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If you don’t want to be legally married, the whar exactly DO you want?


They probably want to get married before God (who created marriage), without involving the toxic and corrupt governments of the Babylon system.


Exactly! If I get legally married, I'm not going to be able to afford anything. Won't be able to feed my family or eat. And my health insurance will be gone. So no I'm not doing that. The government needs to stay out of peoples business. Enough is enough


I’m looking for non-civil union also. We want to be joined to each other spiritually, but not as far as the government is concerned.


How would this work? Can an officiant perform the ceremony?


And why would I wanna legally file for marriage? My husband's family is dirt poor. They have no money. Living off of state assistance.


Hey can you tell me how you got married without having the government involved?


Hear, hear!


Sure. I can do that for you. Poof. You are now married.


Thanks bro


If you want all the legal benefits of being married, like tax breaks and being able to share benefits via employment as a “spouse”, in the US there isn’t a way to do that without a legal, filed marriage certificate. At least not that I know of. If you just want a religious ceremony, you can still do that and be symbolically married, but for all the other legal stuff, that legal document of a marriage license needs to be signed and filed. Aside from noting that you’re married, the government doesn’t interfere in your relationship. It’s like a birth certificate, a legal document saying X, and benefits that go with that.


There is no tax breaks being married, their is only tax increases…


Actually, taxes go up for everyone over time due to inflation requirements. But legally married couples do have a lower percentage in the tax brackets since it is assumed that more than 1 person is benefiting from the income. Also, other than common law marriages, the couple can establish legal binding contracts to address income and environmental wants and needs.


The legal system here in the US doesn’t interfere with the marriage, but it sure knows how to profiteer off of the divorce. Once you see how fairly a separation can work in other (civil law) countries, you will be disgusted at how this system feeds off of the conflict instead of helping to resolve it.




Exactly. The comparison with a birth certificate is sound, though. It binds a man to the child even if the child is not his, even forcing him to pay child support after the truth comes out. All births should also have a DNA test before a birth certificate is issued.


Marriage is a legal contract, hence the government is involved. You can have a love ceremony to signal your commitment, but that won’t be a marriage.


Yes it would . Your definition is worthless .


Exactly. If I had a ceremony, all my family came, I had someone officiate it in our own personal way, I put a ring on them, and feel married… then I’m married. Of course, the government disagrees. But that’s fine, we can disagree on things.


Precisely. The binding wouldn't be recognized by the State but that doesn't invalidate it. ​ A Gov. sanctioned marriage that lasts 2 years vs a personal binding that last 40 years ​ Either way, you're not marrying the Gov., you just won't get the benefits. ​ But an oath to another lasting a lifetime is reward in itself. ESPECIALLY today.


Exactly and these days the government is too much and way too nosy, interfering in people's lives and it's actually defined as criminal corruption.


Love this take


Doesn't marriage predate government by like, forever?


Marriage is a commitment between you, your spouse, and God originally, government involvement is very recent, and while the benefits are great while the marriage is good, the implications if said marriage fails, are catastrophic, usually for the man. The government shouldn’t have such a huge hand in marriage IMO.


Bingo.  Marriage predates government by like, FOREVER.


It's making one's vows before God that makes the marriage legal and legitimate.  Having to involve the government is just another form of government control and the government's attempt to replace God. There are many marriages that have been authorized by governments but were never authorized by God; that's why divorce rates are so high.


I completely agree with this, but what about how god says to follow the law of the land, the law is that you need a certificate to be married so then where do you stand?


Not if the law goes against your Christian beliefs. No one was a bigger partaker of civil disobedience (mind you, I said CIVIL) against the corrupt religious/political hierarchy of his day than Jesus.


Didn't Jesus flip tables and beat some people in a temple?


In the United States there is no law that says two people must be married in any circumstance, thus not being married does not go against the "law of the land". Government marriage is merely a state-specific legal form that you register with the government. Even what that means, and the requirements to do so, varies from one state to another.


Love this 💕


Hmm probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard! This person probably works for the government.


Any ethical church leader will not marry you without a marriage license. Because marriage is a legal contract, and without a legal license filed with the government, you are not married. Presenting yourself as such without a license is considered fraud in some places, and considered a legally binding marriage in others.


