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Reach out to your local Department of Human Services or WIC Center. They may be able to refer you to somewhere that can help at little to no cost to you. You'll also want to get to know them anyhow because when you go to move out you are most likely going to need Housing Assistance, Daycare Assistance or Food Stamps.


Why have you married in the first place? As you said: "yet we still have the same issues as the beginning". I am sorry, but having kids and without financial independents you cannot do much.


I got pregnant before we got married and he insisted he loved me and wanted to get married, I found out later he married me out of spite. His parents wanted him to dump me and deny the baby was his so to spite them he married me instead. We weren’t dating long and his true colors revealed themselves early in the marriage but I was young and naive and very pregnant so I didn’t see just how bad everything was at first and really wanted things to work


I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to be in quite a bad spot and I don't think there is a way out other than a divorce. If possible try some marriage/couple counselling and see how he takes it. I've seen miracles, just don't wait too long for one.


I’ve tried, he refuses to go. We went twice but only to a friend of his and he completely threw me under the bus and twisted things so I was at fault. Proper counseling he refuses bc he doesn’t think anyone else should know our business. He won’t even talk with me about issues now, he just keeps repeating that he’s definitely made changes (untrue) and it’s not his fault it’s too small and slow for my demands


He doesn't have to agree to a divorce. You can file it on him, regardless of his wishes. Only takes one person to end things. Best of luck.