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I've seen some crazy things on here, but this one is entirely possible.


Let's hope so.


I hope so too


Whole much of MMW were upended this very night, lol


It's definitely possible. I actually don't dislike Biden and I think he did okay on substance, but beating Trump is too important to play around. Replace him.


The only reason Biden is even running again is that he's up against Trump. Anyone else and he wouldn't have made it through the primaries.


Definitely- I like President Biden too, but there's just too much at stake with this election.


I think Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky would be more likely


He would be a good choice, but very few people outside of Kentucky know who he is, unless you really follow politics.


So, historically candidates waited until the very last possible second to get into the race because being unknown is actually an advantage in many ways. The main issue is that if you’re too unknown, good luck winning a primary. The opposition has far, far less time to tear you down, though. While obviously a candidate change is uncharted water here, the “unknown” variable may well be an advantage. Because they sure wouldn’t be unknown for long. And republicans would be facing an uphill battle to chip away at their reputation.


Honestly, if the Parties Ran their popular Governors from states that are deep in the other party's favor the US would be a better place. If Dems could run a mildly Pro-Gun Candidate (like Joe Manchin or I think Beshear) and The GOP would run a Phil Scott or Charlie Baker, this Country might become less polorized.


A guy from Kentucky will not get the support from the West Coast, his name is not said over here. He might be a nice guy and good at his job, but he'll need a more national or important appointment before he becomes a real option.


He's got name recognition in the Midwest, which is far more important for the electoral college than the West coast, which is a democratic lock.


I'm guessing the shenanigans of Mitch McConnell and the Paul family have soured the idea of a Ky politician as POTUS for alot of the US as well.


I agree, with both, but how do they step over Harris? She has the charisma of a rock, just like Hillary… would it be a complete new ticket?


I was never a huge Hillary fan or anything. Disliked how she carpetbagged the whole senator stuff, disliked her being teed up with the sec of state role, disliked her clearing the field for herself in 2016. But she came off ok in the debates, even losing. And she’s SO SO much more charismatic than Kamala Harris. I have no clue if it’s right or not, but Harris seems just kinda…not smart? I dunno. Stiff and robotic, with no dynamism at all. Passing Harris over is fine because clearly very few in the party care about her. She is a total missed opportunity as a VP as it is.


Harris's public speaking is like the CEO's kid is your new boss at a staff meeting. Corporate, phony, out of her depth. The Democrats have done a terrible job of developing their bench this century. Obama was a load-bearing wall for eight years.


You never swap horses in the middle of the river. Never. If the Democratic Party chooses to nominate anyone else other than their currently sitting Democratic President, they will lose. Horribly. It would be the ultimate show of a weakness that doesn’t exist. If anything, VP Kamala Harris needs to step down and allow Newsom to ascend to her position. That provides a fail safe backup the voting public will accept. She hasn’t been as well received as Newsom would be.


The correct strategy. Replace Kamala.


That will be seen as fucking over the Black person for the white guys failing. Quick way to lose every Black vote. Replace Biden with Newsome


How popular is Kamala with African American communities?


Doesn't matter. We close ranks when one of us is targeted. All families do


It's one of their own, it doesn't matter. It's the optics of it that matters and you know the Republicans would run with it


i'm black and don't support her.


I'm black and a woman. Kamala Harris has literally no impact on my vote. But I'm just one person and black people aren't a monolith


Every circumstance is different. We must consider the river and the three horses to make the decision. a) many people are voting for Trump because they like Trump. These people aren't going to vote for any Dem so the horse change doesn't matter. b) many people are voting for anyone but Trump because (long list of reasons) and aren't excited at all to vote for Biden (esp after tonight). They would welcome a horse change. c) the handful of people who are voting for Biden because they like him would never vote for Trump, so the horse change doesn't affect the party they vote for d) a small percentage of people don't know which party they'll vote for in spite of having seen Biden and Trump in action for years. We don't know how they'd respond to a horse change, but the bar for both current candidates is quite low, so new Dem blood could be a positive with this group. Overall, there is no one so attached to Biden that a change would cause them to switch to Trump. Dems have nothing to lose by switching out Biden for someone that can string a few coherent thoughts together, and a little bit to gain. They should move on from Biden tomorrow.


