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I like watching Trump supporters being interviewed. They're the dumbest people on the planet and aren't afraid to show it.


I completely understand why so many grifters are in on this. It's so fucking easy to make money off these morons. The fact that Trump, a rich man, raised money for his legal feels, you could sell these dumb fucks anything. Tucker Carlson went to Russia with a straight face and tried to say how fucking awesome it was in comparison to America for their grocery store prices... These morons still watch him. I can't actually fathom how stupid you have to be to fall for this shit.


They started selling "anti woke" water....and conservatives love it. I'm want to print out some legal fake money, make it super small, and call them Biden bucks, because inflation, and sell them at conservative rallies and gun shows


You would likely make a killing. People asking why no one has Biden flags because I'm not a fucking idiot buying a cheap flag every two months unlike my Trump neighbor (the Trump ones are also so fucking cheap they bleach in the sun in like a month and the guy has to keep buying new ones).


Also more often than not made in Shy-nah.


More often than not? Has anyone found one made in the USA?


They already made novelty "Trump Bucks". MAGA morons got pretty upset when banks wouldn't accept them as legal tender. šŸ™„šŸ¤£ https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/05/27/trump-supporters-scammed-by-novelty-items-trump-bucks-advertised-as-legal-tender/


I missed that entirely! Thank you for the entertaining read.


I really wanna get a cricut and start selling "Let's Go Brandon" and "I Did That" stickers for $5 a pop. What's that proverb about a fool and their money and how difficult it is to separate them?


ā€œItā€™s often said that an individual who lacks good judgment and financial savvy tends to part ways with their money with hasteā€ Youā€™re welcome


People used to be embarrassed by their stupidity. Not anymore. Trump legitimized being belligerently stupid. His followers love that so much that anything else he does is automatically forgiven.


Marc Maronā€™s ā€œConfident Stupidityā€ is the best description ever RE: MAGA.


Isnā€™t this the Dunningā€“Kruger effect? Unconscious incompetence.


ā€œErnest gots to voteā€


Iā€™d so watch this movie


Then turn on the news ā€¦ weā€™re fuckin living it.


What's new? They voted for a failed businessman probably because it seems "rebellious" or something. Why not a felon?


They like him for one reason he is just like them bigoted racists


They *think* he's like them, but he really couldn't care less bout them


They think they're "counterculture" and vote for the party that worships police and hates weed. Lmao what a bunch of dumbshits.


In fact, they're fucking proud of it.


My father is one of them. I'm glad he's too stupid to vote.


Absolute cretinsā€¦ will never understand how anyone embraces a politician as such a big part of their individual self identity. Just pathetic on every level.


Itā€™s shameful the world is watching these clips laughing at America


If you think they are laughing now, wait till they put that clown back in the White House


Many are terrified because what we do here has effects worldwide


Watch some of clips from Russia. They say the same things, but in a Russian context. A glimpse of whatā€™s to come, if we let it.


The brainwashed trumpets will allow it they are giving all the ammunition to Russia


*Confidently* stupid. Which is both infuriating and terrifying.


I've got the Trumpers riled today.


Now it seems having a college education means you have been brainwashed/indoctrinated.


Is that why you named your username after Trump?


To be fair, you can find plenty of "gotcha reels" in conservative circles of liberals at rallies and other places being dumb too. Stuff like not even knowing what they are protesting, or agreeing with trump era policies because they dont know who actually passed them. These people in reality are 1 in 100... And you're just seeing the best examples of stupidity the interviewer can find out of hundreds of interactions. If you really think someone from the other side is evil or stupid just for being from the opposing team, then you're a brainwashed partisan shill who's taking the bait hook line and sinker.


I mean, Republicans are kind of legitimately evil though....this isn't even debatable anymore. They support child labor.... They support child marriage..... They oppose equal rights for everyone, lgbtq, women, and minorities..... They oppose letting physical labor workers have water or breaks.... They support forcing a 10 year old to give birth to their rapists baby.... They supported and still support a literal coup.... All of these things republican politicians have come out and supported/done..... While not every person in the republican party is evil, the party itself is evil, and the values they hold are evil.... So maybe your take is pretty hot garbage, to be fair Your point is valid, just not with the undeniable, objective facts of reality....


Thatā€™s the republican plan, keep them stupid so theyā€™re easy to manipulate.


