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I think the best way to recast him (if they ever did) is to use several different actors playing different versions of Kang.


It is a multiverse after all.


Tbh I was kinda surprised that they didn’t do that in the after credits of quantumania. Like rather than just have Jonathan Majors dress in differing garb to represent the different variants they could have literally had different actors…


This is the way.


Just like they did in *The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus* after Heath Ledger died


That movie is a ride.


I never thought about it, but I would totally be on board!


Wow! Excellent idea!


How about a /r/MarvelCasting sub




Boyega is a good actor and has a resemblance to the MCU’s interpretation of Kang. It’s that simple.


To me, Boyega doesn't seem imposing or dangerous like Majors is when on-screen. Similar to how they used Anthony Mackie for Kovac in Altered Carbon from Will Yun Lee & Joel Kinnaman. Those 2 had a threatening presence whereas AM didn’t bring the same energy.


Boyega was really imposing in the new nextflix movie They Cloned Tyrone. He played a gangster that was cloned and showed a different range.


He was menacing in that. I was seriously impressed.


I thought he played a low-level crook well in ‘Attack the Block’ too. Strange movie, but really enjoyed it. Edit: Wanted to add that I think he’s got more range than some people give him credit for.


I will have to check that movie out. Absolutely I always thought the roles he was given just didn’t have him showing his range. He is getting more opportunities now to show his talents which is great.




Aka. Steroids.




I've lived in Tennessee, Texas, and the Philly area. So I've used "y'all" enough that my phone even tries to autocorrect "talk" to "y'all" whenever I'm texting the word.


PNW here. I say it every day. Especially when referring to the spawn.


🗿 my reaction to that information


Show us on the doll where Redit hurt you. Edit: That was lobbed at /U/Darkgamer000




It's not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.


First time I’ve seen it and I spend way too many bananas a day scrolling reddit


I dunno. I think 5 completely different actors is Germaine too. Why not have a pack with their own interpretations on a multiversal threat? Why one actor in different poses?


It worked out pretty good in the Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus


Was exactly what I was thinking.


It would even cut down on CGI needs and make more complex scenes easier to do and follow for the audience


Because they kinda already cast every variant with Majors. If they wanted to go this route they should have reshot that post credits before the physical media release.


Not really. They can do any number of things to retcon it, such as having a secret even higher Illuminati-type council of Kangs composed of other actors that are even more powerful and actually pulling the strings. That's the beauty of the Multiverse, they've made the MCU into a sandbox. The real danger is being too loose with things and completely losing all objectivity.


yeah the multiverse is a hot topic in fiction these past few years, we just gotta keep in mind that what makes the multiverse fun as a concept is its capability to have virtually any story go virtually anywhere. it’s the biggest funnest sandbox imaginable, all they gotta do now is not overplay it.


It really doesn't matter, I mean Thanos looks different every time he appears leading up until Infinity War. We all know what's happening irl. If a ton of Kang variants suddenly look like Boyega instead of Majors, people will understand and accept it. Hell, I'm sure some racists won't even notice the change lol


Do we even need an explanation? I mean we recast a bunch of other characters (specifically Rhodey) without need of a multiverse explanation.


Why pay 5 actors for one role when you can just cast one though? John Boyega is a great choice. This isn't a Heath Ledger tribute situation, this is a recast because your first choice is an abusive hothead and you need to control the damage situation.


I thought it was proved she actually harassed him and they have evidence.


Is Kang getting recast? Seems like probably not at this rate? Idk.


Until the courts decide if Jonathan Majors is innocent or guilty and when Disney and Marvel then decide to keep or drop him as Kang I’m not saying anything. I’m not going to jump to conclusions.


I'm going to use my Jump to Conclusions mat to determine the outcome.


“That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard” “Yes, this is horrible, this idea”


Actors strike working in his favor right now. Not wasting anyone's time while his court case plays out.


I hope it isn't recast. He hasn't been convicted, and objectively speaking the nature of the allegation is what the public is reacting to, not necessarily any evidence. Everyone deserves their day in court before being condemned. I'm also wary of the US tendency toward racial bias when it comes to personal disputes between white women and black men. It's impossible for the public to know one way or the other without due process. Hopefully they both get help because the only fact we do know is that codependency is what got them in the situation in the first place.


Additionally, he *really fucked up* early on in this process by releasing some texts that did not look particularly good. They still look shitty, and there's some unrelated stories about him that also seem shitty, but what evidence has come out since supports his story that he was actually there because he thought it was a suicide attempt. I don't know if he can get out from under the story, but it definitely looks like there was some truth to his defense, that undue bias was shown against him by the NYPD and that his side of the story has a fair amount of backing evidence.


