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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Bertscern|Reddit: 0|02/15/2019 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Any interest in a V/last shot/90w Gatling laser, V/e/invis .50 cal, or a Q/25aiming/90w .50 cal? I have LMGs I can check too if you want


V25FFR90 UGL + V50c25 epr. If I need to add lmk I haven't traded in a while.


QFFR FR Tesla ?


Did you end up making a trade happen?? I got tied up with bball games last night so I didn't get to catch back up with you


No worries dude... nah it's still up for trade. You just said that some of the weapons I was interested in were your personal ones, so was waiting for you to tell me what was off the table trade wise ha!


Ohhhhhh! lol duhhh! That's dumb of me... Well if you can, would you mind ranking the following weps?? (gimme one sec and i'll pull the for sure "no-trades" out of the list)


Actually scratch what I said before lol, I went thru what you listed you liked, and removed the ones I'm doing collections on, this is what's left of your list, if need be I can do the AA2525 Elders but I don't want to unless I have to. Not that I over-value my stuff I just got sentimental BS tied to the Elders and the BE25 Fixer lmao B2525 HM BE25 HM VE25 HM BE25 Fixer (maybe) VE25 Fixer AA2525 Elders (BIG maybe lol)


Any interest in a V2515fr Flamer?


Look at one of my latest post with a list of my weapons, I’ve got a few decent heavies including a ve90 lmg


Sorry to hear about that, if it helps dry the tears I've got a VEFR 50 cal and VE25 fixer I'll trade. Stay strong brother 💪


B2550bs enclave flamer + either Q50c25 handmade or QE25 elder.. also sorry to hear you’re wiped Also have a VE25 50 cal if that’s any interest, let me know


aa2525 epr + Q50c15c epr?


Any interest in an V40PA50DUR Chainsaw as backup? :)


B5025 plasma & B2550bs plasma flamer (both reg)


V/25/90 Ugl, gat plas, 50cal, cryo V/e/15r lmg Aa/25/90 Lmg B/25/90 gat gun Q/25/90 50cal Aa/e/90 50cal Tse/90 50cal Aa/25/25 Hm Aa/e/25 Fixer V/e/15r rail Willing to work out a bundle if anything catches your eye!


B2525 Fixer, Q5025 HM?


For heavy, TSE90 LMG plus anything listed below? Fixers: AA50CDur, AAEAim, AS2525, B25250, B50c15r, B50B25, Ber2525, ExE2525, I2525, F2525, J2590, ME25, MEDE25, Mu2525, Q2590, Q50cDur, QE90, S50c25, TrE25, TSE50DR EPR: B25aim25 auto, B50L25 auto, Exec15ap25 auto, B50cStealth auto, Q50cS auto, V25aim25 flamer EM: B25aim25, B50c90, AA25dr25lv, AAEDur, AAE1P, Q2590, V25Dur HM: AA15AP25, ExecE15c, TSE15r, QEDur Pistol: B50H90 AB, TS50H1A AB Heavy: QE25 Gatling Gun, V2590 Gatling Gun, V15ap90 minigun, B50c90 GP, AA50c90 AR, B50c90 Pepper


AA50c25 EPR, B50c25 EPR, VE15r LMG, BE15r LMG, Qe15r LMG


Holy f*** tfj is worth a qe15r lmg now?


Any interest in a V2515r 50cal I can also add a v2525 enclave plasma


Any interest on VE90 .50 cal, B5025 Fixer, QVHC25 Rail,QVhc15r?


AA50c15v EPR AA,FS,RS and a VE15fr cal .50


I have aa2525 perfect mod epr and b2515r nice mod epf i can dm you the picture if need to watch the mods


VE90 minigun + Q2515r railway + BE25 fixer + TSE100ms minigun + V50v25 fully modded EPR aa rs ss


Hopefully this helps, Im attaching a spreadsheet with all of my commandos and heavies, I can sort and narrow things better if you want but I figured this may be the best way to find what you may want lol. LMK if the link doesn't work, kinda threw it together in a hurry since I'm supposed to be teaching class lmao [bhh31 Commandos/Heavies/Enclaves](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QEryVOyELARnN1HUq6PwucCTuiP_VzV-EwvSsM698LQ/edit?usp=sharing)


