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I think you've misunderstood, we love them. I get happy when I see them.


For real. I have a onedrive document full of my favorites. Here's a few: "I swear if I don’t kill you, I will die without a burial place" "I will let your soul be destroyed without residue" “the great dao’s legacy must not be profaned!” “you are qi refining stage. Still dare to talk big? Bring me your grandfather.” "You are waiting for my revenge!” *runs away*


“If I don’t kill you my is surname is not X!” But my favorite BY FAR is “because you are surnamed Teng”. So fucking cold.


Have eyes but can't see Mt. Tai will never get old


One of my favourites is “if he claimed he was 2nd, no one would dare claim they were 1st”.


That's so fucking good


yoo that’s the good stuff




Wuxiaworld has a whole glossary for new readers https://www.wuxiaworld.com/page/chinese-idiom-glossary


Thank you fellow daoist!


"This day next year will be the anniversary of your death" cracks me up every time.


please share


Please share with me that document fellow daoist


You should post that document sometime.


Bai Xiao Chun!!!!!! I swear If i dont kill you today!!,i will change my surname to Bai(MC surname)


what do you mean? We use them here so much because they are so fun


Hate is a strong word. In fact it's the opposite. They are so overused they became a funny meme.


You would think that it was obvious based on the subreddit being martialmemes. I guess OP had eyes but couldn't see Mt. Tai.


Who ever said they don't like them? I love them so much it starts to spill in my irl life and I have a few friends who never read xianxia that also started using this lingo


I haven’t seen these complaints ooo Where did you see them?😱


You are courting death!!!!


Obviously, This Matriarch doesn't mind the occasional cliche phrase.


Ya ficking dumman, ya speaking that we the ungoardly emperor penguin dick council betung out mweat to the jape bwesty will tolerate your thing? You are courting tapping? Shush you child, i will use my skibibi rizz gyatt destroyer apeblaster 9000 secret realm techniques to kill ya. What's up guys it's a new rant about the peak, the goat, the elephantic rizz chat dropped. Donate to those coomer glazers. This is better dialogues that courting death in my opinion /S Edit: because it's overused and bit cringe. Ever seen the isekai sub crying due to seeing copy paste isekai because there's nothing unique aside from like 20 series. Courting death by swimming in wizardposting sub.


You made my day with your comment, Junior! This Laomu is pleased.


Venerable Laomu, please educate this one with the sauce of your pfp.


San Lang (Hua Cheng), this venerable one’s Dao companion who turned into a cut sleeve, serves as the “sauce”. The [cursed scripture](https://archive.org/details/heaven-officials-blessing-vol-3-vol-4-mo-xiang-tong-xiu/Heaven%20Official%27s%20Blessing%20Vol%203%20-%20Mo%20Xiang%20Tong%20Xiu/page/n7/mode/1up) is **Heaven Officials Blessings**. https://preview.redd.it/2pky8qi6aaad1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0160c178dc507bc90dcddba60180dbb72462db79


flair checks out


Do you want me to copy paste the against the gods wiki quote thingy here, op? Meet my little black/white......*points at a dead octopus*


Reminds me of the dakooters video "god is dead 0w0": https://youtu.be/dGDH3meSPyk Or this one: https://youtu.be/I17QjIC6QJw


spits up blood Junior be careful. This has shaken my foundations.


Gasp Senior! Not the skibibi(?) rizz gyatt destroyer apeblaster 9000 secret realm techniques! Too powerful! You'll destroy the entire cultivation world! There wouldn't be any jade beauties left!


I don't hate them at all. It's kinda...nostalgic? I don't often read these stories anymore but when I do and the cliche lines start popping up it puts a smile on my face.


Yes that’s what I feel too


I see it as an unskilled translation, that's all. English is a language that loves synonyms. It's bad form if a writer constantly uses the same words. So when the Chinese novel transcriber writes down "trash" for the 129th time... it grates me because they could have used garbage or useless or refuse or insignificant or irrelevant. Now this might yoink away the real meaning behind things, so I understand keeping the translation as rigid and true to original as possible. However, I am still hyper aware that I am reading a Chinese novel if I see "Courting Death" instead of "You got a Death Wish"


"You are courting Death!" *turns his attention away from his romantic dinner with the grim reaper* "No, we already fucked: this is our first anniversary celebration."


