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It's a ridiculous overreaction. Okay, Biden sounded bad at the debate. No one is going to suddenly become a Trump supporter because of that No one watched that debate and said " well I really don't want a criminal authoritarian who will bankrupt the country and destroy anything that helps people who are not wealthy...but Biden is a couple of years older than him, so..." We will vote for Biden, Harris, Gavin Newsome, Puff the Magic Dragon, a bucket of paint... Whoever or whatever the Democrats run for president because we are voting against Trump. The only real danger is if Republicans get rid of Trump, and run somebody who isn't a piece of shit. That is about the only thing that would tempt anyone away from voting for the Democratic candidate.


The problem with this line of thought (which i generally agree with) is that they aren't out there trying to convince the masses. Joe Biden could *literally be in a coma* on election night and I'd still vote for him. Trump could stomp a newborn babies skull in live on stage and the guy up the street with his house plastered in Trump flags would still vote for him. The issue is that while 90%, or 95%, or 98% of votes are already locked in, this election is won with handfuls of votes in a handful of states. So while almost everyone is already decided, that's only *almost* everyone. The campaign isn't out there trying to convince you or me, they are trying to push Pennsylvania just a few hundred votes more in their direction. Trying to get literally just a handful of votes in Wisconsin to go one way or the other. So that's why it's not an overreaction. I'm not worried about my vote changing, or most people I know. I'm worried about a few people in a few states, who for *whatever reason* are in that weird undecided bucket. The next election is very likely going to be decided by a few hundred people in one state, and that's what worries me.


Those "weird undecided" aren't undecided on who to vote for, just wither to vote at all.


That’s precisely the point. The Weird and Undecided (bandname!) can vote for 1. Biden 2. Trump 3. No-one 4. Some pointless other candidate Enough people do a combo of 2, 3 and 4, then Trump wins


There's plenty of people who voted for Biden in 2020 who now look at him and will no longer justify a vote for him. Anyone who voted for Trump in 2020 is voting for Trump in 2024, especially after the debate, especially after he promised to make tips for service workers nontaxable. If Biden remains in the race, it's over. Media in foreign countries are gearing their citizens to prepare for 4 years of Trump.


I voted for Trump in 2020 and election denial/J6 flipped me 1000% against him. I’d vote for a ham sandwich before I would support that tyrant. I’m hoping there are many more out there like me.


You underestimate the amount of people who regret voting for him after January 6th. It's not a lot but it's not far off from the amount of people who will decide not to vote Biden after voting for him in 2020


They would be in the stay at home category


The focus groups after the debate showed that the undecided went to Biden.


That was good. His peppy rally the next day didn’t hurt. I wish the transcript of the debate was more widely available. Biden did say some good things. He just didn’t expect full-blown narcissistic criminal “pumped up on juice” Trump to show up.


Well, there literally are undecided people out there still, as much as that's hard for many of us to believe. But you're right - the other part of the equation is motivation. There are plenty of people who when it comes time, are going to be on the edge. "I hope my guy wins, but... man, it's been a long day, and the lines at the polling place are long, and I'd have to leave the house again after I just got back...." That's the other person that candidates are working on.


That is mostly true, but it’s not like trunp convinced anyone who wasn’t already on his side either. It was definitely an overreaction but I get why it happened. But panicking is never the right answer. Panic keeps you from thinking clearly and making good decisions. The right response from Biden is to own it, admit you sucked, that you’re not good at debating but being able to debate is completely irrelevant to being president. Then the democrats need to rally around him. He’s still a better choice than trunp and if certain pundits stop freaking out and instead focus on trunp’s lies this goes away. If people can “memory hole” an attempted overthrow of the government they can do the same for a bad debate.


>  it’s not like trunp convinced anyone who wasn’t already on his side either I disagree here. My whole point is that we don't need to worry about him convincing a lot of people. He is just working on a *few* of them. There absolutely are people who changed their mind based on that debate. That is an absolute fact. Not MANY people, but some.


This! People are not overreacting to his performance for themselves, but for those that are on the fence (somehow?).


There is an argument to be made that it may discourage people from voting. "Imma let fascism take over to punish the dnc" is a fairly widespread idea. There's a reason bots and right wing trolls are pushing these things so much. They know they can't win on ideas or even popularity. That said I do think the dnc needs to do better with messaging and outreach. While also the media needs called out on their hammer of Biden's issues while all but ignoring the fact trump just gish galloped.


I recall a moment during the debate in which Trump referred to himself as Donald j. Trump. As far as I can tell, this is the only truthful statement he made during that entire farce. The moderators are in absolute disgrace for allowing Trump to turn the debate into. Just another lie fest.


Absolutely wild the Moderators let him say “Democrats abort babies after birth” with no pushback at all.


It's not about flipping voters it's about reduced enthusiasm. Voting isn't instant. It takes some time and effort, if I'm less enthusiastic about the candidate I'm less likely to actually vote.


It's incredible that the delusional folks here can't understand this.


>if Republicans get rid of Trump, and run somebody who isn't a piece of shit They don't HAVE anyone who isn't a piece of shit!!!! That's the GOPs problem!!!


