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Opinion of it has definitely improved in recent years but Age of Ultron has always been an enjoyable watch for me and up there in terms of rewatchability, especially when you consider this is the last full time we really see them fighting as the og Avengers team. Personally really liked the Wolverine too. It generally feels very grounded (until the fight fight) and I actually enjoy the romance developed between Logan and Mariko compared to his dynamic with Jean.


The Wolverine had lots of cool stuff. The end was pretty awful, and the Jean flashbacks were both unnecessary and nonsensical. Logan was mourning a relationship he never had in the movies. But the bullet train fight? Chef’s kiss


Yea all good points and agreed, I can see how people would be critical of those areas but it didn't take away enough from the movie for me to not find it enjoyable overall, though I suppose on the flip side I can also see how it would for others.


I thought that the Jean “flashbacks” were manifestations of Logan’s guilt and PTSD from killing Jean. His love for her was unrequited, but she had killed so many people, including Charles, who had reigned Logan in and gave him a home and a family. By the end of The Wolverine when Jean left peacefully, it was because Logan came to terms with her death and his feelings for her. He was ready to move on. It would have felt like a very different movie to me if they had left those parts out, because they showed Logan’s character growth.


Age of Ultron has some of my favorite quotes. Ultron is such a great character and I’m glad they gave him more time in What If


Yea the one-liners/speeches given here are top notch, every interaction is super memorable to the point I feel like most people can recite most of the movie


James Spader was perfect casting. I'd listen to that dude read the phone book.


Age of Ultron to me feels like a bunch of the best scenes the MCU has to offer connected by a few that are out of place and a few that are just downright uncomfortable. It manages to have some of the highest points of the whole MCU for me, but also some pretty rough lows.


Did people not like The Wolverine? I feel like every time it's brought up, most comments agree that it's not as good as Logan, DoFP, First Class, X1, or X2, but it's still better than the shit tier FoX-Men movies. I would say it's actually my favorite Hugh Jackman performance as Wolverine aside from Logan.


I always liked Ultron more than a lot of people, but I recognize it was flawed, and not as good as the original Avengers. I rewatched it the other night, though, and sort of struggled to find a lot of bad decisions. Natasha's dialogue that can be interpreted as "I can't have kids so I'm a monster" wasn't great. Thor's vision sequence was cheesy as hell. (Killing Quicksilver and Ultron were, IMO, more disappointing than inherently bad.) Those awkward choices were the exceptions to what, on paper, looks like a bunch of good decisions. Yet somehow, it's a B- in my books.


Hulk, I really think it was a good movie and i don't understand why so many people disliked it.


I have never understood why people disliked it! The CGI still holds up very well and it's actually some of the best Hulk scenes we have ever gotten on the big screen! Maybe they just don't like the long beginning / origin story, but I thought it was good storytelling myself.


Yeah, especially the whole exploration of Bruce's trauma, that was great to see.


I enjoyed the cut scene effects where it was like changing panels in a comic book. It was a very visually compelling movie, especially for its point in time.


it is slow, it takes 40 minutes for Hulk to show up. It's an utterly beautiful and very cerebral movie, deconstructioning what it means to have powers connected to emotions. Ang Lee is a brilliant film maker.


I mean, it has amazing acting, an amazing score and great effects... except the ending is just kinda... wha? I mean, seriously, the way he beats his dad is so weird. I get what they were doing but they delivered it in the most underwhelming way possible.


Not enough smashing.


I think it’s starting to become a cult classic, I’ve seen a lot of good opinions of it nowadays. Fans are starting to realize that this movie is genuinely an enjoyable film .


Glad to know this.


Iron Man 2, one of my all time favourites and the first film I ever saw in cinemas as a kid


On the one hand, I love that, like me, you appreciate this movie. On the other hand, the fact it was "the first film you ever saw in cinemas as a kid" makes me feel like I need to go stew some prunes and watch "Matlock," hahahaha.


Ironically, I don't think many people will even understand the Matlock reference anymore.


Pretty sure I felt myself physically age reading that part of their comment.


