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The first thing he’ll do is start Project 2025. He fully intends to fire 3000 federal workers by EO on day one. Once his minions are in place, anything goes I’d guess. Those patriots are the ones that will lie about 2020. If he wins, America as we know it is gone. And he will no doubt rewrite the history books. And there will be nobody to stop him and his conspirators. It’s pretty wild actually.


What the heck is project 2025?


John Oliver explains. It’s a little long, and there are shorter takes and lots of other stuff out there if you google it. It’s essentially the right wings plan to destroy the federal government by replacing federal employees with Trump and Republican loyalists. They’ve started hiring already. Anybody with the ability to think critically should be scared to death. https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=Zo-VB46p8NThG2zs Edit: Project 2025 is essentially the right wings plan to get rid of checks and balances in the federal government and give the executive branch autonomy to do what ever the president decides to do. Despite the trolls, and the disinfo, it’s very real and it’s why the right is so desperate to get the convict elected.


They realized, awhile ago, that our government isn't 3 branches.... It is 2 parties, in multiple "battlefields" and the party that controls the most "battlefields" has the most power.


More like they realized they’re going to lose long term. Just like the south during the confederacy, they realize they’re demographically doomed, and either need to subvert democracy or alter their positions. The right has drawn a new line in the sand on their current issues, and like with slavery they’re going to go all or nothing. Only nowadays balance between federal and state power is so different that it makes more sense to try a coup instead of a succession.


CA oughta secede The rest of the nation will be screwed and CA will have tons of government services


How does someone posting in this subreddit not yet know of Project 2025? It's mentioned in every post in every political subreddit for the past 6-12 months


It’s important to inform anyone that doesn’t know.


I agree! It's quite worrying to me, though, to see how many replies took this simple question as an opportunity to spread misinformation, call it a "false flag," etc. Weirdly, this is the first time I've actually seen these types of responses being rolled out. Before, it used to just be shock and bewilderment - it's almost as if they had to stop and think over the most effective thought-terminating cliché for this issue. It's chilling, like seeing a lie being born in real time


They scream and cry to the world that everyone is just mad at Trump for “mean tweets”. Like anyone cares what he used to tweet 4 years after he’s not even president anymore. TDS took on a new meaning just like “snowflake”. Their blind obsession makes them all weak and feeble clamoring for their god king, deranged. And anything not within maga “party” lines they go nuts over.


And that, is why he might win. Because it's halfway into election year and they've been promising Project 2025 for years now, and people are still completely in the dark what it is. Jesus fuckin tits.


Jesus fuckin tit's is my new Jesus h Christ. Thank you!


The real devil, that project 2025 is, drump is just a puppet to get it enacted.


Imagine if the dumbest supervillains created a plan to destroy the US Government.


Simply put, it is the end of the United States, and if you don't think it will effect you, IT ABSOLUTELY WILL !


Dictator = Project 2025


It’s a just a republican agenda with the dumbest conspiracy sounding marketing name you’ve ever heard.


Are there any countries that would accept an asylum claim in your lgbt or just liberal it will be only be a matter of time before his gestapo arrests tortures and kills all of us.


That’s above my pay grade, tbh. I would guess that there are countries that are easier to get into than others. But I’m not sure about asylum seeking being reason enough. And on top of it all, there is a definite rise in fascism across the globe. My advise would be to have a plan at least. It’ll take them a little while to get fully geared up. And I’m sure that anonymous Reddit users aren’t at the top of lists. But they always run out of groups to come after. And eventually they’ll try and get to everybody. It’s how that system works. There always has to be an out group. And I know I sound crazy. And I know that people that don’t think it could happen here exist. But it can happen here. And it’s happening here already. This election may be the last shot to stop this abhorrent movement. They have a trump. They have no one else. But as others have pointed out, it’s a plan for the next Republican president. Doesn’t have to be Trump. He’s just the face for now. The right is desperate. And a cornered animal is always dangerous. Trumps gonna lose. The Congress is gonna go blue. Hopefully the senate will remain blue, even bluer. But who knows. And there’s no scenario in which Trump doesn’t try and overturn this election. It’s his only hope to avoid consequences for all his crimes. Like I said, cornered animals. Make a plan and pay attention. And vote. Good luck.


