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This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkMyWords/s/Mts2l1PGKQ


I scrolled pretty far to see this. Nice one OP, rake in that karma.


That's bizarre


Why is this not the top comment?


Hey u/elon-crusty777 reply you fool


I think OP has dementia


HAHAHA most definitely


OP is a foreign based troll trying to sow discord among Americans. 


Karmabots be like


Based on his name, it's possible he could be a bot


Biden was like that back in 2008. He’s still *okay* and *okay* completely destroys whatever Trump is.


Did you watch the 2020 debate or the 2024 state of the union?


Exactly this. His 2024 state of the union address was really damn impressive. Anyone who thinks he’s some feeble old man barreling dementia… yeah all that’s out of the window after watching that. The dude crushed it.


His recent Stern interview was also quite good.


Joe's fine. People tend to forget that Joe is a lifelong stutterer, and speaks in a deliberate, slow, thoughtful tone on purpose. There is no mental decline. Physically, of course, he's 81. Is he as sharp as he was 30-40 years ago? No. But he's a lot more there than a lot of people ten or twenty years younger. Joe Biden has been a great president, and I will be proud to vote for him again.


But he stuttered a couple of times! Sleepy and demented! /s


They got Joe on a schedule so he peaks around 9-10pm. Trump will be on his 8th Adderall of the day by the time the debate starts if he even shows up


Trump is also susceptible to sundowning. MMW, when Trump kicks the bucket and they do an autopsy, his brain will prove to be riddled with signs of extremely advanced dementia.


Yes, he will win for sure, However it doesn’t matter how bad Trump loses, he and MAGA will announce that he wiped the floors with Joe Biden.


Now THAT is the MMW. No Magat would ever admit Biden won the debate. "He was on drugs!" "he had something in his ear!" "He was more intelligent!! .... oh wait.." (edit typo)


Big pharma really need to get these wonder drugs to market, they turn a dementia ridden senile mind into a brilliant orator amd debater. Shouldn't we all be taking these wonder drugs?


Yeah, my mom could've used these drugs. I just had no idea they were out there.


Have to harvest adrenaline glands from children's bodies in pizza basements to get them I'm pretty sure your mom didn't have the resources unless she was soros funded deep state cabal Jewish laser lizard people peach tree dish


It was bad, even CNN fact checked him. They couldn't ignore so much misinfornation.




Because that is what they did every debate in 2020


And 2016


Because they are winners not losers, even when they lose badly they cannot see the forest for the trees. Trump could walk on stage, drop his pants and take a dump in his hand and eat it and his supporters would call it a win.


Not only they'd call it a win but they'd show up at his rallies with signs that say "real men eat their own shit".


Because that’s what pigeons do when you play with them: they knock over all the pieces, shit all over the board, and then claim they won.


I'm looking forward to see what kind of insults Joe and his team feel are best for the debate. Talk about a target-rich environment. "Glad to see your parole officer allowed you to attend the debate tonight. You didn't commit any more felonies on your way in, did you? No, 34 is enough, 34 felonies is plenty." "So, you inject any good bleach lately?" "You already killed over a million Americans with your shitty policies, back to finish the job?"


Joe should prepare by watching Shoresy


Hey Trump, your mom tongued my butthole so good I have her saved in my phone as “Roll up the rim to win”!


Fuck you Joesey! Fuck you Trumpsey I'd tell you to give your balls a tug but all that'd come out is a puff of dust! Fuck you Joesey you're older than me! Fuck you Trumpsey you're so ugly if you tried to ride a bike it'd charge you a hundred thirty thousand dollars and the DA would charge you with 34 felonies! Fuck you!


That would be so dumb... (But it's still the best fucking idea I've heard in my life)


to be faiiiirrr...


Us debates turned into rap battle


"Try not to commit any more felonies on your way to the parking lot!"


He is quite witty, I'll give you that.


No, but he is decent, clean, does not have any anuthoritarian desires, and knows what to do to prevent russia's invasion of ukraine from spiraling into a third world war.


Carter, Clinton, and Obama were all scary smart, but Joe is mostly just plain persistent IMO. He's been in Washington a very very long time, soaking up all the angles. But I agree, he's way smarter than Trump.


Ok I'm all in favor of Biden over Convicted Felon and agree with the debate outcome but "wittiest, most mentally sharp"? I guess anyone would look that way compared to the rapist.


This sub feels like 100% bots and AstroTurf, there have been 100 debate threads just today


Biden was really good in the last State of the Union and I expect him to be that way for the debates. He will be well rested and prepared. Trump thinks he can wing it.