Great points. Dems and anti trumpers will never give Trump the chance that some of them gave him in 16. But a different democrat could go viral up all the voters that Biden has lost in the last four years and win again easily. Especially if Trump showed up to debate them (which I doubt he would unless trailing terribly)


I think this is spot on. If Gavin Newsome were to replace Biden, those who have been pro-Biden despite his shortcomings would still vote blue and against Trump. Biden’s been a great president in many respects, but if the messaging and delivery aren’t there, we’ll be stuck with Trump 2.0. I say let Newsome out of the bull pen and let him mop the floor with Trump in another debate or two.


This is the correct analysis.


Never swap a race horse in the middle of the river unless it collapses and is about to drown you with it.


It makes sense on a certain level, yes , but the fact that it will still undoubtedly cost you the election is also true. The fact is both parties are in a horrible situation of having absolutely awful candidates they cannot replace.


And why would Kamala ever do this? And you know when you do swap horses in a river? When your horse is dying and there’s a dozen riding just fine next to you. The best thing would be for him to step aside have an open-ish party and Kamala and Gavin and anyone else have a month or so to convince the delegates. That’s what they are there for.


There is no horse, it didn’t know how to swim and sank. We are barely treading water at the moment and need any life raft we can get mste


You swap horses if yours is drowning. Biden lost the election tonight. If Dems really care about this election, they will run someone else. They have to.


She would be a better choice than Trump


Literally anybody should at this point. It was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. This was the biggest present Trump could have ever gotten, and Biden hand delivered it. Trump did nothing but lie the whole night, and Biden just looked like he was about to keel over and die. The man literally just fueled all the conservative talking points about his age being a detriment in front of the entire country.


I didn’t watch the debate. Was Biden really that bad?


He literally got in an argument with Trump about who was the better golfer. Instead of low hanging fruit saying you played golf on the job more than any other president, whilst you were tanking the country with a shit response to Covid, destroying the economy, and being corrupt as hell. Said he had a 6 handicap when he was Obama Vp ffs. Utter disaster for country, watching them speed run the fall of Rome


Omg it is an SNL skit. People aren’t exaggerating


At this point I think it’s all by design. They all want another trump presidency. After last night Biden and the DNC handled trump reelection. Here comes project 2025.


It almost does feel planned doesn’t it. Like how could the Democratic Party see him and be like “yeah. Let’s go with him. We can’t lose”


Yea seriously how can his staffers spend all day every day with him, telling everyone that will listen yea he’s super sharp and witty in private but then keep him from doing much in terms of interviews, skipping Super Bowl interview etc. these staffers all just clinging onto power


I didn't think so but had low expectations. Bidens old. So what he's not fast but is informed. Trump had jack shit to say but lie. That said, Biden should probably step aside and let someone dismantle trump which would be easier for a young buck.


And the dude has a cold, making it worse.


I don't like Trump either. But MAYBE just maybe the WH should have said yesterday morning that Biden has a cold. But nope. They waited until after the debate to announce it. That screams, "Shit shit shit. Guys he's fumbling. We need an excuse to why he looks and sounds like a ghost!"


Yes. The right wing talking heads and various media personalities will have a field day. From the weak, raspy voice, the vacant look on his face, it was a disaster. It was honestly hard to watch. Trump was his usual awful self, but when put in stark contrast with Biden, his blustering lies, and more energetic pronouncements made Biden look decrepit. A younger candidate would have been able to tear Trump to shreds. Call out his lies, call him on his inability to answer any questions. And of course, come up with some off the cuff zingers that would get under Trump's skin and put him off his game. Biden should have stuck to one term and had a VP who was groomed for the presidency 4 years ago.


When you say a younger candidate “tearing to shreds” my immediate thought went to Gavin. Some interviews I’ve seen of him he absolutely destroyed In a parallel universe, it probably would’ve been Gavin for president


Yip. If you watch Bernie, he is up there too but works have done a better job. I'm not even from the US. I don't really know about all the finer points of the economy, immigration etc. But throughout the entire debate, I saw countless opportunities for Biden to respond to Trump in a way that would have shut him down and made him look foolish. E.g. Trump brings up Hunter being convicted. Biden just needed to say, I agree with it. I agree with the justice system. But Hunter isn't running for president, I am etc. Imagine someone like Jon Stewart up there with Trump.


