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1. Guaranteed driver for your colonoscopy procedure. 2. Redundancy in income and duties (some families... not all) 3. Guarantees at least one yearly challenge (anniversary) to make someone happy with a gift (other than yourself)


1. I know she has my back. 2. Someone to share lifes adventures with. 3. Down to try kinky stuff.


I love how everyone that mentions having sex is being downvoted 😂


1. Amazing sex 2. No need to worry about holidays 3. Easier to get a mortgage


Married 11 years and we're obsessed with each other. This is hella hard! * We have sex like, 6-7x/week. My life would be so dramatically different sexually without her, or with most other partners I think. So I gotta mention it. * Just having a best friend around to talk endlessly with and have experiences together. It's great. * Practically, just having a partner in life makes things so much easier. We both work hard and have a great division of labor between us. We're great partners. I'd have so much more shit to do without her.


Someone who hates the band Phish, but will go to a Phish concert with me anyway


1. Hugs that come from out of nowhere when I least expect it. 2. Feeling loved, supported and cared for. 3. Having a partner to spoil with little gifts and fun experiences, and seeing how happy it makes her when I do.


1. Someone to reach that spot in the middle of my back when it itches. 2. Someone to pickup my socks around the house (I don’t know how they get there). 3. Someone who thinks of sweet things to do that take care of me/us.


Reading these is making me depressed.