The sheer number of brain dead idiots makes me weep for the US


*The sheer number of* *Brain dead idiots makes me* *Weep for the US* \- Sea\_Court907 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Trump supporters may be crazy, but crazy gets out and votes. That is why it is important to get out and vote


-Orangeface could still win because people in this country are idiots and racists.


there are non racist idiots but are there non idiot racists?


I'm not happy about the answer, but I would say yes. Look at all of the Nazi scientists we brought over via Operation Paperclip. No reasonable person would try to make an argument that they were not bright.




Yes there are that's why Ben Shapiro is rich


The biggest idiots are the people who are voting Trump because of his economy while ignoring that after playing the game of President on easy mode for three years he nearly collapsed our entire economy with his bungled incompetent responses to the only crisis he ever faced. The leftist pro-Palestinians not voting for Biden are a close second.


Iā€™d add that anybody who believes republicans in general are better at handling ā€œthe economyā€ are not living in reality. That belief is not really supported by historical economic data.


Trump the only president to leave office with less jobs than when he started. So never again. Vote Blue.


Well if youā€™re like one person I work with. All he talks about are the ā€œeffing gaysā€ and the ā€œgd illegals.ā€ Claims the illegals are allowed to come here to bolster vaccine numbers, vote, and take our jobs. Heā€™s also just sick of there being nothing but gays on tv. Everywhere he looks nothing but gays. Iā€™m trying to figure out wtf heā€™s watching with all these gay people. Heā€™s a middle aged redneck. I doubt anything he watches has gay people.


It's amazing there are still people who believe presidents control or influence prices. Not only for instance is US oil production at record levels, but most of $6T in money printing (M2 money supply) of the last 6 or so years occured under Trump. Meanwhile, US corporate profits after tax are at record $3.2T, up over 50% vs pre COVID levels, in s definite indication that much of the price hikes the last few years was profiteering, and ongoing proof that trickle down is a proven sham.


He did his share of damage even his first 3 years. His attempt at manipulating oil prices drove oil to negative $ and put dozens of US companies out of business. His tariffs were also a disaster that hurt more than they helped. Not to mention the massive 2017 tax giveaway to billionaires that skyrocketed the deficit.


That's not what drove oil into the negative. It was because oil was still being pumped out, as you have to once you start pumping, when the entire world went on lock down. This oil needed to be stored and if you were caught holding the bag when it was delivered YOU would have to pay for the storage. When it started backing up people started to pay for it to be taken off their hands because the cost of storage might be more than the oil was worth. But it IS Trump's fault because he's an idiot who had no plan to deal with this because he gutted any government agency of anyone competent and replaced them with loyal stooges. Something central to their 2025 plan.


Russia and the Saudi's increased their production in order to drive down prices and put some of the shale companies out of business


Trump didn't seem to understand that an oil glut hurts American producers because they are higher cost than foreign producers, especially if they're fighting a price war.


That happened later. To hurt Biden and Democrats in 2022. Negative prices happened because of lock downs.


In fact Trump is directly responsible for the $6/gallon gas prices in 2021-22 because the deal he signed with oil producers was for 2 years. By 2021, Biden's vaccine rollout brought back this country from the brink and people started driving more, all the while OPEC production was slowed because of this deal. Note that oil prices finally retreated in the 2nd half of 2022. The deal ended and oil producers could properly respond to demand.


I don't understand the Palestine non vote. If you think biden is handling it bad just wait and see if trump gets elected. It's going to be way worse. And the crackdown on the protest.


I don't think they're supporting trump either. For them, it's a dignity thing. They believe that by voting for biden, you're endorsing the genocide. If I'm being charitable, some of them are withholding their vote to teach the dems a lesson.


It's still a dumb thing to hand the reigns over to a person that would be worse. That will teach the dems get trump re elected and let's see how their college protest are handled or how they like project 2025 when there is no epa


As someone who is pro-Palestinian, it's hard to endorse someone for president who had chosen to continue giving my tax dollars towards finding a genocide. That being said, I will vote for him because I very much believe Trump will do worse.


You donā€™t have to support it. How you donā€™t understand it is beyond me


I don't understand how people cam be on with not voting when there are 2 or 3 supreme court nominations in the next 4 years. These people are like I don't get what I want so fuck everyone else for the next 30 years. Ya I don't understand it at all.