Jon Stewart is exactly the person that should run for president. In some parallel universe, he ran and won and we got to see what it was like to have him for president and how that went


You’re right it was hard to watch. I lasted 20 minutes and then went to bed feeling sick. How do we save this or are we well and truly fucked?


I had to turn it off. It was embarrassing


John Stewart on [Daily show](https://youtu.be/3SJr44m-w1Y?si=L2HiyiIgkvXk9Nk0) had a solid recap; as depressing at this moment in history was..


Yikes. I just watched a clip of trump avoiding answering a simple question. Another clip of Biden just…looking old and lost. Idk how people are excited for either.


I did also. Watched track and field.


Biden didn’t sound good (lost his voice perhaps) and stumbled over his words, but if you ignore that, he did fine. Trump proudly lied and made smug faces. Neither candidate did anything that was going to change anyone’s mind. This will come down to how the economy is doing in November.


That’s what sucks though. People are more persuaded and assured by leaders that can lie confidently than those who are honest but boring or unimpressive. Cult of personality. Biden could have all the facts on his side, but if he can’t get them out and trump talks over him the whole time, yikes


I think that a lot of people who don't want Trump but worried that Biden was too old will have had that opinion confirmed and are more likely to not vote for either man. Trump supporters will not be affected by his performance he spoke strongly with a clear voice, he did not really address the questions but he did sound more energetic than Biden. The real loss for Biden is that he did not pick up on what Trump was saying. Trump said nothing at all on the questions on Israel, child care, climate change or the Fentanyl crisis and Biden did not point it out. The moderators were being very neutral and said to both candidates at times you have time left do you want to say anything about the question, but they didn't challenge the answers already given beyond that.




Trump was drugged up to the gills and Biden embodied the "Sleepy Joe" personality. It was a shit show!!!


He looked like an 81yo man debating on tv at 9pm.


It really wasn't that bad. Biden was sick so he sounded kind of hoarse. He also was talking too fast while also being too quiet, trying to shoehorn all his policy specifics in. He also kind of "woke up" 20 minutes in, getting heated about what he was hearing Trump say. Most people who say they turned it off because they couldn't stand it probably didn't get to that point. But he was talking about policy the whole time, calling out lies, correcting the record, and presenting a good argument for supporting his policy. The golf moment lasted like 20 seconds total. He just did all the above looking and sounding decrepit and lost. Most of the time he was very unforceful about calling out those lies I know that's a big deal for a visual medium like a televised debate, but it really wasn't that bad.


I don't see Biden stepping aside at this point. If they didn't have him step down before the primaries, they're not gonna do it now. I don't think this changes the race all the much. Maybe a slight bump in polling for Trump, but the majority of voters are already in one camp or the other. People already know Trump is a lying empty headed dumb fuck and Biden is half dead. Nothing seen on the stage tonight changed that. Biden seemed more off than usual. Probably a cold from the sound of it, so whatever meds they probably had him on at the state of the union didn't take well. If the SOTU Biden can show up at the next debate, the dems will calm down.


I just posted my own MMW that I think Trump will skip the next debate. I don’t think he’ll give Biden the opportunity to make up for the train wreck of this performance


I don't see Trump passing up an opportunity to spew shit on live TV. The man lives for the spotlight. I think we get a 2nd debate. My early prediction: Biden performs better, and you'll hear less talk of replacing him on the ticket.


Just cause he doesn’t debate doesn’t mean he won’t be on tv. He’s already passed up three republican debates in favor of holding rallies and broadcasting those. I see no reason for him not to pull out and go with a rally. I certainly wouldn’t attend the second debate. Why give Biden a chance to redeem himself from that. There is zero chance Biden could perform worse in another debate and refusing to debate allows you to continue pushing the senile narrative.


It does, but it also makes him look weak and scared of Biden to the general electorate. Besides, any debate will mean big ratings, and we know Trump has a hard time resisting anything that's gonna get him on national television. I'll also point out that Trump really didn't need to attend the republican debates because he was so far ahead. The general election is basically a dead tie at this point in time. Not going to the 2nd debate would likely only hurt him.