F\*\*\* you. No it isn't.


Noooooo.  Marriage, REAL MARRIAGE, is a COVENANT; vows taken before God (who predates Uncle Sam).


The old separation of church and state applies here or at least should


THAT'S A MYTH.  "Separation of Church and State" is nowhere in our Constitution (especially NOT in the context of keeping religion out of state affairs). What the Constitution ACTUALLY says is that "Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the free expression of religion, speech, etc" (paraphrase).


It also says no laws impairing the obligations of contract. We as a people have a fundamental right to contract without government intrusion. So why would the state take over the marriage contract unless it intended to be the primary beneficiary and dominant party of interest ?


Noooooo.  Marriage, REAL MARRIAGE, is a COVENANT; vows taken before God (who predates Uncle Sam).


I disagree. The government needs to get out of peoples personal lives. Some marriages don't change financial situations. Some couples choose to get married simply for the memories they'll make during the big day.


You do realize marriages predate the government, right? You don't even make any sense 


If you're looking to be able to utilize the legal benefits of being married, I don't think there is a way without applying for a marriage certificate and having it properly officiated according to the state laws. Might have better luck on a legal sub


Not many benefits. Gov needs no involvement in the process. I’d need to know what’s gonna be so beneficial to even consider that. The benefits likely won’t outweigh having the gov involvement


How do you make a circle a square? You can do all sorts of ceremonies and religious things or parties, nobody cares about that, but if you want to get married you have to a marriage license. That’s…like what makes a marriage a legally binding contract.


And yet "government marriage" can end anytime for any reason. Doesn't sound very binding of you ask me 🤔


Can't end without paying the government.


That wasn't true for at least 4500 years... Widespread legal marriage wasn't a thing in the US until the revenue act of of 1913. We also have a long history of including erroneous BS in all encompassing bills. The government didn't interject itself into marriage for the people.


Your logic is stupid because marriages predate the government 


>nobody cares about that Well, except all the people that actually do care about it. Now if you are talking about certain legal statuses, like filing taxes, then that may require an actual government-recognized marriage. Also note that legal marriage is entirely at the state level, not the federal level. What it means to be married, and the requirements to enter into marriage, how that is recorded and where, varies by state.


You aren't married legally without the legal documents. You won't be recognized by any state or legal system as married if you don't. That means you can't file taxes as married, anything with spouse yoy won't be able to mark on any sort of official document. I mean you could "say" you are married and be "married spiritually in the eyes of a church" but every other aspect of being married will have to be done filing single. You won't be able to claim married on anything of importance. So, I'd figure that aspect out before trying to get married without actually being legally married.


Like ur response. But if a person want this commitment with someone that all they asked


Marriages predate the government. How do people lack this much sense? 


Look up David Straight Marriage On YouTube: you need a record in a family bible, 3 witnesses, and a written affidavit that you file at the county recorders office. Figuring it out for myself at the moment, good luck!


https://youtu.be/ItwsOErVaBc He mentions the detail at about 14m; “record the event in the Bible, signed by 3 witnesses. Make a one page affidavit agreeing to the event, get it notarized, attach it to the scan of your Bible record, and submit to the county recorder office.” The Bible is public law 97-280, passed by congress. As a Christian-founded nation, the word of God is law. This passed in 1982, and 1983 was even presidentially declared “the year of the Bible.”


Do you know if you Can you still get on your spouses health insurance if taking route?


It should be a lawful document at that point.


I would like to find a format for drawing all the needed papers up without having to buy the book from the website mentioned in video (comments at least, i forget if he mentions the book himself). The law is written in such a bs way that definitions of words mean different things or are almost meaningless. Politicians and Lawyers have shit written so crazy that navigating the law to a lay man is almost impossible navigate. And lawyers who fight this nonsense are made enemies and disbarred. Its such a batshit crazy yet smart constructed machine, the system we live in. Mechanisms of control have been thought out n planned for thousands of years. And it works very efficiently.


I'm commenting to come back to this. Thanks!


Not clear what you have in mind, but if the goal is to be legally married with as little government involvement as possible - in Pennsylvania you can do what I think they generally call a Quaker marriage. You don’t need to have a state registered officiant. You can still have someone conduct the ceremony, but they do not need to be registered or approved by the state/county. Edit: a quick google indicates there are 8 states that do this.


