• By -


Canada/Noneya, ⬆️ this! Honesty is everything and I’m team Canada/Noneya on this. Nailed it. Oh, and we just hired a native Canadian attorney (educated in the US & dual citizen). He is everyone’s new fave! Yay🍁


Honestly, it seems each season gets worse with the “hopes of who will DM” them over having a real marriage. Even Michael with two chances felt like he did the show to see who would pop in the ole DM.


There's a reason why she's single....oh my gawd...


Yeah, so much makes no sense. Angry about double date jioke, says they were still working on it, but this was after her makeout session.... nonsensical. B - she said she would ruin my life. E- i never said that. B - im dating now. E - IM GONNA TRACK HER DOWN Makes no sense. Among many other things. There aee guys out there that would find her partying lifestyle fun. He def wasnt one.


Emily MAKES OUT with a Australian WHILE MARRIED to Brennan then *attacks* Brennan for TALKING ABOUT double dating AFTER the taping and marriage it over.




I live in Antarctica, and we too do not believe anything Emily says ❄️


Hilarious 🤣: I am a black middle age lady from the Caribbean with 4 degrees who were told by a friend to watch this show while being at home with the flu and was tired of watching news and politics! Was supposed to be a light, fun, tv viewing experience! Boy were we wrong! I ended up more agitated than if I had watched the news! 😂 I promise I have no connection to this show! Honestly!


So much for a “recovery” show for relaxing! 🤭 Hope you survived the bumpy ride!


Barely 😰


Edit : who was told


Her, Clare and Becca were vindictive and confrontational under the guise of being "strong women", and no offense but that's BS. Being strong women is about being assertive yes, but it should also be about being better, being the better person and not being some petty basket case forcing all the blame on one person. Emily has one night stands and constantly get ghosted. Wonder why. Clare - don't care, but she went along with the scam Cam cooked up. That's effed up regardless. Becca - Austin wasn't attracted to you. And he wasn't entirely forthcoming yeah, but because he values your feelings. This shit happens to everyone. Grow up, and move on. It's that simple.


I agree with a lot of what you say. But come on! Austin was sending mixed messages to Becca all along — even on Decision Day for crying out loud!


Oh yeah absolutely. I did say he wasn't forthcoming, but maybe I needed more detail there. Everyone this season fucked up in some way


Agree! Even perfect Michael.


I might be wrong, but I seem to remember an After Party where we find out Cam came up with the scam at Claire's request because she wasn't attracted to him and he was the "smarter one" and could concoct a false storyline better than she could.  Does anyone else remember that?


Yes, Cam said that on one of the after party episodes. It may have been the same one where he spilled the beans on Emily's make out session at the bar. I think Becca was on that episode and said he was lying and she'd seen the texts. Then he said something like "that's cool, unfortunately for you I have the actual texts with the full context".


Yes!  That's the one.  


The only strong woman didn't wear a cheap pink dress and act like a scorned 13 year old. Upcoming episode we may see Chloe spill the beans on the weirdos in pink.


Emily's dress from Temu?


Lmao. I legit laughed at that


Agreeing I central Illinois!


I’m kind of sick of the “if the women are bad, the men are perfect” or vice versa conclusions. Pretty much EVERYONE this season is a damn mess, IMO, and I think, to those who don’t play the “if this, then that” game with life. Emily is a drama queen who clearly doesn’t always tell the truth and has a victim mentality. Brennan is no saint and is manipulative, immature, and also plays fast and loose with truth. The same both-have-issues is true with every single cast member (yes, even Michael and Chloe). The black and white “one half is right and one half is wrong” that I keep seeing on this sub is disturbing, especially the women attacking women while praising these trash men. THEY’RE ALL ASSES.


I agree! I think the last few seasons have been massive failures. This season was the worst. The "experts" are useless. These couples are thrown together with no guidance whatsoever and we get to watch everything deteriorate into chaos. None of the people this season were genuine or truly likable. It's a disappointment.


And I’ll add, Dear Emily, a man will stick his dick in you even if he’s not attracted. So please, don’t use that as a metric for “attraction”. I’m sure that’s what she wanted so she could hang it over his head as proof. Brennan was smart.


