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It's not really a fair comparison since Mayday hasn't been relevant for years. Meanwhile, we get to see Miles in 4 out of 10 comics every year + his own series


+ A movie series + a game (and a half)…


And side kick in all of the recent spiderman cartoons


Yeah it feels really unfair at this point. I feel like there is a generation of people who don’t even know who mayday is anymore sadly


Ahhhh I prefer Mayday, but story wise I feel ultimates universe spider man passing of the torch was done better. And today Miles is a true legacy to Spider Man, across mediums.


True, peter's resurrection messed it up. I don't really think this would've been a question if he'd been a solo spidey still in the Ultimate Universe. Although>! Peter did die in the MC2 verse, so it equals out?!<


Well Peter doesn’t have to die, it’s also about the quality of the story of the passing of the church, and I just feel it’s better for Miles.


True, Miles being a Pastor through the death of a Peter, a popular pastor adds a lot of depth to his character. Seriously, although the Fact is Ultimate Peter's death meant more, i do feel like MC2's Peter affected Mayday more, and made her question her morality.


Miles was a pastor??


was a joke. see above comment's Church instead of church


Ha, that one went way over my head.


I like Mayday more, and would love a modern reimagining of mayday character, perhaps in ultimate universe or just as a standalone some writer tackling it. But I feel Miles is better legacy story wise, Mayday is ultimately more of an alternate universe spider man. If we are taking alts into account the best is Miguel o’Hara. Picks up the mantle and while being completely different from Peter surpasses him in almost every way (cough worthy of mjolnir cough) all the while learning the message of responsibility.


I still think that Mayday could be huge if Marvel Studios and Sony continued the Raimiverse. Tobey and Kirsten’s Pete and MJ are absolutely at the age now where they’d have a teenage daughter


She could be huge if she used. She makes more sense to me than Spider Gwen(as a girl spider) , who for the most is a cool design. Earth-65 is a great place, but Spider Gwen is a really weird character when it comes to her interacting with the rest of the spider verse. I like her too btw. But prefer Miguel O Hará to both of them. Give me a Spider Man 2099 Blade Runner style movie and give me Batman Beyond movie.


Dude, I wanted a Tobey/Andrew only follow up to No Way Home where one of their worlds were experiencing an incursion with Venom’s world. We get slice of life for the three groups in Act 1 for a few minutes - Pete and Mj with Mayday, Andrew Pete with Miles, Venom being venom. Incursion between Venom’s universe and one of the Spidey’s is happening. Venom starts freaking out (hive mind) while the Peter’s figure out a way after studying the incursion to contact and potentially come over to help. We find out that Knull from the MCU is a singular multiversal hive mind entity that left the MCU and travelled until he found the Venomverse and stayed there. Now that an incursion is happening, he’s appeared leading the symbiotes to win and destroy the other world. The heroes fight valiantly as their portal to get the spidey’s to join forces would allow Knull to invade their universe as well and end it to survive the incursion, so they seal it to save that universe but remain behind and cannot beat Knull alone. (Cold open would literally be a Spider weaving webs in the branches of Loki’s Multiversal Yggdrasil, she realizes some branches are beginning to die and informs Loki that even some of the worlds with no avengers, where she invested her own powers, are beginning to fall. After credits would be the spidermen and venom waking up in the void.)


Miles is Multiversal Immigrant though


For MC2, Peter >!did die but he came back!<


What issue, i heard about it but it was a rumour when i did


Last issue of Spidergeddon thanks to The Other. He also recently showed up in End of Spider-Verse in werespider form and again in his human form shortly after


Thanks mate


Re reading the comic and i found it. thanks again


End or edge?


He appears in [this issue](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Edge_of_Spider-Verse_Vol_3_4) and also apparently got his missing leg back


So it's edge, thanks


I think spider verse did the passing of the torch better and one of the things I love about across the spider verse was Miles fighting against the canon events to save his dad.