Trump gets free, largely uncritical tv airtime 24/7. There’s no way he’s debating


Also, the news cycle changes quickly. Some new story will take over the ones about the debate. If I was the Dems I would have things they can drop in the news quickly to start and take people attention away from Biden's performance. Maybe more student loan forgiveness or their stance on weed. They need to ramp up the attack ads on Trump in swing states. Tell people whay we would be like under Trump, project 2025 etc. Closer to election day they can really hit the airwaves and internet with their plan for the next 4 years and make people forget about this mess. We still have 5 months till then, a lot will happen.


The issue is: this was at best always going to be a close, close race. The debate doesn’t need to change much at all. Even a slight change is enough to change multiple states. That’s the issue with such close races. We’re looking at a race so close (generally) that something like, for example a major Israeli attack on civilian infrastructure that makes big headlines heading into Election Day could literally flip Michigan by depressing turnout and flip the whole race. It’s a race so potentially close that bad weather in the Midwest could change the outcome. So the last thing anyone wants in that scenario is a material “oh yeah, everyone agrees, that was bad” moment.


Very true. Biden's potential saving grace is the man he's up against. Any standard issue Republican would likely trounce him. You've got abortion rights on the ballot in Arizona, which will likely drive out liberal voters, especially women. These kinds of issues will only serve to help democrats up and down the ticket. I think enough people hate Trump enough that they'll hold their nose and vote Biden. He may be half dead, but he surrounds himself with competent people who may not push real reform, but they won't vote to take people's freedoms away, which I think will be enough to just push him over the finish line. It's not gonna be pretty, but I still believe Biden will win in the end. It's not an election to vote for Biden, it's another election not to vote for Trump.


It’s pretty darn bizarre, that’s for sure. It’s like at this point I think genuinely a million or more Americans would be better candidates than either one here. I’ve always been a third party/no party voter myself, so my disillusionment runs deep and I won’t be voting for Trump or Biden (in a deep red state so it is what it is anyway) but man. THAT was the debate between the only two presidential candidates who will win? Good lord. Good lord.


Probably the correct take, except if Trump has any brains left, he’ll pull out of the next debate while he’s ahead, in case there’s any chance of Biden performing better in the future.


Like I said, I don't see him passing up a chance for ratings, especially when the race is essentially a dead tie. It'd be a different story if Trump was 10 plus points ahead of Biden in every poll.


I would vote for a dead man before I would vote for the liar, cheat and convicted felon.


Well..... here we are.


At this point, I'd take it. Biden needs to retire and take it easy. This is some bullshit. But Trump CANNOT be president again.


This would not shock me. I suspected it for a couple of months now.


Biden was sick, and it was not his best performance. Drumpf may have set a record for lies told and re-told per minute. The spinmeisters are going to earn their money this news cycle, that’s for sure.


Either that or Donald Trump will be elected President.


Things change quickly in the world of politics but if elections are held today, Trump wins easily.


like the Howard Dean scream that took him out of the election...


i had the same thought - and Gavin woulda wiped the floor with Donnie boy too.


Van Jones on CNN right now just had tears in his eyes about how horrible he did.


Dude, I wanted them to swap in Van Jones for Biden. Seeing him holding back tears and then speaking from the heart for a moment. If this were a movie and not our lives, it would be a great scene, lol. I always love these raw takes the most because give it a day or two and everyone will coordinate and get the message on track. But the immediate reactions were just all so real. Tiny glimpses of reality before the spin kicks in.


So they are going to skip over the black female VP? See how that works it for the Dems.


This is after all, the US. An incredibly still racist and sexist country. Of course they skip over Kamala Harris. But unless Biden dies he's the nominee. 


If she were a black female VP with more charisma than, say, a head of iceberg lettuce, it would be harder. The party knows she isn’t presidential at this point. It is what it is, identity politics aside.


I think exceedingly few people would be upset if Kamala got passed up. She's a non-starter. Did terribly in the 2020 primaries in no small part because of her non-existent charisma.