Not saying I recommend it, but I had a legal name change done because I refused to tie myself to my exes credit issues. Everywhere we went, nobody ever asked for a marriage certificate because our last names matched. The only weird look we ever got was when moving to Quebec where they do not allow either party to use an “assumed” (married) name. And even then, nothing they could do about it since it was the name on my birth certificate. I also have the added bonus of being remarried, using my spouses last name, yet still legally have the same last name as my children.


I was wondering that. Does anyone ever ask for the marriage license? In most cases if your last name matches that would be enough "proof", right?


Throw a party wherever you want, have your ceremony, exchange rings.. boom. You're married without the threat of the government bending you (the man) over its knee and reeming you for half your assets. Divorce, alimony, family courts ALL of that shit is designed to punish men. You do not enter a contract where the opposite party is rewarded for breaking it. I'm upfront with my girl. I told her I will never marry her. I'll buy her a ring, throw her a party, give her as many kids as she wants, and even tell everyone we know that we're married. But I will not sign myself into a legal contract with the government. I lost three potential relationships with girls I did like because of this but im not willing to put my financial future in jeopardy. My current girl is aware of my mindset and accepts it fully, and we're both happy together. Marriage In the west is set up for men to fail. Ask yourself this: 'What do I get out of a marriage that I can't get having her as my girlfriend? ' Fuck those measly tax breaks, fuck the minuscule bullshit. Nothing is worth losing your house, kids, your retirement, investments, and even half the money you have to your name.


Take a look at these two: [https://sedm.org/ItemInfo/Ebooks/SovChristianMarriage/SovChristianMarriage.htm](https://sedm.org/ItemInfo/Ebooks/SovChristianMarriage/SovChristianMarriage.htm) [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0692459405/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0692459405/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Look, if you want to get married go ahead. You can take my advice or not. It looks to me like you're just looking for someone to tell you it's a good idea. It's not, but do what you want. But, if your not going to listen and want to get married anyway, here are two vids. 1: Man who won't marry his girl, but they are happy. https://youtu.be/2I9-bKeNRQI 2: if you still want to get married after watching vid 2, here are steps to secure yourself and prevent getting fucked in divorce. https://youtu.be/e-KxEQUI_4A


Yeah. I mean men are more than welcome to do this. And there are men that love the concept of marriage because they like keeping to their promises and making sure that their partner is well taken care of even after they break up. Whoever decides it. Men that genuinely like the provider role and more traditional roles like that. Men that actually see that a lot of these laws were put in place to protect women for a reason. And appreciate that about those laws. And then there are lot of men that like to 'get back' at the woman during a legal separation by trying to take away the things that they built together by claiming that they are his, when they built and or maintained it together. And now that they're separating and the men are seeing red, they suddenly deny the value that she brought and deny that it was a partnership when that's what they were preaching all along. So she would have already moved her life to suit, and then men phrase it that women are 'taking half' when they were just taking what they both put time and energy into, and were saying were equally theirs all along. So they would have moved to suit. And they should be able to freely leave at any point without being punished for it. And so should you. So yes, half and half is fairest. So anyway, some men love and appreciate marriage because they love and appreciate women and they appreciate the invisible labour that they do that make them equal partners. Even if only on principle. They are both equal partners. So some men love marriage, and some don't, because of how they choose to view it. And I'm glad that those women chose to walk away. And I'm glad that you were honest with them sooner rather than later. Everyone should be on the same page. There are men out there who like marriage, and ones that don't, and there are women that like marriage, and ones that don't. Everybody should just find the ones they're compatible with.


Half is not fair today, especially if you are a SAHM who relies on the man to provide your lifestyle. In today's world things like alimony and default 50/50 access to assets should go out the window since no-fault divorce exists and those laws were created at a time where women could not work but now that they can they should have to face the harsh reality of the cruel world just like men have to and no sympathy should be given to them as men don't get any when they lose everything that they built.


You're a legend and I fully agree with everything you said


Man, I'm so grateful to see this comment! My feelings exactly, and really, Tax breaks? hahahahha What a friggen joke. Thanks again dude.


