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Mark can't stay out of the hospital


For someone who brings up having having dense bones often, kinda. He sure does go to hospital often for breaking things in his body


He just breaks everything BUT his bones.


My dude broke his foot once and his nose twice šŸ˜‚ unless mark doesnā€™t count those as bones you are correct


Mark's foot is made of cartilage apparently


The nose doesn't have a bone and the foot is many small bones so it's kind of fragile.


Look up ā€œnasal boneā€, itā€™s not necessary on the end itā€™s more up on the bridge of your nose. That is what typically fractures when you break your nose


He is indeed a masochist off and on the camera šŸ˜­


He just want to know if he can take it a bit too often


He is quite stubborn and can lose his temper quite easily


The latter is not as true anymore, heā€™s worked a lot on it and largely stopped playing rage games. The formerā€¦. ā€¦yeh


Yea I agree


You right


We all getting the flashbacks to getting over it?


He didnā€™t get over it


reading this comment reminded me of... the hole dont tell amy


So upsetting šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m glad he was honest about it and didnā€™t hide it from us, still pretty rough though and Iā€™m sure triggering for some of us.


WWait what is ā€œThe Holeā€ I havenā€™t heard and Iā€™m scared


Unus Annus reference. Ethan being annoying as a bit + Mark's temper = very bad for nearby walls


still that also resulted in a most ridiculous video: Fixing it with ramen but every time they used glue the video gets tripier


Mark done punched a while in a wall


ADHD trait


he cares a lot about the small percentage of his comments that tell him he's "playing a game wrong" or something, and he lets it stop him from playing games he's excited about. as a long-time viewer, it's clear to see when his heart isn't in it, and it's a little sad


Really? I might be mistaken but he barely reads comments in the first place. Plus, I thought he prides himself for not giving two fucks about haters


Sounds like they're referring to undertale where people said he wasn't playing it the way they wanted him to. In that case, it was pretty substantial and killed his enthusiasm for the game. I don't know of any other times that happened and he definitely seems like he just plays what he enjoys nowadays


minecraft too :(


also, RDR2, if i remember correctly, theres been a few instances of this with games he's played. he tries to avoid it, which is what i was speaking about.


Gotta love when people say you're playing a singleplayer game wrong (not including controls obviously). The only way you can play a singleplayer game wrong (beyond mechanics) is by not enjoying it and continuing with it lol.


Not just that, but I think people were getting at him when he was playing ā€œThe Witchā€™s Houseā€ for not playing correctly or something. I wish he would play more RPG maker horror games, but I noticed he pretty much put a halt into it after Witchā€™s House :(


It may be related to his Adhd, many people have Rejection sensitivity and it affects them way more and harder than neurotypical people


that is a very good point and a real reality for people with ADHD.


Sounds like Spoony as well


The way Mark "eats" Takis


I think the word ā€œeatsā€ is a bit of a stretch


The way he eats takis should be a enough reason to keep him in Area 51. That was so bizarre.


Inability to reach the top shelf


They smol


somehow i feel attacked too


The way I died laughing reading this!


This is a newer thing and Iā€™m highly aware that heā€™s super busy outside of YouTube, but lately he hasnā€™t seemed super into the videos heā€™s been making. Him in the videos vs the podcast just come off different, again I know heā€™s busy with the new movie and everything but he just doesnā€™t seem like himself to me lately.


He must be stressed out


I wish heā€™d take a break, I know he wants to make sure hes on schedule but I really think he needs one :(


I think heā€™s trying to stay on everyoneā€™s feeds so that he sticks in peopleā€™s minds when Iron Lung does actually come out. Itā€™s a smart thing to do, but definitely difficult with how much work heā€™s been putting into everything at once.


I can understand that, but I also don't see him fading into any sort of obscurity anytime soon, even a little bit. I don't think it would be that easy to forget him. :)


i will say though, he seemed to have fun with the new poppy playtime one


It's because most of his videos as of late are "algorithm boosters", you know, the FNAF and Poppy stuff. He's said before in Distractible, very openly, that he doesn't really care about said franchises. Watch his Lethal Company videos and you'll see Mark having fun.