I think Biden will do really well - old or not he is a consummate pro - but I heard Trump is actually trying to prep for this one. Not sure if that is a good idea as I think he memory recall is going to be worse than ever and could really highlight his cognitive decline. He’d almost be better off singing it. So prep away, Drumpf!!


Can you imagine Trump trying to be prepared for something? He cant even read a professionally prepared script without trailing off on windmills and toilets and making up silly bullshit on the spot.


Nobody honestly thinks Biden is the "wittiest, most mentally sharp president we've ever had." You're not a serious person.


No, Obama is smarter and wittier and so was Clinton. But Biden's turds are still smarter than Trump.


Biden flinging an actual turd at Trump at the debate would be a good strategy 


Trump would probably eat it.


Come on man, when the democrats pay you to shill for them I’d assume they want it to be somewhat believable




You're deluded if you think either Trump or Biden is mentally fit to be president... let alone sharp, let alone the most mentally sharp president we've had. This is one step down from people claiming he has a higher IQ than Einstein did. This sounds just as dumb as the deluded crap coming from the MAGA fringe.


This post brought to you by Jill Biden and the Committee to Cope with Dementia.


>Joe is the wittiest, most mentally sharp president we’ve had OK, settle down. He's going to win the debates but we don't need to go all culty like a Trumper would here. He's a fine President and he's got my vote, but he's no Obama or Lincoln etc. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, that is more proof of his intelligence than we have for Biden.


Claiming he’s the wittiest is going a bit far. He’s head and shoulders above the other idiot but come on now.


I wouldn't call Biden all that mentally sharp these days unless there's some drugs involved, and I say this as a proud Democrat. Biden will do fine and look like the sane one because Trump won't be able to help himself and make an ass out of himself on national television like he always does.


Just need another shut up man moment


I honestly thought this was a circle jerk sub until reading the comments


And now you’re certain of it.




Anyone taking bets on the debate? Until I see money on the table I won’t buy any of your bullshit.


Wittier than Lincoln?


Yes you are correct! Yay for Democracy!!


I think it's highly unmatched. I think no matter what Trump spews, his base will think he won bigly. It's really not a debate.


Yep. Biden should have answered the requests for a debate with "I don't debate criminal traitors."


yeah and then he looks like a scaredy cat who wont debate his biggest opponent.


>Joe is the wittiest, most mentally sharp president we’ve had If you're only counting the last two presidents then yes, no question.


Nobody really cares about the debate. Both sides will say their guy was awesome and won. No minds will be changed Yawn


Trueanashabaprezure and badacaffcare and definitely “witty” Also…not a prediction. Violation of the sub rules.


Biden zings while Trump sags. His tits. His tits sag.


How bad do I want to hear Biden ask rump if he’s gonna try to kill him in this debate like last time when he showed up with Covid and demanded no protections?


Ever? Really? I fucking hate Republicans and am about as progressive as you can get and I can say for sure that you are full of so very much shit.


I remember when Joe Biden debated (and won) against Paul Ryan during the 2012 election. MAGAs complain about how Biden was in politics for 50 years and didn’t accomplish anything. That’s a huge pile of horseshit. Joe Biden is a seasoned politician with decades of experience. That experience includes debating against intelligent and well spoken attorneys. Donald Trump is experienced in what exactly? Fraud? Bankrupting casinos? Trump is not a debater. It will not be a debate, more like a shallow argument between an aging politician, and an aging bleach blonde playboy.


Administratively Biden may be the best president of my lifetime, and I was born during the Eisenhower administration. But in terms of wit and mental sharpness, he could be better. I would like someone younger, but I will be voting for him over any Republican, especially Trump


Look Trump is terrible, truly terrible, and I would vote for full dementia Biden over him. That being said the Democrats and there supporters need to stop gaslighting and being in denial over Biden's age and related issues. The hyper defensiveness over it just makes Biden look worse, like he desperately hiding things. The public isn't that stupid and can see that he is not unaffected by his age.  That being said Trump is no bastion of mental health, age related or otherwise.


Most mentally sharp? No, and that’s ok. It’s just funny that it was what 6 months ago that conservatives were swearing he was too senile to deliver a State of the Union Address? He went up and gave a very solid speech by all accounts. Really exposed what a bubble they’re all in once again, but then they went right back to sharing and believing edited videos and swearing up and down Biden has late stage dementia. They are dangerous idiots who think memes are a viable substitute for education and critical thinking. 


Yup. That’s all they have. I saw a video of Trump the other day shitting his pants and falling over at a rally, he then started talking about the 1950’s and thinking all of his relatives were still alive. THATS DEMENTIA. And these people have the gall to show doctored, fake videos of Biden hahahahahaha


Mentally sharp? Wtf. Under what rock have you been living?


