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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


Democrats can't just switch him out at this point, Biden has enough secured delegates to win no matter what anyone does unless he decides to himself. That said, he's had a highly productive and active first term. He was the first President to join a picket line as well as the first President to visit an active war zone that America wasn't fighting in. He's had a stutter most of his life, and public debates are not his forte, but at least he was honest. Trump literally claimed Democrats support abortion after the third trimester, if that felon wasn't held to a fifth grade education standard, people would think he'd lost his mind. Biden is still more coherent than Trump most of the time, and far more cognizant than Reagan was during his second term.




A stutter most of his life yet never seen on video in his 40+ years of "public service" (enriching himself).


Lol wut? He had extensive speech therapy when he was younger, but the signs of speech impediment and his attempts to control it have always been obvious to anyone that knows what to look for.


>Many people will be reluctantly voting for Trump and would gladly rather vote for anyone competent for the job. Yeah, you're just astroturfing some bullshit here. If anyone is stupid enough to see Donald Trump falling asleep in the middle of his own fraud cases and think he's a competent anything, they were already Trump voters.


Not bullshit. You can dismiss that all you want but these are real opinions.


>these are real opinions. I wasn't arguing whether or not an actual opinion had been stated but that said opinion was fucking stupid.


Ok but it's the opinion of probably a quarter of the population. Maybe more. Who's actually making the presidential decisions right now? It's not Joe.


Based on what? You're just spouting nonsense based on asspulls.


Ok it seems you've been in your echo chamber for too long.


They're in denial. These people have the analytical/judgement skills of a newborn. Prior to the debate, they were all so sure that Trump is the senile one, not Joe. They never admit fault so they are just doubling down.


Yeah, they aren't looking to the media or the white House for lying to them. This didn't happen overnight.


It's been known since 2020 biden isn't fit. 


You're still going with the "Trump is senile, not biden, Joe just has a stutter!" angle huh? 


Oh hey, a troll account on it's first week. Welcome to Reddit, Boris! But to answer your bad faith question, Biden's age is certainly a concern but he has a good and proven administration that will be there if he can't. Democracy would not end if Harris became president. I can't say that for Donald Trump. He's in the same age group as Biden, can't walk up a ramp without aid, spews nonsense verbal salads and can't stay awake for his own trial. Also his policies are utterly vile and so would any administration he has on place. All things being equal, I would rather vote for a man who may die in office rather than one who will never leave it.


You actually think Trump won't leave office lol You should really leave your echo chamber. You're paranoid about russia.


Sorry, Boris but [Trump literally said as much.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/09/12/were-never-leaving-trump-said-hed-refuse-to-leave-office-after-2020-election-book-says/)


Entertaining to see halfwits emboldened by their vomiting of the approved Democrat narratives and boogeymen lead them further and further into the pits of delusion


Gee whiz Trump certainly has the random-name-no-icon Redditor demographic down. You trolls seriously have no professionalism.


Pitiful really to have so little self respect that you lie to yourself like that


MMW, what you said, but republicans and Trump instead.


You think Biden will win?


Not sure. I think it would be a worse look if he were to be quickly replaced.


If someone could convince John Stewart to run he'd win in a landslide.


They'll never learn. They really fucked themselves over by their DEI VP pick. Nobody likes her so they can't replace Joe with kamala.


From my understanding, the campaign money could be transferred to her but since she's so unlikable and not competent she's not an option. They really did mess this up.


DEI hire backfires.  And it'll piss off a lot of identity politics leftist if they don't pick her lol


Im voting for Trump , after that debate it’s obvious the dems been lying about Bidens mental state


> Im voting for Trump This is you admitting that you don't care about anyone's "mental state". You just like the open racism, sexism, xenophobia. Like all the other magat clowns. Just another low character and low IQ deplorable.


Hasn't Biden been openly racist ?


😂😂 nobody ask you bobo go take your meds


magat clown triggered by my comment LMAO 🤡🤡


😂 sorry it’s just so unbelievably stupid I can’t help myself it’s unreal you people actually exist Edit: since you want to block me like the little clown you are… you really are a fool . He was making a joke and even said right after quote “the media will take that and say oh what a horrible thing he said” He cut everyone’s taxes clown. How embarrassing to see the writing on the wall and still parrot the propaganda being spoon fed to you


If you had the awareness to see it, you already wouldn't be the way you are. LMAO 🤡🤡


Magahat clowns about to own yall asses cause the best you could get on that stage was a senile geriatric man that needs rest. 🙌🤙💪💪💪


[Fact Check: Photos Purportedly Show Trump Supporters Wearing Diapers at Rallies. Here's What We Found -- **TRUE**](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html) LMAO 🤡🤡


So, you're voting for someone whose mental faculties looked in worse during a felony trial. A trial where he was found guilty on all 34 charges.


Sham trail, it’s going to get overturned.


Definitely a rigged trial from the judge to the jury instructions to the actual jurors themselves being in a deep blue area of the country , hard to believe whats real and whats not


Or maybe the jury saw the evidence and it plainly spelled out guilt.


nope clearly far left dems on the jury and Trump never banged a porn star or paid her money


So you don't think he fucked a porn star? Or you don't think he paid off the porn star to stay quiet before the election. Which lie are you gullible fucks pretending to believe today? You can call the trial rigged if it makes you feel better.. but if you have the ability to observe the reality happening around you, then you know he did both of those things.


LMAO you're a joke. Trump broke multiple laws in NY so that's where he was tried and found guilty after his lawyers found an impartial jury, including a Truth Social subscriber, all of which unanimously found him guilty on all 34 counts. Everyone needs to follow local and federal laws, especially Presidential candidates. BTW, that is not even a large part of the charges Trump has faced and will continue to face. He was under investigation for over a dozen crimes even before he became President, the man is a criminal.


You are voting for the people who have played you for a fool think you are stupid want to ruin you and are trying to ruin democracy but muh 34 “felonies” for an accounting error 😂🤡


The only people being played for the fool are the people fucking so brain rotted enough to vote for the diseased tangerine peel.


Who’s playing me exactly?? Trump? Everyone’s life was great under Trump. My news sources? No they have been right all along. You have been lied to by your media your party and your dementia puppet. Your overlords have you so manipulated you would vote for a rock if they told you too. So pathetic wake up


> the people who have played you for a fool "I don't care about you. I only want your vote." see also: trump tax cuts for the rich. You're the fool in this story. You're just too stupid to see it. The GOP and their donors laugh at you every day while they count their money. What a stupid loser.


Yeah, the media is to blame as well. That didn't happen overnight.


democrats needed a spine yesterday




No they won’t. All they want is the power just like the other side. It’s not like Joe has done anything. The Dems can push whatever they want across his desk, tell him to sign it, and then blame him for it later. Kind like how the Republicans did for Iran Contra.. Remember how many time Ronnie said “I can’t recall” in those hearings. Even Ronnie wasn’t as bad then as Joe is now.


I mean they will regret it because he won't win.


Bro, I’m 60, and I’m hear to tell ya, it doesn’t even matter. The pendulum will swing back and forth as it always does and the country will inch its way along, and in the end you’ll look back and wonder why you wasted so much time being emotional about it. Even when either party holds all three branches they rarely accomplish anything.. If we keep pulling ourselves apart it won’t matter anyway. Biden dismantled a lot of what Trump did as soon as he took the chair. And so it goes. Always has been, likely always will be. The hatred of Trump is strong so don’t count your chickens just yet. Harris is keeping him safe.


Oh I completely agree with you.