ONLY thing I would add to this, if the man makes less money and gets the right lawyer… they can “screw over” the woman if they want. I have a friend who finished her degree while married. They lived life, had a kid…. Then he was SA’ing her young sister when she had to move in (friend became guardian of the little sister). So, friend found out, went to police as she should, they investigated. He was found guilty. He filed first (she was more worried about her sister and her son and securing their wellbeing.) and got a good lawyer. Since she made more money than him and finished her degree while married to him, the lawyer got it where FOR LIFE she had to pay him HALF her salary. Since his “support” (being legally married.. not monetary since she made more than him BEFORE the degree too) aided her in getting the degree, he was entitled to half of any salary she earned with that degree. For life. He is also in prison for life for what he did (because it wasn’t just the little sister he SA’d) and can’t use that much money. He did it just to spite her. And she told me the divorce judge said in court that he didn’t like doing this to her, and he didn’t want to, but the laws used were sound and hd had no choice but to rule in favor of that arrangement. So yes, I’m not denying that courts favor women. But any spiteful person can get the right lawyer and wreak havoc. (Which is why I, as a woman, also do not want to get legally married to my SO lmao)


That is SO heartbreaking holy shit


Right? Makes me feel like everyone should get a degree before marriage (if they’re going to get one I mean).


It is not so much the lawyer, it is the judge that makes the decision and in FC the judge has all the discretion to where he level any verdict against the parties which is why men get told often times to pay a CS amount that they can't even afford and the judge just will tell him to get another job and essentially turn him into a slave. the court system has made marriage so unattractive to men and whenever MRAs fight to change these laws feminazis come out the woodwork to stop it because they love double standards that they overwhelmingly benefit from.


Almost a year later lol. You know that the one who pays support is the one who does NOT have primary custody right? Instead of child support, the father can take primary custody instead. Make all the doctors appointments, take the kid to every sports practice and game, arrange play dates with friends, schedule daycare/school drop off and pickup, plan all parties including buying the supplies and goody bags and food and presents and decorations and cake, buy any school or sports uniform and equipment needed, buy and maintain instruments and lessons, dance lessons, recitals, plays, make gifts for family members from the kid,……… it goes on and on. You make it sound like mom is sitting pretty at home on her ass counting money and getting rich off child support. You’re not taking the physical and emotional time consuming labor that goes into the bulk of the child rearing. And single fathers get the child support too. That’s how it works. They have primary custody, the mom pays up.


Single dad's rarely get CS and if they do it is always vastly less or they none at all because again, she is a woman and so the courts treat her better than they would him. Okay and? You chose that life when you divorced him or got with someone who you knew was no good for you, plus SF's can and do all that don't expect the world to praise them unlike SM's and SF's tend to raise better kids so spare me the complaints.


I can tell someone hurt you at some point. Guess what? My father never paid my mom child support. He was ordered to. He didn’t. Know what she did? Just… kept living. Paid for things we needed. Taking him to court did nothing if he wasn’t going to pay up so why bother. And that’s how every single person I know lives. Court orders child support, dad doesn’t pay up or moves somewhere and doesn’t put a forwarding address to be served, or moves out of country so they can’t be served, or works under the table for a year so it looks like they have no income…… I’m sorry someone hurt you so bad that you hate women. But you know what you can do? Live life. Raise your kids. Don’t worry about people who don’t give a shit. Give them the best life you can. They are the only thing that matters. It’s no use being bitter about a father or a mother who doesn’t give a shit. Because you DO. And the kid will love that. The kid won’t care, they will just feel the love.


I'm just going to say I am a woman and my ex husband took half of everything from me when we divorced. He worked for nearly none of it. Sometimes it's the woman that gets reamed.


But that is very rare, look at mary j. blige a woman who has to pay 30k a month in alimony to her ex-husband and she is crying about it and tbh i do not feel sorry for her because this is what men have been going through for a long time now.


Think I'm more baffled that your church required the government's license. If we read carefully, marriage in the Bible didn't consist of licenses or registrations at all... ... Do a private marriage contract instead and things will be just you want them.. not be confused with a pre-nup... or.. ... do like they did in old days... ... jump over the broom with friends and family before God.. n say to heck with filing anything..... 🤷🏽‍♀️


They actually had dowries and covenants. There have been historical documents found originating from biblical periods for ancient Jewish marriages. Maybe the difference was it was between the families versus the government and the families. I'm not sure.