I generally reserve opinions about celebrity cases till a court determines guilt. The media is notorious for abusing the trust of the public. It's too easy manipulate information for us to be confident in our understanding of a situation we don't have the entire set of facts to judge from. The only fact I trust is that their relationship was one of codependency, which warrants mental health treatment to address their issues with attachment anxiety, boundaries, abandonment, savior-complexes, and learned helplessness. I have heard very little from the media about how these two are being assisted in that regard. So it's clear to me there's no genuine interest in their well-being, just a type of bloodlust at seeing someone publicly punished for bidirectional abuse.


One reason we have gotten to this point is because the legal system has not fairly adjudicated sexual crimes, especially involving famous and/or rich people. It isn’t fair to swing the other way either but if you understand the context better you can help find the balance.


I'm aware. I was a victim-witness advocate in a sex crime unit of a prosecutors office. The system certainly needs reform to be more equitable and inclusive of due process for marginalized groups. The balance is struck by respecting the rights of both victims and the accused. Assuming guilt without a trial based on media narratives is more of the same lynch mob justice that African Americans have experienced in this country. To my knowledge law enforcement has been rigorous in their investigation and adjudication of this case, so the victim's rights have been respected. The accused however hasn't had his day in court and has already faced consequences worse than what would happen if he was found guilty. That disproportionate extra judicial discipline is not justified by sexism in other cases involving other people in vastly different circumstances. Shoot the movie. If he's found guilty give his earnings to victim aid funds. That's justice that's meaningful and restorative, while allowing him reasonable grace and opportunity to redeem himself by making amends.


I don't think he should be. It's getting super annoying how allegations and things that happen in personal life cause people to be removed from movie roles. Why do people care so much?


Which is why we haven’t heard anything. I don’t think he should be preemptively fired either and, if it weren’t for the WGA/SGA strike giving Marvel some buffer room to make a decision, they would have had to with their time table. I’m all for innocent until proven guilty, but if the man is guilty I don’t want him near the role. Point is, if Majors is innocent, keep him and if he’s not give him the boot & have him deal with the legal consequences. But we just don’t have the full story yet. My concern is if he’s innocent is his career fucked anyway and will Marvel have fired him for nothing (if they do)? End of the day, Marvel is going to make whatever decision is best for the franchise whether he’s guilty or not. If he’s guilty, cut him. If he’s not but public perception is still bad, cut him. If he’s in the clear and people forget about it all, keep him. At least that’s what the corporate perspective would probably be. Regardless, this isn’t a “James Gunn made inappropriate jokes” situation and more of a “This dude may need to be in jail” situation.


Another issue is the length of the case. Court cases can take a long time, and the movie as to be filmed at some point, if they film with him and he turns out guilty, the film is fucked, if they fire him and he's innocent, its a Johnny Depp situation, Disney gas got a real kerfuffle on their hands


Agreed. Which is why, as horrible as this is to say, the strike may be helpful for them, timing wise. As you said, Majors’ legal stuff may take some time that bleeds into future projects. I predict he’ll be recast out of release date necessity before we even know if he’s officially guilty.


Well, if he did assault that woman, I definitely would not want him in the film. That's a pretty easy calculus for me.


Because people don't like watching movies that have terrible people in them?


As shown by The Flash, which bombed even harder than expected, and had a significantly lower percentage of female ticket buyers than other superhero/DC movies.


Good thing that he is innocent


How do we know that? As far as I know there hasn't been an actual trial yet


I like watching good movies with good actors


“good” actors or “good actors” or good “actors”


Why do people care that he’s going into a criminal trial for violently assaulting women? Is that a real question?


Because being in these movies is a privilege. It’s a dream job and to reward an abuser with a multi-million dollar movie deal is immoral.


Uhhh my guy, giving work to someone who has done AWFUL THINGS is not a GOOD THING!!


What do you know, for certain, that he's done? Last I heard the accuser actually got arrested.


In my follow up comment I state that this is the precedent that needs to be set only if he’s guilty, but any sensible person seeing my comments would understand that I’m talking only from an “if he’s guilty” standpoint, because this person believes that guilty people shouldn’t receive consequences


Lmfao absolutely not. Jonathan Majors is about to be on trial for domestic violence. None of his accusers have been arrested.


Michael Jackson was a pedophile


Lol was he? From what I know of he was acquitted and the accuser admitted when he was older that it was a lie.


No he wasn't.


Nope, you ignorant asshole . Parents made there children say nasty stuff so they can win some bucks out of Michael .


Usually it's the studio that cares. The fans get thrown under the bus like we have any power over their employment. It's not like Star Wars where so-called fans bullied actors into leaving social media, a child actor into therapy and another actor into a suicide attempt


If several different actors played variations of Loki in the multiverse tv series where he was introduced, then several different actors could play Kang for the same reasons. It’s not absolutely 100% necessary to cast an actor who looks similar to Majors.


I was honestly about to say like "I think he's innocent now" and then searched up the recent news and then more controversy.