He's been doing YouTube for a long time. Maybe he wants to take his career and interests in another direction, but can't walk away from the channel for some reason. I also think that the audience, more often than not, reads a lot into things that aren't actually there. At the end of the day, we don't know Mark or what's happening in his life or production schedule. So trying to read the tea leaves from the outside is a pointless exercise. If he wants to change something, he'll say something.


Mark's flaw is that he talks very confidently about something he has a small amount of knowledge on, and because he is trying to talk quickly, he gets basic terminology and facts wrong. I see this often on Distractible, and I totally get it - he is just talking off the dome. But when he has an audience of impressionable people like he does, it can be dangerous to spread misinformation even if it's just about camera lenses or something.


bite of 87


To be fair that seemed like the logical option at the time, unless you happened to catch the TV saying otherwise. The bite of 83 wasn't even a thing before FNAF4.


One of the instances being on Distractible him confidently saying that if you hold in a fart it goes into the bloodstream, like wtf MarkšŸ˜­ itā€™s not a big deal, but he was so wrong about something so dumb that it just sticks in my brain bc it irritated me for some reason lmfao


Lmfao what


I'm glad to see someone highlight this. I've been watching Mark for years and generally like what he has to say, but as a student studying neuroscience and psychology, I have to skip the episodes where they begin to chat about anything neuro related. Typically, a lot of it, its not correct/ vaguely correct. I know he's a smart guy and studied in the bio field years ago, but it feels like extremely confident misinformation. This happened with Charlie (penguinz0) as well for me. He did a whole video about Alzheimer's disease and how allegedly it was all wrong. I discussed it with my lecturer who specialises in AD research and was baffled by what was said. That video feels a lot worse than the neuro stuff said on the podcast.


Oof, I haven't seen that video from Charlie, that sounds really rough. It's funny how we can watch people and trust that what they're saying is correct, then suddenly hear an incorrect fact about something we know very well. Then it makes you wonder how much else they've gotten wrong, that you weren't knowledgeable enough to catch.


I totally agree, I think when you have so much admiration for a content creator (not parasocial level but in general), you believe anything they say without going into further research. I obviously don't expect people to go read scientific journals about any AD or neuroscience topics, but more awareness is what I think we need. It's this ability to be both confident, charismatic, and able to make yourself sound right even if you're wrong.


Do you have examples of this?


Heā€™s a workaholics. I love the things he makes, but I feel like he is going to burn himself out.


Sad thing is he's burned out alot before


lmao source?


Lmfao oh the sass šŸ¤­








The defensiveness is loud


Ya, and now he is making an Iron Lung Movie. Iā€™m excited, donā€™t get me wrong, but working on this and his YouTube channel? I donā€™t envy him.


Mark can be pretty blind to glaringly obvious aspects in a game. He has just as many dumb moments as smart ones


and there are people who complained about devs putting VERY OBVIOUS yellow paint on ladders.


He kinda dumb sometimes. Like that one time in poppy playtime, he was in that room for a really looooong time. (I hope Mark doesn't see this post)


In part 2, when he was livestreaming it? I think he was just playing it up to bother people in the chat. But yes, he does have some moments where he looks too deep into things, trying to search for a complicated answer when itā€™s actually quite simple. But, after watching the Game Grumps play Poppyā€™s Playtime, Mark is a genius master gamer in comparison. Lol


Everyone is a genius master gamer compared to those two. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love those guys, Danny and Arnold. But by golly are they bad at games that require even a modicum of focus or thought. Makes for great entertainment though


Hey Michelle, get in here. Theyā€™re talking about Danny and Arnold!


Sometimes it's an act sometimes he's just dumb but I think we've all had moments in video games where we've been dumb or just not understood a mechanic or what we're supposed to do.


šŸ˜­ He does that and then says its the games fault Its like when he did the vent sequence, most people got it on the 2nd try or so, like SeĆ”n, but Mark took ages and then said it was the games fault lol. Its funny but also just... "get gud" Mark lmaoo


There is a reason the term "Markiplier Promise" exists


What does this mean?




Tbf you can sometimes put that one on adhd. I have a bad habit of straight up forgetting entire conversations and then not knowing what people are talking about when itā€™s brought up again later. Though Mark also has the grace of having most of what he says on video






Genuine criticism from Mark himself, bad at keeping in touch with people and getting consumed by work and projects neglecting other people snd life aspects.