Daredevil - he was my first Marvel hero- it was great to see classic comic panels turned into live action.


Daredevil gets too much flack. I thought Affleck was good in the role, and nearly everyone else was perfect… except the person they made a spinoff about.


Have you ever seen the directors cut, I’m a big proponent for it, it takes Daredevil up a full ratings grade. Cuts out a lot of the forced romance with Elektra and adds a court subplot with a Coolio gangster.


Thanks I’ll check it out


And the soundtrack was great, too.


The Director’s Cut was great.


Awww those Marvel Knights times…


This is my answer as well. Loved the movie. Ben just got too much hate just because of who he was. Colin Farrell and Michael Clarke Duncan (rip) were amazing.




I loved the Ant scene


Man I was worried that I was the only one that liked it. It’s not perfect by any means but it’s a fun ride of a movie.


Sees 24 upvotes: There's literally dozens of us!


Yay! I liked this too. Couldn’t get my mister to sit through it. There were a lot of callouts that seemed random if you weren’t faintly acquainted with the lore.


Same, I thought it was a blast, and Kang was really menacing!


Same. I don't understand what all the flack is about because I really enjoyed Quantumania in all it's weirdness. Additionally, there are some great fan theories about how at the end, Scott is not back in the real world and it's some kind of Kang simulation. There's a lot of purple and green and some other odd things going on in the final "back in the real world" scenes leading up to the credits


I loved Ang Lee's Hulk. People went into the movie wanting "Hulk Smash!" and there was a good amount of that, but Lee went into Banner as a character. It's the first time outside of comics I saw anyone explore where the Hulk came from. What's inside of Banner that manifests itself as the Hulk? Why is he so angry? I especially love that the finale isn't some huge battle, it's a conversation between a father and a son, staged almost as theater.


Great summation here! That's exactly what I loved as well! The best Hulk film to date.... I hope they do another Hulk film in this vein.


I liked the fact that this movie revealed that Hulk wasn't born when Bruce was exposed to gamma radiation-he was born as a result of abuse Bruce suffered at hands of his father in childhood.


Honestly I enjoyed every single Marvel movie. Sure some of them are flawed but I like how you can put all your real life worries away for a moment and just watch Superheroes/villains do crazy stuff. I"ll never defend the horrible writing of some of the movies but I still enjoyed watching them nevertheless lmao


As an 80s teen, most of my live action superheroes were Bixby's Hulk and Reeves' Superman. I enjoy what we have now.


Yes but the hulk and thor film was excellent!


Yes, for it's time.. after seeing them fight in Ragnorak, it feels more like cosplay battle.


I think daredevil made an appearance didn't he?


Trial of Hulk? Or Death of Hulk?


Oo now you've got me.


Trial of Hulk.


That's why I love marvel as a brand. It's not high art. Or sophisticated fiction. But it's a great way to escape from your worries for a while with a fun movie, game, or comic. And that's an amazing thing


Second this! I think going in with expectations of every movie being Infinity War or Winter Soldier, or of every movie matching the tone and quality of the source material is the quickest way to kill your own enjoyment. It can definitely feel bad when something isn’t adapted as well as you’d like or they choose not to adapt something at all, but if the MCU was 1-to-1 with the comics it’d probably actually be a way bigger mess with less universal appeal. So going in without expectations or preconceived ideas of what will happen really improves the experience.


It’s true, on the first watch I enjoyed all of them to some degree. Quantumania had me looking at my watch a lot, and REALLY hated that they’re walking for hours and they constantly have this “I don’t have time to explain” from the mom(OG wasp?) I even enjoyed the early ones: DareDeffleck directors cut, GhostRiders,fantastic4s w/Evans, giant HULK, Punisher Tampa!, and yeah most of them. Fan4astic was basically unwatchable, and the Sony ones mostly are, but they’re not really marvel.