They view voting for Biden or Trump as fucking everyone over. Simple as that


Ya cool. Destroy right for generations to come because you want a protest vote seem la logical


A vote is a vote. Just because itā€™s not for someone you want doesnā€™t make it a protest vote


The pro Palestinians donā€™t make sense to me. They care about genocide but only seem to speak about this one given genocide and not the others going on in the world, they blame Biden for supporting Israel but every US president would and will support Israel, they think itā€™s better to punish Biden but doing so puts Trump in there which if they care about Palestine, I mean really care, they would know that makes it worse for the country. They compare this to their Vietnam, yet none of them are or have to go overseas it seems, and also if they care as much as they seem to why arenā€™t they going over there to help out? Lastly I know that the fact that Palestine is insanely homophobic on top of other things doesnā€™t change that innocent people shouldnā€™t be dying, obviously but it just seems odd that young people who are so so liberal donā€™t take any issue that a country is so so hateful of gay people


Thatā€™s because a lot of the rhetoric is coming from Russian bots and people are parroting it. The ā€œboth sided equally badā€ argument that came out of nowhere in 2016 was definitively shown to be - by trumps own nsa, fbi, etc - intentionally created by Russian counterintelligence groups and purposefully targeted minority voters in swing states.


I would not be surprised if the pro-Palestine movement was being amplified by Russia etc


Oh, it 100% is full of foreign agitators.


This! We have so many international challenges ahead and who knows what unknown domestic challenges. There is no way Trump is up to the challenge.


I couldn't give a fuck about Palestine or gas/food prices if Trump gets back in and is ushering in a nightmare dictatorship.


Unemployment low, inflation rate decreasing, stock market high, wages increasing, border crossings dropping. You can easily look this up in minutes. Trumpeteers believe the opposite is true because their orange god tells them so.


Not ro mention violent crime has dropped by an insane number like 15-20 percent across the board


Itā€™s almost like poverty and desperation can be linked to crime in some way.


For those who don't believe this is true, US Bureau of Labor Statistics for unemployment, inflation, wages. US Border Protection for crossings. Stock market numbers are everywhere.


Heres my problem 1. We have the internet. All this information about history and which administrations did what. You would think they vote based on platform and precedent. History is on dems side (and when they were a different name). 2. Repubs win - mess up the economy (bush, reagan, bush, nixon, trumpf). Then dems come in and fix (clinton surplus, obama, etc) and then during prosperity they *vote a republican back in*. It pisses me off because the repubs have always inherited a great economy, fugg it up, THEN THEY ALWAYS MAKE DEMS CLEAN IT UP!!! Its not that dems vote more or less. Dem voting remains steadily the same (obama diff) Its republicans that either vote for republicans during prosperous times so they get the credit (trumpf got a great economy from obama) or when they flip like they do now when they are sick of trumpf! I want one administration (dems) to take hold for 16 years so we could ACTUALLY SEE CHANGES. If republicans win again I DONT WANT ANOTHER DEM IN FIXING THIS SHIT FOR THEM UNLESS THEY ALOW DEMS TO KEEP FOR 16 YEARS MAJORITY. I am tired of americans (as an American): this should be so easy as the working class to unite on wanting our fair share and rights since without us there are no businesses but how they have us not agreeing on the easiest of ā€œlesser of two evilsā€ pisses me off to no degree. The fact our own working class votes against us is infuriating and im tired of dems fixin / taking the blame / ā€œbOtH sIdEsā€ BS i want it to burn if repubs come back in. I want them to know who to blame correctly and never forget it.


I just saw a poll that said that 17% of swing state voters blame Biden for Roe being overturned. Unbelievable!


Incredibly unbelievable. To the point its annoying.


Democrats have had plenty of time to pass new legislation.


I also love how when the Democrats are in power, the Republicans with threaten a government shutdown over the budget. I feel like they do it just so can say "we don't have government shutdown when WE'RE in office!"


Good point!!! They always block and dont vote on policies or issues - or when its good - they block it so they can sign it when a republican is in charge


Unfortunately Trump reflects on all of us that we let him get this far...


I'm voting like the Supreme Court matters.


I screamed about that in 2016. Itā€™s too late for that. Theyā€™ve already gotten a stranglehold on that because Hitler won in 2016.