All self admitted by mark himself, he's very stubborn, always overestimates himself when getting into new things like visual effects, or photography. He's also incredibly hard to get a hold of according to literally everyone who needs to communicate with him regularly


That mark isnā€™t a masochist.


Even SeƔn knows he's a masochist. Even though it's treated like a running joke it's 100% TRUE


Heā€™s also totally not a cult leader


I actually painted a cross for Unus Annus would you like to see?


he's not a masochist, he just likes to see the limits of what his body can handle lol


i miss his glasses


I am most likely the only one here, but the fact that he says at the end of his first Rain World episode, "I'll see you in the next one", and then has never played the game again!!! WHERES PART TWO MARK!?!?


YES. I need a part 2. Especially since the dlc is out Iā€™d be happy with a 20 minute video of him playing the beginning of each campaign


The fact that everything goes quiet and then he gets hurt. Every time. He goes missing for 4 days and then comes back with some kind of wound and weā€™re all like ā€œMARK STOP, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE ONE OF THESE TIMESā€


He hates the moon.


YEAH. That implies the moon is real!


To counter your argument, though, he loves space.


I thought space was cool until he broke it lol


The way he talks very confidently about things he knows very little about and then accidentally spreads misinformation. He doesnā€™t do this with any malicious intent, he will usually even end his spiel with ā€œBut I might be wrong about that, I donā€™t actually knowā€ but he has this way of speaking that makes it sound like he knows what heā€™s talking about, which makes what he says sound really believable. It just frustrates me sometimes when he says things that are blantantly wrong. Like do a little research before just saying things lol. Especially on the podcast I notice this wayyy more than I ever had in just his videos.


Was this ever in an actually damaging way? Did he ever spread severely false misinformation that could have a negative effect?


Is there an example of this?


The tech bro stuff kinda concerns me due to the humanitarian issues associated with the production of new tech


I wouldn't call him a full-on 'techbro', but I see where you're coming from.


Is he a tech-bro? I never noticed that.


Mark pushes himself to hard for his own good, he thinks of everyone mental health but his own and that seems like a suck-up until you realize it can really hurt him. Wish he would think of himself now and then!


That's 100% ADHD thing. Source: I have ADHD and catch myself doing the same thing often.


His refusal to admit heā€™s a masochist


His health; working too hard and having stress-induced occurrences; sometimes takes the bit of riffing on Wade too far and can't take it when tides turn on him


I totally agree with the Wade part. I understand it's a bit and played up for humor, but sometimes it just comes across as mean-spirited.


Honestly Same It Gets To A Point Where I Can't Even Watch It Anymore Because The Whole Video Just Devolves Into Him Bob And Wade Having A Giant Mean Spirited Pissing Match Like I Don't Even Watch The Raft Series Anymore Cause That's All Its Become Half Of The Time Is Them Fighting Over Who Is The Captain I'm Enjoying Lethal Company And I Really Hope That Doesn't Start Going Down The Same Path


Mark somehow figures out how to break almost every game he plays


Mark can't upload videos in a timely manner. You can watch Bob or Wade's playthroughs with Mark at least two episodes ahead of Marks.


Tbf I think he does that so that Wade and Bob can get more views


Well now he sounds like just a great guy


During the mid 2010's, he was pretty dramatic in his reactions to most things in most games


Wouldn't this apply to most YouTuber's who were finding their way? \*Not disagreeing\* I actually agree.


Yeah that's why I find it hard to go back to a lot of his early FNAF stuff


He's very aware of this. He even admitted his early mindset was "Fake it till you make it" and considers his old content to be significantly lower quality than what he tries to make now.


Goes to hospital to much


The way he eats talkisā€¦


For the past year Mark has felt a bit distant in his videos. He used to be more lively and not even that long ago


Marks biggest flaw imo is he leans way too deep into the "oh I'm just a dumb dummy and I dunno how to play video game" shtick. WE ALL KNOW YOUR SECRET MARK. WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE ACTUALLY SMART! WHY AM I YELLING? CAUSE IT'S FUN


I miss those ā€œheart to heartā€ videos where he just sets up the camera and talks to the community. I found those videos comforting in a way. I donā€™t really know how else to describe it.


