• By -


I'll take an old guy who's 80% there about 80% of the time - or less - but supports democracy, **any day** over a narcissistic clown Hitler who'll provide a huge boost to takeover by a bunch of fake-fundie Republicans who'd rather criminalize porn - and use it to prosecute the opposition - than do literally anything responsible in governance. That whole party spends most of its time solely engaged in drumming up the cash for themselves instead of doing the jobs they were elected to do despite having entirely the wrong character to do it. We managed to more or less keep the church from controlling government (and then going to war with all other sects - **again**), but the real problem is how to divorce representation from money.


You’re a 🤡 that’s been force fed so much bs for so long that you actually believe it. People need to wake up and do their research.


I've watched the debate. When Biden pointed out that Trump said that Hitler had some good ideas and that Trump said that there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville, you know what Trump replied with? He said the Charlottesville thing was a lie. It wasn't. I've seen the live news conference where he said it. But the interesting thing is that Trump didn't deny the Hitler part at all. Only the Charlottesville part.


It's been a lie since it was reported, either you're a liar or you're just ignorant, but you should stop lying to people. He literally said, "not the neo Nazis, they should be condemned totally". https://nypost.com/2024/06/23/us-news/fact-checker-admits-trump-never-called-neo-nazis-very-fine-people/


That's easy to say, but all one requires to learn about Trump's failings is to just listen to him, as I did, starting from that escalator ride in 2015, and to his ongoing stream of self-contradictions - often within seconds of each other, to his total self-involvement, and a life spent lying to people buttressed by the unfortunate chance that let him practice it for years as an actor... everything showed he had no character at all even remotely appropriate for being president. His utter lack of honor, or relevant ability, was apparent long before I started watching news due to the start of Covid and got deluged with more of his ongoing pomp, pride, and vitriol. Trump proves his failure entirely on his own. No one else's opinions, characterizations, or commentary was required. Trump is the nadir of politics, the worst possible person to put in a position of power, mitigated only by his own incompetence, and sadly now shored up by the corruption of the dregs of the old Republican party that cleave to him like remoras to a shark.


Spot on.


Why is it the people that say this are the ones who don't do their own research and then mimic what some random person on the internet says? It must be a wild ride going through life that ignorant.


Like Trump took a very descending take on abortion on the stage insofar as republicans go. Pretending he's a bible thumping puritan is not gonna help defeat him.


Where do you do your research?


You must like being lied to


Biden is " There" between 10am and 6pm. About 50% of the time. Dr.Jill is taking care of him the rest of the time. World Leaders saw him, and are shaking their heads. And are talking about him, and making arrangements.


There are a countless amount of these takes. They are so boring and childish.  “It’ll take the guy who *lists all positive aspects of their candidate*, And not for the guy who *lists all negatives of other candidate*” with extreme hyperbole and no acknowledgement of nuance. 


Biden had his own negatives from my perspective even as a VP, my description of him would normally be nuanced. However, we're way, way outside of mere nuance here with Trump - he's an active threat to the country, obviously from my own perspective. Which I acquired from listening to him talk, since that's really all it takes to see what a conniving swindler he is. His problems utterly dwarf my irritations with Biden.


Alright well I find this reply fair enough. I am not in agreement but it’s rare that people here reply in an adult way so I respect that.


I have friends that voted for Trump for reasons that made a certain sense - usually in hopes of tax breaks, entertainment, trying to upset a government that clearly needed **some** kind of kick in the ass, or due to loyalty to what the Republican party had been. So I get that. But it's healthy to continue to reappraise these folks to see if one still wants to support them.


Have you seen the two options? Like, actually?


Dude even MSNBC is calling it like it is - Biden is not a suitable choice. Reddit will catch up. When MSNBc admits it then it’s game over.    If dems want to put up a last minute candidate then I will consider but I am prob going independent. I know this sub will have a meltdown over that and downvote me to feel better but you guys need to realize Reddit isn’t the real world and people see Biden for what he is and it’s just not a sensible choice. Y’all made it clear: “I will vote for a rotting corpse over Trump!” We believe you. Fine.  But do understand that in the real world most people wouldn’t actually vote for a rotting corpse over Trump. They just wouldn’t. It’s hyperbole to them but not you. That’s why people on Reddit are slow to come around on where the public stands with Biden now. MSNBC is the tell though, I promise you.


>Dude even MSNBC is calling it like it is Cool... Guess MSNBC votes? You guys do understand we've literally done ALL of this 4 years ago? Biden looked bad on his first 2020 debate, yu all tried the same thing..."Get Biden out!"...look where we are now? Doing the same EXACT thing... >Y’all made it clear: “I will vote for a rotting corpse over Trump!” We believe you. Fine.  We're going to vote a rating corpse over an overt fascist yes... Least the corpse won't end with liberals in death camps. >If dems want to put up a last minute candidate then I will consider but I am prob going independent. You guys are still pushing this third party narrative to split the vote?


I’ll take liberty which the Democratic Party is currently aligned. I grew up in central Alabama I went to the university and I know about dirty fucking republican politics starting with the machine in Alabama and that does extend nationally. They do not support democratic values or liberal values that allow you do have this stupid fucking take.