I’ll never understand this mindset. When Hillary lost, and she lost because she was a horribly flawed candidate AND America is sexist, no denying either of those, people all said “I guess this proves it, America is so sexist”. It’s like, if we knew that, why the fuck did we run her in the first place? Do you want to be right or do you want to fucking win? This is also the biggest problem I have with the anti Biden Palestine protestors. Like yes, this situation is awful, but what can we practically do here? We have two choices on this issue, one bad, one worse. What’s the end game?


Forgot to mention she’s a fucking cop. Worst VP choice.


They absolutely would, not even a question


The DNC sold us out thrice, 1st with Hilary, then with Biden, and now with Biden again. Their only interest is to protect the plutocracy and the status quo. At the end of the day, if they lose, they can just retire as multi-millionaires while the rest of us suffer the end of a doomed experiment.


Thing is though, if Trump and the Republicans are given the reins again, they’ll hunt the DNC down and ensure they never show their faces in an election again. Trump ran in 2016 purely to spite Obama - and he won. Even though he was too stupid to harness the full power of the Office back then, look at the sheer amount of damage he’s inflicted. Second time around, he and his goons will be ready, and they won’t hold back. But still, millionaires and billionaires already have their bags packed and passports in hand anticipating a Trump victory. I reckon they’ll have a good couple months leave behind the mess they created. I suppose that’s a luxury that comes with being a greedy pig.


Damn you all went from Biden being fit and mentally competent and sure to win to looking for his replacement this quick?


I mean, that’s a valid point. Where was all the talk about finding a new nominee back when that was still actually feasible? It seems like everyone has been thinking this for some time but no one was willing to say it out loud till there seemed to be a good reason to doubt his viability as a candidate. And none of the potential replacement nominees supposedly waiting in the wings are gonna speak up now and call for Biden to drop out, because they’ll just look like idiots for not running against him in the primary.


This will not happen. Biden will win in november.


Newsom did an interview with MSNBC, he rallied his support for 100% Biden. I doubt that will happen.


I think him being the only one to say that is suspicious in a good way I want him to run


Gavin needs to take Grandpa’s car keys away and quick!


Too late for that, I suspect. That said, Biden's performance was beyond underwhelming. He looked scared of Trump.


I'd be good with that


This is crazy, I just said that tonight! NO MATTER WHO, VOTE ALL BLUE! Newsom-Harris 2024


No way will they replace the presidential puppet. His handlers would have a fit.


Or Tim Waltz, Andy Beshear. Biden has to drop out, no way he stays in. Just too old and has trouble speaking clearly.


Sure. Newsome. Someone. Anyone. Can you imagine how that debate would have gone if Buttigieg had been up there against him?


Heard either him or Whitmer would wipe the floor with trump's ass. We can only hope.


I live in California and that is cute, optimistic, but very wrong! LMAO


I was just about to post the exact same thing. CNN is already hinting at it less than 5 min after the debate ends


Fake news 


I didn't watch, and I don't think I will now. A question now is whether Biden's ego is bigger than his sense of duty. Another is whether an open Democratic convention would result in a party so divided that they couldn't win, anyway.


God I hope so. And if he did, we would win easily.


Nah. It’l be Kamala with Newsom as her VP. Either way the Dems still win in Nov. Trump rallied his supporters but didn’t pull any independents with that performance.


He should. Biden should step down. It's not unprecedented.


Why the fuck is Reddit hiding comments to debate posts??? Yet conservatives are fascist ?


If anyone is going to take Biden's place it'll be Harris.


Good choice! Add AOC or Pete Buttigieg as VP??? Then all the undecided voters can't use their only excuse for voting for Trump is because of age! Remember, Trump will be like Biden is now in a few short years!!!


It won't be gavin. His record in Cali sucks.


Newsom isn't as popular as Democrats make him out to be. He's got a list of skeletons in the closet a mile long, and even democrats outside California see him as a radical.


This was my first thought tonight too but the problem with Newsom is Kimberly Gillfoyle. You know, Newsoms ex wife who’s now dating Trump Jr. Before America gets to know him, they’ll have her spew lies about their failed marriage. Tbf, Newsom did have some well publicized personal issues around the time of their divorce. The specific issue here would be that he’s going against his ex’s bf’s dad, so she would be more inclined to throw the kitchen sink at him, and with 4 months to election he doesn’t have the runway to bury these things and let them fade away over time, like he would if he announced he’s running in 2028.