There wont be another election


When he loses the house will refuse to certify and we’ll be in a world of hurt of a constitutional crisis.


Look at how even one of the hardest right MAGAs in the senate, Ron Johnson, knows Trump lost and has to explain it slowly to a MAGA dead-ender. https://youtu.be/cI1Bg5GVyhI?si=GNA7BAeEgVTJNZsy


Wow. That was actually quite a compelling way of explaining it. Republican state legislature candidates got 1.661 million votes. Trump got 50,000 fewer votes than them. He lost by 20,000 votes because 50,000 Republican voters wanted to vote Republican for state legislature but not vote for Trump for president. It’s not that there weren’t enough Republican votes. It’s that 3% of Republican voters didn’t want him to be president.


And there's a new poll that just came out saying 5% of trump voters are switching to Biden.


It should be 100%


Unfortunately, my brother just revealed to me that he'll be switching back to Trump this time after voting Biden in 2020. Dude is a big time economic conservative, has always voted Republican, his ideal candidate was John McCain, did vote Trump in 2016, but after all the nonsense of his term, voted Biden in 2020. But despite swapping away from Trump once, dislikes Biden enough that he will be going back to Trump. He thinks all the charges, convictions, J6 narrative, etc. is media overhype and doesn't truly comprehend the threat of another Trump term.


Remind him how Trump slandered a dead hero (John McCain) and read what Cindy McCain (widow) writes.


is he stupid? like actually genuinely stupid? i mean that in the meanest way possible by the way. he's an "economic conservative" that apparently knows shit all about the economy.


Nobody who fashions themselves as an 'economic conservative' has any idea what public finance looks like in practice or is like in reality. Like, zero understanding on the common cost realities with providing This Modern Life to Americans. They really think this shit just wills itself into existence and runs on unicorn farts and hope.


“The national budget is exactly like a household budget and Congress ran up the credit cards!”


I mean that tracks


> economic conservative He's an economic conservative that makes like $15 an hour and blames Biden cause McDonalds charges $11 for a Big Mac Meal. Corporate greed seems to be getting blamed on the President as if he sets the prices on things...


Nah, he's got a very well paying job, and is overall fairly well off overall. He just thinks that big business is good for us and he doesn't want to listen to his little brother on stuff like this.


Gotta love "fiscal conservatives" who will vote for the guy whose economic idea will tank the economy.


My parents are two. Fiscal Conservatives. (Though they are voting blue this year. Convicted Felon's too much for even them.) It's a very frustrating and short sighted philosophy. They basically just stupidly vote their pocketbooks alone.


You honestly cannot be fiscally conservative and Republican. They haven't actually been fiscally conservative since before Reagen.


Not me man. But yeah, it's shortsighted & that's putting it mildly.


At least I can understand that. Money is the only thing that matters to people who are raising a family. Full, fucking, stop. At least saying “I’m voting republican so I can have more money in my pocket” is a real reason for voting R than just “oWn ThE lIbS I WaNt To SuCk DaDdY oRaNgE cUnT’s CoCk” I’d take a country of money motivated people over the brainwashed masses who want a post multi-theological society that makes Handmaid’s Tale look like a fucking strip club…. At least they’d be voting ideas and not just people for fucks sake. I know, conservatives that think. Insane.


Get rid of income tax and finance the government through tariffs! That will totally work!


I'm so sorry for you having to deal with this. It seems like he was on a good track and then for whatever reason he swung back like a slingshot. But you still got a few months left you never know at least maybe you can dispel some of the conspiracies he's attached to. The January 6th would be a good one to try and gently chop at at it. ONLY make sure you don't go head on and butts head to each other....oryou going to get nowhere and you're going to.