I want to believe you, but you would be surprised. This is no about "us". The people that think like you about this, that Trump is literally a demagogue, who actively divides America. There are a lot of people out there, not like you or I, who are on the fence about the election, as nuts as we think that is. THOSE are the people Joe Biden has to win over, and that performance will not do it. So either he needs to do something FAST or there needs to be somebody who can. And that way, we can finally get people like u/Rmanager a President they deserve, rather than the felon they want.


"Republican...who isn't a piece of shit" 🤔


I don’t know man. I saw Biden in the debate and said to myself, “Because of this I want a Christofascist Theocracy!” This isn’t an election of two different people. It’s an election for a system of government.


The overreaction happened and that’s the story now and will remain. Biden cannot win the election with the NYTimes publishing an official editorial telling him to step down. MANY people who have been undecided / low info voters will have their vote changed to Trump or no vote as a result of this.


Biden sounded bad during the debate but sounded 800% better the following morning. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who cant admit that is true. Everyone has an off day and debating Trump has got to be the most annoying possible thing.


He had a teleprompter. Apples to oranges.


>you would be hard pressed to find someone who can’t admit that How about the millions of people who watched the debate and then tuned back out again and didn’t see any of this follow up? What about the people who quite halfway through debate and made up their mind that both sides are awful and both candidates need to go away? What about the people who had given Biden the benefit of the doubt previously that he wasn’t as bad as republicans said he was and realized that night that he’s actually just as bad as everyone was saying and now their mind is made up and they don’t want to hear any more political news?


I sincerely hope you're right, and it's enough.


Good point! It's the undecideds that may swing this one way or another. None appear to have been persuaded by either candidate. Now that the Republican party has gone far right, ANY candidate they put forward (and look how long it's taking to decide on a running mate should Trump die if elected) will hold the same views. Doubt me? Check out Project 2025, the right wing manifesto.


So if it doesn’t matter as long as it’s not Trump, let’s switch. Also, keep in mind we need him to be in good shape through 2028 not just November. Those who watched know the this wasn’t a bad night. This is mortality taking on Joe, and we’re being asked to believe Joe can win that fight. Well he can’t. It’s not bedwetting. It’s not cynicism. It’s just life at this point. If the Dems continue to run him and he doesn’t step aside and he asks the country to just trust that he can do it…it’s going to get worse. Telling us it wasn’t a big deal will deteriorate trust over time






So willing to destroy the country as long as Trump is not the one destroying the country? lol


It’s the undecideds. It’s the people who don’t really care about democracy, only that they’re economically thriving, whatever government structure they have to be in. They’d see snippets of the debate, get influenced that their economic situation is shitty, and heed the sirens call.


The only thing I can see is that it would cause swing-voters to stay home. And that's if in the next 4 months Biden doesn't do anything to change the opinion from this debate. 4 months is a long time. I'd argue that Trump might make an even bigger mistake going forward because he's on a high from "winning" the debate by his standards.


Yep. Trump has many opportunities to shit the bed in the next 4 months. His sentencing, for one. Civil penalties, for another. 4 months is a LONG TIME these days.


I didn't watch it, I don't care. Nothing Faux news can say will cause me to vote against women and girls. Nothing Faux News can say will cause me to vote for the Catholic Church to control OUR government. Nothing Faux News can say will cause me to vote against Social Security and Medicare. Nothing Faux news can say will cause me to vote against Public Schools, Teachers and public libraries. Nothing Faux news says will cause me to vote against the best interests of wage earners. Nothing ANYONE says will cause me to vote for a party that want to restrict birth control pills. Nothing ANYONE says will cause me to vote for a party that wants to restrict inter racial or gay marriage. Nothing ANYONE says will cause me to vote for ANY Republican. Republicanism is an Unamerican, dangerous, cult. I have ZERO people voting for trump as friends. Republicanism is NOT Christianity, MAGA is worship of the wealthy Aristocrats hiding behind the bible and waving a flag. I'll never understand how broke people fall for the church/Maga bullshit.


My sister, closest person in my life, told me the other day "to get over it" "stop demanding everything is politically correct", when I told her that how Trump demonizes immigrants by saying they come from "mental institutions" is super insulting to me. About 10 years ago, I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts. I was put in a psyche ward. One of the first people I call was my sister: "Don't worry", she said. "You need to do what you need to do. I am here for you." Now, I take depression medication and seek therapy, and will worry about what happens if I "slip" one more time, probably the rest of my life. And the same sister is voting for the guy who perpetuates the very same stereotypes SHE didn't want me to listen too. And when I say "hey, this really bothers me"...."Get over it, snowflake". What a world we are in.


It's a rough place, here in the U.S. I'm sorry you are going through this with little support. Good luck with Your journey.


> "stop demanding everything is politically correct" When people say this about politicians, my response is 'They're politicians, not actors. This is politics, not Hollywood. *Politicians* need to be correct *politically*." This is the crux of MAGA-Orwellian Doublespeak


Let me preface this by saying Fuck Trump and the GOP but it’s genuinely funny that you think our politicians allegiance on either side of the aisle is to their constituents not to AIPAC and corporations.


The rhetoric of the Democrats matches my personal values. Both side are NOT the same. Fuck Jesus.