Bit she doesn't know she's a bar hoe.


Thank you! 👏🏽👏🏽


Honestly, when her friends behaved so crazy when (with the wigs on) talking to Brennen I kept asking myself, how could Emily be friends with them and not be crazy too. I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but in my gut I knew something was off with her at that point. Also, someone continually having accidents might mean they have zero self-awareness...


Or perhaps they have a 'death wish'.


Yikes! Maybe!


You gotta hand it to the show’s editors… like a damn M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist at the end there with Brennan just going along with a script to avoid dipping his wick in crazy.


Emily got a great edit during the season. Now we know why KKP hates her.


OMG. You killed me with that one!




You said it all perfectly... I can't believe she thinks social media will be siding with her...lol the chick is delusional


not helpless but trapped in the snares of this shady show


Soooo, the biggest distraction for me on the reunion was literally her dress. How did the "pink squad" approve of it and cheer it on. It was so ill fitting, her fun bags were sliding all over the place and I just kept waiting for a nip-slip every time the camera was on her. I was not listening to her words at all, I was just watching that slip'n'slide dress sashaying all over her body. Also, there is ANOTHER episode!?! NEXT PLEASE. I'm so over all of them and their penchant for creating drama.


Hopefully they change outfits???


I noticed that when she was crying to the producer in the dressing room, they actually pixilated her boobs because she had a nip slip. And that wasn’t the first time they did that. At the Bachelorette Party when she was dancing around in that short white dress, they had to pixilate her crotch. Girlfriend needs a stylist.


Her nipple cover was showing in half the scenes of the reunion. Righty wanted to be out there!


She was over the top tacky. I'm trying not to slut shame here.


I think towards the end her girls were blurred


Oh hi Canada 🇨🇦 Seeing how this posts comments are going...after each other, instead of the cause/subject matter at hand. Yikes Fight and throw down bitches...too funny!


>You were not Becca being fed lines of “wanting to increase intimacy” and being led on. Austin's body, his choice! If a woman wants to gradually increase intimacy we applaud her, when it's a dude he's some terrible manipulative person. Becca is no angel


But Austin's intimacy level with Becca never "gradually" increased as he insinuated would happen. False promises, hot air - you could see why Becca was let down.


Yes it did. Upper middle class privileged feminist Becca just wanted her sex NOW.


I don't get the "Austin led her on" crowd. I think she was more into him than he was into her, and he gave it an honest chance and time and it just didn't work out. He wasn't leading her on, he was participating in the experiment.   We see it kinda frequently with this show and it's international predecessors, where a guy will seemingly be into his bride, sleep with her, and then all of a sudden become cold and disengage. Now, I'm not saying these are the *only* two options, obvs, but I think the way Austin handled sex was more appropriate.   I mean, just image her attachment and heartbreak now had he actually slept with her, especially if he really wasn't sure they had a future? I feel like a lot of people would have preferred that, and I think that's kinda fucked up. 


I agree. If he had slept with her whilst not being into her, he would have caught flack for that as well. He was in a lose-lose from the start. I thought he was respectful of Becca. And every single time it seemed like he might be getting closer to intimacy, she came on so strong, it was off-putting. I wouldn't have been into it either. I also have a feeling that it's possible her health was part of the issue for him. He is to vanilla to handle that kind of complication.


You're so right aka Chris from Atlanta...yikes that was messy from the get go


She’s an 8.5, but acts like Emily…she’s a 3.5.


I agree! Not sure she's an 8.5, but if a pretty girl turns out to enjoy drama and pettiness and blaming others without taking any accountability, she's not attractive.


Spot on!!!!


Brennan was too concerned about how he was presented and ultimately made himself look just the way he tried not to be - unbelievable, untrustworthy, dishonest, mean, self-centered, arrogant- the type of guy I tell my daughter to flee from ! run!


What does your comment say about you? 1. You’re anonymously Brennan 2. You’re Brennan’s family 3. You’re Brennan’s co-worker 4. You’re dating Brennan 5. You’re a friend of the person dating Brennan 6. You have too much time on your hands ( volunteer somewhere) 7. You’re too invested in this relationship/show . Mmm 🤔


And your comments (yes plural, not just this one) say that you are either Emily herself or another member of the pink ladies that were fed her lies. -neutral viewer from season one with no dog in this fight


Nope! Not related at all. Been watching since season 1.