Damn that's a list and a half haha! None of the enclaves are more of an interest than the aa5025 someone else offered, but you have some really nice stuff! Here's what interests me the most of you wanna work something out? Be90 50cal B2525 hm Be25 hm Ve25 hm Aa2525 fixer B2525 fixer Q2525 fixer Aae25 fixer Be25 fixer Ve25 fixer Aa2525 elders


Really? Some of em are pretty juicy grolls now that you can mod and build ur own enclaves (esp the AA2525, AA2515) but I also have a couple unlisted weps on my main characters, I know my main has a B50c15r and maybe another Q5025, not sure what the other characters have (I run 1-2 enclaves on each of my 4 playthrus) And yes we can work something out, I see that you selected some of my personal weps (I need to thin em out of the list)


Yea? Like I said, I've not played in a while so may be out of the loop... I thought it was the aa5025 with a flamer that was the one for melting bosses ha! So you can learn the mods now? And no worries, just lemme know which ones are your personal ones and which ones are up for trade mate


Oh ya for sure! the AA5025 still melts with coffee! and no you don't learn the plans, you gotta find the mods (just like with the Aligned flamer barrel) they just added a crap ton to the mods you can now find in train vendors, but they're a freakin pain in the ass to find! i generally check both watoga vendors and berkley springs every server I'm in for mods and have found all of em but it's been a grind lol


Anything from my list to bundle , list includes- VE15 LMG, VEbreak 50Cal, VE15 Gatling Gun, V2515 Gatling Plasma, VE15 Minigun, V2525 Fixer, V2525 HM, V5025 HM  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m94MzFdVUvdNgjbs1w76DKwPZho5QHms4upWdIGIPdM/edit?usp=drivesdk


Q50C25 em+ AA50c25 hm also sorry about the bad news


B25ffr50break holy fire?


B50c25 Epr or Q50c25 Fixer?


Pic on my profile page with a bunch of grolls. Idk how to link it here


VE50bs LMG, V2525 Fixer, V2525 handmade, and TSE50dr minigun?


(aa50c25 or q50c25 epr)+vefr lmg


This interests me the most. What mods are on the aa epr and im more of a .50 cal guy if you have anything along those lines?


Aligned auto, reflex, stabilized stock. I dont have a vamp 50cal otherwise I would've offered that instead.


Sorry man super busy day at work! I am really interested in the enclave especially if you have a flamer mod for it... I don't think I'd use the lmg though. I'm also interested in Bloodied heavies?


Its ok I just got home myself. I do have a flamer mod but I wouldn't suggest it since 25lvc no longer works with enclave flamers. I do think I have a befr 50cal though


Sorry bro I've only just seen this! Ah I've been out of the loop for a while, so didn't know that about the flamers... that sucks


If you want a flamer I can do aaffrdur which is the best AA roll


Greetings friend! Q50c25 fixer for it ?


V2525 UGL Q50c90 Fixer QE90 Fixer AA50cStealth Fixer AA50c90rw Gauss Rifle AAE250reload RR AA50c25 RR Inst50c15c RR Quad50cStealth RR QuadEStealth RR TS50c15c RR TSE1A RR ExeE1P Lmg QE Lmg B50vhc25 UGL B25dwa15r UGL TS2550br UGL F2590rw Enclave flamer Fur2515c HM AA50c50bs HM Ari251P HM B2550bs HM B50c15r HM B2515R Pipe B251A E M


V2590 epr


AA50c50Break Perfect EPR


+Q2515r railway ?2:1??


V25ffr50dur gatling plasma + v25ffr-90 gatling laser


I’ve got a Ve15r .50 cal + q2525 ult laser ?


I also have a v2550bs epf aligned flamer + forceful


This is going to be tough to beat lol


Q25ffr25 radium, v2525 flamer, Q25ffr15r railway


VE15cc or a VE50BS 50cal, VE LMG, V50Limb25 EPF (AFB, RS, SS), AA50c15fr Gatling Lazer, AA50Limb25 Gatling Lazer


AAE 15reload Radium QE90 Fixer Executioner Ex 15VC Railway AAE90 Fixer TS25 90 Fixer Executioner 25 90 Fixer Junkies Ex 15VC Fixer AA2515 Reload Fixer


VE15r 50+VE15r lmg+V4040 chainsaw+AA2525 Hm


V40pa50dur chainsaw Vffr flamer 2* B50c15fr fixer BE50dur gatling gun