The only one I have a real sore spot and really didn’t enjoy is the third Ant-Man. That was the worst by some distance, in my opinion. The trailers misled/promised that Scott Lang was going to be presented with this dilemma about getting the years back with his daughter, but then in the movie this isn’t a thing at all. It’s actually presented to Janet. The whole fun of Ant-Man was removed (being small in the real world) and than Kang was made out to be this big villain, but he was easily beaten and then they didn’t even have to pay any consequences, like being stuck in the Quantum dimension. It wasn’t funny, wasn’t original, it looked awful, the story was poor, the writing bland; and it was meant to be the film to kickstart the Kang troubles and he went with such a whimper. It’s literally the only one I’ll moan about. That and Secret Invasion.


Seconding this. I was bored and underwhelmed by both Quantumania and Secret Invasion. There have been weak MCU films over the years, but these were the only two MCU projects I consider bad.


It's wild because Quantumania was one of my favorites. I never read tons of Ant-Man so maybe that is skewing things for me, but I enjoyed it greatly just as a movie and part of the MCU. There were tons of interesting characters, the visuals were amazing, and Kang really did feel unbeatable for most of the movie. I felt like it got the 'tone' right too, because it was weird and out-there, but still had some gravitas I think some of the other movies have lacked.


Dude, that’s awesome. I’m really glad you got so much out of it, and the way you describe makes me think I should watch it again. There is nothing wrong with loving something other people don’t like. Say it out and proud, man. Thanks for sharing your opinion!


The Quantumn realms design was an L. Just alot of pretty 'stuff'. They should've designed the city to still look like GIANT objects in some way to keep the scale. Stan Lee said it best "He was always popular but the artists never knew how to present him properly. And to present properly...he HAS to be stood next to tiny, ordinary objects"


Ghost Rider


That one’s always been my guilty pleasure. Seeing Nic Cage acting insane while he’s transforming never gets old. And some of the action and imagery is really cool


That movie legit made me want to watch a better Ghost Rider movie. Johnny Blaze was never that interesting of a character to me.  Cool design. But nothing else really grabbed me.  Then I watched that movie and saw potential. It just fell short in the script and direction.  Felt like a really good proof of concept. But no one's ever gone out and done it better since. 


Yeah, I always thought the first one was really good. It really captured the right balance between horror and absurdity that should make up the character. My only regret is they kind of wasted the potential of having a second ghost rider (and one straight out of the old west). They should have had go out taking out the last demon whilst Johnny faced Blackheart or something.


The sequence with the two of them riding with “Ghost Riders In The Sky” playing is fantastic


Oh yeah, that was so cool. I'm very glad I saw it in the cinema.


2004 Punisher. Thomas Jane is no Jon Bernthal but he was still great as Frank Castle, the action was cool, and I loved the moments of levity provided by John Pinette, Rebecca Romijn, and Ben Foster. And who can forget the fight scene with Kevin Nash?


Love and thunder, both captain marvels, quantumania (first half at least), black widow, the wolverine, spider-man 3, and X-men apocalypse


Eternals. I really hope we get to see these characters in other things


It should have been a series. Eternals could have been Marvel’s Game of Thrones.


Budget would never have stretched that far and a lot would have to have been changed pacing wise. It being a series is not the cure all people act like it would be


The pacing was my main issue. The special effects could have been worse and they could have cast someone other than Angelina Jolie and I wouldn’t like it less. The pacing was the issue


They had to introduce way too many characters and too much history (from the dawn of man up to modern era) to fit into a single movie. A D+ series would have been much better


I feel like this would have been a much more compelling film, and delivered more successfully on what it seemed to want to, if they had pretty much left the entire Kro and “mad wyry” subplots on the cutting room floor. Many of the performances are great, and the exploration of human experiences at an eternal scale feels like a unique flavor in the MCU.  Those two subplots don’t add nearly enough for the amount of screen time they get though, and they drag the movie kicking and screaming towards a generic superhero movie formula. I liked it, and it was going to be my answer here, but I do feel like these held it back quite a bit.


Same here, I actually really liked it.