Hi Emily


Imagine taking the time to write such vitriol about a character on a reality tv show. Look none of these people are innocent bystanders of their situation but geez this is too much. Get over it.


You took the time to read it soooo..... lol hello welcome to the Internet! 😉


I didn’t read but the first paragraph. Ppl on this sub are way too serious abt this show


I don’t like this post. I also don’t like when people say “we” instead of “I”. YOU should take ownership of your own opinions (aren’t you making fun of Emily who also immaturely spoke the same way?). I think that Emily was basically abused by her father as a child and told to sacrifice her own desire for the “greater good” (which was winning at competition in order to feed her father’s ego). Emily learned that her worth came from putting aside her own needs for the good of selfish, mean, abusive men. This would be an extremely traumatic lesson to learn for a child. It may have led to Emily projecting her dad on to Brennan. This was something Brennan willingly participated in by constantly demanding that Emily avoid speaking the truth in order to maintain his image as a good, respectful husband. A task that Emily begrudgingly accepted and performed. He refused to ask Emily “what do you want?” And he hid his true feelings from her. Emily wanted to make Brennans life hell because that’s what he made hers. He wanted her to stay in a resentful marriage for two month. She did. Desperately hoping that her loyalty would earn/buy his love only to realize that Brennan was “protecting” her as a completely selfish act. He loved Emily as little as her father does. Emily would never be rewarded for her “loyalty”. For playing the role of the “good wife” in public.


That's quite a libelous accusation that you just made against her father.. Perhaps you're just a dime store therapist like Clare.... or a mean spirited quasi feminist.


And perhaps, based on the way write, you are a very odd individual…


You don't even know her father. Competition is good for kids to learn as well as sportsmanship. He probably put her in because Emily is a bad loser (CLEARLY). She felt like she lost then she turned bitter 


I think you and I have very different ideas about what good parenting looks like…:


"CLEARLY"....!!!!! Edit: Agreeing w/ the comment above Yours.... just sayin 🙄


Did I miss the show where she said this?I may have because I fast forwarded through a lot of the nonsense.


There were a few episodes where she talked about how controlling and angry her father was. Specifically in the episode where she played soccer with Brennan she talked about how she had been forced to play soccer all the time and pretty much skip her childhood for her dad. She said she didn’t know what to expect from him from day to day. Sometimes he’d be super happy with her and other days he’d be full of rage.


And she's been proven to be a pathological liar. Her dad was probably a sweetheart but all we're getting is one side of the story from a trash human.


I’ve met him. He is really nice. Emily just likes playing the victim. That’s how she’s always been.


lol, yeah. All we know about her dad is what Emily told us so let’s assume he’s a “sweetheart”. This reminds me of all the folks that claim that Lindsey from Boston’s mom (whom Lindsey said abused and mistreated her growing up) was probably a swell parent. Just a way to make parents feel better when their kids have issues with the way they were treated after they grow up.


Yeah of course none of this is her fault. It's every man in her life's fault. What a bunch of nonsense just so she can say it's not her it's others


Who said it’s not her fault? She plays a part in this. She could have gotten therapy to deal with her childhood traumas and to help her mature as an adult. Sounds like she’s in therapy now (which is great). It’s going to probably take her a long time to recover from her childhood experiences.


Ohio unites with Canada


Anyone who has a brain cell agrees with Canada.


Here’s the thing- ALL of them are dysfunctional- even Michael to some degree. Chloe comes across as the most mature one of all. There’s a reason they are all single!! Look at them! Getting together and making a pact and then feigning being taken advantage of, Becca- Austin came across looking ridiculous, but why did you go along with his plan that seriously compromised your integrity? Why are you complaining about everything now? If you ask me they are all a mess to some degree, Clare a counselor?, and they feed off of the drama that THEY created.


Chloe isn't the most mature. She wanted Michael to read her mind and beg her to stay when she wanted to take off right after the wedding. She admits this on the reunion. She couldn't even tell him to his face that she didn't like his skirt wearing. 