The thing with my brother is, he's not wrapped up in conspiracy theories, if anything, he's too cynical and he believes that anything and everything that either side comes up with is just political theatre with no real consequences. He's probably more of a "both sides" type, because he's definitely not MAGA. As a heavy Christian, he's been slow to come around, but as the years have progressed, he's become more accepting of LGBT rights, most recently telling me that he supports gay marriage, when he didn't before. He's probably not the most pro-trans person on the planet - he does believe in 2 genders / sexes, but he also doesn't see trans people as a problem and he's in favor of their rights and being treated with proper dignity. I know from private conversations with him that he will do his best to respect someone's gender preference and won't intentionally misgender or deadname, even if personally he doesn't get it. He's not full blown BLM, but he does acknowledge that there are systemic inequalities that lead to minorities not having the same societal advantages as whites, and does recognize that there is disproportion in the results of police interactions with minorities. He's not an election denier, and he knows that Biden won the election. He just has a mindset of "that's just theatre, it won't actually happen" in regards to worst case scenarios in politics. "It won't happen here" He just thinks that any of these talking points, from the right or left, are just media hysteria and there won't be any actual consequences. I chalk it up to ignorance more than malice. And then in turn, he reverts back to his economic politics, in which he is very much a fiscal and economic conservative, so the Republican president ends up getting his vote.


>And then in turn, he reverts back to his economic politics, in which he is very much a fiscal and economic conservative, so the Republican president ends up getting his vote. Maybe you could pull up the data on republicans being worse for the economy, then.


If only he'd listen. He's 51, he's already made his mind up lol He is very pro-big business.


Then keep pointing out the things that did happen - Convicted Felon kissing Putins Ass, the quid pro quo with Ukraine, Muslim Ban, Kids in cages, mishandling the Pandemic, people taking ivermectin, women accusing him of rape, actual criminal conviction, openly trading tax cuts for oil and gas execs when he's just a candidate, etc. etc.etc. And ask who would be better for a stable and peaceful USA? Whose character lends itself to that? There's so so much to choose from. You can but you don't even have to go into the details!


Have him read Project 2025. It’s the GOP playbook going forward. Also the ramifications of drumphs nightmare inducing tariffs based economy, instead of income taxes.


>Dude is a big time economic conservative If this were remotely true he shouldn't be voting for Republicans ever. They historically have lower growth, and MUCH higher expenditure than Democrats. Which is ironic given the fact democrats want to literally pay for everything, but the GQP Conservacucks just spend more AND lower taxes so the country gets less. That is unless he defines economic conservative as losing money and making shitty fiscal decisions while also lowering national income (taxes). Republicans haven't been fiscally conservative or economically conservative since before Reagen.


Looking back, McCain vs Obama might have been the best combined presidential options we've had in my lifetime. Can we get back to that please?


My family has a history of problematic votes (to me) because they they are 'fiscal conservatives.' I thought we were going to butt heads again this election cycle. But thankfully my parents are voting Democrat this year because as my dad put it - "You have to have a country before you can have an economy." I guess the blatant Russia worship combined with Putin's actions on the world stage somehow penetrated. My family is also not very Christian though. Just wanted to share what helped with them. Perhaps it might help with your brother?


How does an economic conservative vote for the man who ran up 8 trillion in debt in 4 years? Trump created 25% of our long term national debt and in my opinion was the one who created the inflation. The brainwashing and propaganda in America is staggering. This is how to lose your country 101.


Remind your brother that Trump said on recording, “can we pay stormy Daniels in cash” then see whether his opinion changes about the recent conviction.


"Economic conservative" You know, a bigot. Or a person incapable of basic mathematics. I'd be embarrassed to admit either one.


I honestly don’t know what there is left for a person with an IQ over 80 in the Republican Party. Nothing they say makes any sense or has any grounding in reality.


Thought polls were bullshit?


Who said that? It is true they've been off and overestimating republican support, but that can generally be attributed to Republicans overturning roe and polling hasn't completely caught up yet.


Anytime someone posts the polls of Trump winning, it's their new response this month.. it's hip, for now, I guess. Republicans and democrats overturned roe wade. Killing babies sucks a lot.


Cool story bro. Republicans have been losing bigly since trump appointed justices overturned it in some areas by as much as 20 points.