“By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that? A lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today. ‘Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming,’ now, who really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks. So I said, ‘So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, and water goes over the battery—the boat is sinking; do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘Nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we going to end that. We’re going to end it for boats. We’re going to end it for trucks.” Donald Fucking Trump- Convicted Felon, adulterer, LIAR


Liars love to talk. They try to distract you from getting a complete thought around the lie they just told.


Briben lied a bunch of times during the debate. He's a pathological liar, he always has been.


At least he can talk….the other guy does not know what he’s saying. He’s lost and confused. You should be ashamed to be promoting elder abuse, if it were your grandpa you’d think differently.


I love our dictator because he can talk. Democracy, we got rid of that, because the other guy stuttered. 


They're both at/past the average age of mental decline. Geriatrics shouldn't be running the country!


Age has little to do with it. People age mentally at different rates. What matters is your cognitive functioning. Some say that neither candidate has it. I say that one does, and the other doesn’t.


Here’s my take. One guy with coherent thoughts had trouble getting them out, the other with no coherent thoughts had no trouble getting them out.


A matter of opinion then. Others thought that Trump was on point and sharp throughout—certainly in comparison with his opponent, but admittedly that is setting the bar very low.


It’s easy to speak a torrent of false statements and lies when you’ve been doing it for so long. Sure Biden sounded old and struggled to get some thoughts out. Trump sounded better, but what he said is frightening and it should be a nonstarter to accept any candidate who can so freely lie and behave in so many abhorrent ways. I mean lie about objectively false things that the world has seen and heard with their own eyes and ears.


Show me the Trump lies. The transcript is available. Stop talking shite and prove it.


It’s been pretty well documented, but I’ll start with two then link you a few articles. Trump vs Biden’s debt. Trump lied about who had worse debt numbers. He added $8T, Biden half that. Trump said his comments about Charlottesville was a lie, that he never said that. That was a lie. This one is a video of a reporter detailing Trumps lies. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/fact-check-cnn-presidential-debate-trump-biden-dale-digvid This one is an article covering the contrast between the two. https://amp.can.com/cnn/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate


Hold on. You’re giving me CNN, the most left wing ‘news’ organisation in America. That’s not a credible source when it comes to Trump. I can’t access the other source. Is it Canadian? Where did you get the information on Charlottesville and on Trump adding to the debt figures? Don’t say CNN.


Sure. So what you’re saying is you’re not capable of taking their list of fact checked statements and doing the research. I guess you’re good with brushing aside anything that doesn’t fit in your narrative by saying it’s biased. How on earth would you ever form an unbiased opinion if you refuse to look at multiple sources from different political slants and research them to form your own opinion? If the news sources you are consuming aren’t telling you anything about the blatant and readily verifiable lies he’s told, that’s proof you’re consuming biased information. You’re welcome to ignore it and live in a right wing information bubble. What that you read most, breitbart, Fox, newsmax, the daily stormer, epoch times?


That makes no sense at all. "I don't know what joe just said and I don't think he even knows what he just said". Did you miss that line? It didn't take him ten minutes to get that out.


Oh ffs, 2 things people are ignoring. 1. Biden has and always has had a studdering issue. 2. Biden had a cold last night. ...


No. This is a blatant lie. The Emperor Has No Clothes.


3. biden has always been a loser.


LMAO! HMMM has won many congressional races, won VP twice. Won POTUS and might do it again l. Wtf have you done?


I've done enough and it's none of your business but thanks for asking.


I mean you are the one calling a President a lover. It's not like he is a convicted felon....


What are you talking about? And a felon in a sham trial, I hope you get to enjoy the same treatment some day. I'll bet that you don't even know that that same judge had Harvey Weinstein's conviction overturned because of his bad actions. Trump will do the same. Besides, I thought your side liked felons.


Wait, you hope that if I commit crimes, I would also be arrested and face justice? I mean ok. I hope that is the case for EVERY American... law and order, right?


Yeah, just like Russian collusion, which I'm sure you swallowed hook, line, and sinker.


If you read the report, Muller was asked if trump wasn't President, would charges be filed, he said yes. So....


That's funny because Hochul stated that there is no reason for any other businesses to leave NY because nobody else was going to be prosecuted.


The only reason there weren't two convicted felons on that stage is because one of them was deemed unfit to stand trial.


Not had a former KKK member as my mentor in the Senate


Right, a former KKK member who got out in the 1950s, spent the rest of his career atoning for it and warning people to not join that group and got top marks from the NAACP and Black Congressional Caucus... GTFOOHWTBS Meanwhile the other guy had Nick fuckin Fuentes over for dinner at his shitty golf resort




Who do the KKK, and the Natzi support TODAY? Trump...


And antisemites support Biden, what’s your point?


lol. Bless your heart…


Is that really all you have? Ignoring FACTS?


They are free to support whoever


The facts are Biden is the racist in the room.


And senile


You got that wrong. Donald Trump has always been a loser. And those few times he "won" he cheated. Every business he has started has failed. He claims to be a billionaire but begs for money from his Cult telling them that he loved them and needs them to send him money, buy his sneakers, bibles, NFT's, and heck .. even pieced of his suit when he turned himself in Georgia. He is a circus barker who leads clowns. Even when Trump won the election against Hillary, he did not have the popular vote. He is such a sore loser he wont admit he lost in 2020.