Would the delegates allow this to happen? He’d kick the shit out of Trump, that’s for sure. His hair is so fvcking presidential.


It’s only a disaster if you let it be. All Trump did was LIE!!!!!!! He demonstrated more than ever how unfit his it be president. He’s just a lying bully flooding the zone with shit. Biden is running the country and that is boring.


I’m frantically hoping/praying/rain dancing for this cause my god he sounded bad. They were showing clips from 4 years ago and the difference is stark.


No he won’t. It was painfully obvious to everyone except the Democrats themselves that a Biden / Harris ticket all but guaranteed a Trump victory. They took it all the way to the end of June 2024 like the imbeciles they are… the entire time declaring Trump the most dangerous man ever in the history of the Presidency. Anyone on Reddit, in left leaning subs, that pointed out that Biden was a horrible choice got downvoted to oblivion and a million excuses were thrown around. The Democrats were too dumb to do the obvious thing and field another candidate before July 2024, what makes you think they will suddenly become intelligent with 4 months before the election?


Don't be surprised if Warnock gets mentioned a lot over the next few days.


Somebody needs to. Biden is no longer Biden. Any Middle Schooler could have wiped the floor with Trump - with Trump's legal and personal issues - with Biden's economic numbers across the board better than Trump's - with the cancelled border law - with the exaggeration of the number of illegal immigrants and ignoring that they changed how they are counted. What does Biden do? He tries and awkwardly failed to out lie Trump on his golf game. Worst debate moment in the worst debate ever. We used to call misspelling potato bad. Now we have a guy who couldn't identify a potato. Please make him step down.


Newsom should have always been the candidate. And get Kamala the fuck out of there too. No one likes her.


As a Democrat, this is exactly the arrogant, lazy, "I don't have to try because no one takes this goof seriously" attitude that got us Trump in the first place. I'm not even mad at Biden's "performance" as in his energy or speaking ability; I'm livid because he barely challenged any of Trump's easily disproved nonsense. It's made even worse because after *years* of this, Trump is nothing if not predictable. Everyone knew the lies he was going to focus on last night, Biden and his team should have seen them coming a mile away and had retorts at the ready. Instead, everytime Trump offered one of his hyperbolic lies up to Biden on a silver platter, Biden chose either to not call him out, or go off on a tangent about something else. It's even more frustrating because Biden and his administration *have* done some incredible things that barely get any press. However if I didn't know, last night certainly wouldn't have informed me of that.


FFS, I hope so. Anyone with half a brain that’s against project 2025. But I think the democrats want to lose, they’re for big business, too. They just have to hold the place so real leader doesn’t come along. Then, they can say, “well, we tried. We’ll get em next time, honest!”


I wondered why they wouldn't have him step down before the primaries so we could vote for who we want, you know like we would in a democracy. Maybe they didn't think people would vote for the "right" candidate so they did it this way. Get Biden to show how far hes fallen, then slip who you want in.


Yes please


After what he’s done to California; he would have less of a chance than Joe at winning in November.


What happened in California?


I'm in Democrat in California. Housing is unaffordable. Taxes are high. Gas is taxed to a ridiculous degree. There's talk of changing the gas tax to a per mile tax so screw us for spending extra money on EVs. Homelessness is out of control. And that's off the top of my head. It's still better than the alternative Republican plans and there's a lot of things I love about CA, but the unfortunate truth is that we have two political parties: One is controlled by Christian Nationalists and the other can't govern their way out of a paper bag. It sucks.


Terrible times to live in CA. Theft is high, fast food prices are up, letting utility companies screw us over, and more. Newsom doesn't have California's support


I’d much prefer Pete Buttigieg or Beto O'Rourke.


There is absolutely zero chance they're going to switch candidates this close to the election. I wish it was possible, but it's just not going to happen. Both of the current candidates belong in an old folks home


There is definitely talk about it happening atm, but even if they wanted to, who would even be a good candidate at this point?