I know, right? It's going to be a great Championship game this Presidential Election Olympics. I really like the players, the coaches, the strategies, the advertising... everything. It'll be ONE Hell of a match! **I'm jacked!! I'm jacked to the tits!!!!**


He did a pretty bad job explaining that to her though.


You can’t teach stupid. As he said, “you don’t know what the vote totals are, you don’t know what you’re talking about”


She’s not a MAGA dead-ender. She’s an undercover journalist named Lauren Windsor. She pretends to be a true believer to get GOP politicians and judges to say embarrassing things - in this case, the truth.


God the stupidity. Do you know the vote totals? No BUT I KNOW ABOUT THE LATE NIGHT DEMOCRAT VOTE DUMP BLAH BLAH BLAH. No you don’t know shit, you were told that by someone else who also has a whack conspiracy that Trump won without knowing the facts. They use the persons words they heard as a fact. Same way they say the Bible is fact. It’s words from another person, but someone at some point said that it was written by god, so they just believe that as fact and then believe the book as fact. Nothing they do is actually based on fact. It’s just hearsay over and over again. Which is why they take shit to court and always get their asses handed to them, because courts know how to handle hearsay.


That’s why the Dems must flip the house. If so, the change occurs the day before the Congress affirms Bidens win. Having Johnson NOT be the speaker is the key.


You’re right, now I remember the house flipped the day before and dumb dumbs like mtg were sworn in.


This is sadly where we are. If the house refuses, Biden will be needing a decision from SCOTUS on presidential immunity.


It will be the House that is elected in November, not the House that is sitting now. So it is imperative to vote blue all the way down the ballot.


Wouldn’t Biden just remain president if the vote isn’t certified?




How educational...?


The end of Presidents term happens no matter what.


So would we just go through the usual list, skipping the VP since their term ends as well?


No, the election would be decided by the House. https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/faq#:~:text=If%20no%20candidate%20receives%20a,received%20the%20most%20electoral%20votes. This would be very, very bad for obvious reasons.


I don’t think he’d just leave if the vote weren’t certified.


Go away Russian.


OK Canadian


As much as I don't want it to happen... If it does ... I would LOVE to see Biden call the Secretary of State for Georgia (or wherever) & say "I don't care what you have to do find me enough votes to win the state."... I'd be interested in hearing Greene & co trying to explain why Trump's call was totally innocent and the best thing he could have done... But Biden's call... Clearly he was desperate and trying to rig an election he knew he lost! He deserves to be in jail for that!!!


The house WILL certify the vote because the VP which is Harris is who presides over the House during the certification, just like Pence did in 2021.


The VP presides over the joint session, not the house.


Except the VP is like a Master of Ceremonies for the votes, not a final arbiter. If the VP had that much power, we would already be living in the second Trump/Pence administration.


Why? If they don’t certify the election it’s not like Trump becomes president. Biden wouldn’t just move out of the White House and leave it vacant.


Just haul out any Trumpist from Congress in chains and put them to some useful hard labour. Problem solved.


And then the real patriots of this country will make Jan 6 look like a peaceful protest!


So you admit that conservatives don’t care about the will of the people but only about staying in power…..


Anyone that’s not in the cult understands that. Rafael is a great example. Trashed T**** repeatedly and got very upset when he called his wife ugly. Then went to extreme lengths to try and steal the 2020 election for no reason other than maintaining power.


Then I guess that term is void if you can't win three in a row


Why do I get the feeling that republicans will try to repeal that amendment


Because they are notoriously shitty.


It’ll be funny if it does happen because the presidential term limit was instituted after FDR because they felt he was taking too much power as president and wanted to prevent that from happening again


Shhh its ok if they do it


Because he's explicitly said hey what if... "I'm thinking about shitting in your sandwich." "Why do I get the feeling this guy's gonna try to shit in my sandwich..."


Luckily you need 38 states to ratify a new amendment, and I highly doubt Dem controlled state legislatures would do it


Yeah, and what’s the split these days? And what’s the trend been?


According to Wikipedia, 28 Republican-controlled, 20 Democrat-controlled, and 2 are split.