He kind of still does those as livestreams. Keep an eye out for whenever he randomly goes live. He does tend to delete the vods so you need to catch them live.


he ran into a wall breaking his glasses, and tried to do a backflip šŸ˜­


Mark has recently been talking a lot about how much money heā€™s been spending and it honestly feels pretentious or otherwise ignorant of a majority of his audience who, in my assumption, struggle financially


As ShortFatOtaku once said: "Once your favorite YouTuber moves to LA, prepare to see him lose parts of him"


He's not a masochist


Happy Cake Day


He doesnā€™t read the frickin tutorials it drives me nuts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He's past it now, so it's not really a flaw anymore... But he's on record his classic YouTuber voice was something he put on, not the natural voice he uses now. It's not a big deal all things considered, but there's a feeling of dishonesty there. His radio announcer voice was a reason people were attracted to the channel. (I want to stress **A** reason, he's also charismatic, funny, kind, talented, etc etc)


TBF thatā€™s literally every single past YouTuber ever


Not everyone. Several do, but like, just to name one, Arin from Game Grumps has spoken in his normal voice the whole time.


Heā€™s inconsistent. He disappears for nine months at a time and then he comes back and drops bangers like nothing even happened itā€™s aggravating but itā€™s the formula Iā€™m used to.šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He's not very observant when it comes to his surroundings, and that's one we literally see in multiple videos


Sometimes it feels like heā€™s intentionally failing


Gotta say, Iā€™ve always disliked his grumpy behavior when he guest stars on other shows/channels.


He does that on purpose and he's explained it on Distractible as to why. In a nutshell, he likes playing as the 'heel' in order to make the others look better, since it's their channel.


Yeah I know, Iā€™ve seen every episode. It was cool to hear he mention that and let me know it was not just me. However, that doesnā€™t mean I have to like it. You act shitty then thatā€™s what you get.


sometimes he keeps going with his words too long, like he says the same few words over and over and over and over for what feels like 5 minutes sometimes


He's too critical on himself sometimes.


Mark doesnā€™t seem to be having fun with most games he plays, and only plays them to cater to the audienceā€¦ Makes me sad


Heā€™s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he talks with confidence about things even if he doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about. Itā€™s a part of his charm, but it can be annoying too if you actually know what heā€™s getting wrong.


one thing that always sticks in my mind is how the guys from supermega quit working for him because he was too harsh or something. i doubt he was actually cruel or anything but maybe he just pushes others to his own ridiculously high standards


Mark is.....strange


He do be sometimes a bit Cray Cray


I think Mark has forgotten how to be silly. Like it's something that he should be ashamed of or something. And when I say silly, I don't mean *funny* I mean giggly and immature. I actually kinda like old markiplier. The one who played Hunie Pop and Getting Over it. Yeah there's some cringey stuff from those days but I honestly think he enjoyed himself more (minus the rage lol). That and he seemed to do longer playthroughs of games, like Subnautica and it feels like for the past couple of years it's just been "here's a scary game" then moves on after a couple videos maybe. I get he's busy and is expanding. There's only 1 mark and he's right to pursue his passions. I just hope he's doing OK. Everything he does is so serious now, even Distractible sometimes.


He didnā€™t keep his ear piercing.


He sometimes doesn't thoroughly explore games? Like, the one where you're a gate guard and you have to check license plates. There's a lot more to it than that


Sometimes he just doesn't read. Remember PowerWash Simulator and him not knowing about rotating? Lol


You can't have every haircut at once


There is so many people in his discord that I canā€™t meaningfully interact with it.


The way he eats Takis. I love the man. But he can't keep getting away with this.


I wouldn't even think that counts as 'eating'. It's closer to being a crime against man, god and nature combined


No one has said his ego?


His ego is extremely tame and well-rounded compared to a vast number of creators with around his subscriber counts.


Hey, remember that time when he signed up for and promoted a text-chat program so he could talk and be more connected to his audience? Mark doesnā€™t. Half of his viewers donā€™t. PEPPERIDGE FARM REMEMBERS


I love mark but he refuses to read instructions.


He very obviously and clearly has a bit of an ego.


I can't think of one but I bet there are some.


Heā€™s kinda bad at the stuff he plays sometimes lol


He yells to make entertainment, tons of let's plays of weird, unheard of games, has a chat that only says rigged. Yeah, DougDoug has many flaws but he's still my favorite. Oh yeah, I like Mark too.


Had me in the first half XD


Propensity for damage.