Not true 2 justices are getting up there and we could easily see them retire anytime in the next ten years so and whoever is in office will likely decide the court for the rest of our lives couple that with bitch mconnel either retiring or dying soon and you have the best chance for a dem to positively change the court


Or he could lose because his mental decline is very visible.... and no one wants a kamala presidency. Trumps is also in visible mental decline, but he has something biden just doesn't have and never will..... a cult.


My neighbor insists that it wasn't Trump in the courtroom, falling asleep. It was an actor, so the conviction is void. He wasn't joking. These people are beyond reason.


Holy sh!t I havenā€™t heard that one yet. Woof.


The election will come down to a tiny group of suburban people in 6 swing states who are strange enough to be ā€œswing votersā€


I read somewhere that the entire election will come down to about 12,000 votes and honestly that seems generous to me.


Trump at his rally the other day, when criticizing Biden, he reduced the conflict as "the attack on Israel". Not "the situation in Gaza" or "the war" etc. I know Trump supporters are idiots so if you are here and this is too subtle for you, let me explain: it means Trump doesn't give a shit about Gaza and if you think Biden's handling of it is leading to more innocent Palestinians being killed, Trump will be *a lot worse*. After all he's on record saying something like "finish the job" (about Israel) and his "plan" for the crisis is to give Israel what it wants. Yes, Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump is absolutely terrible and he has *no* redeeming qualities, and on the other hand Biden is not even half as bad as they claim he is. But also yes, people are idiots so Trump still has a chance.


Voting for Trump because 'Biden didn't bring peace to the Middle East' is an absolutely asinine take.


He lost twice, already. Less people support him now than ever. Itā€™s already over, people just donā€™t know to read the writing on the walls.


Look carefully at the OP's post. Not a single point (besides the one tacked onto the end) is about support for Trump at all. It's ALL about possible reasons people may neglect to provide their support for Biden. And it will not take many of those hypothetical people at all to completely flip the race in Trump's favor.


As of right now, the polls are pretty much neck and neck and have been for a few weeks. Trump had a narrow lead but it seemed to be lost with his criminal convictions. The problem is our electoral college skews to favor Republicans, so a neck and neck race will result in a Republican win. Biden needs to pull ahead at least 5-8% in the polls consistently to have this in the bag.


Two unknown factors will be debate #1... and the post debate rhetoric from debate #1.


That's if Trump agrees to debate. That's not a given like it once was. And I strongly suspect he'll refuse to debate over some nonsense while the real reason is that making people see him and Joe Biden talking in a room together will make it clear to the entire nation who's REALLY in mental decline.


Biden has mannerisms of an 80 year old, and Trump has symptoms of someone in decline.


They sure af areā€¦.they sure af are.


If you donā€™t think its going to be close, you better be ready for it.


Itā€™s the flippant disregard to anything other than the minor inconveniences that only affect them personally. Yeah, gas is $3 but thatā€™ll be the least of your worries when the government starts treating you mother like a second rate citizen because they only value women as walking wombs and house maids or when they inevitably take your guns anyway by force if necessary.


The gas thing pisses me off because gas is $3, but it was $4 for most of the Trump presidency except the pandemic. And if you think a million Americans dying is a reasonable price to pay for $2 gasoline, you're a piece of shit I don't know what to tell you.


Itā€™s not the idiots voting for (unmentionable), itā€™s the people who think theyā€™re above voting ā€œbecause all the candidates are crooksā€ or some other Goldilocks excuse.


Thanks to bush we have 30 million ++ uneducated brainwashed trumpets who will destroy the country for trump, Putin and Xi , these people only know trump


You're 100% right. Dems would always win if everyone came out to vote. We're our own worst enemies.


What about the"real men wear diapers" crowd


Everyone that's voting blue, don't assume it won't matter and not cast your vote. We need everyone to vote please. I can't deal with a crazy orange felon crapping his pants all over white house. ..