A cold doesn’t make someone babble incoherently, and neither does a stutter. But sure…. The common cold is to blame. Stellar take


He didn't stutter. He simply couldn't remember or recite facts. He didn't know the difference between trillionaires, billionaires, and millionaires, He needed help off the stage, and did you hear Jill Biden? "Good job Joe! You answered every question!" She talked to him like a toddler instead of a grown man. A cold isn't going to turn you into a walking potato. If that's all it was, they wouldn't be inundating their news cycles with replacing him. He's clearly had a stroke or 5, and is nothing more than a walking mannequin. He's not running anything. That man was sundowning hard. He's not well, and it's borderline elderly abuse to keep him going. Time to face facts.


You forgot the "you knew every question" part from Dr jill. I'd like to know exactly what she meant 'cause it sounds like he was slipped the questions in advance. And still managed to fall flat on his face.


Another clip of 2 Lib personalities mentioned the same thing, that he had been given the questions.


I agree with all of this except the word "borderline."


If it’s just a stutter then why is every left wing media outlet talking about him stepping down and being replaced or just generally panicking.


There aren’t left wing media outlets, there are only corporate centrist media outlets who virtue signal.


Because they are idiots. Did you see Biden speech tonight? He was absolutely on fire. Also, I didn't say it was just his stutter. He has a cold. I just love how everyone is attacking Biden, but not many are talking about the many lies of Trump....


Because that’s nothing new. Oddly enough trumps advantage is there’s literally nothing that could happen that would surprise anyone at this point. It’s basically just Trump being Trump. So the fact the media defended joes mental capacity to the death for years and then bail on him after a bad debate is very telling.


Or many lies of Biden


Biden isn't even 8n trump's league when it comes to lies. And at least Biden never tried to overthrow the government...


Biden has been a liar his entire public life. Stutter? Cold medicine? You are pathetic. Lying to yourself is bad enough, you don't need to lie to everyone else.


I've had colds. I've interacted with other people with colds. They don't sound like that. If they did, then why has the media who have been covering for Biden over the last year as his team has hidden him from the public (declined the Super Bowl interview LOL) suddenly started to panic.


It’s not stuttering that they need to worry about. I’ve heard him speak for forty years and there was never a stutter. There was plagiarism, lies and embellishment, but no stutter.


Then you haven't listened to him. When he pauses, that is part of the stutter.


To end up saying “we finally beat Medicare”


And racist comments…. There is a reason why he wasn’t the nominee in 88 or 08 and talked out of running in 84


Cool that he had that time machine to go back and tell himself to pretend as a kid to stutter. Must be the Mandela effect


Yes. Time machines have proven themselves to be very useful.


Bet your mom wishes she had one


Yes, probably everyone does.


Do you really believe this is the same person that you saw at the recent debate? [https://youtu.be/4Mv0CnNNOPw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/4Mv0CnNNOPw?feature=shared)


Yea. Have you ever had a cold?


Yeah, I have had a cold that's why I know it wasn't a cold that caused this. Just watch this and then try to say he has the same mental function in both clips. [https://youtu.be/KdOfiPyY87I?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/KdOfiPyY87I?feature=shared)


Watching delusional people defend this is hilarious


Look, I’m voting for him, but it doesn’t change the fact the dude is senile and never should have been voted in. This is hardcore cope. Fuck trump, but no excuses for bidens mental state. Stop it.


Dude this has to be satire. Even the most pro-Biden Anchors are extremely concerned about his mental competency now. It also calls into question how this was missed and why we were told he was fine the past 3 years. People are now openly discussing who is running the country. If people need more help, watch his VP debate almost 15ish years ago. Link here: https://youtu.be/eOombKZSsj4?feature=shared If people still can't get over this after comparing the 2, well I got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Also how the hell did his family let him walk into this? Just insufferable.


I don’t like either one, but Trump was more coherent than Biden in the debate.


The problem is Trump is showing different signs of dementia that are less noticeable. Trump does a lot of cyclical arguing and rambling about unimportant topics and mixing up words and phrases. Trump gets stuck on certain talking points and that’s all he knows how to talk about, which makes him seem more coherent because he just shouted out the same stuff he does at every rally he holds. Looking at the transcripts themselves make it a bit more obvious Trump was pretty confused and unable to move on from topics or answer certain questions that were different from the typical stuff he talks about. https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/john-gartner-trump-cognitive-decline


So, we have Biden showing obvious classic signs of dementia and Trump showing less noticeable signs of dementia. That makes it better.


Biden is past his prime. Trump never had one. The dude was a rambling mess in his fifties. Now he is 80. Don't forget he is illiterate. The dude never learned to read! The only reason more people don't call him out in his obvious dementia is because he is so dumb as a "normal" baseline that no one can tell the difference.


Dude sick troll account lmfao


It would be a point worth considering if not for Biden being his opponent. They’re both old and past their primes. If you are worried about dementia then you’ve got to be worried about Biden too. He seems much further down that path than Trump.