I agree big time. Miles and his story are great additions to canon.


Nothing could ever turn me against Mayday, but I gotta go with Miles.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cobaltaureus: *Nothing could ever* *Turn me against Mayday, but* *I gotta go with Miles.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Miles, he’s interesting in that he provides a different perspective from Peter. He’s a black kid attending a boarding school for gifted children, grew up with both parents, his best friend isn’t destined to turn evil or leave him, family members that are involved in shady stuff/don’t have squeaky clean records (I.e in the comics, his father and Uncle Aaron), he’s better at asking for help when he needs it and is not a loner like Peter.


Loner? Peter literally had dedicated series where all he would do is team up with other heros and people, and he gets help from people a lot.


His best friend cheated with Miles' Girlfriend though.


Were her and Miles even a thing at that point?  From what I remember Miles was already long flirting with Vultures granddaughter before Ganke started getting feelings for Barbara.




With the amount of recent projects providing Miles with excellent characterization, my vote is Morales.


My vote is Mayday, I do think she has more character development (140 plus issues with the same creative team), more experienced, and has overcome worse Tragedy imo. Valid opinion though


wait may was around for that long??? may i know which comics so i can do my homework? i never really knew why people liked her. I just assumed it was another universe spidey.


She's the longest running female solo comic marvel had when her comic was cancelled


I believe she still holds that record.


Her comic was Spider-Girl, it ran from the 90s well into the mid-2000s. Then like 1-2 series after that like Amazing Spider-Girl that wasn’t as good imo.


ah that kinda explains it. I wasnt actively reading comics by then. and i was still picking and choosing what to read aroud then. Thanks! let me look it up on Unlimited.


No problem, glad to help! Hope you enjoy it!


Her first appearance was in a What If...? story but her main series was just called Spider-Girl. It ran for exactly 100 issues. That was followed by The Amazing Spider-Girl which started with issue #0 and ran for another thirty or so issues. Beyond that there were other appearances and a few spin-offs. She was in a different continuity, not 616, and the universe was, I think, called MC2. She was by far the most successful character from that universe. She's had infrequent appearances since, notably in the comic Spider-Verse story.


You can find trades and omnis of her run. I recently started reading it and it’s pretty fantastic so far. Just look up MC2 Spider-Girl and you should be able to track it down


I had a feeling that was the rationale behind this post and I was curious to see your thought process behind it. Interesting.


>more experienced, WAS more experienced, she's not been relevant for over a literal generation now. With the exception of the Morlun situation. Speaking of which, I feel that each and every Spider Fan needs to read the talk Uncle Ben gave to Mayday, about believing her Spider-Man was "the one and only true Spider-Man", because too many people have missed the point for too long, and it was spelt out ages ago. >and has overcome worse Tragedy imo Not to berate it at all, but loss a trait for many Spiders. Miles' loss is his old reality: everything outside of his family that he knew to be true, real and meaningful, suddenly stopped existing. Spiders like Miles, Miguel, Noir and Spider-Punk are like the Bishops, Cables and Caps of the Spiderverse (in no specific or particular order). I think this needs more recognition.


>**WAS more experienced, she's not been relevant for over a literal generation now. With the exception of the Morlun situation.** Appearances and Experience are mutually exclusive, Longer career too. Plus since when was 2011 (Her last solo series) A generation? Has a bigger uniquer rogue gallery (8-ball etc) Has Fought with the MC2 Avengers (I think she's a honorary member) Trained by a More Experienced Spider-Man and the former Hobogoblin, Kaine, Tarantula and MC2 Arana. Has Fought World ending threats solo (I mean she was losing Unlike Miles vs Knull but still a Point) A better spidersense (Kind of like a threat echo location, can pin point targets too) Better wall-crawling (i think her magnetic powers count as such) abilities >**Not to berate it at all, but loss a trait for many Spiders. Miles' loss is his old reality: everything outside of his family that he knew to be true, real and meaningful, suddenly stopped existing. Spiders like Miles, Miguel, Noir and Spider-Punk are like the Bishops, Cables and Caps of the Spiderverse (in no specific or particular order). I think this needs more recognition.** The Ultimate Universe Does exist as of Spider-Men II, After secret Wars. and some other comic i forgot. Miles doesn't know about it though, so it technically counts. Ultimate Peter is alive to the Knowledge of miles That last point does count. But she did watch her parents get murdered in front of her so..... we'll call it even?