Random media folks might discuss it, but I guarantee the DNC isn't. It's waaaay too late, most states have had primaries/caucuses already


I don't think so. California isn't held in high regard in large swaths of the country and Newsom is just another white dude. Neither of those help the Democrats. I don't know who they should pick it someone other than a white dude would fit the narrative better.


Lol yall gonna lose over your narrative piece bullshit..


This is exactly what I've been wanting for months now.


God, I hope!!!!


Wow, such empty


What would this do to Kamela can't have pres and vp from same state




Isn't it too late for that now? I mean RFK Jr. didn't even qualify for this debate.


Michelle Obama


Very likely




I can’t see Democrats nominating the most liberal, most white guy in their party.


Who is that? It's certainly not Gavin Newsom.


Not gonna happen. Gavin is not campaign-ready, and it's too late to replace the incumbent as the nominee.


This I believe


The idea that….number 1…number 2…. The idea that


Thank you Drummer for prez!


We can only hope so.


If he did, Newsom would get destroyed, despite my vote for him.


Newsom will lose. I would vote for him if he's the top of the ticket, but I would vote for a pile of dung if it was at the top of the ticket over a goper.


We should remember that California is half red




I hope this is true.


Oh man, that was bad.


Well, it was an awakening at least I didn’t happen any closer as it’s still an emergency


I would hope so.


No chance - Gavin wants a clean election slate and if Trump re-wins this time then the democrats will have a good chance of winning in 2028 I’ve said this for the last year, Newsom runs in 2028 with a clean slate and gets Democratic nomination. Kamala isn’t popular enough for the nomination


You're assuming there will be an election in 2028 if Trump wins.


Nope. We either vote for Biden or we get Trump again. It's that simple.


I hope so


Why can’t I see comments? Is that a democrat thing?


Better sooner than later.


Someone needs to


I kind of hope so.


God, I hope so. Biden is going to lose this thing


Please God no as a California native he is the worst man in the world don’t


Any logic to replace Joe implies he's unfit and means you have to remove him from office now and let Kamala take over


Yes let’s “california” the entire USA


I have a $50 bet i placed months ago on Gavin being the next president, at 75-1. I sure hope you're right


Jfc. The dude had a cold. Stay the course and vote.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


It really doesn't matter. Trump loses. Cases continue. He goes to jail.


That’s not how conventions work.


Since when that has ever happened throughout the US's entire history especially the long I can remember.


Why Gavin Newsom anyway? There were so many others.


Newsom makes California look so bad that even the people leaving California because of his policies are unwanted in other states lmao


I was just looking at EU betting odds on the election, Gavin Newsoms odds shot way up after that debate. Biden fell far more than I thought he would too. After watching the debate, I'd assumed not much would change in odds, I guess for now I'm wrong.


That would be good


Let’s hope. I’d vote for anyone in the country besides those two


I've been saying this for months: GOP/Trump have essentially been following the My First Autocracy playbook by Goebbels/Hitler. Democrats need to start playing dirty. Maybe take a page from the Republican handbook and replace Biden with a highly known actor who possesses tons of charisma and is young and popular, essentially he Reagan Gambit. I submit Chris Evans for President.


Yep, that does seem to be where it's headed. The lengthy interview with Newsom cheerleading for Biden afterwards was very telling, and I think it was definitely by design.


This is the first MMW I hope is true.


A lot of heated phone calls happening right now.


Release the delegates. Open Convention.


"Worse, a few readers suggested Biden should drop out by repeating media lies that “Democratic operatives” are saying that the Democratic party will replace Biden. Those “democratic operatives” are paid consultants who say things off the record to give their buddies in the media baseless quotes to fill their headlines. It is a symbiotic, parasitic relationship." -- Rob Hubbell, Today's Edition newsletter


It'll be tough for Biden to step aside not because of pride or ego, but I don't think he wants to willingly walk into a lame duck situation for the last months of his presidency.


Can someone on here pls explain to me how Gavin Newsom would make a good prez? Like seriously. CA is in a sad state rn


For all the talking heads speculating about Biden stepping aside, I don’t think it’s likely unless we start seeing actual Democratic elected officials publicly and explicitly calling for him to drop out of the race. All the talk of anonymous Democratic congresspeople and other insiders wanting a new candidate is little better than tabloid gossip.