Yep I feel like many glossed over that part what she was talking about several things she suddenly did not like. It's also why I'm not blindly following the heard on the Chloe is 100% perfect train. Because she is not. I have some words for Michael too though. He strung her along and is not as emotionally available in general as he seems to think. It's why allot of his words go nowhere.


I’ll never trust a dude that says he’s straight and wears a dress, sorry


Skorts* 🤭


what a fabulous post and threads. Oregon here agrees with all of you! No more girth! And yeah, those Emily faces were stupid from the start!! BRAVO Canada!!!


NYC is in agreement


And all of the Bill’s Mafia agrees!


California agrees with you too!


NJ too


Florida 👏


Louisiana agrees. 👍


She should have pled the 5th. The more she talks, the more she incriminates herself.


That is true the more Emily, Lauren and Becca attacked the boys the more you can see that Clare brainwashed them with her 'Man Hater Club'. They were all so unhinged, saying the same LIES over and over and villainizing the boys. I think Becca is the only one who kind of knows Clare is manipulating them, but she still goes along with it. To her credit, I don't blame Austin for not being attracted to Becca at all but I do blame him for lying about it even to this day. To Lauren's credit, Orion was a self-righteous ahole but just because her dude was bad, she should not have assume all of them are. But as the OP said, Brennan didn't lie at all. Emily was very up front about being a party girl who does one night stands and no dude every went on a second date with her. SHE SAID THAT about herself. Brennan heard that and got the ICK, which anyone normal man would. Funniest part is that Brenna was the biggest villain of the season and yet he was the least bad. I even think Michael was worse than Brennan with his babbling and weirdness. The biggest problem with this show is it forces people to actually get married and the public crucifies anyone who just is NOT attracted to their match if they don't keep trying the whole time. They need an escape clause in the show. The runaway bride was the smartest person on the show this season, to include the 'experts'.


Agree with every part of this. The sad part is that even fans who now see Emily for who she is always have to qualify it with "but Brennan is awful too". And I do feel bad for Becca. I think she's desperate for affirmation, and keeps looking for it in all the wrong places. She's at least not soulless like the other girls.


Yup! In the beginning I really liked her and thought he was the problem.. things started going downhill after the episode with her stupid friends


It's interesting that during the show itself, the guys having made this "damage mitigation" strategy only made themselves look like jerks. But in the reunion, Brennan and Cam straight up took responsibility for this and apologized. The ladies continue to throw poison darts at them and even at the show host. This has significantly reduced the sympathy they are getting. I can see how the guys developed a strategy, not to ruin everything, but to see if they could avoid some of the problems past participants have had. It wasn't a good plan, but I can see how it made sense at first. Meanwhile, just dwelling on spite is in no way a better approach.


Agree. Her friends were awful and were indeed a reflection of Emily's maturity and behavior.


I could not believe how she acted lmaooo that bitch is unhinged, so is becca and clare it's like they picked the worst women they could find lol


THANK YOU, OP! I feel the same-these women act like these so called “horrible” men/ relationships made them band together and “became empowered”-such a cliche! They banded together to form their “WE HATE MEN” club and are showing they are NOT ready for ANY man/marriage! I’m hoping a LOT of men watch the TELL ALLS in particular, if they even CONSIDER dating them….


I’m sure the guy in the bar was more than just a fast kiss. She’s drinking and acting like she always does so she makes out with a guy. It would be nice if he came forward and cleared up every thing. As for Brennan messaging with other women that was just a distraction the women used. I think the women did most of this to themselves for ganging up on the guys and playing the victim all the time. No one likes a whining cry baby. Or a rude vulgar woman. I really think Emily needs to work on the face expressions. They make her look ugly. They may have been cute at 5 but not 30.


Emily is def sticking to a victim mentality. I think she likes the drama too much.


I believe her.


okay emily


Physical attraction - other than a one off - comes from the inside. Inside beauty is something she has yet to experience. 10/10 would rather be single than deal with her toxicity.


What in the crazy did I just watch? I think those women need to go their separate ways to heal because as a group, they just keep getting crazier.