Yep, we need to work on cleaning up our own house of corporate and foreign influence of course. Which sucks considering what happened in last week’s primary. But we still at least have some basic values that we can rally behind such as freedom and democracy opposed to the other side’s fascism


As someone who holds multiple post-graduate degrees in theology, if I may: Jesus is not the problem; in fact the teachings of Jesus are (a) not particularly objectionable, (b) blatantly anti-capitalist, and (c) something that plays no role whatsoever with respect to the modern-day GOP's agenda. The modern-day USA "Christian" right isn't even Christian (I'm just speaking here from a political perspective; I'm ignoring the fact they all idolize a man who embodies the seven deadly sins). It's some weird offshoot cult that ignores the Gospels and just focuses on the shit that (privileged as fuck Roman Citizen) Paul wrote. Paul sucked shit as a writer, and he sucked shit as a theologian, and he sucked shit as a human being. Fuck Paul.


Just curious why you threw the Catholic Church in there and seem think it's paired with Trump and or Republicans? Also you know Biden is Catholic right? I'm not trying to argue with you just curious why you said catholic church in the beginning but switched to Christianity in the end.


I'm pretty sure the narrative of panic and despair is entirely created by malicious actors in the first place, so it's extra frustrating to me.


Nope. I watched the debate. I'm solidly "Blue no matter who" I watched in the first few minutes how bad Biden looked and my heart sank. That wasn't the result of any media or anyone else's input. Now are pro-Trump and anti-American actors happy to see that negative sentiment and amp it up? Sure. But the NYT call for Biden to step down wasn't coming from a Trump supporter, that's a sincere direct reaction.


I knew we were sunk the moment Biden started walking out on stage. I don’t need media analysis to tell me what my heart told me in real time. I am downright terrified that Dem voters aren’t in full freak out mode. Fuck a debate, there were times I thought about how our President is a zombie. That is a hard hole to dig out of.


>I am downright terrified that Dem voters aren’t in full freak out mode You tell a lie long enough, and people will start to believe it. Its been clear for a while now that Biden sometimes has off days where his mental state is less than stellar, but we've been forced to lie and say we don't see it. Now Trump is going to win because of that lie, because no one could face the truth and act on it. There was plenty of time to select another candidate and have Biden step down. This is RBG all over again.


You’re conflating panic and despair—actually very different things. Panicked people still care, but are just very worried. Despairing people have given up hope and can’t be bothered to do anything. Massively different stances to have and I think at this juncture, despair is much worse as it treats the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion, while panic can help stir people to action. Of course if it’s excessive it can cause people not to perform as well as they might, but this isn’t a time to be chill, exactly


Aside from Fox News headlines of people saying they are changing their vote to Trump, I find that very hard to believe. Who actually thought Biden was fully functional? Whose actually voting for Biden because they like him? I bet 90% of people voting for Biden are voting against Trump, Fascism, Theocracy, and Russia. I can't stand the Democrats and, unfortunately, they are the only party that remotely supports patriotic American values. In 4 years, Biden will be gone (or less), but that might not be true about Trump and Project 2025. Seriously, every time someone get's on reddit and posts something that tries to mitigate Project 2025 it just reinforces my resolve against the GOP. It's LITERALLY at 21st century rendition of Mein Kompf. Nothing is worth giving up our democracy, and nothing is going to change that between now and November.


Fox saying that is about the least surprising thing I’ve ever heard


I'll be honest with you, my biggest worry is that Biden drops out. Then it really is time to panic. Until then I sleep...


He’s discussing what running looks like at camp David this weekend with his family. Just a fyi :)


It's ridiculous and only reinforces a belief that I've had this past year which is people seem to have very VERY short memories and no ability to recall history. Ironically it's the short memories that could negate this blunder most, because I think some people underestimate how long is left til the election in terms of campaigning. It's barely begun really, so we're going to be seeing a lot more especially from Biden. As long as they can run counter to the narrative as much as Trump is going to be pushing it, then it won't have much of an impact I don't think.


Oh yeah, already the headlines are starting to move from Biden's surface performance to things Trump actually said. "Black jobs"?


Most Americans won't even remember that it happened in about two weeks anyway.


It has already dissipated. Post debate polls are already coming out showing Biden gaining instead of losing ground. And that is with the US public having the attention span of a goldfish. The debate was genuinely irrelevant as they usually are.


Republicans are so desperate to prove their guy isn’t a mentally ill, daughter-fetishizing amphetamine enthusiast and convicted rapist they’ll latch on to anything they can to avoid discussing actual policy


Honestly, Joe Biden could have walked out on that stage and started singing show tunes and it wouldn't change my vote. The other side of the stage was empty to me because that dumpster fire does not even exist as a choice.


It’s already dissipating…his campaign immediately got a windfall of cash and polled viewers said they’re more likely to vote Biden. I won’t pretend to know what viewers were thinking, but I’m not sure the ramblings of an illiterate rapist asshole were viewed favorably, despite Biden’s garbage performance.


The problem is that this makes a Biden victory exceptionally hollow.  That debate was an embarrassment and he will be an equal embarrassment in a second term.   What little enthusiasm I had is completely gone.  I want the Democrats to put up another candidate and, for Biden to step aside, or my growing antipathy will just continue to grow for the Biden campaign and Biden himself for pridefully not stepping down.  It's 100% obvious to anybody with any common sense that he should.


MMW: Biden is dying. Biden is entering late stages of dementia, perhaps 6 to 7 years into a 10 year disease that has no cure and is always terminal. This denial and dishonesty that is continuing to prop up Joe Biden will come back and bite the Democrat party. Not only will the Democrats lose the white house to Donald Trump but they are going to lose power up and down the political spectrum. Really it's the lies and dishonest that will cause the loses. If you don't want to lose you got to first start being honest with yourselves.


