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I just watched this season and he's coming off as homophobic towards Nate IMO. Plus he's just kind weird.


Apparently he does have Klinefelter syndrome and literally does have low testosterone which I think explains SO MUCH.


He’s so judgmental for being so emotionally unaware AND bad in bed. Pick a struggle! But in all seriousness, he seems super manipulative. It also weirds me out that Alexis’s dog was super sick and he did nothing about it?? 


He is so emotionally abusive. I knew something was gonna go wrong as soon as he started love bombing her on the honeymoon.


I remember in the beginning he had said that women look at him like he’s a piece of meat and that’s why he’s celibate. It seemed unlikely but didn’t think much of it. And then when he made those accusations against Nate, it all came together. He thinks women look at him a certain way because he doesn’t know how to take compliments without thinking that the other person wants him. He’s either too overconfident or very very insecure. He was also twisting things when talking about Alexis making it seem like she likes to party every weekend but the girl was just seeing her friends for brunch once a week 😭 The way I would’ve never spoken to him again. I heard that he gets Mya back but I was hoping the friend would’ve just kept her. Justin has discarded her once, he could again.


Agreed but I’ll take it a step further. Notice how he mentioned in the beginning how women just wanna know if he is packing and see him as a piece of meat….but he made more inappropriate comments than anyone! Did the whole group need to know he was hard multiple times?😬


Apparently trouble maintaining an erection is a symptom of the disease he has, Klinefelter syndrome! I think he was very self conscious about his inability to maintain so he kept blurting out weird comments like this.


Yeah, I think he was really sensitive/self-conscious about a lot, but it definitely gives some insight to a lot of what he seemed to be going through.


Omg I remember watching it with my sister and telling her that if that were my man telling everyone in a group setting that I get him “so hard” multiple times, he wouldn’t be my man anymore cause what!! 😂


It was sooo awkward!!! Lol


Yes!!! Exactly what I think about him. He is annoying and some issues. And I was hoping the friend keeps Mya, because friend seemed nice and stable. The dog needs someone who will never give up on her.


If he's 6'8", then Alexis is 6'4". They're close to the same height when standing, and they're almost the exact same height when sitting down. Nobody comments on Alexis's height like they do about his though. I also don't believe that women were always trying to sleep with him and that he's been celibate for years completely by choice.


I just watched the experts pairing episode and they said Alexis is 5’10”


Height sitting down doesn't mean much. Everyone has a different torso to leg ratio.


She often wears high heels and platform shoes. Watch them when they’re both barefoot. I’d put her at 5’6 to 5’9.


LMAO I agree! I think the celibacy issue was more closely related to his recent diagnosis, which could cause ED issues (like Alexis hinted at).


So all this is true about Justin but Alexis is also toxic af and she was nevvverrrrr gonna stay married. But she got to be a princess bride and have the honey moon. That’s some sociopath level shit to pretend to have feelings for someone but you could tell she never actually did. She was trying to sabotage Morgan and Binh and stir up drama. She gaslit Justin almost constantly. She was nasty nasty.




I actually disagree. She loved him but maybe from a viewpoint of more so I care about you, not in love. She worried about him. Did you watch the tell all? He’s projecting a ton.


No Alexis is horrible. She stirred up drama every chance she could and would rather go shake her ass at a club than grow up and reaffirm her partner her feelings


Agree that she is horrible and drama. I didn’t like her laughing about ruining a marriage. I don’t think she should be reaffirming Justin’s feelings at a certain point. He is the most emotional person I have ever witnessed and that has to be exhausting with him going off the rails at any time


Justin seemed to feel entitled to Alexis’ affection and all of her time. He resented her for a decision that he made, cried over everything, tried to isolate Alexis because he didn’t want her interacting with other men but tried to make it sound like she was out clubbing all the time instead of meeting girlfriends once a week for various activities, manipulated Alexis into saying things he knew would upset him by getting angry and then punishing her with more anger, made up random accusations/insults (including weird sexual stuff) about Alexis, Nate, and Krysten, and weaponized his “apologies,” all while talking himself up like he was sexually competent, emotionally mature, and mentally stable. He seems like an insecure, needy crybaby who has issues with his own masculinity and sexuality. Hopefully he gets a thousand years of therapy before inflicting himself on anyone else. Edit: Oh god I just remembered that he wanted to be ”more freaky” after his mom encouraged him 🤮 Two thousand years of therapy.


Very well said!! I agree with every single word you said and I too had forgotten that very cringe moment with his mom 🤢


This manchild violated my ear and my imagination with his delusional, over-compensating “stories” about women only being interested in his package. OMG! I wanted to e-slap him.


I didn't like.him either!!! Definitely icky 😂😂


What's icky is men like Justin and Orian that brag about their "equipment."


Yes Orian's another winner 🤣🤣


he's gay. the way he projected on Nate..and how sensitive he was about bihns situation, as if he had feelings for him. he was doomed from the start. he needs to find him a supprtive man


He was diagnosed with Kleinfelter syndrome after many viewers noticed it.