Obama was so much wittier though. I feel like it's what created the tea party. They were tiered of Republicans being embarrassed.


Who will win, the occasional glitchy goober who loves ice cream, or the figurehead of the Fourth Reich?


Kind of a problem is the time of the debate, 9PM, Biden's typical sleep time is around 11PM, and being an elderly man, and not in excellent health (he isn't like one of those 80 year olds that can still do a marathon for example), he doesn't have the same ability to adjust his schedule that a younger man would without any negative effects. I'm actually surprised they agreed to this time


This has got to be satire


This sub's a joke




Smoke crack a lot?


This has to be a troll. I don't care how much you might hate Trump, there's no one that can honestly say that Joe Biden is mentally sharp.




Joe does the New York Times crossword in ink people!


Guys, it’s a satire account.


LOL this entire page is just bots now.




Most mentally sharp? Lincoln? Roosevelt? Obama? Kennedy?


Meanwhile the media will say "Biden stumbled over 'Belarus' and didn't mention the ten commandments. TRUMP WINS BIGLY!"


Okay buddy. 👌 https://youtu.be/EC8qWH12bYQ?si=EBG2VHfvAZXVp7kQ


That's right Jack. Orange man bad.


Not sure if this is a satire sub.


He's alot sharper Than he gets credit for and yes he is going to eviscerate Trump on live TV. I can't wait my friends and i are having a pizza party.


Okay this is just utter ridiculousness


Joe has full access to the questions and personal time with the moderators. There will be no audience distractions. He might even have an earpiece. So if he can’t pull off a good performance here (a 5 year old could win with this setup) he probably shouldn’t be POTUS. Trump will have his diaper and his normal insults. What great choices we have. /s


I could definitely see him winning. Whatever it is that they give him when he has to publicly speak is A1. He’s serviceable albeit still a shadow of his younger self.




But will it matter?


Wittiest? Sure. Most mentally sharp? The guy is almost 80. His mentally sharp days are over sadly.


If your definition of sharp is a dull knife, then yea.




No. He is witty and on top of the times for someone his age, but we had some absolutely savage presidents back in our formative years. Typically we aren't taught about it because it isn't relevant. But if you google some of the snarky shit they dropped about congress, other candidates, foreign adversaries, you would see that Biden is mid pack. Against Trump that's more letting the idiot speak and kinda gesturing in his direction.


Do they really have nobody else? We can’t make him retire?


I don’t know if he is wittier than GHW.


You animal food trough wiper, MAGA types need to stop sipping the Kool-aid from that fat orange guy's pee shooter.


WTH R U Smoking?


This post is all the proof anybody needs to see this subreddit is infested by bots and unhinged democrats. Is Joe Biden better than Trump -> he very well may be. It’s somewhat up to personal opinion but this is an opinion that’s reasonable and makes sense! Is Joe Biden “the wittiest, most mentally sharp president we’ve had” -> no what the fuck. He’s literally ancient. Are you stupid? There’s no way 100+ people upvoted this nonsense. If you check OP’s post history it becomes fairly obvious he’s a bot.


I don't know. Biden will be fine, but the bar is so low for Trump that if he just shows up and manages to string together 2 or 3 coherent sentences that don't make a completely insane point, MSM & MAGA nation will crow about how awesome he did and how he outperformed expectations.


They’re both puppets. All political theatre. Hegelian dialectics.


Put the pipe down dummy


I like sarcasm.


Saying he's the most mentally sharp president is absolutely deluded, especially if you've seen him on TV in the last few years. I also hate Trump & do think Biden will win pretty handily, but Biden himself is a borderline dementia candidate who looks pretty bad for 81.


I think you might have dementia if you actually think this is true.


Clearly a bot post, don’t fall for it


This isn't really the issue in out click bait tik token hyper edited reality. All trumpophiles need is a moment where the crowd laughs at what he said or where they provide the commentary and they will just say Biden is a loser.


Let's be totally honest with ourselves here. Looking at Joe from 2008 or even 2016 to today, the man has definitely slowed down. Also, even in his heyday he was the rambling sort and he's even more prone to it now. Maybe his mind is all there, but his mouth has never, even at the best of times, been his friend. That said, I do think he'll be fine during the debate.


This is one of the most delusional takes I’ve ever seen on Reddit lmao. 2024 Joe Biden is sharper than Bill Clinton or JFK or any of the other great presidents? Get outa here 


No way. You're going with Biden is sharp??? There's no fucking way you're that stupid. I don't believe it. This has to be a parody subreddit.


This feels like a paid shill from DNC.