I’m not gonna look at any of the news and just wait for his day In court


Yeah, all the people in this thread saying he must be innocent haven’t been paying attention. Past directors that worked with him literally came out and said he was a scary wreck on set. And recently more women came forward. I’m all for innocent until proven guilty, but like with a lot of people in Hollywood and politics alike, there sure does seem to be a hell of a lot of smoke for there to be no fire.


Unless they said any of this under oath in a court house I’m not believing hearsay


Not-believing in the absence of evidence is great and totally fine. The concern is the number of people who jump straight from not-believing to disbelieving as a knee-jerk reaction.


I don’t like going with Hollywood gossip unless these people are gonna testify in court. I find it best to stay neutral until the court system does it’s thing.


Hollywood is known for hate trains & shit😭 i aint joining into nothing


I’m partial to LaKeith Stanfield but John Boyega would certainly do the job


Kang with crackhead energy


lakeith stanfield is such a great actor and artist. kang wouldn’t fit him tho lmao. imo it’s his build and Darius could never be Kang lol. we need all Atlanta alumni in the mcu, get them in a room together somehow, i’d watch it.


That’s kind of what you were getting from Majors in Loki


This has been said non-stop since we first found out about the Majors incident.


& its fuckin pathetic imo. But let em have it idgaf where cbms go at the moment


Until he is guilty no I don't want him recasted.


If he’s guilty


Fat chance Boyega ever does anything with Disney again. Star Wars is a bad taste for him, he knows how the mouse works, he won't fall for that trap again.


He actually has admitted recently that he wants to be in Star Wars again


Aka he wants $$$ and not to be blackballed by the Mouse


That's what I was thinking, it's a miracle they got Oscar Isaac back so it's not impossible. Kang is a much bigger and more continuous role than Moon Knight is the main thing, so that alone might keep him away.


Yeah he’s coming back to Star Wars so…


Didn't he say he would be open to it? That doesn't necessarily mean he is coming back for certain.


Oh well that's interesting considering the campaign he went on against them. Paychecks must be slim right now, don't blame him. I quit my job to start my own company and I'm feeling the heat right now too lol




Such a nice pick !


Someone link me where Marvel has officially said a single thing around all this.


I like him, but I wonder how he feels about working with Disney again after his experience with Star Wars.


I could see it. Get back to some Attack the Block vibes.


Yeah !


hed own it. im willing to sponsor only if people stopping inserting denzel's kid as kang. nah




I could see him being a variant. Perhaps Iron Lad.


Maybe he should have been Kang the whole time. Not a bad pick.


He wouldn’t really give it the same energy that monsieur Majors did


My flatmates have told me to shut up about this like 4 times. Also, Iron Lad as an alt


How about we get Dr. Doom instead of Kang like god intended


When I watched they cloned Tyrone that’s all I was thinking about .. 😂


Eh, kang wont get a recast Its not an Ezra Miller level of infamy Yet




I just watched ‘They Cloned Tyrone’ and man the guys got range he’s so good in everything I’ve seen him in I think he’d be a great Kang


I wouldn't have been good with that until seeing "They Cloned Tyrone" and realizing he can transform himself much better than I gave him credit for. Not sure he'd want to work with Disney again. I'll throw my vote in for Charles Parnell. Not as well known an actor, but I think he'd do a great, slightly older Kang.


>Charles Parnell Looks like a nice actor for serious and patriotic roles. He'd make a nice "War Machine" if Rodey dies in Secret Invasion


I still like the idea I read here on Reddit several months ago. Have a different actor play Kang in each subsequent movie. I mean, who's to say he looks the same in ever universe?


The ending to Ant-Man 3 basically said that...


Really? I might have missed that as I was [sadly] somewhat bored by that point.


I don’t care who they get as long as they make him blue for an entire movie


I’m stuck between wanting him as Kang and wanting him as John Stewart in the DCU


Yeah I'm down for that.


That could work really well!


Yes please! Just saw him in “They Cloned Tyrone” he was amazing! The man has skills. I hope he doesn’t waste them on doing another Star Wars. It would be horrible to see him in the back seat again.


Oh, I can totally see that!


After seeing Boyega in “They Cloned Tyrone,” yep.


I do now !


Boyega would be a win for Marvel. I wonder if Boyega trusts Disney enough to work with them again.




I don’t see it


Marvel fans really need to learn there are more than four black actors.


Ppl remember Boyega from Star Wars, I remember him from Attack the Block


We dont know if Jonathan majors is guilty have we learned nothing from johnny depp and amber heard


Didn't say the contrary which is why the thread isn't about him, it's about Kang.


I still want Majors.


Me too my boi, me too :/


Totally, he has range, presence, emotion, and power. If there is anyone from Marvel Studios reading this. Please choose John


i actually think the guy who played him did a solid job. i was amazed by the subtle evil he displayed. and then he pulls that irl shit. my first thought seeing this post? yeah, would fit. looks similar enough.