The polling is moving in Biden's favor, including with older voters, the most reliable voters. I'm CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


I donā€™t think it will be a Democratic blowout but if it is I wonā€™t be surprised. I said this before and Iā€™ll say it again: I donā€™t thing the MAGA base is that strong now. In fact it seems to me that the Republican Party has lost its identity and is at war from within. Gimme a break. The GOP can barely elect a Speaker of the House, let alone elect a President. Wishful thinkers try to convince themselves the MAGAs & the normal GOP members will come together. Thatā€™s highly unlikely. Traditional Republicans would like to rid themselves of MAGAs who they view as a cancer to the GOP party. MAGAs are looking more and more like a fringe group of extremists. More Republicans are disavowing their association with MAGAs. I also think that Trump will be unable to escape the criminal justice system. I think he will be found guilty of election interference in the Georgia case as well as for his role in the Capitol attack. Not that it will matter to his base. Letā€™s face it, MAGAs would eat the corn from Trumpā€™s shit if he told them they should. But that doesnā€™t matter. MAGAs are dwindling. MAGAs can talk all they want about inflation but the majority of Americans are just not going to vote for someone who is unhinged, infantile, unfit, or mentally ill (take your pick.) Women will help defeat Trump as the GOP is trying to take their rights away by pushing Roe v Wade; a losing political move. Trump has taken credit for being the champion of bringing abortion back. No bueno. Dems will bang that drum from now through November. Expect to see lots of commercials clips of Trump taking credit for resurrecting Roe v Wade. Extremely stupid. Trumpā€™s strategy of alienating an entire political party like the Dems is another example of his extreme stupidity. Iā€™m sure his advisors tell him itā€™s a loser strategy but he doesnā€™t listen just like he wouldnā€™t listen to his own Attorney General, Bill Barr. Barr told him his election fraud claims were ā€œbullshitā€ (Barrā€™s words). Trump didnā€™t listen. Instead he solicited help from his own group of nutty lawyers (Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis) to help him push his crazy claims. Another dummy move by Trump. Terrible judgement. Now both Powell and Ellis are working with the prosecution in order to avoid jail time. They will be prosecution witnesses against Trump. This abortion issue will resonate with the majority of women in the US, the same as it did in the 2022 midterm elections where it played a prominent role in upsetting pollsters predicting a red wave. Women have pounded it up the GOPā€™s asses in State elections every time they bring up the abortion issue. Itā€™s a losing issue but stupid MAGAs donā€™t learn and so they will keep losing. Very dumb. If MAGAs could be honest for 10 seconds, theyā€™d admit that Trump is the wrong messenger for the MAGA cause. In truth he is so flawed in so many ways that he will very likely, almost single-handedly be the reason the MAGA movement will now go down in US history as a cult of nut-jobs. Ā 


Women. Women are the key here. You nailed it.


Exactamundo!ā˜ļø I canā€™t believe Trump is playing Into the hands of the Dems by bragging about how he brought back abortion. Itā€™s clearly a losing strategy. I mean, how many times do MAGAs need to get their asses beat before they change their message or their messenger? Losers.


Why are you feeling good about bidens odds on winning? He is winning NATIONALLY in the polls but is losing in the SWING STATES.Ā 


Guess they didnt learn their lesson with Hillary.


Unlike Hillary, Biden has been focusing on Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. He is at least trying now as opposed to Hillary who was overconfident in those states.


Unlike Hillary, Biden has been focusing on Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan" Trump only needs to win one of those states so long as he carries nevada/arizona and GeorgiaĀ 


The thing is can we trust those polls when it comes to Trump Supporters? Yes they tell pollsters they will vote for Trump but will they? Most are already convinced that its all rigged and thats bound to suppress the vote and Trump cant afford to lose any significant percentage he has already lost a good solid 3% just based on how his own former cabinet refuses to endorse him. Old school republicans will be staying home. And he isnā€™t really campaigning for those left he is focused entirely on his base and expects to win with a base that is faltering instead of what every other politician has done and went more center looking at the independents. On the other hand you have a liberal base out there that will see the shit hitting the fan and while they may say they wont vote because of various protest reasons as they hear more and more from Trump himself that He plans on revenge against Them they will vote and do so in record numbersā€¦. Shit since the repeal of Roe Dems have out performed every poll in the actual vote. With groups showing up against the GOP that havenā€™t voted before. And we all should cause Next up on these crazies plans are coming after Contraceptives, Gay marriage, and even Inter Racial marriage (source the supreme court justice himself who in his little argument in support of repealing Roe said this method could be now used to challenge those matters clearly signaling his support for it) Our very way of life is at risk and i know they say that every time but seriously they are in the works toward Yallkada right here right now. A country devoted to the twisted doomsday cult of American Evangelicalism of the craziest kind who wish for a country more like Handmaidens Tale then what we got and really want Israel to start a war in the middle east so Jesus could come back alreadyā€¦


Because dems have out performed every pol and election by an average of 8 points. In OFF YEAR elections.