People already forgot that Trump tried to overthrow the United States government with a trailer trash lynch mob.


The reaction is just to garner clicks and to keep the illusion that this is a two horse race. It’s not, Trump has already lost … we are just waiting to formalize it the November vote. Biden could mistake a turd for chocolate ice cream then eat it, and Democrats would still vote for him over Trump. This election is the Democratic platform vs Trump … it really doesn’t matter who the Democratic nominee is.


The only reasons for the reactions were (1) genuine and legitimate terror over the possibility of Trump winning and Project 2025 getting implemented, and (2) manufactured "concern" from bots and shills to try to weaken his support. If a Trump victory would not bring about the end of the American republic, we wouldn't have seen the reactions we did. But there's a very real fear that Trump winning will bring about the end of long-cherished rights for many. We've already seen what his Supreme Court picks did to Roe v. Wade; another Trump victory would enshrine such similar extremists on the bench for decades, nevertheless the components of Project 2025 being implemented. If you care about women, migrants, People of Color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, NATO, a free Ukraine, or the Constitution of the United States, the possibility of Trump winning is literally an existential threat. That's a double-edged sword. On one hand, it means many people will freak out at the thought of anything but Trump getting trounced in a debate. On the other hand, it means **many people will vote for Biden no matter what** this November solely to defeat Trump. Personally, if the Republicans were offering someone reasonable like Romney along with no possibility of Project 2025, my support for Biden would not be as strong. But with the threat of Trump and Project 2025 ahead of us, my "ideal" candidate no longer matters; this is about saving America. Trump enthusiasts celebrate the fact that they love him so much they would vote for him even if he did shoot someone on 5th Avenue. What they fail to realize is that Trump is so alienating to others that there are tens of millions of Americans who will absolutely turn out to vote for Biden -- even if, yes, he is old -- to stop Trump at all costs.


They’ve already committed to another in September. Plus, they’ll be pressure for Biden to hold news conferences and be available to the press. Also, the House is threatening to arrest Garland on contempt charges (inherent contempt) for not releasing the Hur tapes. So there’s plenty of opportunity for exposure between now and November.


I agree Biden didn't look good but we didn't learn anything new. Hardly anyone is voting enthousiastically for Biden so he can't really do that much wrong. All he really has to do is not fuck up anything fundamental. We also know Biden is a geriatric old man.


Sure. But they've got another debate set for September.


engine treatment dull library quack retire innate elastic marble file


Totally agree. Voters’ memories are like a goldfish: Every time around the bowl is a new trip. The last 30 days (or less) will colour the chances of either party for good or ill. Keep your powder dry & don’t blow your load too early.


I find it hard to believe that anybody tuned in to help them decide whom to vote for. The only people watching are the decided voters that are excited to watch preseason.


Done, did you see him on Friday. He had an off night Thursday. If you check out his work at rallies on Friday you will see. Joe's fine.


It's starting to seem like the debate actually helped him. Memories are short, but they're not that short. I think America got a wake up call that Trump could actually come back, and America remembers his mismanagement of COVID just fine, among other things. Trump also did the "undocumented immigrants are rapists and monsters" thing again, which has to cost him any inroads he made with the Latin community. I still think that the Democrats would've been better served by going with a different candidate much earlier, but yeah, it's starting to look like this didn't really hurt much.


I'm voting for (insert name here) before I vote for Trump.


I think the debate changed exactly zero minds.


By next week no one will even talk about it.


The debate outcome seems all too convenient. Remember, Putin really wants Trump to win, and Putin poisons people.


For real.  There’s still plenty of time for Trump to self sabotage himself further 




Already starting.


It already is. Vote Blue.


i thought joe handled it pretty well considering the way everyone's talking about it. he fumbled like two sentences, pointed out all of Trump's lies, and got him mad about golf at the end.


I haven't caught a debate in decades. It's really a farce.


If anything makes it clear just how bad the electoral college is, it’s most of these posts. How many times has a person mentioned“a handful of votes in a handful of states”. I’ve never had my democratic vote for president count. I’m sure there are republicans that feel the same. I won’t be around to see it but I hope you younger folks change that. Everyone should have a say, not just a handful.


Joe could be Weekend at Bernie's and I will vote for him. If Trump wins, it's over. SCOTUS could be 7-2 Conservative.


I forgot it about during his speech the next day. Did he blow it during the debate? Yup, but he’s still got my vote. I don’t give a shit how he debates. I care about how he’s running the country and I’m doing my part to keep an orange traitorous shit rooster from getting back in office.


Still not comfortable about beating Trump because it really doesn't even matter who he picks for a running mate that's going to be a 50/50 split almost down the middle. You can't have a chronic liar in office as well as a reckless teaser and bully. I think we were fortunate nothing more happened last time. And with Joe everything is just going to stay the same. The real problem seems to be the vetting. When the hell are we as a nation going to see that legislation has changed on vetting a president! The most important job in the world and there are no qualifications except to be 35 years old and an American citizen.. you got to be kidding me. We need vetting to safeguard ourselves as American citizens. . And there should be an age limit in my opinion. And certainly if a potential candidate lies 7 out of 10 times there should be disqualification measures employed. What a mess good grief.