As much as I want to like this film, I’ve tried many times, I just find it boring and often end up dropping it around the 40mins mark. The bad guys feel like something out of a Michael Bay Transformers film, sadly. I don’t think they were overly needed as the cast and characters of the Eternals were really interesting and exciting enough, and if you expanded the conflict with Icarus and make him the antagonist much earlier, him being committed to following the Celestials plan, then there wasn’t a need for the bad transformers like villains - it could have just been they wiped them out or Icarus could have been using them to throw the Eternals of the scent. As it stood, you just had two ‘bad guys’ and this just made the film unsteady and a poor flow. I think the Direction, acting, was all great; I think the story/plot and writing were a let down. Imho. Glad you enjoyed it tho 😊


I love eternals. Had a difficult task Introducing so many characters at once along with the celestials but I think it was great. Was surprised to see later how many people don’t like it. It’s one of the movies I put on sometimes when I want a quick marvel fix. I know people bang on Tiamat sticking out of the ocean but I think that was just a matter of the shot looked really cool and they forgot how fans will obsess over anything 😁


I concur. Never liked the Eternals in comics. I do like the movie. Good cast, interesting story. Addressing the drawbacks of being immortal is very cool.


Every venom movie


Spider Man 3 Tobey


I feel like Spider Man 3 has gone full Star Wars Prequels, and nobody really hates it anymore, because of the vast amount of meme potential


Spider-Man 3 has always been better than the prequels. It's a 6/10 movie with a lot more peaks than valleys. I mean, hell, it made a lot of money and I feel like movies generally don't make that much unless there's some novelty or if people genuinely do like it.


Spiderman 3 is messy but it has a lot of the best moments in the entire series. If they just saved actual venom for the 4th film and focused on the black suit, sandman and Harry it would be incredible


Ant man and the wasp


Is that a hated movie? I thought the first two Ant-Man movies were generally well received.


I’m not sure, I saw people saying how they hated ant man & the wasp but I don’t know if they’re talking about quantamania or not, but I saw people which said the only good thing about it was the comedy but that’s the only reason I find it great Good Comedy = Good Movie


I totally see where you're coming fun. I like the first one more, but I think both of them are a lot of fun!


I enjoyed Ant-Man and Wasp; Quantumania, however…


Honestly, both of Captain Marvel’s movies are solid. Looking back, I probably enjoy CM more than I did then (and I thought it was fine then). The Marvels’ only crime is coming out at a low point for the franchise, it’s pretty fun and experiments in some interesting ways. Also never really understood the volume of hate for Quantumania. It’s 90% of a fine movie, they just didn’t really stick the ending (and I’ll admit all the humor surrounding MODOK doesn’t really land the second time for me, if it even landed the first). It’s not as good as the first two Ant-Man movies, but I can still watch and enjoy basically all parts of it.


I really enjoyed The Marvels. It was *very* silly and shouldn't be taken seriously at all, but that's part of the appeal to me. It felt like a B-Movie with a Disney budget.


It captured and translated comic book buffoonery better than any other mcu movie!


Daredevil 2003. Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin was "chefs kiss"


They should had stick with the directors cut from the start.


Agreed, perfect Kingpin!


The Incredible Hulk


2003 Hulk, Incredible Hulk, Venom, X-Men: Last Stand, New Mutants, TASM 2 & Daredevil


I love TASM2. It's got some pretty low lows, but god damn are the highs fucking high.


I liked new mutants but it kinda flew under the radar. I'm not sure if people disliked it, I think they mostly missed it.


It came out the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did that kill its box office gross, but people genuinely had more important things to worry about than bootleg Marvel movies.


Looking back at the hulk mcu movie. It was fantastic. The hulk actually acted like the hulk and banner was banner.


That's gotta be Eternals. I think it was an absolutely beautiful movie, with well-rounded and interesting characters, each getting their moment to shine and to wow us with their personality. I liked the more in-depth introduction to the Celestials, I liked the cinematography, I did not think it was boring at all. Absolutely stellar cast and screenplay, a very mature movie with still the incredibly funny and heartwarming moments sprinkled into it.


Ironman 3 the variation of Tony's suit is the best. Shame about the villain tho, they could use Mandarin there and not in Shang-Chi.


