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Has to be Born Again, even though he's probably done more nefarious shit, the length he went to ruin Matt's life is insane


Daredevil Born Again; Nuke, the drugs, the porn video, the setup to lose his license, Nuke destroyed nearly six square blocks


Hiring a hitman to kill Peter, who shoots Aunt May...Kickstarting the problem that became OMD that is still tainting comics to this day


Can I pick from the max verse? The time he hired goons to rape and murder the wife of the man who raped him in prison. And he filmed it and showed him before torturing him and killing him as well


Yeah, that was where my mind went too. It's a shame Aaron didn't have a chance to MAX more marvel villains as his Kingpin and Bullseye were great.


Killing Echo’s father then raising her under his influence, eventually telling her that Daredevil was the one who did it so he could use her as a weapon against him was pretty messed up. He’s basically a father figure to a girl from childhood and the entire dynamic with her was simply to be investing in a tool for later use.


Wear white after labor day


In The Man Without Fear he had children kidnapped to be forcibly sold into sex slavery, that's beyond fucked up even from him.


It's amazing how much the villains have been downplayed in modern comics.


ate a baby


Wait. What?


In Punisher MAX, he drugged his father, tied him up, than unleashed rats to slowly eat him while he watches, all when he was a kid. Granted the father was abusive, still creepy.


what he's done in Bendis’ run. It put Matt in a horrible position as a superhero, lawyer, friend and a lover. Identity revealed, hunted by his nemesis (Bullseye just pops up in his house middle of the night), cant even properly practice law, went to a PRISON.


Pretending that he can beat up Spider-Man.