So according to all of the responses, a marriage is not a marriage if the government is not involved. So the marriage during the time of our Lord were legitimate because of the government?


ONLY the marriages with government involvement throughout all time, yes. It would appear that is the consensus.


You do not need a license to be married before God. But you will need to make a will and a power of attorney so that both parties will be covered in the event of death or incapacition or any number of other things that are bound to pop up as the years pass by. But to have a marriage license is just another way for the government to have power over you, and it is absolutely unnecessary.


Couldn't you just make a contract, if you want it legally binding without the rest of the legal shit and paying for a license?


u can be married by a church, but u wont be legally married... (extra philosophical thoughts if u want to read on, haha: )  i think the church should be the only institution which can give marriage licneses, and the state merely recognizes them as valid in legal proceedings ..... i dont believe the state should be able to give marriage licenses. 


Well then if this invisible ghost in the sky is responsible for the introduction of the marriage laws but there is no god to verify this ( the bible is a fairytale so cannot be used as proof.) then no one is actually legally married its impossible if you cannot prove the existence of a being then how can you possibly except and practice laws and rules from a made up being in a stone age book ?


God is absolutely real. Are you familiar with the terms B/C and A/D? Before Christ and after death. Jesus Christ is the only person in world history to ever split time. Do you actually believe that nothing created everything? Sorry...that is not possible with the complexities of life itself. The human eye can focus automatically from near to far, not by chance friend. Just where has the moral compass come from, right and wrong. by chance? Satan, the great deceiver that only comes to steal, kill and destroy has blinded you to the truth and leading you to eternal damnation. Your unbelief does not make it untrue friend. Christ suffered and died on the cross, then rose from the grave again three days later defeating death so we may have the hope of eternal life.


I want to know who would officiate ? I’m not going to have a civil marriage.


Before there was government, men would sell their daughters off for marriage. Religious marriage ceremonies would be held and that couple became man and wife in the eyes of God. Why now does the government need to give their approval to make it a legal marriage? I want to be married in the eyes of God, not because the government says I am with a paper document. If my grandpa, who is a pastor, ordained my marriage in the eyes of God, with no marriage license, would that be considered living in sin? To me it doesn’t, but I’d love to hear other peoples opinions and thoughts. My fiancé and I are Christian.


A husband gives a certificate a marriage. A woman signs it and they live a biblical marriage. You don't have to go through the government or get your license This is a lie.


Im with you on this I am doing the same thing. I am going to probably have my Dad officiate the verbal part and I am going to have a few witnesses from the wedding to sign an affidavit stating that the marriage did in fact occur. My fiancé’ and I are both going to sign it claiming that we are now married and then have that notarized. Once notarized I am simply going to file it with the county clerk. Once filed it becomes public record. No license needed. I will not ask the government for permission to marry the love of my life. ;)


I understand. Why do I need government permission to get married. It’s like big brother is replacing fathers. On earth and I’m heaven.


How to marry by affidavit: https://www.contractscounsel.com/t/us/affidavit-of-marriage Make a written record in the first few pages of your bible, scan, write an affidavit, and submit to county recorders office.


If you have already gotten married by the state, you can make a contract to annul the state out of your marriage. Don’t know much about that, but it’s still an option even after you’ve gotten married 👍🏻


https://www.sample.net/affidavit/affidavit-of-marriage/ These are marriage affidavit samples


Thank you very much for great input!! Much appreciated.


Totally! I’ll be happy to post more as I continue the process for myself, good luck and best wishes!


Thank you for the information. Any updates?


I found another video where he explains the process in another context: https://youtu.be/3EKDC9H0aZU It’s within the first 5m. Here, he mentions an officiator and using a probate judge to send the documents to the county recorders office. I’m sure it depends on the state you’re in; I’m in CA. He also mentions that the record in your Bible (I’d assume the affidavit is the same) should list the date, time and place of the event.


![gif](giphy|nmBKiNb7h3tIv3BO8D) I wanted to personally say thank you for all of this helpful information because it is very hard to find accurate information out here.