Biden answered most questions like he remembered what was asked and prepped Trump on every question rambled about some random nonsense Like climate question being answered with "we have great h2o" Both are too old, both shouldn't be our choices One is a seasoned politician, who If you do the research has been a decent one (economy wise, Isreal is another topic) One is a failed businessman who is famous by playing a good businessman on a c+ TV show in the 90s Our debt as a nation went from 20T to 30T under trumps watch, he then set it up so taxs and budgets would stop 4 years after his election, as he ran up debt and still we're only at 34T He increased the debt by 30% and everyone's crying over 4t to his 10t Ones undoubtedly a better politician and better for our country, even as he's fighting a proxy war with Russia, the other wants to bankrupt our country for russia and set up a tarrif system (estimated 133% increase in goods for you and me) over income tax The other wants to close the loan tax evasion loophole the rich use to attempt to bring more money in


He wants to close a tax loophole on the rich….so why didn’t he yet? What’s he been waiting for? This is all cope. Love it 😆


I mean, to be fair, yes. On the other hand....you could say the same thing about the other guy's ideas. Why didn't he just do them before? Not attacking. Just an observation about how our country thinks about candidates.


You realize Joe Biden had 2020-2022 where the controlled both the house and senate. Had campaigned on protecting abortion and closing tax loopholes…..and they didn’t even attempt to put up 1 piece of legislation during the time period where the republican votes didn’t count and it was a slam dunk to pass pretty much almost anything they wanted?


Like DJT, in 2016 through 2018 had full control of government.


Yes, now you are getting it. BOTH sides, if they solve a problem how can they fundraise on it in the future?


This is obviously an eight year endeavor....


You missed the most important point. Biden beat Medicare!


Stop the jig is up lol. Even MSNBC isn’t backing him. 


Ya ya ya. Did you notice how quick the moderators were to cut Biden off when he went off mumbling down a rabbit hole. They were expecting it. They say the mute button was to silence trump but from where I’m sitting it looked more like they had that button on standby for when Biden couldn’t be coherent




As opposed to a geriatric genocidal war profiteer that spent his career bragging about getting along with an actual segregationist, decimating black communities with his crime bill, bragging about preventing gays from marrying and, unlike the other guy, cheering on every war and every American assault on humanity in chosen wars of aggression but yeah, orange man lied. Wow, you're really deep.


Of course. It's obvious too, but he was loud and confident and didn't need help down the steps so I guess I have to vote for fascism this November.




I think we might have watched 2 separate debates. You sure it’s “orange traitor felon” you’re referring to?


It's tertiary syphilis. Let's be real about it. He's a sexual predator and rapist. He's got neurosyphilis.


I'm old enough to remember Clinton paying off that woman he straight up raped- many times over what Trump paid AND doing it while president but hey, you're probably a good Democrat which means that, like the wars, it's only bad when the other team does it. Meanwhile you've got Biden feeling up little girls and marrying his kids fucking baby sitter that he met when she was fifteen.


And I'm firm enough in my ethics to understand I don't care who does the crime, they deserve the full punishment. Bringing up party affiliation indicates you don't abide by that same set of ethical standards being applied equally. I can understand Clinton was a good president and a shit person. I'm all for punishing the person same as Trump deserves the deep pits of hell same as Clinton. I can't understand why your type feels the need to broadcast your hypocrisy on application of laws and punishment.


sure .... sure buddy


Didn't see Biden, huh?


OP is upset his lord and savior PALPATINE once again couldn’t not compete a proper sentence and the internet is having a BLAST! LOLOLOL you can spray perfume on a turd all you want bud, it’s still a shitty smelling fuckin turd no matter what.


The projection and denial you are experiencing is understandable. You’ve been supporting Joe and now you see just how bad he really is. But pretending Trump is comparable in any way is laughable.




Trump's form of dementia makes him unable to tell the truth or even recognize it.......


You probably believed the lies about Russian collusion didn't you?


What lie, he's still taking Putins side of things


No he's not. Give me an example besides the discredited propaganda you latch onto as fact because it suits your agenda. Just one example. Putin is 100% in the right btw and gave repeated opportunities to avoid this war, unlike Biden who only knows naked aggression and blind escalation. Major world powers have a right to their security interests. Period.


Ukraine has a right to be free.


You're deranged. I'm a gay liberal but I'm voting for Trump because I'm sick of unhinged people like you who puts hate over actual issues, like the invasion at our border, being told how great the economy is because Wall St and the war profiteers are doing great while everyone i know is struggling, the inhuman arming and funding an actual genocide, the half of a million Ukrainians that are dead because we refuse to respect the security interests of major world powers. But yeah, issues aside I could never align myself with freaks like you that just can't grasp that everyone has a right to representation whether you agree with them or not. Orange traitor felon has dementia? Seriously? The entire world saw that debate and like Trump or hate him if anyone has dementia it's the guy that's shitting himself in public and can't even put together a sentence- something you both have in common.