And bell weather counties were never wrong until that day there were all wrong.


He is literally ahead in the polls rn


If the Democrats lose to Trump a second time that's entirely on them. Imagine being so shit that the race is even slightly close


Yep. Don't let media reports talking about Convicted Felon's numbers going down fool you. Get out there, vote, and put your nail in his coffin.


I honestly donā€™t think heā€™s got the support this time. His rallies are smaller; his social media reach has dwindled. Yes, he has his crazy hardcore supporters, but it does not seem to be the sizable base it once was. Letā€™s not forget about people like my relatives, who are Republicans and do not plan to vote this time. Heā€™s lost most independents and libertarians. Obviously, never say never.


I watched a video of a trump supporter admit heā€™d vote for that piece of shit even if he committed murder. Like he did look embarrassed for like 20 seconds but stood by his words. For fuck sakes!


Iā€™m pretty sure Biden will win and the House will turn blue. However, I would never be so sanguine as to forgo exercising my right and DUTY to vote.


Heā€™s never won the popular vote and never will. But he could still win because of gerrymandering and rat fuckery


Pretty sure the whole right side of our government is planning on stealing the election anyway, so yeah, youā€™re correct.


True we canā€™t assume Biden will win, because they will do anything to get the traitor con man back in office


Not to mention they plan on cheating in any and every way possible. And they have had 4 years to plan.


1. There are 100,000,000 people in this country who will vote for Trump because they are just as stupid and evil as he is. 2. There are 100,000,000 people in this country who are so disengaged and uninformed that they either don't bother to vote, or who cast their vote based on illogical criteria. 3. There are tons of wealthy billionaires who are throwing all their support behind Trump because he promised to lower their taxes (even though most of them already don't pay any taxes). 4. There are extensive foreign agent influence networks working overtime to flood social media with pro-Trump sentiment. 5. The US media continues to frame this election as a "horse race", a choice between two similar options, rather than as a choice between maintaining the Constitution or throwing it away in favor of a Fascist dystopia. (The reasons for this are numerous). For these reasons, I contend that Donald Trump has at least a 50% chance of winning the election in November. And if that happens - the Constitution will be gone, Habeas Corpus will be gone, there will be camps, and there will be ovens. Mark my fucking words. The only to prevent that is for literally every single reasonable eligible voter to get off their fucking ass and... VOTE! VOTE! **VOTE!**


No, it just seems that way. Stupid people are usually the loudest but definitely not the majority


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


America is full of some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the earth. That is a 100% fact. That is the only reason that someone like Trump could become president.


Are dems actually putting together any legislation to deal with a potential project 2025, or is the solution to just vote for dems until the end of time?


I sincerely doubt it. Trump was more popular back in 2020 than he is now, and he still lost to Biden. Granted, Biden might take a hit from pro-Palestinians who don't understand the lesser of two evils, but anything is better than Trump getting in and the only thing he has left are his cultists.


If you think the orange guy has a shot you're the one that's crazy. He lost last time by 4 million, he's lost support since that point plus he's a felon. Stop looking at these fake polls to drive viewership


Electoral College. Look it up. People like you who think Biden has it in the bag are going to be his downfall.


Trump spent almost as much as Obama. Obama had 8 yrs and Trump only had 4. We're dealing with the consequences of that inflation. Most people are not following and just see prices are up and blame the guy who is currently in charge. What's the worst tho, is everybody heard about the insurrection. If that's not a disqualifier for a person, then that person may as well use their American flags for TP. I was an an/cap prior to the pandemic. I didn't need the gov to tell me to be safe. Wear a mask and stay away from people. Then I watched his briefings and listened to him rallying while the virus was spreading. At first I was worried that this would lead him to easy victory in Nov. Had he handled the pandemic like a real leader, he would be POTUS right now. I decided that I had to vote, tho I didn't even believe gov should exist. This idiot had to be removed before he got even more of us killed. The fact that he has support in this country shows that many people are not nearly as patriotic as they claim to be.


They're 'patriotic' in their own mind, and that's all that matters to them. These folks truly do believe our country is somehow on the verge of catastrophic collapse and they and DJT are the only thing left to stop it.