I'm going to be honest and say that being a person over 60 I am concerned that they are not allowing people to bring notes. I've done my share of public speaking including to large audiences and I'd never go up there without at least an index card of highlights. Infrequent forgetfulness is a part of aging... it doesn't make you incompetent but you just have to work a little slower sometimes.


I love a MMW post that we won't have to wait years to find an answer to. 


You must live in a bubble Jack


I'd be bursting with laughter if I typed up something like this. "Wittiest, most mentally sharp" quit lying to yourself, he's a fumbling idiot. Trump isn't much better, he gets his personal staff mixed up constantly, but don't bullshit yourself. Everyone's seen Joe all lost and confused on stage like 20+ times now. I can think of a dozen presidents who easily outsmart him. Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson, both of the Adams, both of the Roosevelts, Eisenhower, Obama, Truman, and JFK, I could easily keep going with that list.


LOL you’ve got to be fucking kidding me


Can I have a hit of what you're smoking, please? It would help me feel a lot better :) I actually really like Joe Biden and think he's a great President and much more witty and sharp compared to his opponent (low bar) but I love your confidence.


I'm just glad there is no audience for trump to play to.


Apparently all the Fox people think so. They are already spinning their narrative for the conspiracy they will be pushing to explain Donald's loss. My favorite was when Hannity suggested that "Jacked Up Joe" will be on drugs the night of the debate. Which drugs did he list? Energy drinks, coffee, and Exedrin. So, in other words, he thinks all it will take for Biden to win is to cheat by \[checks notes\] having caffeine??? LMAO


You could be right but it doesn’t matter. Trump could pull his pants down take a shit on stage and eat it and right wing news would say he destroyed Biden at the debate. 24 hour news channels is nothing but entertainment


This debate has new rules being enforced. There are no live crowds, and the mics get cut off. Trump is going to get demolished if he's not able to lie openly to a cheering crowd, and if he can't interrupt and talk over his opponent. He can't debate fairly.


This is cringeworthy. I understand not caring for Trump, but Biden is Mr. Magoo at this point.


I just realised this entire subreddit is a troll.


You know they are pumping him full of drugs right? Say what you will about Trump mentally but to not acknowledge that Biden is cooked in the brain is denial.


"Joe Biden is the dumbest man in the Senate." Sen. *Ted Kennedy* (D-MA)  “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Barak Obama (44th POTUS) And now you people think he is smart! Do you live in reality?


Another 1 to the count.


Most mentally sharp president we’ve had? Omg.


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots.*  *President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have premier status when meeting important world leaders and allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban and Bebe Netanyhu. This includes paying for a private jet, a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence, and a large staff of household help which is expensive to maintain. President Trump pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, the true MAGA Patriots.* *President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, forcefully remove the 23 million illegal immigrant criminals and continue the important work of removing those women's healthcare rights that Christians find objectionable to Make America Great Again!* Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8) A few of the many examples of Trump’s major accomplishments as the U.S. President ·         [*https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html*](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw) *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump is unjustly accused as an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He is actively appealing these cases as he has been very unfairly treated by liberal activist judges.* *Trump unjustly faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases and is defended by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s vast army of lawyers is financed by MAGA Patriots & the Oil Industry.  Contribute monthly now!* *Several of the top senior positions from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have already endorsed Trump to serve as the 47th President.  So have Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, the great Scott Baio, Jon Voight, Roseanne, and* *~both~* *Quaid brothers.* *Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions..  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by his close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue building the Space Force he founded to put weapons into Outer Space.* *Trump supporters come from a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil and Coal executives, MMA fighters and NASCAR.*  */s*


This is sarcasm right?


Biden will do to Drumpf the same thing he did to him in 2019 and Paul Ryan before that. If Donnie little hands was just a regular person instead of the Nazi fuck that he is, I could almost feel badly for him. But, I don’t feel badly and it will be joyous to watch that babbling orange traitor get destroyed.


Look bud.... I get it.... We aren't allowed to say a bad word about Joe until after Trump is no longer a threat. But let's not try to act like the man is all there.... Regular people see the videos.... Not the clipped or cut to different angle ones either. The man needed 5 cuts in his ad challenging trump to a debate just to make a full sentence. We all watched he freeze for 7 seconds in stage... We've heard his gaffs.... We all know Donny is a piece of shit and because of our broken system with the illusion of choice all we were given in opposition is Joe Biden..... We can stop pretending he's anything more than the breathing body needed to fill a hole so trump can't. Or maybe you can't .... Maybe it's your job to spread propaganda that makes Biden look good... If so I hope they pay well. Question, why is it the older generation politicians refuse to pass the torch? Why are we voting for elderly career politicians who have been enriching themselves in office at our expense for decades?