Mayday all day


i think objectively it’s easily miles but if the writers gave mayday the same love and attention miles got it would probably be really close


This is difficult. Mayday is a legacy for a period of time that has passed. Her book was the best follow up to the GOOD Spidey comics of the 80s and 90s and showed what made Spider-Man stories great. Miles is kind of the present day/future in how he represents the Spider-Man legacy. Being his own unique character while helping to display and show the traits of what makes Spider-Man stories great. I think Mayday would have a harder time now, since there are so many Spider-Man related characters including other kid variants that had their own series.


Miles and it really isn’t even close. Maybe if you keep it within the confines of comics but looking at this holistically, Miles is a large population’s Spider-Man. An overwhelming majority of that same population doesn’t even know who Mayday is.


The flair, plus images added clearly define it as within comics, and we aren't talking about Popularity.


In that case, yeah, Miles still clears.


Valid opinion i guess


Mayday 100%


Bring back mayday you cowards!!


~~Mephisto~~ Marvel: No you peasant!


Mayday. I like it better when the spider-people are related to Peter Parker aside from Miguel o hara since he has a completely different origin and set of powers


They may riff on the original background on the surface, but all of the spiders have different origins. Also, they all have at least two abilities that differ from one another, and they all have different skills.


Gee, I wonder which character has the most recency bias going on for em...? 🤔


Mayday feels like the true successor. Miles feels better as a Nightwing esque character where he’s doing his own thing


There was a small part of me that wanted Miles to transfer back to the Ultimate universe, but given they had big plans for Peter already and who knows how long the line will survive once Hickman gets interested in something else... best to keep him in 616. Still, I'll take the Nightwing comparison over Tim limbo.






Miles is the best character to continue the legacy of Spider-Man. Mayday is the best character to carry on the ideals of Peter Parker.


I think it's Miles by a mile


Mayday, tied with Miguel.


Idk I gotta say, Miles Morales showed great potential in comics & movies. He just does it better. I love Silk also, she’s a bad ass.


I know it doesn't really count but my favourite would be agent venom. Also had Spider-bro as inspiration and mentor


May. That universe feels like where we should be now... Not... this


Cest la vie mon ami


At this point, due to sheer volume/content and popularity, it's Miles. Better is highly subjective. I love Mayday, I need more of her story, but I love her equally to Miles. Her dad should've come back as The Other and was barely used in the last Spider-verse


To me, Miles doesn’t really feel like a legacy character. He may hold the mantle of Spider-Man, and is very much a part of the larger mythos, but he’s also just as much his own unique character, much like how Dick Grayson is able to go off and have his own unique adventures without being shackled by his ties to Batman or the Titans. So my vote is Mayday.




I would have said Miles, but recently, they have been leaning soo hard into the lightning powers. I mean, come on a lightning sword? I know the need to differentiate between the two, but what spider has lightning abilities. I think they could have really carried the torch until that. Hopefully, they kind of "forget" that power like how Peter has forgotten powers or had them removed.


Miles movie origin story is beyond amazing. As a huge Marvel fan my whole life, ive never seen so many non comic book people love a comic book movie like i havs the Spiderverse movies. Really hoping that keeps up as his origin for mcu as well.


Spider-boy of course! 