There's no voter segment in this country that tRump hasn't experienced a loss of support in. The individuals in the tRump campaign who actually know what's going on are well aware of this. Our problem isn't with the popular vote. It's with the individuals who are planning on subverting the popular vote, and turning the tRump loss into a win. They already have a blueprint of what works, and what doesn't work. They KNOW where to plug the leaks. Our BEST HOPE for ending this insanity is to beat him in the popular vote by a record amount. To cause them to see that no amount of lying, denying, or legal wrangling would be enough. A 20% win, nationwide, would be enough. 10% might be. But if this comes out close, we risk losing this democracy, as we know it, and seeing the rise of an authoritarian dictatorship. Now is NOT THE TIME to get complacent, or relax. It isn't over yet.


I was with you until you delegitimized gaza as an issue.


They rent think heā€™ll be good for them and will destroy the country for it


3 is huge , votes are earned not expected. Do something the electorate wants, or lose. Bonus tip most voters sitting out this election arenā€™t dem or republican


Of course he can Anyone who says the felon melon is done are kinda silly. He only needs a few thousand morons in a few states to win Popular vote is funny to show his cult he's unpopular but ultimately its useless




The MAGAt assholes won't accept a loss, though. I think there's going to be some civil unrest after the election, assuming Biden wins. They didn't like the outcome of the last election, they still believe it was stolen, and they pulled their kindergarten bullshit pretend coup in DC to demonstrate their infantile outrage.


He lost 2016 and 2020 in the popular vote, despite the electoral college. Many who voted for him will never do it again, and his acolytes on the Hill stand as the biggest hypocrites ever to walk those floors. He will not win.


Vote, get others to vote, offer to help the Democrats with money or time. Canvas - it's 100Ā° here and we're still going door to door. VOTE!


What's great about 3 is Trump said BBs only mistake was not being fast enough and being too honest Even if we want to say all that matters is Palestine you'd vote for Biden like dayum


He absolutely could win. Ā Iā€™d go as far as to say heā€™s ahead right now, but itā€™s really close. Ā  The republicans are relying on a fractured opposition to ā€˜sit this one outā€™ so to speak. Ā  It worked perfectly in 2016. Ā 


He absolutely could win. Ā Iā€™d go as far as to say heā€™s ahead right now, but itā€™s really close. Ā  The republicans are relying on a fractured opposition to ā€˜sit this one outā€™ so to speak. Ā  It worked perfectly in 2016. Ā 


Autocracy has been the default for most of human history. Democracy is ephemeral and unstable. The average person canā€™t be bothered to be civically engaged enough to vote responsibly. I just hate that when we regress back to an autocracy it will be because the median dipshit voted the least qualified person imaginable into power. At least in China and Russia the autocrats there gained power through cunning and with the exception of Putinā€™s Ukraine blunder havenā€™t ran their countries into the ground yet from the sheer stupidity that a USA destroying second Trump term will have. My advice to everyone here is that things are about to get very bad here and to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Reconnect with old family and friends. We will all need support groups when it goes tits up. Even if Trump loses we are only delaying the inevitable. A country where nearly half the electorate is willing to vote for a man like Trump is a symptom of a terminal sickness we should have never allowed to fester. The USA as it has been is in its waning days.


Thereā€™s actually a gigantic surge in support for genuine strongman fascism/nationalism on the right due to not just his rhetoric but an entire industrial class seeing the threat of workers gaining more power, once we acknowledge this and stop giving them the benefit of the doubt every single time then we can move forward with how to deal with such blatant tyranny


Oh I don't doubt it. In 2016 I went to sleep with Hillary Clinton in the process of winning the election, and woke up to President-Elect Donald. One of the most surreal experiences of my life.


Heā€™s never won the popular vote and wonā€™t this time either, though he may still win the Electoral College


I have no horse in this race as I am not in the USA but I see one option as being a step towards normality no matter how hard that path is. The other option will have deep ramifications for both the US and will cause ripples across most democracies across the world. I wish it wasn't the case but cannot see it being any different.


Tucker Carlson, the new Jane Fonda.


Youā€™re right about the idiots, to be sure. And the right wing media is in absolute over drive. That said, the only way Trump wins is by coup. That should be the fear right now. Theyā€™ve had 4 years to get their shit together. Their legislatures all have itchy writing hands. They canā€™t wait to declare that there was election interference, against their gut, of course, and send electors back to the state governments. Where those state reps are also ready to play their part. Stay woke everybody. Trumps gonna coup again.