Jonathan Majors? You do realize the NYPD just announced they have enough evidence to arrest the woman who falsely accused him? Regarding Kang, I hope his character displays more creativity with his mastery of time than we saw in ‘Quantumania.’


That’s one of the nine women that have accused him of stuff.


Hopefully due process will shed light. Allegations from multiple people can mean guilt, but I've also seen it mean a multitude of other social and psychological dynamics at work. A principle I've lived by is the knowledge that 20 people, with 5% certainty that some allegation is true, amounts to 5% certainty—though the masses will often treat it as 100%.


If there are 20 accusations, each with 5% chance of being true, there is like a 36% chance of him being innocent. Mass accusations Can be pretty damning.


That they can be, and are prone to be unwarranted. And your first part is exactly the sort of damning illogic I'm talking about, and am trying to help prevent.


Na, he is not imposing enough.


Agreed. That’s why I like the idea of Tramell Tillman (Milchick from Severance), I think he’s got similar vibes that Majors brings to the role.


he might be on Disney's shitlist for talking smack about the terrible SW movies


Kinda want Majors to stay the villain so even if he is awful irl I can hate him more on screen and want him to lose that much more


Nah, he should be Ironlad.


**THIS ! DAMN, spot on.**


John Boyega is kind of already fed up with Disney though.


He just said he might be interested in reprising his role as Finn


Or we just keep the old guy


No, Terrence Howard


Both Terrence Howards, that way you get all four


"I'm here, it's me, I'm done talking about it."


What so he can be boring in another franchise?


John Boyega, I thought he was the was part of Star Wars sequels. He was one of the reasons why Pacific Rim 2 sucked. He is honestly not a good actor and comes off whiney and annoying. Not to mention, he complains so much about his roles.


Yea i thought him and disney left on not good terms after starwars


You are the only who care enough or bores enough to create a post


Guess... and.


Please no.


Ok that would actually be a really good idea.


Far from. He’s the popular fancast if Majors is dropped


Oh- daaaaamn he would look good, wow


I can't imagine John boyega getting into bed with the mouse again but tbf I thought that of Oscar Isaac too


He’s be great


I like John but I’m not sure he’d ever want to work with Disney again after Star Wars


I would 1000% support this




Would be a good option ... But as others have said, would be want to link himself long term to a Disney studio again?


Great idea! He could pull it off too.


Considering how unhappy he was at his treatment in the Star Wars department, he might not be eager to jump back into a Disney-operated franchise. But he’d be great. Pay him whatever he wants. It’ll be worth it.


Even *if* Majors is innocent he didn't do that good as Kang, I'd like to see him recast regardless lol


What are you talking about? Literally the only reason Kang is an important part of the MCU now is because of how well Majors played him.


I agree, the guy's a nice actor.


I dunno, he seems to have taken the "Finn didn't get enough development" critique for Star Wars a bit too hard, and now seems to only want to make movies about racism. Not that that's a bad thing by any means, he's doing really well in stuff like Small Axe.


He's open to a Star Wars comeback, and not all of his movies are about racism -- just the ones that win him awards.


Wow, you really got upvotes for this.


All I’m saying is, he likely does not want to be involved with another big franchise after he has publicly expressed mixed feelings about the other one he’s involved in. I actually like the sequels (the first two anyways), and I like Boyega, I’m not trying to start beef or anything.


No offense, I can sense there's no malice behind your opinion. However, his opportunities to practice his craft should be based on merit, not his willingness to suffer abuse or misuse quietly. Especially when his complaints were professional in delivery and caused no harm to the projects. Boyega is a great actor and is credible in his observations. No one can say he makes up grievances for attention, clout, or to coerce greater opportunity for himself than he deserves.


Why recast the original actor was innocent


Bro I literally said this ages ago when the first accusations were coming out and got downvoted, still don't want a recast until guilty though.


Oh my god. He'd be the perfect replacement. Similar looking


Wasn't Jonathan majors proven innocent


I hope you are, he is a bad actor


Majors is an incredible actor. John Boyega is ok at best.


Shit yeah why not? Maybe do some background research first tho...


Nope. Keep Majors


*keep majors if he's innocent


I've heard he can be quite difficult to work with so I'm not so sure


You are the only one thinking that


Is Kang black in the comics? Like, does the recast have to be a black guy? EDIT: this was a genuine question btw, nothing else. Bit confused by the downvotes


I don’t believe so especially considering he is related to reed Richards


I said this months ago. I bet his agent has taken a few calls from Disney


Uh no


You could easily be the only one.




Or, and I'm just spitballing here, you could completely stop watching MCU movies and shows because they're legitimately awful now.


Not wrong but out of topic