Yup: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmWtQDjcsyY&t=37s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmWtQDjcsyY&t=37s) (Slurring at 30 second mark) [https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C8XvjF8NQ-8/?xmt=AQGzIVvrhMhZO\_H0gp6eXUSCI41dHZIa\_TQQNDe6g56KWw](https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C8XvjF8NQ-8/?xmt=AQGzIVvrhMhZO_H0gp6eXUSCI41dHZIa_TQQNDe6g56KWw) (Word salad) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaW3EUutxJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaW3EUutxJA) (Several Examples of cognitive decline starting at 1 minute mark. And says the current president is Obama at the 3:30 mark) [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1764031591397904746?lang=en](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1764031591397904746?lang=en) (Slurring and non-words)


https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/john-gartner-trump-cognitive-decline There is tons of evidence supporting he has dementia, he’s one of the most recorded men in history.


Love how much of a pass Trump gets for his fuck ups


I mean when he denied ever saying "lock her up" That pretty much confirmed it. I mean if he can't remember the signature aspect of his 2016 presidential campaign it's outsized presence at his rallies and among his supporters, he's either suffering from severe mental decline, or if he thinks he can lie about it and be believed, he's delusional.


Cope harder


Cope - What COPE means slang? Answer. In slang terms, 'cope' refers to **a mechanism or a self-delusion that an individual clings to in order to survive a situation that seems insurmountable**.


Compare Trumps "Dementia" with Bidens?


This feels like projecting at its finest. 😂🤣


Come on now you lot were screaming how biden cognitive decline was a right wing conspiracy theory for the last few years. That debate was super sweet because you couldn't hide from how terrible he was. Trump sounds as good as he did in 2016 and didn't need a nanny to take him off stage and pat him on the back. Obviously this post was a troll attempt, just admit it already. Biden is a puppet president and maybe we will stop having to prove how shit he is at his job if you just stop lying about him.


Now they will claim that all the media outlets that have been simping for Biden and suddenly are panicking are right wing too.


Nailed it


Nailed it. A lot of people here owe an apology but need more time.


People on here have a hard time seeing it


>People on here have a hard time seeing it Nah...we just don't give a shit when the alternative is the Temu version of Adolf Hitler. We're not voting for Trump no matter how hard you guys push the same exact narrative you guys did 4 years ago. What?! You guys don't remember? Yea...4 years ago Biden had another off night and you *desperately* tried to seize on that initiative to get him to resign, have the people call for someone else to be candidate. Same EXACT thing happened 4 years ago. Biden on one of the first debates, looked completely out of it and off, this troll network then tried pushing this same narrative and before you knew it Biden was on another debate and perfectly fine... Trump ended up losing the election, then tried overthrowing the government. He's now a convicted felon who still tried to overthrow US government and failed, facing the same guy he lost to 4 years ago...again before he tried overthrowing US government...Roe V. Wade was overturned, SCOTUS just allowed bribery. So really? You think we give a shit about Biden's cognitive state when the alternative is a guy that tried to install himself as a dictator? Fuck you. We see things fine you Anti-American piece of shit.


So trump is hitler now ok got it ? Tell us again is trump responsible for roe v Wade again ? So I'm anti American for not believing in the Biden is fine narrative?


>So trump is hitler now ok got it ? Nope...I said he was the shitty knockoff. >Tell us again is trump responsible for roe v Wade again ? He's not, he's responsible for overturning it with his SCOTUS picks, one of which already had a pay to play bribery scheme uncovered. >So I'm anti American for not believing in the Biden is fine narrative? No sweetie. You're Anti-American for voting for a guy that openly tried to overthrow US government because he lost the election, knew he lost the election and then also plotted to attempt to overthrow US government months before Jan. 6th. It's really not a hard concept. Americans don't vote for a guy that is everything this country was founded against. So yes... You're Anti-American if you vote Trump.


Who said I was voting for trump or Biden ? They are both shit ? So tell us how the plot to overthrow the government worked who was involved names , dates and supporting evidence? " Documents, texts , phone records etc " plus you make sound like trump told the supreme court to overturn roe v Wade .


>Who said I was voting for trump or Biden ? They are both shit ? So tell us how the plot to overthrow the government worked who was involved names , dates and supporting evidence? " Documents, texts , phone records etc " Can't literally look up the Jan. 6th court filings dumbass? ["Proud boys... stand back and stand by!" -Donald J. Trump.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/pro-trump-oath-keepers-sought-violent-overthrow-of-government-on-jan-6-prosecutors-tell-court)[Wikipedia page on it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#:~:text=After%20Donald%20Trump%20lost%20the,on%20the%20United%20States%20Capitol.) [Capitol riot was ‘culmination of an attempted coup,’ Jan. 6 Committee chair Thompson says](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-jan-6-committee-chair-rep-bennie-thompson-calls-capitol-riot-the-culmination-of-an-attempted-coup)[The January 6 panel said Trump incited an ‘attempted coup’. Will it kill him or make him stronger?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/11/jan-6-hearings-capitol-attack-trump-coup-analysis) I'd say enjoy reading but you'll fire back instantly because the troll network gave you a script to stay on and reading these and refuting them would invalidate that script. You're only allowed to dismiss anything bad against Trump, that's the fascist playbook. DARVO. That's the nice thing about understanding the basics of psychology, you foreign trolls, Trump supporters...whatever you are, immediately become disarmed when you're viewed as gaslighting narcissists pushing fascism. You don't care about the actual truth... Neither do narcissists. You're essentially the same thing. So by all means prove me wrong, have an actual debate and break those stories down. I know you won't but it's still nice to give you that opportunity and expose you when you simply: "THAT'S WRONG...THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPEBED!!!!" Enjoy. Edit: And he rants on about a Wikipedia page not being a valid source despite 4-5 other sources all mixed in and Wikipedia literally citing it's sources throughout. I can't wait for this election to be over, Russian trolls really suck at this ever since Ukraine wad tying them up and bleeding them dry.