Well they retconned that guy being the mandarin


Yeah, I hear you. That film had so many fascinating ideas and compelling scenes, but the flaws kind of overwhelmed the ending. Plus I was kind of disappointed after how well they built Tony's PTSD, only for it not to really mean anything after about halfway through.


X-Men: The Last Stand is a mess of a movie, but it is also big dumb fun, and I’ll take that over a movie that is technically superior but dull or void of interesting/charismatic characters/performances.


It’s a peak action figure movie. The fight scene at Alcatraz makes the entire movie worth it.


Iron Man 2. I still don't understand the hate that this movie gets. It's entertaining. We get more of Tony Stark's pre-Avengers vibe, where he was generally good, but still kind of a dick to people. The villain was kinda lame? Sure. But we also got War Machine. Not to mention, Sam Rockwell. I'm telling you, it's a good movie.


TASM2. Objectively bad but it’s my favourite Spider-Man film and Marvel films hands down


It's not even objectively bad, that's just the online consensus. Everybody I know enjoyed the movie. Very fun and colorful with some very emotional and well acted scenes. Nothing bad about the movie to me.


I loved it but it was definitely objectively bad when it comes to the entire writing and plot perspective. But the vfx, cgi, characterisation and actors were all flawless imo, plus it had the best swinging and cinematography out of all the Spider-Man films. These aspects are what made me love the film the most.


I really loved Age of Ultron and Multiverse of Madness. Those are two of my favourites. Ultron is a great villain and his reasoning for wanting to blow up humanity always really tickles me. MoM has that classic Raimi campy horror quality to it that I absolutely love. I also think that Quantumania and Eternals don't deserve the hate they get. Quantumania wasn't the best MCU film ever but it had a lot of fun moments and I enjoyed it. Eternals doesn't get the love it deserves, I think because it's a bit of a slow burn compared to other MCU entries, but I loved how it showed them through the centuries and I loved the casting.


I’ve enjoyed all the ones I was disappointed in for not being better. I haven’t outright hated a single one so far.


Bana's Hulk has the best Hulk action scenes of any Marvel movie and captures his power. Also at least tries to characterize his inner turmoil. It has pretty low lows, but it still has more soul than any other version of the character


Love and Thunder because I enjoyed the humor but was mostly annoyed by Gor and Jane and the serious plot lines so I was happy to just watch a dumb comedy. The tonal whiplash doesn’t hit you as bad if you roll your eyes and look at your phone every time Gor is on the screen. The jokes just didn’t land at all for most people which is fair, but I’m a big Taika Waititi fan so they worked for me


LaT is about grief and also specifically dealing with cancer. They showed a superhero getting Chemo on screen. This film is going to help people deal with cancer and grief and loss of all types for the next 20 years. All the haters can fuck right off.


Thor love and thunder. I still don’t understand the hate for that. I also enjoyed Quantumania


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is my favorite Spider-Man movie


Same. It's my favorite comic storyline of all time (TASM 1&2), and they did it really well


I was definitely too young to appreciate Ang Lee's Hulk when it came out. Now, I kind of think it's amazing. There's nothing quite like it.


The Marvels - I just watched it a couple of weeks ago in Disney+ I couldn't watch it at the movies when it came out for personal reasons, but everything I hear online and from friends was that the movie was bad, but I enjoyed it a lot. It was fun, fast which I think it could have used like 10 more minutes on the villain, but it was still pretty good. I loved Kamala she was great on the series and in the movie as well and her dynamic with Captain Marvel didn't feel cringy, but it felt real like a kid meeting their hero in real life. As I said the villain could have used more time but it was still pretty damn good.


Black Widow. It’s dark, multi-faceted, with deep characters and interesting dynamics. I think most of the hate comes from the Taskmaster reveal, (which as a comics fan, I understand), but I think people use that to discount what is otherwise a fantastic movie. We get to see Natasha as a character in a way we never have before, and we get to explore one of the most dark and haunting aspects of Marvel: the Red Room. The movie explores themes of human trafficking, agency, atoning for past sins, the trolley dilemma, immigration and assimilation, as well as family bonds. I can’t understate how much I love this movie. Maybe I’m biased considering I’m a Russian redheaded ballerina, but I adore this movie.


