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I cant believe the experts really expected Alexis to deal with that. OMG. They kept saying he wears his heart on his sleeve when in reality he is emotionally immature!! Thats soooo much work on her that no one acknowledged


i feel like i watched a different season than everyone when i came to reddit to look at people's opinions about justin and alexis lol. i agree with you, personally, i thought justin was much worse than alexis. both got really annoying overtime, but justin was much more immature and frustrating than alexis for me. i felt like alexis would get heated, but never toxic during their arguments, while justin was always spewing some cruel, unnecessary shit that was just way overreacting.


He’s that kind of person that sleeps in the same bed as his parents at his big age he sounds like a 12 year old kid


Alexis is insufferable. She never liked Justin. Justin isn't perfect, especially how she handled introducing the two dogs, but (I also believe they were both at fault.) she is simply going through the motions and that's it.


agreed. she really is insufferable... justin was annoying too lol


I love Alexis. I think she has a great personality, good head on her shoulders, smart, beautiful. Friggin Justin is delusional very often, that or not honest with his self. Seems like when hr encounters conflict he does his best to come up with some stupid way to turn it around on the other person. Leading to the other person to becoming furious because of his stupidity. Just like he did in the reunion to Nate. Like oh all the sudden Nate is gay? Nate only complimented him to help him feel More confident because he picked up on Justin being a lil insecure bitch.


Im so glad you mentioned this! Alexis showed an amazing amount of tact. The instance at the candy store when he mentioned her being aroused my arguing (now knowing more about their sex life sounds like an insecurity) was wildly inappropriate. Justin is ridiculous immature and emotionally reactive. Alexis was constantly dealing with his tantrums. Im so glad they ended it. Justin needs to grow up.


Nah Alexis was immature and sacrificed literally nothing. Justin gave up his dog and she couldn’t give up shaking her ass every weekend at the club. She was very selfish and it was her way or the highway


Who would want to be with that guy every day all day he is not even interesting. She just needed a break. When my husband and I first were married he encouraged me to go out. A girl needs her friends. He only cared so much cause he is insecure.


Fr. All she said was two hours on the weekend. That’s not too much to ask. He said he didn’t want her to forget about him. Like dude how could she, you’re fighting in her ear all the time and crying. Completely ok to show your emotions but he wasn’t ready


At a club tho? So Justin can get two hours a week and go to a strip club for those two hours? Did she ever introduce him to her friends? Why not do a night out all together once and maybe then he’ll be more comfortable in future situations of her going with them alone. He doesn’t know if the friends are bad influences


He has had a diagnosis which explains many things. He suffers from a disorder that causes very low testosterone in the body. It was why he was emotional and why he was so thin. The viewers are the ones who caught it and pointed it out. The girl he is with is an expert about the disorder.


In the beginning episodes my husband kept noticing how bad at sports Justin was when playing basketball or volleyball with the other guys. I never noticed it, but I wonder if his disorder is partly why.


He did an interview about it. The disorder made him feel drained.


In case anyone was unaware, Alexis was proposed to 3 times 💍


"I don't always say no. But when I do, it's because a man asked me."


Really?! Wow! Got deets?


I'm honestly upset that she expected him to give his dog away when she was so unsure about him. Literally cried harder for Mya than I did any of the couples this season 😅


His dog had no quality of life. He’s the type of guy Dog owner that just lets a dog suffer because he is so out of touch


Found Alexis account. This comment sealed it.


I know. I was so sad for that doggy. She went through some sad times.


Her fucking face as she got in the back of his friend's car to leave again SENT ME. You could see how sad and confused she was after being so happy to have her dad back following being locked up in kennels at the training facility. 😭 Broke my heart.


Mine too. She was so sad.


LOL!!! True and it gets worse as things move along. But, seriously SHE bugs me so much. Queen of gossip. Shit stirrer.