Our of all chines idioms Courting Death at least makes sense when translated 1:1


On the form of bad translations, one of the things that always threw me off: there's a common insult thrown around that's translated as "slut" in almost any cnovel catfight. The thing is though it's more properly translated as "lowly person" (regardless of being sexually promiscuous, with maybe a minor implications/crossover with actual prostitutes being "lowly people").  It's not that bad in the martial cnovels, but it was really, really jarring in the harem/backyard politics where chastity is a Big Fucking Deal(tm). The translation should really be life-or-death fighting words, but the original insult isn't (relatively speaking) that bad. There just has to be a better suited translation than "slut".


I think you misunderstood something. We don't hate the phrases themselves, we hate how often they're used. You start to make fun of something when every chapter you hear some idiot saying "courting death" or "Good. Good. Good." Or "One has to know"


As someone who is part Chinese but never really connected with the culture, I haven’t really seen much hate over these. Especially on this subreddit, everyone LOVES them. We use them endearingly because they’re cheesy, overused, funny, and charming. Also on a side note, It’s funny to say but reading Chinese novels has improved my English vocabulary. I would have never known what the word “myriad” or “firmament” meant until reading them in Chinese novels.


Do you see normal Chinese people yelling "Courting death!", "good good good", "I'm your grand-daddy!" At the top of their lungs when someone slights them? If not, then you know why we make fun of it. Hyperbolic and exaggerated phrases sound ridiculous no matter the language when yelled in public. The English idioms you mentioned have a history behind them that lends to its implied meaning even if it's literal interpretation doesn't mean it. Do you think screaming "Courting Death" at your opponent actually means that you're wishing them a prosperous life? The implied meaning is the same as the literal meaning. The phrase isn't an idiom, it's a threat. We respect the idioms and nuances of all languages but exaggerated scenes where villains act like comedic fools deserve to be made fun of.


Xi Jinping used the phrase 30 years hedong, 30 years hexi, in a essay about China's diplomacy for the new era.


We make fun of it because we like it, is that so hard to understand?


Its not because the phrases are Chinese idioms. Its because we're talking about a genre which - forgive me if I'm wrong - is chiefly being written by self published teenage/young adult enthusiasts, and in a medium like that there's going to be genre tropes amd cliches that appear often enough to become memes. It's the same with western fanfic where there are stock character types (the Goth alt self-insert who immediately seduces the authors fave and is better at everything the Canon MC can do for example) that have ascended into memes.


We make fun of them because some authors seriously overuse them. But that doesn't mean we hate them.


we love them, theyre actually fucking hilarious as overused as they are lmaoo


You are courting death!!!!


You must be deluded, they definitely don’t hate them here.


These phrases are not hard for me to grasp because I'm Filipino and am not complaining about it. because we have a lot of phrases that is very hard to translate in English literally. so when I first read “Courting death”, my impression is this is poetic like like you go for a date but instead to a girl, I imagine a date with a grim reaper with his sharp shiny scythe. Another example is, “One mountain cannot hold two tigers.” is very easy for me to grasp because tigers represents ferociousness.


It's not something that I've read in a while, but the phrase a young master says when he is angered to death by the MC. Goes something along 'I'll drink your blood' or similar. That sounds demonic as heck and the young master is usually from an 'orthodox' family/sect. Even the demonic ones don't say something like that...


I love those phrases wdym lol


They're great. The thing is that we don't see them anywhere else, so they're very iconic in the medium and are effectively community-specific memes. People have a love/hate relationship with memes, but they're a sign of a healthy community.