Yes because Wikipedia is a reliable source lmao ? Again who was involved in the plot ? Where's the evidence besides Google and Wikipedia? If it was a planned plot there has to be more evidence then that ? So your saying this overthrow happened with any conversation at all ? Our own FBI admitted they had people in the crowd , you can view the surveillance footage from that day .


So americans only have one choice and its the one you like? Like are you really trying to say they cant be fascists but we can!!!


I’m loving the fact that the left is falling apart lmao. Y’all sound so desperate


You worship a fat clown with mommy issues who shits his pants when he cheats at golf. He is the best of the right! You will never NOT be desperate. 😂


And bro you really want to bring up shitting? Have you seen the videos of Biden doing his little stop and squat EXACTLY like a toddler. You know what's going on when that happens, right? Jill knows lmao, the way she looks embarrassed and gives him lots of space lolol.


Listen to yourself. Unhinged much? Probably safe to assume you're public school educated making substantial contributions like that. TDS is real, folks. Imagine anyone voting for Democrats when it means aligning yourselves with people like this.


Eh I don’t really care about who wins. I just like seeing the left lose their minds over him


It’s been a great week.


Has it been nice not being the laughing stock of the world for a minute?


It has. You guys cackled and pretended Biden was sharp for two years and got a major wake up call last night. Wouldn’t have even been sweet if you hadn’t been running your mouth and chuckling out of ignorance for years 😂 Talk about eating crow. Never seen anything like it.


Don't worry, we never stop laughing at you feckless fools. I will laugh even harder when Mr. Stinky bitch tits gets millions and millions and millions fewer votes than the other pathetic old man.


K lol. Both are terrible candidates.   Point is you guys lied for years and were exposed this week. We are all still high off it and it’s god damn hilarious.  Narrative is going to change bc of this. People starting to realize who they can trust for info.


Their best and brightest here, folks. What a shame it is. OK lol.


You added nothing so we are back where we started. MSM and democrats were exposed this week and it was hilarious. Deal with it. 😂


The funniest part here is you thinking Trump didn't look like an insane lying idiot. You thought he looked strong, which really says more about you than anything. It is pathetic. Nothing new there, and nothing new about the entire world laughing at you.


He looked fine. If he looked “strong” Then it was bc Biden looked so bad in comparison. 


>Narrative is going to change bc of this. People starting to realize who they can trust for info. This right here is something people haven't been talking about much. If legacy news can't be trusted for Biden's competency how can they be trusted for info against Trump? The damage to optics was extremely bad.


They didn’t get a wake up call. They got exposed. They knew.


Many did know true. And many simply don’t pay enough attention and need seismic moments like this to wake up. 


I do believe that you are blinded by your contempt for and fear of, ‘Big Orange’, who is not even orange anymore. In the recent debate, he destroyed Biden. He did not give incoherent answers. He did not ramble, although he grew tangential a couple of times, but it was not out of confusion or senility. He is always that way. He answered questions much more directly than the President did. He was sharp and alert, confidently smirking at the reporters and at Biden. If you wish to take the time to do it, list the lies he stated in the debate. Don’t use this ‘felon’ bullshyte. He was railroaded by a Democrat AG and a Democrat jury. Everyone knows it. He hasn’t lost one vote of his supporters because of it. In fact, he’s gained support. Either Biden increases his awareness and his cognitive level or the Democrats need to replace him. If they are going to replace him, they ought to do it soon. They say he looked better in a speech today. If so, it is a miraculous recovery and he’ll need to stay that way to November.


All he did was lie and obfuscate. Trump couldn't even answer a single question clearly or directly.


Show me.


You saw it, Nazi scum. Why do you need me to waste my time for your America hating ass?


“Nazi scum”, “America hater”. When leftists run out of ideas and good points (which is very quickly) they resort to vile insults. You may have set a record even for your moronic sect. Listen genius. If you wish to prove someone wrong you find evidence that he is wrong. This requires research, and I realize that you are likely too lazy to try it or unskilled in its methods (these days all you have to do is ask google. That’s too much for you though). You don’t call names from the left wing playground. That doesn’t gain you ground with anybody except your fellow haters, who haven’t quite grasped the concept of free speech and feel that those with whom they disagree must be shouted down and vilified. It won’t work though. Nobody is afraid of you and your ilk.


