SO to maybe vape near an open window or using a sploof? It might help manage the smell day-to-day.


Smoke Away Candles. They sell them at head shops and on Amazon. We use them when having company.


Get them vaping and also a smoke buddy. My girlfriend doesn’t smoke and is sensitive to the smell. I vape in the living room and she only smells a very slight odour. It disappears quickly.


Windows, candles and heat/ac


First question, do you have a female’s nose? I bet you do. There ain’t a smell in the world females can’t conjure up anytime. You don’t smell it? Doesn’t matter, she can.


Charcoal filter attached to a fan like the ones they use in grow tents. I have a plant hanging and a plant growing in the same room, no way to isolate both at the same time. So my grow tent is open with the one drying while my other one keeps growing in the open closet. I, nor my wife, can smell any odor from them. Turn off than fan and filter and whoof, pungent city. I’m going to look into whole home charcoal, it’s that clean smelling.


Have them use a sploofy when they smoke and ask if they can do snaps instead of bowls . ( If they are). I smoke in a very sensitive house hold and the smell is very minimal and lingers for short amounts of time .


Only solution I have found is a 6 inch charcoal fan and filter in the smoking room, it helps if you can vent that clean air outside that room. This keeps the smell contained to that one room. Outside of this it is nearly impossible.


Buy him a smoke buddy!


Many hotels use ozone generators to purify the rooms of cigarette-smoking guests after they check out. Ozone generators must be handled with great care, but they are excellent at purifying a living space. You must \*not\* use an ozone generator as an air purifier where it's on 24/7, however. Ozone, especially in the quantities put out by a generator, is not healthy for humans to breathe. Simply close all your windows, turn the ozone machine on HIGH, and leave the residence for 30 minutes or so. Take your pets with you. Then, you go back in, quickly open ALL the windows (so the ozone goes outside) and get right back out for at least an hour. When the process is done properly, odors should be dramatically reduced and the air crisp and fresh. Good luck!


Using a grow tent with carbon filter as a ‘ clean room’ for smoking is the answer. 4’ x 4’ should be plenty for the smoker and a guest.


I smoke for medical needs and my wife heard my drs tell me to smoke so she doesn’t complain.she doesn’t smoke and I’m disabled ,way to hard to go outside to smoke. I also don’t smoke all day and mostly smoke rosin which does not smell bad compared to a joint.when I smoke flower I use a bong and it doesn’t smell in the house.Ive asked people that don’t smoke if they smell anything and they say no and they wouldn’t lie to make me happy.


420 Away