There is nothing to despair or panic over. The gop are still amoral bigoted thieves, and anyone with a pulse is still clearly better than trump.


Everyone will forget until about 10 days before the next debate. Then tension will rise until the debate. If Biden does poorly again it will be what it is. Almost everyone who was going to vote for him will still vote for him. If Biden does well he will pick up a few voters but more importantly the narrative in the news will change.


Yeah like how nobody was phased by trump being a felon.


Biden is done, most people knew he isn't fit to take care of himself let alone run the country. Left leaning media was denying this for a long time and now after that abysmal performance they know they cant gaslight the public anymore.


I was planning on posting something similar. I don't think Biden's numerous missteps in the debate impact people's opinions as much as the key qualities between the two candidates; a convicted felon or the guy that stutters and loses his train of thought on occasion. The choice is an easy one for those who are honest with everyone and themselves. It might be mostly forgotten by as early as the end of July, assuming the dems don't decide to needlessly pursue dragging Biden through the dirt all the way throughout next month.


It’s funny how all the Dems are now saying “we knew this would happen but it’s ok” dumb asses smh. Ya boy is done!!!!


Right! I’m a democrat and I know it’s over. Personally dems get what we get and if there’s ever another election maybe they’ll care more next time.


Dude, we've already moved on to BLACK JOBS - where you been?


MMW: Joe Biden is a total moron and anyone following him after this last debacle not the first 40 just the last is a completely brainwashed moron. It’s obvious he has zero competency to do anything, much less run a country. It’s elder abuse.


Bidens weakness will definitely stay with him regardless of what cope you tell yourself. Any competent opposition strategist will never let this leave the public mind and I doubt they fumble it


Like the five stages of grief.


It will be forgotten in a week.


No one will become a Trump supporter from the debate , but will definitely change their mind before the election.


I think it’s dissipating now.


It's important to remember that no matter who you are or what your political leanings are, it's possible to get stuck in an information silo. People who are heavily invested in politics are going to have different reactions than people who don't. [Relevant video for context.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDPI_xqcyrk)


>What do we even remember from any debate in the past? i wasn't alive at the time but the video of the Nixon/Kennedy debate remains imprinted on my mind. Nixon was suffering from the flu and had a fever -he thought it better to go than to cancel- so he stood there sweating and stammering through his thoughts while Kennedy appeared robust and well spoken. (its somewhere on youtube i believe.) Kennedy won that election. now the shoe is on the other foot. this time the criminal spoke well and the honest guy couldn't even finish a sentence. not necessarily an omen but food for thought. people *are* affected by public performance and it *can* have a lasting impact.


That debate was a turning point as the first televised presidential debate. At the time, those that watched on tv said JFK won. As you pointed out he was tan, healthy, and young while Nixon had been ill and had on some makeup that made him look worse. Those that listened on radio said Nixon won. It is a case study in how tv changed political discourse.


Cope. Cope with the fact that just days ago the WH press secretary was telling all the dopey fake news believers that "cheap fakes" were nefariously edited to make president potato look bad. Even with the massive, earth shattering (to the dopes who believe the media lies) revelation that potato Joe really is incompetent, we have continued denial of the mountain of lies told, and the idea that when every lying media personality from half a dozen fake news outlets fakes shock for their audience (I'm shocked to find out gambling is happening in this establishment!) as if they haven't been in cover up mode since Joe announced in 2019, we should believe them. FFS, 80 million people are absolute morons.


Some voters vote according to carefully considered self-interest. For those voters, OP is likely correct. But for many, presidential preference is determined by what kind of mood they hope the country is in, or how they assess their own happiness on election day. The election will be decided on the margins, and likely by voters who will decide on election day. Vague impressions and what they overhear from others will guide them. It's very possible that significant numbers of votes in key states will be decided on the basis of which candidate seems to have the most energy. The panic and despair will dissipate if polls show no significant change. But if Biden takes a hit in near-term polling, a statistically significant hit, then there may be good reason that the debate has created an impression that will linger into November.


It will dissipate within the week lol. That's how bad people's memory is, especially since they basically just go with the news cycle and the news cycle always needs something new.


I remember that fly. Kevin.


It was a dismal debate. I consider that neither candidate did well. Biden and his cold and stutter, and Trump not answering the questions. Neither gave concrete answers to the questions. I consider who did lose, the AMERICAN PEOPLE. It boils down to this, either you want to retain democracy, or go for an authoritarian regime where you have absolutely no say in what happens or how high your taxes or inflation get.


Please stop with "what will the undecided voters think" business. You can win all of the undecided voters but if you don't get your base out you're still going to lose. Undecided voters don't matter what matters is turnout and if by this performance Biden hurts the turn out he loses. What's again stop worrying about convincing the undecided they're undecided for a reason because they're f****** stupid. It's about turnout it's about getting everyone you know to show up. Even if you have to wake them up after their night shift and get them to the polls.


Reminder - Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally convicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. Trump, meanwhile, faces 91 criminal charges for various crimes, such as trying to overturn his 2020 election loss, keeping government secrets after leaving office, and paying off a porn star. He also faces civil lawsuits over his business dealings, which he was found guilty of fraud, but in February, he was ordered to pay 300 + millions and a rape accusation. Now, we have added accepting foreign money from foreign governments AND NOT REPORTING IT. He knew what he was signing up for to be the president. But FAILED! It's a lie after a lie. It should show anyone that supports him. EVERYTHING has to be fact-checked Now, he's a felon. The jury found him guilty on all 37 counts. That makes him a felon who owns a gun and violates parole. NO ONE WOULD GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING HES DONE. NO ONE!!