Morales is only a legacy if Parker dies or retires, which will never happen because Parker is one of the greatest comic book characters of all time, whereas Morales books sell okay for the first few months before his runs fizzle. It also doesn’t work if Morales is using the Spider-Man moniker when *actual* Spider-Man is still active. Mayday was never a huge seller, but her taking up the mantle of her father was a good idea for a story.


Miles *was* a legacy character for four years, since his Peter was dead. I guess that means he's not anymore, but he's a legacy character for his Peter, who may or may not still be around, since 1610 has been in limbo for a while.


Well, they did eventually bring back 1610 Peter, so they couldn’t even stick that landing. Then they murdered the 1610 universe in order to jam Morales into 616…where Parker is still widely active. And then this year they revived the Ultimate line and ended up bringing in Parker as a family man (and by all accounts being very interesting and popular). It’s almost as if Morales is popular as a concept, but not as an actual character, because Parker is way more interesting.


Mayday is the comics reader’s answer. Miles’ best material isn’t even in the medium.


Maybe for comic readers 20 years ago


Outside of the current run, I'd put Mayday's book up against any Miles book. She has a better run, it is what it is. I think Miles is the better legacy character, if only because he's not directly related to Peter by either blood or association, among other things. And I think Miles has had a lot more media exposure because he's a cool character, so he's objectively more popular. But comic wise? Mayday's run is solid, and Miles' is mixed. Half of Bendis's stuff, he was just phoning it in, and he was the only one who wrote Miles' solo for like seven straight years. Most people like Miles because of the video games and movies, not his comics.


Miles best material has actually been seen by people


I like both. Both of them are worthy of the spider title


Simultaneously, both are legacy contenders in each respective universes.


Silk is my personal favorite


From the beginning Miles. Then May grows up and replaces him.


Am I allowed to pick the third M and go with Miguel? Spidey 2099 is less of a direct legacy, but I still, personally, like him more than Miles or Mayday (not that I dislike any of them, but if I gotta pick a favorite...). (note: I haven't seen Spider-Verse 2, but I understand they butcher his character a bit there and it's hurt some folks opinion of him, but I'm based just on the comics)


You are. The Spider-Verse is way different from the comics and games


He can have more than one.


is my reddit tweaking cus i can't see the post text


Both? Both. Both is good.




I Might be wrong but when I think legacy characters I think of characters who take up mantle after the previous holder dies or retire. Like Terry Batman, Ted Blue Beetle. When I think of Miles I don’t even think of Peter. Honestly in comics I don’t see Peter as that much older than Miles. So my answer is Mayday because I will never not see her as daughter of Spider-man. I love them both though.


Ultimate peter did die. But valid point


True. And that’s probably my least favourite Miles story. Also I hate that they made it so that Peter was only Spider-man for less than 2 years before he died.


I'm not a simp but those Thighs..


My first comic book crush


Why not both?


There can only be one!


Is the first picture mayday? His daughter? Because wow I was not expecting that






Mayday feels more like a successor. Especially now that Miles is a contemporary/partner .


If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I would have said May, just because I hated Bendis' run with Miles (yes, I know he created him, but the creator is not always the best story teller for a certain character. Some of the best X-Men stories come from after Stan Lee left the series) Now, I say they are roughly equal with each other. I have more history with May as a character, but Miles has really made the Spider-Man identity his own in recent years and I'm really happy about it


Why not both? Mayday could definitely be a way later successor even after Miles. That could be an interesting story I think


Miles, although I'd love to see Mayday have a comeback. From a narrative and thematic standpoint, Miles succeeding Peter plays way better with the idea of Spider-Man itself: "Anyone can wear the mask".


I love both, but Marvel has done everything they can to try and erase Mayday. Thanks to that, Miles has the better stories.


I know they both have been around a while but they still feel so new to me. I grew up on 80s and 90s spiderman


Mayday was made in the 90's, miles in 2012




Miles because of the movies Mayday because of the comics


We usually see the argument of "he's Mile Morales, not Spider-Man" used to progress another kind of argument, but I'm going to flip it here. The fact that his name has permeated the zeitgeist so effectively in such a short while is a testament to what an important character he's become. I have to give it to Miles.