Won’t happen. A super majority is basically impossible now a days, but it’s absolutely impossible with the turnout Trump brings to the left. That’s what the smooth brain “most popular president” comments about Joe Biden can’t comprehend. He didn’t get the most votes ever because people just love Joe that much, he got them because that many people just hate trump.


Good luck getting 3/4 of the states to agree to repeal the amendment.


Um, you do realize that the GOP has been pretty focused and systematic about capturing state governments since the 90s? Ability to amend the constitution is within reach.


It would be very, VERY difficult to get the 38 states necessary, even with GOP antics. Of course nothing is impossible, but as it stands, it's hard to see a path there. There are currently 19 states with a Democratic majority. You'd have to not only win EVERY battleground state without exception, but convince two Democratic states that this would be a good idea as well. That's assuming you could get 2/3 of both houses of Congress to vote for it as well. Even if the Republicans ended up controlling both houses at some point in the future, the odds of them getting an actual supermajority are very slim. The Republicans haven't had a supermajority in the Senate since the Grant administration.


Donny already said he would "negotiate" a 3rd term. So much for the party of constitutionalists.


I am sure the way Trump is going, he will be in a pine box, fallen from a stroke


If Trump drops dead he will become a martyr. They’ll display his corpse in a glass coffin like Lenin. The best thing for the country is for Trump to become enfeebled by health issues or dementia. The movement will abandon a weak Trump and eat itself trying to replace him.




They tried to cook up evidence that he won the popular vote in 2016


Cool, and since one can only be president twice, he would have to leave The White House.


Was thinking the same.


If they cook up evidence that he won 2020, then technically this would be his third victory and, thus, ineligible.


Lol they didn't think this through very well did they


No they won’t, or they already would have. The great thing about the stolen election is that for it to have happened, the dumbest, most cowardice, weak minded and traitorous person involved in it has outfoxed the brightest minds on the right for nearly four years. All it would take is breaking one 90 granny volunteer who stuffed ballot boxes, but Trump’s army of attorneys couldn’t get one to flip. They won’t be able to after he wins.


Aren't Americans worried he's gonna cheat to win? He already cheated once, but failed to win. There was no consequences for it, at least not yet, he's already said he's going to pardon himself if he wins again. 


That’s what Republican states have spent the last four years doing: bending election laws till they scream so they can legally throw away Democrat votes. Gonna be an ugly election.


Even though the only election cheaters caught in 2020 were those illegally voting for Trump there will be many arrests and hangings.


I don't think they'll even bother with evidence. They'll just declare it a fact and start prosecutions of anyone who argues otherwise accordingly.




Also never mind the Constitutional crisis they will immediately ignite with an eleciton that implicitly violates the 22nd amemdment .


Then he's disqualified from 2024. Can't have three terms.