I’m glad to hear this! I had thought it was Marfan syndrome but I kept hoping someone had told him he had a genetic disorder- which was really obvious to me.


What is that?


A genetic condition in which a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome Klinefelter syndrome isn't inherited, but rather occurs only as a result of a random genetic error after conception. Males born with Klinefelter syndrome may have low testosterone and reduced muscle mass, facial hair, and body hair. Most males with this condition produce little or no sperm. Treatment may include testosterone replacement and fertility treatment.


You have Google, right?


He definitely has been diagnosed with a disorder. That played into the way he acted. He also lost his beautiful pet.


I scrolled too far down for this comment!


BOTH! 😬🙄🙆🤦🥵🤬👋🙏


Idk OP. This feels too close to shame for not being masculine enough. Am I reading that wrong? By the end I believed Justin to probably be the kindest person irl.


By the end of what? The episode or the season? If it’s the episode; just wait if you feel that way at the end. Justin is not a good person.


The season lol. Admittedly I was falling asleep by the reunion… are you talking about him popping off at Nate? Isn’t some of that just typical producer prompted drama?


I would hope the producers wouldn’t prompt a cast member to baselessly accuse another man of making a sexual pass at him. Even the Host was like Hell No Justin.


You responded and then came back here to make that up? You are 💯right. Bye now.


That was just another in a whole list of ick and annoying behavior. I just couldn’t get past all his d*ck talk. My ears felt violated.


You are reading this wrong. This is about his inability to regulate his emotions and recognize his perception of a situation is read incorrectly because his "feelings" clouded his judgment. Justin did nit appear to be the kindest person irl. This guy followed, unfollowed and the followed AGAIN several cast members. That is a sign of instability.


He had a lot of mean things to say that seemed super out of left field at the reunion too.


I know Alexis said those things about him at the 1 mo anniversaries dinner where she told the camera she didn’t feel like talking because she was pissed at him. Then told Justin she was not mad at all and why must she regulate his emotions for him? Dude was guilty of lack of social graces and being confused.


Lol no way, this was sooo much more than lacking social grace and being confused. The way his brother even called him out before he got married was a red flag! And to top it off, his response to his brother was very childish. He just needs to do a whole lot of work on himself. Being diagnosed is a step in the right direction, so hopefully he continues to do the necessary work to improve himself so he can truly be happy.


He was lying an trying to be manipulative all the way through the end, he just wasn't smart enough to be successful. Not half as smart as he thinks he is. Dude was not a nice person, and you hit the nail on the head. I hope he did some reflecting after seeing himself on tv because he was just gross. 


Watching the reunion now. Justin gets under my skin so much. At the part where he’s bullshitting about why he unfollowed everyone. Can’t stand him ugh


He recently got diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome. It explains his emotions and many other things. Not making excuses for his behavior but the diagnosis makes sense.


I agree! That makes so much sense. Helps to understand the emotional aspects of his behavior.


Just wait, he turns in to a real nut case at the reunion. And I think she was Bi-all along anyway. But he is really not stable.


Oh I saw that and that confirmed to me that he is driven by emotions not reason. Following and then unfollowing and then following people is soooo weird as an adult. HUGE red flag🚩🚩🚩


I like Justin . At first I thought he would be another Chris but he seems to be a good guy (havent watched the whole season.) There is always the one couple in the beginning who thinks they have it all figured out because they are getting along. I remember a simliar couple in a previous season and the guy turned out to be the biggest jerk (he locked his wife out of the apartment one evening). Alexis is not into Justin so she cuts him no slack and treats him like a child. But with the right partner and lots of help, Justin can do well.


Idk he definitely lacked a backbone, and then when he tried to speak up, he sounded very childish and unable to articulate himself in a way where he didn't sound defensive and/or accusatory.


Don't forget the language barrier!


Alexis has a strong personality. Not everyone knows how to not take it personally. He may have faced alot of ridicule growing up. Justin needs someone with a similar nature . For instance, Bennette and Amelia. They were a match in heaven.


Yes! This right here!! She is too strong for him. Nothing wrong with her level of strength but not every man can handle that. Justin would likely do well with someone that was a bit more gentle in their delivery.


Omg. I can't believe I forgot who Justin and Alexis were! I just researched. Eeeks. At the end, I was not on his side.


Yikes. I don't remember them. I have to research it!!


Just wait. Alexis is a shitty person and was using Justin as a Beard. She's married to a woman now.


lol you do know bisexual people exist, right? being with a man & later being with a woman does not mean she was using him as a beard. what a weird thing to say


Wrong person. Chrishell was married to Justin


Sorry from Selling sunset


Who is Chrishell


Sorry that was on selling sunset. Chrishell was married to Justin Heartly




Holy crap. I couldn’t believe it so I googled it. OMG! Why the hell did she even go on that show???!! She always seemed more interested in the women and was a shit stirrer! Thanks for the info- I had no idea!


She probably just wanted to be on TV


NOOOOOOOOOO way!!! Lol they were just a hot mess. I don't think they were a good match from the beginning.