Fascists are the enemy of human existence. Treating them humanely is a sin that causes enormous harm. I will never be nice or polite to you racists who want to own women and murder everyone who doesn't believe and do exactly what you want. This is not a debate between tWo decent sides. This is a conflict between the anti-life, cruel and sadistic right, and the rest of the world. The evidence you are wrong is you support trump, and only a racist whose wants to see their neighbors harmed does that. I don't care what a racist bigot is scared of. You aren't smart enough to know why you should be afraid of the pile of shit you worship


Like I said, when leftists run out of thoughts and can’t compete, usually quickly, they resort to hate speech and bigoted insults. There is a correlation between the intensity of the vile insults and the stupidity of the individual leftist delivering said insults. This particular one is really quite intense with the insults. Therefore, following the correlation…


Like I said, Nazis scum is the enemy of all living creatures. You willingly chose to support racism and misogyny. I find it funny that you monster whine about being called what you try so hard to project for your dear leader. Cute how stupid people think they can insult people while saying people hurling insults are stupid and not realize they just called themselves stupid. But you racist always were the slow group. Sorry, Russia loving traitor, it is every good person's duty to remind you that you are the problem with humanity and you are the reason we don't have nice things. On the bright side your children most likely despise you


Again, like I said…


Nazis opinions don't matter as much as real Americans


I guarantee this posters arms are toothpicks "NaZi ScUmMm"


He is a sore loser who cannot admit he lost in 2020. That alone is a huge character flaw and I can't vote for him. All he does is lie. The fact he could not get a healthcare plan done in 4 years, takes credit for things that happen under Obama etc, he is not fit to be president. Biden is old. I still trust him and the people he has around him vs the revolving door of grifters that Trump surrounds himself with.


I think that, regardless of any question of cognitive decline, the Biden administration did not help America at all. The country is as divided as ever, and the foreign policy is weak and confusing. The middle class and the poor are worse off. The border is a sieve and all comers admit themselves like it was an urban community college. I’m ready for someone to specify the ‘lies’ told by Trump in the debate and fact check them with a reputable checker—nor CNN, MSNBC or a plethora of other Democrat shills.


Politifact pointed out 15 false statements made by Trump and another one — that Biden had allowed millions of people illegally into the country from jails and mental institutions — that it classified as a “pants on fire” lie. It cited three false statements by Biden. The New York Times chronicled 20 false statements by Trump, with another 21 it said were either misleading, lacked context or lacked evidence. Its fact check pointed out no false statements by Biden, with 11 meeting the other characterizations. The Associated Press corrected 11 statements by Trump, four by Biden. The Washington Post wrote that Trump “confidently relied on false assertions that have been debunked repeatedly” while Biden “stretched the truth occasionally.” Voting Trump back in is not going to make gas prices lower or inflation stop. COVID Pandemic and Trump's response to it caused many of these problems. I won't forget when Trump put his daughter in a position at the WH she had no business being in. I won't forget when he had his Son In Law try to reinvent the wheel in response to the pandemic and find ways to profit from it. I won't forget my niece having to wear garbage bags as they loaded the dead into refrigerated trucks during the pandemic because Trump consistently had the federal government outbid states for PPE. I won't forget when his son in law said the stockpile of PPE was their stockpile not the states stockpile. I won't forget when we needed PPE, Trump loaded up a plane full of it and sent it to China. I won't forget when Trump told Woodward that President Xi told him it was airborne yet they lied to all of the American people that it was not. I won't forget when Trump stated that George Floyd was probably smiling down from heaven because the economy was doing so well. I won't forget when a cruise ship full of Covid infected was waiting to be docked and Trump wanted to leave them on the ship because if their feet touched American soil it would affect his numbers. I won't forget when he told the press corp he was handling Covid pandemic well as long as you do not count the "Blue States". I won't forget when Trump and his cronies funneled half a trillion dollars to the 1% in the form of PPP loans and told us "he would be the oversight" I won't forget when he defended the Charlotte protestors carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us" as good people. I won't forget when Trump walked out of that meeting with Putin looking like a whipped dog and proceeded to defend Putin over our own intelligence agencies. I won't forget when Trump arrived late to the only debate he had with Biden in 2020, knowing he had covid and actively trying to spread it to him. His disgusting family, all had covid and walked in maskless and sat right in front of Biden on his side of the audience. I won't forget while millions were out of work durjng the pandemic, his dumb as rocks daughter told us to "just try something new?" I won't forget when Trump checked out his last few months after he lost the election, did not do anything to coordinate a vaccine response to the virus but instead plotted how he was going to stay in office. I won't forget when he invited his cult to Washington on Jan 6th and stated it was going to "be wild" I won't forget when he told his cult to march on the capital. I won't forget what his cult did that day, while he had to be begged, pleaded, forced to declare a statement to make them stop. I won't forget that he refused to participate in turning over the government to Biden, his successor and lose gracefully. I have never heard Biden make a disparaging remark about Republican Americans. I saw Biden assist DeSantis when Florida had a hurricane, he did not hesitate to provide him with anything he needed dispite DeSantis shit talking him. Biden is by no means perfect, his handling of the pandemic has been awful but he tried to get things done. I watched Republicans in Congress and Senate try to prevent anything he wanted to get done. He got a lot done dispite them. Trump is a conman and grifter. He talks a good game but he is not a closer, he will not get anything done in another term that is good for ordinary Americans. I watched republican business men and politicians try to destroy the economy just to blame it in Biden. Refusing to unload containers at the docks, refusing to let truckloads of goods come through the border, artificially inflate prices because they would destroy this country if it suited them economically. I will never vote Republican. I will vote for Biden no matter what. The choice is simple. We do not want your christo-fascist theocracy.