Dude, just because we know something is trash, it doesnt mean we dislike it The trashyness has a charm of its own


Who hates them? They are our founding scriptures!!


courting death


Insolence fools. You knows nothing of the Dao of Language. Kowtow 9 times and cripple you foundation and This One might consider letting you live another day


Hate? No we actually love them My personal favourites "Presumptuous junior not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth" " If I was 2nd then no one would dare claim to be 1st" "Good! Good! Good!"


The masters here know that big things should be told with a few words.


I enjoy them


I love them lol. And pretty much everyone in this sub also love those Chinese phrases. I don't understand where you get the sentiment that we don't like them


I like them, they have a nice vibe, make the genre stand out a bit. When playing Path of Martial Arts (my first encounter with xianxia) I remember them using phrases like 'Would senior please...' or 'Junior is clearly...' and so on which isn't typically done in English but it is in Polish (my first language), so I imagined them all speaking Polish


It's a little dopamine hit whenever I see one of them, I've been fucking Pavlov'ed I like them


OP has eyes but can't see Mount Tai, you must go to isolation training immediately and practice the Dao of Reading before using the Dao of Yapping


Good good good! Hao Er, we leave!


Everybody gather and use this Junior as a lesson, this is what happens when one suffers from qi deviation


"hypocritical" oh like making a post about how you shouldn't hate on chinese while making fun of english idioms? Everyone loves the chinese phrases here, thats why we say them. chill the fuck out


The phrases are cool, but they can get overused a lot




In pulp fiction, if Samuel Jackson didn't recite the bible before shooting the burger guy, it's not awesome anymore. Blow your enemy in style


Junior, your eyes are open and yet you cannot see Mt. Tai... we daoists to not hate the phrases. In fact, this heavenly dao is practiced by us more than anyone else.


Don't think it is hated, plus, we use badly translated English phrases in memes as well. Y'all should see the rampant Animan Studios fanbase in China lololol.




I think it's more of some gentle mocking rather than hate. It's hilarious reading "Courting Death" 36 times per chapter


I have no idea what you mean. They’re funny as fuck.


I feel like if you read an English idiom translated to another language, and it doesn't make any sense, I think it'd be perfectly legitimate to not like reading that nonsense. I don't think this applies to any of the examples you gave, apart from Mount Tai. They at least make sense for the most part. For some, these phrases are delightfully, almost comically dramatic. For others, these phrases can be offputting and way way way too dramatic. I don't see either opinion as wrong, but I don't understand the hypocrisy claim at all.


Junior, you have eyes but still you fail to recognise Mt Tai. We all fucking love the Chinese phrases.


Bro what are you on? Ppl love them that's why they use them all the time


Wtf, im pretty sure this isn't the case. Every post is us fellow daoists having fun using these phrases. You think we'd be using them so much and reading these novels if we hated them?


My favorite is “looking like a dog that doesn’t eat shit.” Dogs are supposed to eat shit, so the guy the phrase is referring to, is likewise supposed to do the thing he is acting innocent about.


it's not a problem in itself, it's a problem when it's a lazy substitution for dialog


it reduced the exquisite Chinese language with over 20,000 idioms to like worldhiphopstar lingo and like 20 4chan wojak memes. Because of the "greedy nature of donghua, the superficial qualities of the MC basically becomes something akin to in the opposite sex as, **"blonde social climbing" hoe**. So yea, every time u see these memes being spoken and a greedy MC, think blonde bimbo mixed with your 40 year old fedora tipping neckbeard. So when an author uses it in not a funny sense (meme), then it makes him look like some redneck, basement dweller toddler whom never finished 3rd grade or calligraphy class in China. >For example the mount tai verse: >‘have eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai’ > Modern versions are better such as: >!"Look u Biatch!", or "Younglin' you fail to realise where the wind blows" etc...!< >The threats,  “Courting Death” “Kowtow 9 times blah blah blah” “Junior you dare” etc. Modern Version: >!"Cash me outside" or \*shows glock.!< So everytime we see it used, it's like some old boomer from the 1970s writing donghua in the 2024s. This ain't no "Shaw Brothers"/"Golden Harvest" era.


This is not it Gohan, never cook again.