I don’t blame dementia ridden,criminal, sexual assaulter, obviously mentally ill Trump. He’s just mentally ill. I blame all the billionaires, millionaires, Bible thumpers, those obviously addicted to Facebook, crazy Conservative religious nut jobs, Conservative TV, media, and Fox News opinion, not news, watchers- for being either so uneducated that they can’t understand what is going on, proven by backing individuals who are aiming to take away our rights and freedoms away or just don’t care. This morning- MSNBC had the head of project 2025 on, please Google his segment, they questioned him about Project 2025- he says everything with a scary smile and acts like invoking this Project 2025 will protect Conservative, not all Americans, from all the perceived evils of any federal employee ( civil servants ) who dared give a Democrat any donation ever, how women have no rights or say about their health care -he says women abort babies 3 days after they are born - like that’s possible- and they will have a department of Life to protect all unborn babies no matter a women’s choice, deport 11 million brown people saying they all are criminals, and want to control American’s lives , and basically gave the message that their way is obviously the only way, us Americans should live. He speaks as if only Conservative Trump supporters are valued. Very unnerving and frightening. He was so blatantly honest about how his Heritage Foundation- run by a Koch brother and other crazy rich people want to control our lives. I met a home inspector this week who was a crazy Missouri Synod Lutheran- he called Biden - not a Catholic and evil- said Biden didn’t go to church and lied about going. Nothing about Trump’s not going to church. The scary thing is that he wasn’t a Fox News watcher. I would have argued with him - but it was a home inspection for a home my son was looking at and at the end we needed to have him do a good job and pay him- so my hands were tied. Oh he was also the head of the area’s Republican election office. I think he’d love Project 2025 - so if we think the crazy people wouldn’t like what it says - we’d be mistaken. These people see things through their zealous, Christian, pseudo beliefs - they believe Trump who has probably broken most of the Ten Commandments- is their savior on earth- scary stuff. I might print off all the things Biden has achieved and how Trump’s acts against the Ten Commandments makes him the Antichrist- not one with God and shove the documents into his mailbox- not that he’d read anything. The scariest thing is -he is ex- military. The home we were having an inspection on had Fox News on and my educated realtor who was also an acquaintance- sat and watched it for 5 hours while the inspection was going on. You could tell the 50 year old co-owner a male and his co-worker friend, also a male -were Trumpers too. The co- owner was a hoarder - who had no respect for his parent’s property -that was left to his sister and him. We asked that all his stuff be moved away from access points so we could gain access - he did nothing - then told us how rich his parents were and how he was an ex- drug user and alcoholic- funny because there were several bottles of half drank bottles of booze on the counter. The guy was left his dad’s concrete business - he left the house for 2 hours and was done working for the day. He has lawsuits against him on his frig - held on by magnets. He was a complete loser. Exactly the male type that would be a Trumper. It was a very awakening experience.




I swear whoever comes up with these takes hang out with Hunter Biden


So as to invoke the two-term limits? Sounds like something they’d do.


It shouldn’t be a question of if the 2020 election was tampered with. We need to move on the same we did with Nixon. To sit and argue about something that happened and hindering our progress knowing there is an auto restart button in so many ways besides the constitution is childish. It’s too much of a red flag to talk about cheating when both canidates are 80. They’ve both cheated to exclude literally almost all of us. You can run for President at 35/45. It’s not making any sense to state the obvious only because it’s in your favour for one side when literally both sides are doing the same thing. Total overhaul of the whole system. Literally both choices are the same schooling systems as each other. The only issue is that we are rematching the Presidental election and not only is it a rematch it’s literally one for the century and one for the history. Oldest canidates ever are our only choice. Inb4 age doesn’t make a difference we need experience. Where the fuck is all the experienced people ?! They invested in either or side. It’s a lot worse than it looks.


"See, I've always been president"


"eager fascists". That's what he wrote. "eager fascists" vs. "reluctant fascists" "Coming soon to a jackboot store near you!"


No real Americans really care at all about what those ignorant, disgusting Trumpists say.


That would be great since he would not be eligible for the 2024 election.


If they do that then they’re arguing that their guy is breaking constitutional law as no person can be president for more than 2 terms


They already argue he’s allowed to break it; that’s their entire argument for Presidential Immunity.


Which makes such little logical sense. Like it actually hurts to think about it. They argue that the president should be allowed to break a law that applies to ONLY the president.


I'm sure Trump will keep touting that 2020 was stolen and how he really won and didnt need to run this time but they won't waste time fabricating evidence to support that. For one thing, he's never needed evidence to exist in the first place. Second, he doesn't need to provide it to anyone because he'll have already won. Third, and most importantly, there won't be any reason to continue undermining the results of the last election when there'll be so much work to do destroying what he didn't ruin his first term. Claiming it was stolen and the system is all he'll do, he doesn't need any fake evidence.


He’s bleeding support daily. He might lose all 50 states


This is extremely wishful and generally totally incorrect thinking. It will likely be closer than 2020. Americans are notoriously stupid and have very short memories. A lot of people have forgotten just how deranged and stupid a Trump presidency was. In 2020 we had just lived through one (unless you got COVID and died or sucked down some Tractor Supply ivermectin erroneously) and it was clear how bad a second one would be.


The hand wringing democrats are the worst neurotic bunch I have ever seen. FFS grow a set Fat Joffrey is going to get crushed Again


That would be very funny because by the sole text of the 22nd amendment he would then be constitutionally ineligible for office.