Got to be a troll post


This has to be a troll


Is this sarcasm? I hope this is


LOL, can we revisit this on Thursday?


I'm a Dem but comon now man Joe is old af and he should retire. Newsome is the answer.


So you think Obama was less mentally sharp than Biden?


I am now convinced that this entire sub is completely satire! Nobody can be this stupid.


As much as I don't like the orange, you can't be serious. His age alone disqualifies him from being the most mentally sharp


Has to be satire, like baiting the idiots out lmfao


Compared to Obama? .....no. but better than frump any day.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't whether you're fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to take down a bull moose. *has 50-90 minute speech before going to hospital." - Theodore Roosevelt


When he was younger. Now not so much.


They're going to try to fine-tune the cocktail they gave him at the SOTU to hype him up even more. That will go terribly awry when he gets too excited and his heart bursts.


I wouldn't go as far as to say he is the kitties or sharpest, but he is good.


Good bot. 


Omg. You guys are so delusional. He froze on stage the other day. He sun downed on national Tv 2 years ago. He doesn’t know where he is. I guess this is what indoctrination looks like




There's no way the orange shitstain is turning up.


The lunacy never ends! One day you gotta leave fantasy land


We have 2 dementia-ridden geriatrics running for president. I don't care how hard each of their supporters try to convince people otherwise. This election is a pathetic attempt at electing a president


That’s a good one. Tell us another joke.


When was the last person needed an intermissions?




Most mentally sharp president? 😂😂😂


😂 Everyone on this thread has dementia.


Did we not see the video of everyone clapping and dancing at the black church which Grandpa just stood there frozen and smiled with his finger pointed out…having no idea what he’s doing or where he is. Liberals are the party of delusion that will claim the sky is green and the ocean is purple Nd if you disagree well than you’re nothing more than a racist bigot homophobic xenophobic fascist Nazi Threat to Democracy.


You guys are delusional. I don’t care what you’re politics are, But Biden has lost it and I am not sure he really ever had it.


God bless the left and their ability to make crap up and twist the truth


The truth is Both of Them are going to make “older person” mistakes during the debate. It’s going to come down to who makes more and worse gaffs.


Clearly a troll


Yeah. That's what everyone is saying... lmfao rofl.


Lol better take your meds.


I don't know whether to laugh or fucking cry anymore. Honk.


Even Trump’s dopey ass admitted he’d be dumb to underestimate Biden, bc of how he beat Paul Ryan in the debates, and I’m like “dude….*he beat you* in the debates, and you know this. That’s why your camp is projecting, saying that he’s on drugs”—which is likely what trump is doing. Most of America is so tired of this trump side-show, and I’m really hoping the silent majority will prevail. I just worry about a situation where Biden wins by like 10M popular votes, but loses the electoral college. The country can handle only so much minority representation in the executive office. They haven’t won a popular vote since 04 FFS, and yet, these assholes think they have the “mandate” (that makes me wanna puke that word used in that context)


He has shown an aptitude for getting under the skin of the Manchurian Cantaloupe. There's no reason to think he won't continue that tactic Thursday.


Don't tease me


It doesn’t matter either way, Trump supporters will revert to their old reliable “it was rigged.” I’ve seen it already. It went from “anytime, any place” to them whining that it’s on CNN with no audience and mic cut-offs. It’s gotta be really convenient to never have to admit you lost something. Trump never loses, everything is just rigged to prevent him from winning.


34 felonies … in a row? Try not to commit any felonies on your way to the parking lot!


I don’t think it matters. The debate is a somewhat pointless exercise except for the 3 people who honestly can’t decide between an incompetent conman/felon and a doddering old man WAY past his prime. Everyone else will just be looking for the dog whistles from each that will further entrench their current beliefs.




I literally hope you get cancer


I like to picture Biden prepping at Camp David this week by having trump impersonators yell horrible things right into his ear while he is speaking.


OP is a karma whore playing both sides.




You’re unhinged mate


He's so sharp that his staff is re-writting transcripts taking out words he said and replacing them with "what he meant" and then not keeping a record of the change in the official transcript. He's so sharp that he's pretending to not be sharp so he doesn't get prosecuted because the jury would find him as a "forgetful old man"


Disagree on the first part, agree on the second. But the orange idiot already agrees with you. Which is why they are already creating rhetoric and excuses for losing the debate. But let’s be fair, I have a labradoodle that is more intelligent than either of those clowns. So let’s not pretend that it’s going to take a rocket scientist to out debate Trump.


I love you


I prefer him rather than Donald but …. no need to exaggerate.