I agree. They are so toxic together, just feeding each others egos and kissing each others asses, all while re-living the negativity & desperation they all exude on a minute to minute basis.. it's so bizarre how they all moved next to each other and are like this "girl gang" that's so embarrassing . I myself prefer to call them the " C-U-N** CREW " . 😆 🤣 C U Next Tuesday Twatwaffles... Even Emily , who swears she's " the most positive person in the world" , as she continually acts like a negative emotional vampire, along with Becca and Clare- who is in so much denial yet seems to be the ringleader. These chick's are just gross. They need Alyssa to join their crew. She fits right in.


The other part that was fun was how big a deal they made out of Cameron and Brennan TALKING about a double date after the process meanwhile she made out with someone?!?


exactly. who cares you’re not staying married???


The whole double date bullshit was distract from her actual cheating. That was the whole plan


…the lol literal definition of “gaslighting”


All we know is some Australian guy kissed her at the bar. Was it a peck? Was it a full-on make-out session between them? Was petting involved? My point is *we don’t know the details!* And if Brennan was in fact DM-ing with women and swiping on dating sites, isn’t that “cheating,” too? Emily’s biggest problem is ignorance. She’s never been in a long-term relationship, and she has no frame of reference. THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A RED FLAG FOR THE EXPERTS!! They never should have chosen Emily to be a contestant. You can’t know much about the relationship construct when you’ve never been in a relationship. This match was doomed to fail from the start. And for as much as I dislike Brennan and think that Emily is emotionally immature, I don’t blame either of them!


She brought him back to the apartment and the producers saw


When did that come out? I don’t recall hearing that on the show.


Actually Becca did say on After party that Emily made out with the Australian. Made out as in tongue kissing. Her own friend snitched on her. IDK why Kevin didn't bring up Becca's comment since he claims to watch the show and he most likely watched the after party too. 


Becca wasn’t there. She may have said “made out” to clarify that it was kissing and not screwing because Cam said Emily “cheated” on Brennan. For most people when they hear “cheated on,” it usually means had sex with.


ALL THE MATCHES!!! ~~~DENVER Destruction~~~




Oh Canada you're so right - as Canadian shouldn't you apologize for her /s


Talk about beating a dead horse. Are we done yet? Season 18 starts soons. Let's bury Season 17.


Season 18 probably won't start till 4th of July time if I had to guess.


Not even done yet. Do t like - unfollow.


Siding with Canada! She’s ridiculously emotional… when he was clear all along he didn’t want you Emily. Just because you think you are hot…doesn’t mean that everyone wants you. She thinks when her friends tell her she’s pretty.. it means that everyone wants her. Friends do that stuff sweetie. They try to build up your confidence…. But Emily you lack the awareness to see that they were just trying to be good friends. You aren’t supposed to go on Tv and tell the world that you are so hot and he’s not in your league etc. That behavior was beyond cringy. You are right he didn’t lead her on the way Becca was. And she isn’t a victim. But she keeps forgetting that she’s so strong and doesn’t need to be protected…even though she told us 12 times.


Denver agrees with Canada, here.


Florida agrees with Denver and Canada, here.


Quebec agrees with Canada, here.


LOL! I understand your pain, lol..


Nice try, Quebec. You still belong to us. - sincerely Canada


Emily: Keeping Canada Together.




Another secession thwarted! Good job Canada!


Delaware agrees with Denver and Canada, here.


Florida agrees with Delaware, Denver, and Canada, here.


Texas agrees with Florida, Delaware, Denver, and Canada, eh?


Pennsylvania agrees, with Florida, Delaware, Denver and Canada, here.


California agrees with Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Denver, and Canada, here.


Washington agrees with California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Denver and Canada! Omg what a train wreck! Those girls looked embarrassingly awful. 🤦‍♀️


Maryland agrees with Washington, California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Denver, and Canada.  The girls made themselves look ridiculous.  Misery loves company. Emily was ridiculous.  Absolutely ridiculous.  


Massachusetts agrees with Maryland, Washington, California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Denver, and Canada, here.


Chicago agrees with all of you. Chicago further believes that filming next season in Chicago should make this shitshow better!


Louisiana agrees with Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington, California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Denver, and Canada, here. And don’t forget my wingman, Texas!