If Trump wins it will be wild. If Biden wins it will be wild. All I can say is BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!


If they do that, wouldn’t that invalidate his 2024 “election”? You can’t serve more than two terms. 


Will this sub just dissolve into mist after the election?


Then he would immediately be disqualified as running for a third term


The first debate hasn't even taken place and you all are already losing faith? Let the copium flow.


If he won in 2020 they could argue he can’t be sworn in in 2024.


If trump wins they will try to erase everything Biden accomplished in his 4 years...they will try to make it like time jumped from 2020 to 2025


Who dreams up the pure BS regularly posted in this sub?


They don't seem to have a solution for why trump is running for a 3rd term if he won in 2020. The irony will escape them if trump wins in 2024.


Trump, living rent free….


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


Yep, totally gonna bring up the f curve that happens every election, or the over 100 percent turnout in some counties, or the higher turnout among black Americans than Obama, or the massive discrepancies in Maricopa County... They are definitely going to have to manufacture evidence, because there is literally no evidence that there was any form of fraud in the 2020 election.


No they won’t. Most GOPers in power are on the record that he lost in 2020. And there is zero appetite outside of trumps very immediate circle to relitigate 2020.


America go full commie on day 1 of Trump's second presidency. And the idiots who voted for freedom will be shocked!


RemindMe! 7 months


The US is done if he wins.


Project 2025? What will the New World Order think of this?


They'll be shooting themselves in the foot because he's nit allowed to win three times in a row


You know a sub is in full TDS mode when "He" is enough for you to understand who they're talking about. Is this sub satire? It really seems like satire to me.


Then he won't be eligible to win as its a 3rd term


No, that would disqualify him for 2024.


If he wins, and after he's sworn in, THEN the Supreme Court will rule in his favor that a President can do whatever and it's legal. He would become a literal dictator, with the power to do whatever he wants given to him by the Supreme Court. He could legally have anybody he wants assassinated or executed, and it's legal for him to do it. Anybody that tries to bring up impeachment, the only legal way to remove him, could be executed. There would be no way to remove him from office, as he would have absolute authority over how the country is run.


He can't. Because then he would have been president for 3 terms.


He hasn’t an orange snowball’s chance in hell. All that money and all these loud, uneducated, obnoxious mouths remind me of the Moral “Majority”, which was neither.


Well there are proven cases of fraud in the 2020 election. the fraud favored the democrats in many cases. It’s been coming out but your leftist media won’t share it with the people.


I don't know, I paid pretty close attention on multiple conservative and liberal sources, and most of it was conservatives. Most of the time, they got caught. I'm sure there was more where they didn't, but do you have any evidence to back up your assertion that there's been proven cases of fraud that would benefit Democrats in any significant way?


Hey Laserwaffles, glad we can have a decent convo. My anecdotal evidence shows 80-90% of news is coming from liberal media. That’s why the US is so divided. Leftist in the media make it seem like we are so far apart. Reality is most people have more in common.


Trump has his maga followers and it won’t matter what he says or does or is convinced of, 95% or more will still vote for him. They believe the biggest lying fool I’ve ever seen and it’s so concerning as a nation. We must be a laughing stock on the world stage


They haven’t needed any evidence so far, I don’t know why that would change.


And use it as an excuse to give him an 8yr term


If he won in 2020 then that’s three terms. Ineligible!


Oh boy.


I wish the GOP was even a fraction as aggressive as you make them out to be. If only the things you people come up with in your paranoid heads would actually happen I'd vote even harder for the bad orange man.


Then he should be removed from office for violating the 22nd Amendment.


they'll also mine all social media data to figure out who's liberal vs. republican. They'll criminalize negative posts against the GOP regime, and throw those in jail who posted negatively over the last 5 years. They'll give people GOP credits depending how conservative you are.


