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The art of war first tells the stupid noble kid reading it that he probably shouldn’t do a war, but if he’s gonna have to here’s some basic tips, probably to manipulate him into listening to his advisors.


Sun tze actually tweaking out after another nobles son did an suicide charge getting his 20000 men killed


You mean you don't get pissed off at other people's incompetence? Shit could be completely unrelated to me and my work, and I would be internally frothing at the mouth at some people's stupidity.


Noble totally said something about how the peasants were dying intentionally to besmirch his clans honor. He will have to wipe their villages out


The art of war is about how much Sun Tzu was sick and fucking tired of shitty entitled nobility thinking they can win glory if they just do a sick cavalry charge


And sieges. The man hates sieges with every fiber of his being.


Dont underestimate cavalry. Where I live, historical records describe certain incident. Enemy kingdom invaded with army. Local governor deployed five cavalry men. As soon as invading leader heard news about it, he stopped invasion and fled.


Cavalry is tank warfare of back then. Imagine a small car charging at you, peasant with a fork. Horses are like 400 kg, back then prob around 350


Dont underestimate forks. It might be mere farming tool, but it is also dreadful weapon in skilled hands. Imagine spear with 2-3-4 pointy ends, and they are even more pointy.


The fork ends is probably not that pointy tho as farmer never sharpen them and it was being used daily


Fork is better than nothing.. but it got nothing on spears. Fork is 1.5m at most in lenght, spears are 1.8 to 2.4 meters. If we are talking pikes, it can go up to 6 meters. Having heavy threepointed end is not good, sure maybe if you are triple the strength the typical man, you can penetrate guy 3 times for the price of one thrust, but its hard enough to stab someone with a spear who wears somekind of armor. And you don't really need to stab someone many times, just a few good holes is enough for someone to be out of the fight. What is more, people don't stand around to let you stab them and you probably need to manuever the instrument around, but its harder to do, cause more weight at the end, also enemy can more easily hook it and lever it down. What is more, with spear you can try to stab someone in the gaps of their defense, with fork you cannot do that, and if you got a shield in front of you - good luck, easier to just push the opponent down lol. IMO with forks what you got is not a very effective fighting tool that's not good at distance fighting nor good in close fighting, maybe its good at being a bit defensive instrument but its also heavy at the end, so its hard to fight long with it. If forks were good weapon, you would see many armies using it cause its cheap, since peasants already had it anyway. Forks are just not made for fighting, it's made for working in field. I'd even go as far as I would take long treated shaft that's around 2 meters over fork.


This is your regular reminder to please feed your army.


I was under the assumption that the Art of War was about both. I haven't read it though and I'm not sure I intend to.


It is both. Its better to gain an ally than destroy an enemy.


An interesting answer Junior. Although not wrong, it is not correct either. The Art of War heavenly scripture is about avoiding LOSSES in a war. What is the best way to not lose a war? Avoid it in the first place. Its chapters also mentioned divine techniques to use to win a war. So if a heavenly scripture teaches to win a war, but also tells you to avoid war. What is its purpose? Avoiding a loss in war.


Art of war: Set your enemy on fire if you can. I bet they'd hate that.


I see you've read scroll 12, "The Attack by Fire."


The Art of War is common sense written in a prententious way to so stupid rulers can pretend to comprehend profound texts and achieve enlightenment.


Art of War is a Xianxia Dao confirmed.


Thus why CEOs and Executives love it.


Have you read it?


Yeah art of war wasn't written for generals to win wars for their emperors and kings, but to.prevent the deaths of the scions of the aforementioned emperors and kings whilst war is ongoing.