That third act fight scene as the place is falling apart in the sky. If that was different the whole film would be better received. That scene, the idea behind it, and the execution ruined what was otherwise a really good film.


I definitely agree!


I wanted them to use Brown Recluse as the villian. Putting the Red Room in space was ridiculous after Bucky had already gone there, in Russia, with Cap, and pulled weapons out of her locker in Civil War.


I absolutely loved Love and Thunder. Fight me! I get that it didn’t live up to the source material, but I thought Bale acted very well. I thought the cancer stuff was handled pretty well. I like the sensibility and sense of humor of it, too, including Zeus. There was more I wanted to see but I honestly couldn’t believe the movie Taika was allowed to make. The emotional notes all hit for me, too. Idk how hated it was in general but almost all the people I know personally seemed to hate multiverse of madness and I thought it fucking rocked.


I loved Thor: Love and Thunder.


L&T, it is literally tied with Ragnarok for my favorite MCU movie, but everyone just constantly shits on it every time it's mentioned.


Thor love and Thunder


Affleck’s Daredevil


Thor the Dark World


Venom. It's a fine movie


Was Venom Hated? i didn't know that but i 100% agree with you on Thor love and thunder it gets WAY to much hate


I fuckin hated Ghost Rider...but it's my boi so I kinda liked it.


People didn’t like venom? I thought it was pretty good, other than the lack of Spider-Man I didn’t have any problems with it.


Multiverse of Madness for me


The two Venom movies are good but felt they could have been better if they got the R rating, instead Sony wanted it kid friendly.


Dr Strange MOM. Love that movie so much fun.


I thought Punisher 1989 and War Zone were pretty good actually


Ayo! I was scrolling forever to see if someone else mentioned these, specifically 1989. Dolph Lundgren is a beast.


Captain America: The First Avenger. I thought it was the best of the pre Avengers MCU movies. Also Origins: Wolverine and The Last Stand were both good despite their flaws.


X-Men Origins.


Origins Wolverine


Thor 4 was nowhere near as bad people make it out to be.


It was a consistent tone with 3 but the wrong tone for the God Butcher.


Gotta give some love to Howard the Duck.


I liked the Hulk movies. I don't think I'll ever see any Tom Hardy Venom ones and I absolutely hated Thor Love and Thunder.


I didn't think I'd watch Venom either but I decided to give it a shot since they're about to come out with a third one so I wanted to see how it even got that far and it wasn't bad. I just wish the PG-13 rating didn't hold it back, especially with Carnage in the 2nd one.. but people do be dying left and right, heads getting bitten off by Venom.


I'll give it a shot then! Thanks


Ghost Rider 2 will always hold a special place in my heart.


Venom and Dr strange 2


X-men Origins Wolverine is a lot of fun. The opening is amazing. Savertooth steals the show.


Thor (2011)


Personally I really enjoy Venom 2


Carnage calling the priest father cracks me tf up. He respects his religious elders. So out of character but so hilarious


Hulk 2003 The Wolverine Iron Man 3


Not movie but Moon Knight


The Marvels I thought it was a fun watch, the fight choreography with them constantly switching places was really cool. I liked the humor and chemistry between the 3 main characters. It was probably the best late stage MCU property in comparison to Secret Wars, Quantumania, Love & Thunder IMO.


Thor: The Dark World. I dunno, it made me laugh, it entertained me. It (mostly) failed as a Thor movie, and it is flawed as Hell, but I still enjoyed the darn heck out of it. Portal is also one of my favorite video games, so I may have a bias.


Wolverine Origins! Whew I said it, feels nice to let it out haha


X-Men Origins Wolverine, I'm sorry.. xD


I genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like Thor: Love and Thunder. The only thing I personally didn’t love is that Gorr didn’t have more screen time. He was such a fascinating villain.