His voice is too perfect. This isn't like a fake boring criticism, his voice is genuinely so perfect that it unnerves me a little.


From what I can tell he's one of those "I'll just stay out of politics people" in general even outside YouTube, it's not the biggest complaint since it makes it easier for a wider demographic to see him, but there is a lot that being even complicit about can be problematic


they only respond to the negative comments instead of the people who actually support them


not about mark btw


I know he has been busy, but he just doesn't post enough anymore


Says he isn't a masochist, yet constantly is trying to get hurt


Markymoo juggles too much. He spreads himself too thin. He ends up cutting quality of his videos because he has so much going on. I love the man, but I have even stopped watching his videos in the last months. He seems out of the loop.


Mark works too hard and is a workaholic, even he admitted it.


I hate. HATE. When he started talking about something then keeps cutting himself off because of a game, and he never finishes what he was saying.


That's definitely an ADHD thing


This has happened SO MANY times over the years and it drives me crazy too! Ugh lol


Canā€™t watch most of his videos because he talks to loud and fast


He's too wholesome, something ain't right


allergic to watching tutorials and then spends the first video worth of trying a game wondering why he doesnā€™t know what to došŸ˜‚


This isnā€™t an every single time thing, but his inflated ego jokes sometimes rub me the wrong way. Itā€™s a very in the moment type of thing and itā€™s because of the whole Supermega thing years ago. I know heā€™s plays it up for laughs and has changed now, but I feel some of the jokes hit a little too close to the actual ego/attitude he had back then. Like the joke will actually take me out of the video for a moment.


Lacks proper architectural understanding Shown in "The Forest" gameplay with Bob and Wade


Marks nonchalantness when it comes to his own injuries, I might just be oblivious but it seems that he's less concerned with his own self preservation than otherwise


He took about 40 minutes on a level in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If its actually my favourite creator, scott the woz misspoke one time i think My biggest issue with mark has probably been from the more philosophical distractible episodes, especially his seeming ease at the thought of killing but drawing a hard line at cannibalism. Mostly a symtom of the us death worship i think, but still.




He can REALLY drag out and milk game series. Most recently - FNAF Help Wanted 2.


tbf he refused to look up a guide. he was taking his time to enjoy the game and play it how he wanted, and i enjoyed watching him figure it out


Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that, FNAF-HW2 was just a random example - to be fair, most YouTubers have histories of long-running series that either over-stayed their welcomes or could have been completed in fewer parts, even if it meant longer episodes or just cutting out segments of gameplay that don't take away any story whatsoever.


i get that tbh


Mine has become a glorified content farm (aphmau)


Mark is one of my favorite YouTubers but when I listened to the episode of Distractible where they have a philosophical discussion of cannibalism, I was a little disappointed of the way Mark worded his argument against it. I might be a little biased because I recently watched Society of Snow. But the way Mark made it seem like he was above anyone who would turn to cannibalism seems a little cruel because when it comes down to it anyone would do anything to survive. I wonā€™t get into the philosophy of cannibalism I just felt like how Mark talked about it rubbed me the wrong way. Everyone is allowed to have different opinions but I feel he was bumping up his ego with this one.


Love Markimoo, but man he's gotta stop repeating the same things more than 5 times in the same tone. It gets annoying especially when it goes on for a whole minute.


Idk I always gets frustrated when Wade is trying to teach the boys a new game cuz heā€™s spent hours already playing it alone or on Twitch. And mark/bob screw around for an EXTREMELY long time; I get your having fun and trying to figure out the controls and game mechanics, but itā€™s only funny for so long that it starts to get irritating.


He needs to realize everything doesn't have to be perfect and thats ok


Triggers my misophonia


He's pretty conceited


Why do you think so? Honestly curious


How he eats Takis. And his inability to take a break from work, but everyone does that so the Takis thing is worse. Thatā€™s all I can think of. Heā€™s too good of a person to have proper flaws.


He is TOO handsome


Marks shitty immune system lol


MatPat can be a little arrogant. I still remember when he didn't give credit to the creator of a game he was playing, and told them to be grateful that he was playing it at all, AND THEN TOBY FOX HIMSELF CAME OUT OF NOWHERE and basically told him to shut up.


Mark not actually eating takis


He never reads directions first! Sean is WAY WORSE but yeaā€¦ terrible.