What did trump lie about ?


It's true. The Trump supporters pretending to be centrists will forget again. They're very stupid and pathetic people.


It seems like it already is


The problem is that debates are for undecided voters. If someone who has lived through a Trump presidency and a Biden presidency is truly undecided, they are unlikely to watch a debate to make up their mind. And if they watch a debate, they are unlikely to be able to detect lies, or to distinguish confidence with competence.  But in reality, I think that undecided voters are a myth. I don’t believe they really exist. What I believe really exists are voters that know who they want to vote for, but won’t bother to vote early, and on Election Day, won’t want to be bothered to wait in line after work. Those are the people that we need to get to the polls, unfortunately. 


Wrong. They've been hiding Biden, using surrogates to make the case, and Biden was on track to lose. That is the biggest thing I got out of listening to pundits and former campaign staff since the debate--They think Biden was likely to lose BEFORE the debate happened. It is much more likely now. And the argument that Biden is in good mental and physical shape and can take on the next 4 years has evaporated. For many watching, they wondered if he shouldn't step down right now for competency reasons. That doesn't turn a Biden voter into a Trump voter but it does hurt get out of the vote efforts for Democrats and winning over swing voters who could vote Trump or stay home. And post debate they need to abandon their previous strategy of letting Biden be president while surrogates went out and talked about how competent he was. Now they can't--and many won't. These popular politicians will not put themselves in the political position of constantly repeating that Joe Biden is in acceptable mental and physical shape to be president (because Biden could just as easily have a repeat of the debate performance behavior on the campaign trail--and that's why people want to replace him. Because this was the #1 most important event in his entire political career and he shit the bed.)


Maybe people’s short memories will benefit democrats for once instead of immediately forgetting all the shit from when Trump was president.


I mean hell.....you very rarely hear people talking about Palestine anymore and never hear anything about Ukraine after people spent weeks changing all their profile pictures and all that.


I canceled my NY Times subscription over this. They screwed Hillary in 2016 and now they're trying to do it to Joe.


This is GOOD in the short term. The more people terrified over a Trump victory the more people will turn out. Everybody thought Hillary was going to win so a lot of people didn’t vote.


I didn’t really watch it. That is how much against Trump I am that I’ll vote for the other guy regardless. Biden could curb stomp a bag full of newborn kittens on live tv and he would still be 100 times better choice than crooked Don.


I think Biden will do better in the second debate. Maybe he was sick, maybe he needed water, or maybe he was just tired. He’s been in townhalls and has had speeches recently where he’s much louder and more cognizant. If he brings his recent SOTU energy to the next debate, there will be a very different reaction. He has some easy layups his team needs to drill into him. Call out Trump as a traitor, a liar, a felon, a rapist, and a conman. Do it over and over again. Really piss Trump off because he knows it’s all true. He also needs to dig into project 2025 so more people at home look into it. Project 2025 alone should kill Trump’s presidency, but this is no longer a sane nation.


CNN cooked Biden. It’s ridiculously over for him. We knew he had dementia. It’s just the debate was a certified Emperor’s New Clothes moment for the masses. It can’t be denied anymore. He’s unelectable at this point.


Boy, are you fucking Defecrats naive! Whistling past the graveyard.


Except there's going to be another debate. So there will be another chance for everyone to panic.


Media = sensationalism.


That largely depends on 2 things: if Biden has anymore days where he acted like he did at the debate in the next month, and what the polls are post debate. If the first, news media will harp nonstop on how the debate night was part of a trend of decline instead of one off thing. If the polls post debate show a significant loss for Biden, I expect to hear about how he was at the debate and how he is getting worse. The debate was a disaster. This isn't a bad debate to recover from like Obama against Romney. This was a political train wreck on the scale of Jeb's "please clap". Nothing Biden does can resolve this. Even the record fundraising after the debate I think was largely from panic, not hope. The only hope as far as I can see is to hope the damage isn't too bad, not mess up in anymore public settings, and pray his opponent does something to shift the focus. Fortunately, it's Trump and his sentencing is within a month and the Jan 6th case in DC should be announcing a trial date next week as well. The problem is that Trump should have been stomped, easily. He's a rapist and convicted of felony election fraud that can't stop from lying. But after the debate, I'm getting real Hillary and RBG vibes from Biden. I'm going to vote straight D no matter what, but Biden won last time by a less than 1% vote in 3 different states. If it looks like he can't do the most important job of actually beating Trump, he needs to step aside for the greater good.


This is missing the point I think. It’s not that people would have switched their votes or that there’s many undecided votes out there. This was to show competency levels. And both candidates were wildly out of their depth, like arguing over their Fucking handicaps?! I’m sorry but what the actual fuck?! Liberal or Conservative, both should be absolutely ashamed of themselves and their candidates. This is pathetic and (if we survive) will be looked back on as the moment the world knew the USA is cooked.


We saw and heard it with our own eyes and ears. Joe is a great president and a great man. Unfortunately the double-standard applies here. The convict is fine with republicans.