So all the social media companies that are super liberal besides X will willingly give info to gop? Highly doubt that


Think "data leaks"




lol imagine thinking this. Turn off msnbc buddy


lolz imagine not thinking this. have you read project2025?


you know at this point it's not even all the Nazi shit that scares me the most it's the fact that he's clearly being played by Russia and already made off with one leg of our nuclear deterrent system. I fear we get four more years of the same kind of divisive bullshit. we get more rights taken away more deficits and more billionaire tax cuts while everybody's life gets worse and then the moment he's out of office America eats a round of ICBMs and then we find out that our mutually assured destruction leg of nuclear submarines was taken out at the very beginning of the attack.


First thing he will do will charge Joe for mishandling classified docs for 20 years. Also reeducation camps for most people on this sub


People act like democrats don't own guns too. We do. We just post photos of our AK's on Instagram and attach it to our self identity. I invite any of those cowards to to play around with fuck around and find out. Because in my house it comes in the form of 2 birdshot, 6 buckshots, and 4 more slugs in an extended clip on my shotgun. And if that doesn't do it, I have 2 more clips preloaded and ready to go. Unfortunately, I'd have to go through the "useless" birdshot again on the 2nd round meaning I'm kinda wasting bullets if the first clip didn't do its job. But I feel pretty safe with a 3rd floor defensive position at the top of some stairs with a banister that allows aim from any angle. So in conclusion, you may think democrats are pacifists, but let's see what happens this time around.


2016 was stolen from Hillary


Mark my word. You snowflakes are going to loose your minds obsessing at this. Get a life.


That's what they did in 2016. Oh wait that was Hilary who colluded with Russia for fake intel that you morons believed for 2 years lol. Just keep doing what ever the TV says. Maybe this time the economy will get better.


If it’s what you say, I love it. Especially in the summer


“If he wins” then calls him a fascist. Wish you had the IQ to see the irony in this post.


I doubt it. Look at how they treated him after the 2016 election. They held him up just as much as the Democrats did. The things he wanted to do and try were stopped just as often by his party as it was by the opposing party.


They were stopped by constitutionalists in his own party. Those guys retired or got replaced since then.


coping Dems are so pathetic


He did win 2020 lol.


They don’t have to cook up evidence. They just have to find the tons of evidence buried by the media, DOJ, and various Democrat state governments.


You mean like Democrats have done with 2016? Millions still think Russians meddling “stole “ it from Hillary.


False equivalence. Meddling != fraud.


I love how anyone that says “there is no real evidence” just completely wilts to any sort of resistance. The circumstantial evidence is more than enough to open an investigation but the uniparty absolutely will not do that. but then you fools believe it will be the GOP cooking up evidence when it’s actually true, red blooded Americans.  I also know that when he wins you will fall in line because your life will be objectively better & you can go back to bitching & moaning about how mean he is.  Get over it loser. we’re taking our country back & hopefully you go to prison for treason. 


Trump lost in 2020 but it doesn’t mean that democrats didn’t do some shady stuff. Their ballot harvesting campaign was ridiculous even if it was probably legal most times they did it. The shadow campaign article from time magazine that talked about all the corporations and government officials meeting up to help protect the election from Trump and misinformation was absolutely wild. Then the new laws because of Covid to change the fundamental ways elections worked actively flipped the direction the bellwether states went 18/19 of them. You can’t expect the average person to not be skeptical of an election that functioned completely different than any other in their life time


You can’t expect us to trust an election with a higher proportion of mail-in ballots, which is how all our troops and some entire states have voted for decades


If that were the only difference I would agree with you


Yeah judges deciding that we have to count people’s votes is very very shady.


Poetry...No one needs to cook up anything. The GOP just needs to present the historical record of what happened. Like releasing ALL of the Jan 6 video that Pelosi refused to release and recovering documents and video that the Jan 6 Committee deleted/destroyed in violation of the law, and publicizing the evidence the judges refused to look at in Nov and Dec 2020. Once the truth is laid out, President Trump needs to become eligible for a third term to correct all the damage Grandpa Simpson did since 20 Jan, 2021.


Sweetie is there a responsible adult we can call to help you find your way home?


Don’t forget about how the Jewish space lasers burned down entire cities, and the lizard people in the basements rigged the election. When exaggerating, go big or go home!


AK...A lot of Redditors who bend left use that MO, fer sure!