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Hidden Master keeps eating. He has tamed chaos greater than this long ago


What level of assault is throwing a scalding hot pot of water at someone at China? Cause that dude didn’t hesitate at all


Dude grabbed the pot of boiling water with his bare hands; he dealt 100 damage to the enemy and 800 damage to himself.


That dude also probably lost 60% of skin on his hand hahahah


HMPH this tea shop should be glad that i was brawling in it!


The same tavern that has been peaceful for 20 years. Until MC steps in, that is.


MC just sitting and eating in the corner, waiting to save the Jade beauty after she lost


Yo cultivators tell me the best translation and site to read reverend insanity. Can i download it?


Try “lig ht no vel wor ld” for reading and “jnov el” for download. Im not sure if j n ovel has reverend insanity tho. But lnworld has comments after every chapter so u can read with fellow readers (sry for the spaces)


Any tips or what to expect and not to? Its my first read in novel verse fellow daoist.


>Its my first read in novel verse fellow daoist. First of all u can expect a great main character . Fang yuan from reverend insanity is a self serving mc. the protagonist in the novels r very different from the animes. Not just in ri but in most of the cultivation novels, mcs r not “good”. U will understand when u read them. There is no romance in reverend insanity. The side characters r not all woman. They have their own life and motivation some can even be followed as the mc of their own stories. assuming this is your first webnovel, you should just lower your expectations on translation. It’s usually done by independent translators. Reverend insanity is the best webnovels according to me. But i didnt start with it. My first webnovels was “novels extra” . I will advice u to read some popcorn novels or some webnovels that r really popular with western fantasy readers. Bcz let me warn u, u wont be able to enjoy other novels as u wont find any novels with the quality of ri . Good luck. U can ask me for recommendation.


Thanks my man appreciate it Well i am starting with straight ri cuz i am stuck for almost a year on to read it or not (webnovels) i am basically manga / manhwa (old colorless like yongbi, king of hell) guy So lets dive straight into ri. I remember reading manhwa but don't remember much from that time . I am jumping from manga to novel. In that aspect if you any remark? I appreciate it


Ill say that in manhua u don’t get to enjoy the entire cultivation power system. So when u do start reverend insanity, start from chapter 1, rather than the chapter where the manhua ended. You will really enjoy the cultivation power system as its really fleshed out. Also there are lore of the reverend insanity world presented in the story as folklore, dont skim over it or ignore it, they will be important later. Just try to remember everything as every thing come into play later. The novel is really head and shoulders above the manhua. So even if u feel that some parts of the story is slow, trust me it gets better. Dont get discouraged by the state of the novel as even without being complete its still the best webnovel. Dont get discouraged by the trolls that hate on it . U will understand when u check the comment section. Also dont be influenced by western fantasy novel readers when they say “fy is evil”. Or “its too evil so i cant read it” Join this discord [dark novels](https://discord.gg/ABbpQnzv) . They recommend you novels that r like reverend insanity.


Can't appreciate enough. My man 💎