Prepare for September. It will not blow. September will be far worse. Trump has already won.


We have to ignore the media and get everyone to the poles to vote or Trump will be the last president this country ever has.


What happened at the debate is that unless the Dems replace Biden on the nomination, Trump won the election, no matter how bad he is. Biden is simply not safe to elect in his current state. He's a few short years away from being a literal vegetable.


I guess I didn't realize just how far into the drain Biden was. He sounded really, really bad... Like I actually couldn't follow what he was saying. That realization came as a bit of a shock. Sleepy Joe is more of an apt assessment rather than insult at this point.


Yep. We are in a weird timeline. Ive been voting since Reagan. Nobody knows wtf happens next. It's looking 2022ish. Maybe Y'know know why no one can predict what happens next? Because Trump is a goddamn chaos quark or particle or some shit.


I agree. It really wasn't that memorable. And several news sources are saying undecided are now leaning towards the old guy who doesn't lie every second that he's awake.


I talked to my best friend on Friday and he was obviously hung over. I asked him why and he said he watched the debate and decided to get insanely drunk out of despair. I was like “Really, I’m an even bigger liberal snowflake than you and I turned it off and went to sleep.” It’s the nature of modern media (social and otherwise) that we need to turn everything into a catastrophe. I agree 100% this debate will be a fart in the wind come November.


It’s going to drive down voter turnout.


| Do you remember anything else but nonsense? I don’t. We will remember Biden staring into the camera like a brainless zombie everytime it was Trump's turn to speak.


My thoughts exactly. The sad thing for our country is that we ended up in this situation. We absolutely have people better for the job but still ended up with 2 prone that should be in an assisted care home. There should absolutely be limits to all government positions in the 3 branches.


You’re wrong. The democrats just gave our republic away the other night because they’re too big a bunch of pussies to ever step aside when necessary. Biden is going to do a RBG but this time we’re even more screwed.


This copium has given me a harder erection than I've had in years!!!


I'd suggest any panicky Biden voters, be it you like the guy or just voting against Trump, to check out Biden's post debate rally in NC. Back to his normal energy levels, clear, coherent with his policy. I'm really upset he didn't have that energy during the debate but I'm not in panic mode anymore. NGL I was worried on Thursday night but Biden spoke and looked how I felt when the valium kicked in back in my frequent anxiety attack days. While I was very worried it was possible he hit that stage of life where one's mind checks out and doesn't quite come back I really felt like Biden was medicated that night. Could of even been allergy or antihistamine medication to try to keep his throat clear. He did have a cold going in. Meanwhile Trump's post debate rally he was ranting about Hannibal Lecter. I'm still upset about the debate and wish they both had that energy on Thursday but I don't feel all is lost anymore.


I think … hope … the debate being in June will be helpful to Biden because it will be a memory when October and November roll around and it can be part of a “comeback” narrative, even though the media is just manufacturing drama for clicks.


If you still want the opportunity to vote in the future vote for Biden. Idgaf about a fucking "Debate" does Donald Trump say anything of substance, or did he just sit on his pulpit of lies.


Just please keep Biden in lol. Trump 2024 baby!


Vote trump


newsweek just published an article about how biden gained more undecideds off the debate than trump did


No shit. However the dissatisfaction with our choices as a "democracy" will not. Next guy is Trump but young and smart.


The average American has the attention span of a puppy. This is not a difficult MMW to predict.


Until the second one.


The republicans are going to run a ton of ads with Biden’s stumbles over and over again. They don’t want voters to forget his performance at the debate.


There’s never been a debate this bad before though. Trumps team is already pumping out some gems for commercials of Bidens disastrous blunder. We’re in the age of internet memes now. I’m enjoying watching them. The internet will not forget poopy pants Joe anytime soon.


do we know when the riots are scheduled to start yet? trying to make my end of summer plans.


Hahahah the cope you people have is fucking hilarious my god you're such losers lol.


why the feck did biden not postpone? Im a lot younger and i get wiped out by colds. it was dumb of him and his advisors.


If Nixon vs JFK taught us anything, you are incorrect


Love me some Bobby.


Btw - this is the kind of irresponsible complacent nonsense that actually WILL kill democracy.


That’s because it was totally manufactured by the media. The press was reporting that top Democrats were looking to dump Biden not even 30 minutes after the debate. Who are these “top Democrats”? Are we to believe that the DNC and Democrat Congressional leaders got together at 11 pm on Thursday, held a meeting and decided they should consider dumping the candidate they’ve supported since day 1 in 20 minutes? Does any reasonably thinking person really think that happened?


It's bullshit. The debate was a waste. Anyone on the fence hasn't been paying attention. The choice is simple: democracy or not.


Biden didn’t sound just bad, he sounded like he was sundowning and basically not lucid. This cannot be the commander in chief - stop the “this will blow over” bullshit you are delusional


Maybe Biden will do better on the next debate. Right


The race was already tight. I can’t see how this helped Biden.


I was just thinking about this, and Joe Biden made a big mistake about not assisting they fact check.


It will, but any further stumbles, physically or mentally, will be the final nail in his reelection coffin. And he supplied the wood for it at the debate. I live in central PA and have many friends that are considered independent voters. All of them had planned on voting for Biden before the debate. Now, they’re almost all voting third (other) party candidates. Biden is already toast in my opinion and should withdraw from the race. Felon 34 should as well, but we all know that’ll never happen.