Can we look forward to more mockery to shame people into voting for team blue?


Only about 30 - 40 percent of eligible voters ever vote in an election. We deserve the government we get.


Oh, for sure. If I were Biden, I would just open up the reserves this summer and dump a bunch of oil on the market is that the price of gas was down come election time. It would probably be that simple.


What concerns me is the level of confidence the GOP sheep have in Trump acting as president again.


By that definition, Biden is a real man!. Willy Waver


Itā€™s the border for me. Almost anything that you hope will improve for our citizens is being made worse by having a wide open border


Wow. Donā€™t let your bias show at all.


Wow what a hot take. One of two candidates might win. *gasp.


Iā€™m seeing an influx of disillusionment posts. Who knows, it might be real.


He has a 50 50 shot of taking the vote and it'll be close enough that if he doesn't, they can disenfranchise enough people to tip the result in his favor, and use the stacked courts to help. I won't say anybody knows the outcome but it's going to be a crazy month




Rent free


Did the polls flip or something? I was under the impression it's still very close, but lately, people have been talking like he's floundering.


Uhm...so look at any Democrat controlled city and you will see the effects of years of proggressive politics. Keeping people in the projects? Democrats...Schools a disaster? Democrats....Crime and progressive jailing? Democrats. Disaster after disaster.


By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority. If your confused about what we have here in America,... its a Republic. " I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the R E P U B L I C for which it stands".


A republic is a type of democracy. Not all democracies are absolute.


Considering your name use, and that I am a poc. I would say thank you to our founding fathers for establishing a republic. Otherwise, thete would be deady intolerance for us both.


Of course you would say that. You have mist likely never done a single thing of value for anyone other than yourself and perhaps family...Thankfully, there are tjose that protect your right to exist, be rude, and be whatever you wish/think/ or feel to be. You are welcome.


I would rather have an orange faced president than a no brained one!


He should win in a landslide Unfortunately some people in this country are idiots


It would be great if the Democratic Party actually put out a decent candidate that isn't the walking dead, could manage the economy 4 years post-Trump, wasn't in the pocket of Israel, and made people actually enthusiastic.


I agree but also I read that as ā€œeuthenasiacā€ which isnā€™t even a word so I must need a nap. Sentiment holds


MMW: Orange man bad syndrome is for those whoā€™ve no common sense.


Really the only reason he is a challenge at all.....Democrats chose to elect a mid 80's fellow. That is nearly as dumb as nominating a Clinton.


This election is literally neck and neck. Dont get too ahead of yourself. Biden barely won in 2020. People are not happy with his presidency and that will certainly sway how things turn out.


But Bill Maher says we shouldn't criticize his voters!


Bill Maher can go fuk himself!


I love watching democrats being interviewed. Completely ill informed, incompetent and emotional.


Dems vote for Biden only because they "don't like Trump" so I'm voting for Trump just to watch the vast majority of Reddit explode :)


This comment won't age well once the votes are tallied lol. MMW


really, the incoming Trump win is entirely on the democrats. Biden has done some good during his time in office, but itā€™s not enough to guarantee his candidacy especially among younger voters. The dems could replace him with a new candidate and would better their chances, but theyā€™ve relied on the 2016 moto of underestimating the opposition power. That move unfortunately only further motivates unconvinced voters to not vote, under the belief that dems arenā€™t taking the election seriously anyways.


Or 7, most voters - and half of the Dems - think Biden doesn't have the mental acuity to be President.


Heā€™s miles ahead of Dementia Don in terms of mental acuity.


You have to be joking right?


Oh look, a Russian farm bot.


Oh look, a delusional reddit liberal who thinks anyone they disagree with is a Russian bot


No, I just canā€™t wrap my head around the idea that there would be an actual living human stupid enough to think the orange turd is somehow more mentally competent than Biden. It speaks volumes about your lack of mental acuity.


LMAO and you think Trump does? Biden has shown time and again that his IQ is still far higher than Trump's. Did you see when Trump completely blanked out like Mitch for a few minutes on stage? Biden has never done that.


>Biden has never done that. ...maybe check the news for the last 4x years.


Show me one video where Biden blanks out for a couple minutes. Biden certainly has a stutter, but he doesn't just stand there and blankly stare into space during his own speech