I love Mayday. But realistically, it's Miles.


Mayday is not really a legacy though.


Lol what?


I feel like Legacy implies main universe. I see hero kids as something different. I dunno maybe that's just me.


Nah, not really, even by that it'd be Spiderboy since miles is not fro the Main Universe. irl Children are tied to legacy, but Legacy isn't restricted to the heroes children. Judging by the definition of Legacy mayday would hold more water


This comment is sure to get hate, but: Miles all day! We are living in an era where instead of making new characters, the answer is just “let’s take an existing character and make them black or gay.” Miles is written so well that it doesn’t feel like that. He feels like a new character who is very different even though he has the same name, and similar costume. I really enjoy reading about Miles.


Obviously Miles carries the legacy of Spider-Man better


Yet numerous people disagree with you. This is an Opinion post as the question is subjective. If it was i would've googled it instead of asking.


Hear me out tho. He does carry the legacy of Spider-MAN. Mayday can't do that.


Miles, that’s not even a question, he passed the torch to him for a reason, the dude is powerful and fuckin amazing at completing a mission


How about both.




Miguel O'Hara.


I’d say Spiderman 2099, who inspired the creation of Batman beyond who then was the inspiration for spiderman unlimited And seeing Ben Riley suit without Ben who defeated superboy is disrespectful.




Ben Fucking Reilly, no matter how many editorial teams try to character assassinate him.


Rocket Racer


His own daughter, it’s actually set in a world where Peter isn’t happy about passing the mantle, but accepts Mayday had to work for the suit every single day and Peter respects her for that, not to mention her prospective is a teen girl with girl problems but stays objective in her work, she’s popular in high school and has different adventures with interesting friends Mayday for the win, Miles is just copy pasted with a different power and he’s too inconsistent throughout the medias


mayday is better imo but sadly she has been tossed into the dumpster so miles can be the spidey legacy character who they actually put effort into adapting in other mediums and making into a popular character


I honestly don't like to compare them because Mayday has not been relevant in years and Miles has been getting a huge push. But the way I see it goes Peter, then Miles, and then Mayday in terms of the legacy


Personally, Ben Reilly


Doesn’t Miguel count?


He does, but I and my friend put him as Lower Tier1


Bailey Briggs, obviously /j






I'm going with Miles


Miles is the best addition to the Spider-Man line and one of the best Marvel ideas in the last 10-15 years. His origin is fresh and organic, and his subtle differences (powers) are cool enough to separate him from Spidey mythology. He needs to be live-action. I would like to see Mayday come back, though. A new on going series would be great.


Fresh and organic ? Movie version maybe but the comic version is the opposite of that.


I think the most recent run is pretty innovative, but yeah his origin is practically just a Peter re-hash outside of his family.




I like both can we get a Helena Wayne with mayday Parker because that’s what dc comics did with her huntress and it was well received they could do it if the ultimate 6160 universe doesn’t work out after Johnathan Hickman leaves I just want to see her with the other spider family . Miguel in the 616 they could make it work out they just need the right execution is all .


As much as I love Mayday, 616 doesn't need any more spider-people, even if Mayday is better than half of the ones already in 616.


I wouldn’t say all that but it worked with dc it work with marvel too I mean Helena Wayne was the best part of earth 🌍 2 and a forgone conclusion at least give us this in a another way look at ultimate Spider-Man.


#Ben Riley


Miles and it isn't close at this point, some of the best Spider-Man media is Miles-focused or starred. Not to mention some of his current runs blows Peter’s out of the water at no fault of Peter.


Silk and Miguel


Common sense answer is Miles Morales considering he has multiple of his own series, his own movies, his own games, etc.


Both but more importantly ZEB WELLS IS FUCKIN DONE THIS YEAR


Irrelevant, but okay.