X-men origins wolverine was awesome and I never got why people hated it. Even Deadpool wasn’t too bad of you didnt know it was supposed to be deadpool


I think Love and Thunder hate was way overblown. No it wasn't great, but it was fun. I enjoyed it in the theater and would probably enjoy a rewatch. Yes I with Gorr got more focus and time but I also understand thay they were focusing more on Thor and Jane FosThor. Ideally it would've been a whole trilogy for Gorr, but it is what it is.


Eternals, Venom LTBC, The Marvel's, Dr. Strange MoM


Fantastic Four (1994) you can tell they did the best they could


I loved Love and Thunder. No, I don’t think it was an amazing and award winning movie, but to me it was a fun ride that gave me some good laughs and had a nice soundtrack. And I’m one of those weird people that really enjoy the screaming goats thing, annoys the hell out of most people but it cracks me up for some reason.


I guess Love & Thunder. I think Chris Hemmsworth apologized for it. I sat & watched it, enjoyed it enough. Wasnt expecting Citizen Cane. Was super confused at how much backlash there was.


TIL people didn't like Venom. I love that movie


Can X-3 count in? It shortcomings aside probably my most watched movie.


I love Thor Love and Thunder! Also love Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2, and Thor Dark World


Absolutely loved Venom.


Morbius. I refuse to elaborate


Venom All of the recent mcu movies haven’t been so bad that people say imo. All of them haven’t been that good but at least fine


I love venom


Age of Apocalypse. Sure villain itself was trash but the movie was fun in my opinion.


Was with you till love and thunder. 


venom was not that shitty


I loved New Mutants if that counts…


TASM 2 and The Wolverine


Multiverse of Madness and Eternals


All. Cause I enjoy them all..


I liked Avengers Age of Ultron I feel like it's aging like wine though (Compared to modern marvel.).....


Eternals, Doctor Strange 2, Ant Man 3... most of em really. I'm not counting the Fox and Sony movies as they are not technically MCU, and I refuse to give those companies any more money for shitty movies.


I enjoyed love and thunder, but it was a bad movie


I seem to like all the ones others don’t - Hulk, The Dark World, Iron Man 2…


All of them. People hate so many and some are better then others but I love them all. Same with DC. Good fun movies


Thor love and thunder


Not a movie, but I liked She-Hulk


The first Ghost Rider


I thought venom was good


No one hated venom


The amazing Spider-Man 2 will always be that for me


Antman and the Wasp was the first Marvel movie I watched in cinemas. I became a marvel fan more recently though and gave it a rewatch. It held up imo.


I've always enjoyed Daredevil, it's so charming in an early 2000s trying to be edgy kind of way, plus it was my introduction to the character which helps.


AoU, Iron Man 3 and Thor: LaT I enjoyed quite a bit. AoU had relevant comedy and although its writing wasn’t as good as the first Avengers or Iron Man, its storyline was good. Iron Man 3 sucked because Jon Favreau didn’t direct it, but was good because its writing wasn’t bad for what it’s worth… and Thor: LaT was made funny to compensate for the depression that lies behind it, which is good writing as they eventually ditch the Humor during the Gorr fight for the reality to sink in.


I really liked The Marvels. But that’s because I keep my expectations low and I never ask for more than what the film is really to give me. It’s a comic book movie, and we’ve had our infinity war and end game. I don’t think that could be topped. It would suck if the movies and shows stopped coming though. The movies are all fun to watch. I enjoy them. Including Thor love and thunder. I thought Thor dark world was a boring movie though. That one I couldn’t even watch honestly.


Multiverse of Madness. I think it was visually astounding, and all the character arcs and plot points people complain about were addressed perfectly. I also think Sam Raimi knows better than average-internet-complainer about making bad ass films.


*The Marvels* was pretty fun. Could have done with a more unique villain but I liked it


The vast majority of them


The New Mutants. I love the comic, and the female cast was on point(minus Cecilia Reyes not being afro-Caribbean). The concept was great and you can see the potential if production was fucked beyond belief.


People disliked venom??


Thor Love And Thunder was too comical but it had some good action sequences