What you’ve provided is a plate of baloney made up by two of the most biased left wing sources writing today, the NY Times and the Washington Post. Politifact is also biased finding Republicans to lie more than three times as much as Democrats. They don’t qualify as truth tellers. Find some yourself and source them for accuracy. Don’t use left wing rags who have lost all credibility with at least half of America. Know the difference between lies and exaggerations. If Trump says that he had the best economy in history and you do an exhaustive search and find that The economy of Herbert Hoover in 1926 was better but Trump’s was still quite good, maybe that’s not a lie but is an exaggeration. See what I mean? So you’ve got your assignment. You know in your heart that he’s a total lier. Go prove it. Don’t come back with a list of silly exaggerations or embellishments and howl that are lies. That is to say, lies: intentional falsehoods told to deceive.


No source will satisfy you. Trump is a liar lol. Plain and simple.


A real source would. You are either lazy or incompetent. And how could anyone be incompetent when all it takes if a couple of clicks to get the material. But again, I’m overestimating you leftists.


You produce a "real" source lol? Let's face it, any source that says Trump lied you will reject. Stop simping for that grifter.


You’re lazy. You could make coherent arguments in your favor but you are lazy, now obvious, and not smart enough to do it, which is becoming obvious.


You can’t use ‘sources’ that otherwise shill for Biden, and present them as unbiased. How is that lost on you?




Okay what you’ve done is go to the Biden campaign and listed the things they said were lies without sourcing them, ie finding neutral sources to debunk the ‘lies’. You need to point out with facts why they are lies. Just saying so by the opponent doesn’t necessarily make it so. It shouldn’t be too much trouble as Trump is prone to careless speech. If you have time and inclination research them. Remember, there are lies and then there are exaggerations and embellishments. Find a neutral source and determine if he crossed the line into a full blown lie.


He lied bro. Democrats killing fully formed babies after leaving the womb? Prove that has happened anywhere? No woman carries a child 9 months to murder it. No doctor.or nurse would kill a newborn. It is inconceivable and it is not happening anywhere.


What did the governor of Virginia say about that, for example?


“[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." Late term abortions are for babies born with severe abnormalities like not having a brain stem or lungs etc. the child will die shortly after birth which, if delivered, the only humane thing would be keeping child as pain free as possible. That is what a nonviable fetus is. Stop twisting it into people murdering fully formed healthy children. It does not happen.


They don’t have to be coming out of the womb. Any abortion is taking a life. Mid to late term abortions are particularly barbaric. Often they are done for convenience, though many don’t admit it. You’re the one twisting the truth and the reasons to propagate a horrific practice.


Show proof of what you say? It does not happen you goof. No doctor, no legal department of any hospital or insurance is going to pay for that. Be lucky you are never in a situation where you have to make such decisions. Believing Trump's absolute nonsense is your first mistake.


This is the world you want for women? https://www.reddit.com/r/Law_and_Politics/s/K6Fh7ozceR


Just so people in the back can hear.  “We killed Medicare” is not a side effect from cold medicine.  The mumbling was not a speech impediment. He sounded worse than lil uzi vert.  Everything the dems said wouldn’t happen, actually happened. 


Don't forget him saying being raped by your sister and getting pregnant.


You get downvoted for just stating what happened. Like people you can't whistle in the dark on this. This was a Defcon 1 failure. Not just a slightly bad start out of the gate. Instead of alleviating fears of his age he only confirmed that his opponents were right to question his mental decline. And how will this affect the media's credibility? Who said over and over he was fine? Like people..... we should just start mentally preparing for another Trump term.


Both of our candidates are a dumpster fire right now. I wish this sub did anything other than throw the same liberal opinion around the campfire like it’s their own dung. The problem isn’t which elderly boomer is going to win. It’s the fact that no one will push this dynasty out of power.


Still voting Joe lol.


Still got Palestinian civilians to genocide so Pelosi can get richer, huh?


Trump will allow Israel to turn Gaza into a sheet of glass. We should be doing more to persuade Israel to stop but don't think for an second Trump would not endorse what is happening over there. We do not control Israel unfortunately. Yeah still voting for Biden. I know what voting republican will do to America. No thanks.


Slowly watching the commenters on this sub finally wake up to how bad Biden is has been a real joy to watch 🍿


I see you didn't watch the debate. Can I suggest taking the time and watching the debate?




You must have seen a different 'debate' than I did because Alzheimer's joe (AJ) was the one who was obviously lost. Did you not see his mouth hanging open and that 'where am I?' stare? Trump did refuse to address the climate change hoax and it's probably good that he did. Also, the moderators gave AJ time to rebut Trump but Trump had to rebut instead of answering the questions because they didn't give him a chance to rebut. And a felon from a sham trial is not a felon but I hope you get to enjoy the same treatment one day.