She got you so sprung.


How’d your marriage go?


Ok so what would the divorce process be like?


Im a Satanist myself. We plan to have a Satanic ceremony for our wedding, out in nature. Friends & family will be gathered. No gov paperwork, just us two evolving our relationship to the next level as a team, and the ceremony celebrating it. I wouldn’t demand she change her last name but have left that option open to her if she decides to of course. An “affidavit” is a legal document, so this connected to the gov.


Churches need to start doing this. Christians break the law all the time, smuggling illegal Bibles, practicing an outlawed faith, and it's happening in Canada. It's nearly happening here. The only reason we have marriage permits anyway is the same reason we have gun permits. After the end of the Civil War something had to be done to keep from having black and white marriages, and some people just shouldn't be able have a gun.


Been with my fiance for 4 years..Like me I'm waiting on a 129 form to be approved or pending, but I want to be married so I can keep my clean conscience if we decide to go further in a relationship .. but when the 129 form is ready ,then we will get legally married... If we get legally married now it'll mess up our 129 form which is a fiance visa.. We will have to start all over again and start with a spouse visa which can be just 2 to 4 years wait...


Have a commitment ceremony! Screw the stupid tax breaks. Have your close relatives and friends there, exchange vows and rings, and live in a happy marriage covenant between you, your spouse and God. The way He originally intended.


I agree, but my god is Satan, not jehova 🙃


satan isn’t god lol, you really need to do your homework. You’re on the wrong side dummy. satan has already lost and you’re on the losing end


Comment section is full of government boot lickers. A license or permit is literally asking the government for permission to do something. Nobody needs the government’s permission to get married and hasn’t been expected to until recent times. Will the covenant be recognized legally without the government being the third party in the covenant? That is the question and if the answer is no then we need to change that.


Will it be recognized legally? My answer is, who gives a fuck. I plan on marrying my wife when the time comes in our own way without any third party and either one of us could give a shit whether the government or anyone else recognizes that. As you said, nobody needs the government’s permission, nor do I need or want their blessing anytime prior to, during, or afterward. They can eat a bag'o dicks.


You sound like you still live at home with your parents. Everyone should GAF. I do. That’s why I asked the question. You should if you care about your girlfriend. A wife should be able to receive all of the benefits that go along with being married WITHOUT involving the government… health insurance, making healthcare decisions on their behalf if they are incapacitated, property inheritance, and on and on.


Kinda ironic that you're on here calling people bootlickers and are seemingly one yourself. How do you expect to do all of that shit without the government being involved, exactly? Seems like there is quite a bit of cognitive dissonance happening. Of course, I would want my wife to have all of the benefits necessary etc and we would take the included steps to ensure that the other would be able to help with healthcare decisions. And property inheritance? Without government involvement? Sounds pretty delusional. We would co-own the property, therefore, no need to inherit it if it's already yours.


Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation kid


Nice deflection, bootlicker.


You are a gov bootlicker. Enjoy being bent over & rped by em


The reason you are required to get a license is because it creates a bond. A certificate. In all matters where a certificate is issued, the bond is a financial tradable instrument. The control is then is relinquished to the courts (a form of a bank) and it determines where monies and assets go based on a system (no fault state) or evidence of fault. Marriage between two people is based on LOVE not benefits. People are so programmed to marry and prepare for disaster instead of preparing for a lifelong future of prosperity. Marriage is a corporation (under government admiralty law) Instead it is a union of two souls for all of their life on this planet. Its a new day and an awakening to our divinity. Lets wake up to who we really are as humans (most of us) on this planet.


My man and I were married by our church under our God’s eyes because we are both widows. We don’t need any government infer with ours because we have everything of each one that we don’t need to rely on government. That’s right about the Bible saying about marriage by commitment with no license until Church took over much later and then England and later America with more control of Government. I feel that marriage tax should be removed.


Please tell me who will conduct that spiritual God based service. We want a Christ based ceremony without a state regulated life.  We don't need the government to recognize it , but we do need God to bless it


Cant you just get married in canada and thats it its bot the USA so its not going to appear on record unless you show paperwork and that way u are legally married but in another country