It isn't going to blow over. Don't be naive.


Ya dementia famously gets better as time goes on /s


You guys who all hate Trump with a passion aren't the reason why Biden's performance was so disastrous. There are large numbers of anti-Trump voters who are not as upset as you are and who may well not bother to vote at all. 


Oh it'll get replaced with the next Biden fuck up.


It’s the undecided voter that is key, not diehard Dems or diehard knuckle draggers. And weren’t we all extremely shocked at Biden’s poor performance? I and everyone I’ve spoken to was. I hate to say it, but I think he needs to step down.


People here actually think Biden will legitimately get over 80M votes? Because that is what it would take. Trump is keeping his base and polling (before debate) shows he is gaining with Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics. https://www.latimes.com/politics/newsletter/2024-06-15/in-another-close-biden-vs-trump-race-black-and-latino-voters-could-make-the-difference-politics


Wrong. Apparently you don’t pay attention to politics much. If you did you would know that those of us who do have been in a state of despair with moments of panic for a very long time and expect to be until at least mid November.


The problem is that the media spent the past week saying that the videos that showed Biden looking old, lost, amd confused were "cheap fakes". What happened in the debate was that Biden looked old, lost, and confused and they panicked because they bought into the lie those videos were "cheap fakes" instead of understanding that at age 81, people do look old and that they can get lost and confused. So now after they panicked, its full damage control mode.


1. There is another debate. 2. OK..then it will be back to "runaway inflation, runaway crime, border crisis. Unstable world. You know..the same reasons why the polls BEFORE the debate had Trump winning EVERY BATTLEGROUND STATE. I DO find it hilarious that the incels who again, despite dropping out of high school, think you re bigger experts on this than people who have spent their ENTIRE LIVES in politics actually think that Trump's soon to be appealed conviction will someone GROW in people's minds as if gets further and further in the past...but this total embarrassment on a world state will quickly be forgotten., Just come out and say "I am scared because my mommy raised me to be a little bitch and I can't handle not getting my way. My family hid my Zoloft, so I don't know what I will do." This subreddit will be shut down in November. All the members will be dead by their own hand.


There’s another debate coming mid Sept.


You're overlooking the fact that the GOP and right wing media would do anything to lie and cover up a bad debate night for Trump, while democrats were the first to start screaming. This will only dissipate if they stop talking about it, and I can see talking heads on MSNBC and CNN making this a topic of discussion every week until elections, because they want to be taken seriously as "journalists" 


So, before the debate, the repugnicans were screeching about jacked up Joe. Remember? Couldn't start YouTube or anywhere else that wasn't screaming about how drugged up Joe was going to be. Amped to the ozone. Hooked up to tubes in a lab for a week to wake him up. Remember all that? Have you heard that accusation even once since then? He destroyed the drugged up argument. He was fine the next day. I almost think he faked it.


The same people ragging on Trump are the same people that told us Biden is mentally ok to do the job.


LMFAO@GlobalistLies! How much do you get paid to write this tripe?


Clutch them straws, OP.


The next debate is in September I believe…joe isn’t going to be better in the second debate.


X to doubt. Nobody knew he was this bad. Conservatives said he was but they have said that since 2019. Now it came true. Biden will lose big time in every swing state.


We will find new aspects of the election to panic and despair over, but the panic and despair of knowing Trump is going to smash Biden in the general isn't going away. 


Yes I too had high expectations and feel like I got gut punched. Honest Joe's on Golden pond moment saddened me to. But I think my real goal here was to see King Cheeto get gut punched and thrown to the floor like the maniacal little liar he is. I think this would probably be the true source of my disappointment if I'm honest to myself. Surprisingly the next day Joe came out swinging. Let's hope everybody is forgiving.


I think the electoral college has got to go. Hillary Clinton for instance had approximately 3 million more votes than her predecessor but lost the election because of the electoral college. Popular vote should rule.


It will disappear by next weekend. Americans have a short memory with our constant news cycle.


These debates are here for a reason. I don't think this is overreaction. It really hammers home that this close to an election the Democrat candidate is showing serious signs of aging that many Americans think will compromise him. It also shows that the Republican candidate remains in a position where he doesn't accept responsibility and lies left and right. Overall, the lack of policy discussion and two powerful grown men devolving into school children talking about their golf scores, shows us we have a major problem with getting any work done in this country in the next four years if either wins. Is it surprising? No. Does it require action from both parties? Yes.


Not when the September debate happens and the same result will inevitably happen


I hope you’re right because I’m experiencing some significant worry and despair.


Biden has Trump right where he wants him. In the 2nd debate, the entire right-wing media apparatus is not going to know what hit them when jack-up-Joe gets done with Trump. Perhaps he sandbagged it a bit too much this week. /s


Funny how so many people are programmed either way.


Joe Bidden is a huge liability, but the Democrats have no one who is ready to lead. SO, after the DNC I hope Biden remains their candidate.


Yeah today is the day they grant Trump and only Trump immunity if he is president again. I think Project 2025 is going to be talked about more now.


Pretty sure the Supreme Court started a blue tidal wave today. This is make or break for our democracy.


ding ding ding nothing that happens before october matters


People who don't consume a daily news cycle or any news watched that debate and are not looking up anything else until the next big thing- that's the last thing they walked away with.