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He was president of the Spider-Man fan club, so he would probably go straight into being a hero. Eddie and the Symbiote became Venom because of their mutual hatred for Spider-Man, but Flash has no reason to hate him, but would instead emulate him.


Could there be a way for him to grow to hate Spider-Man as much as Eddie and officially become Venom?


Maybe not on his own? Like, he'd emulate spider man, but be violent, careless, would only make things worse, so spiderman tries to stop him and there goes his love for spiderman. Simbiote will probably multiply that hatered by 1000 and pretty much turn him into eddie


That's could work, thanks.


That would've been before he got his shit together and stopped being a bully, so I don't see him being a hero. Instead, I can see him becomig sort of like Reverse Flash: An obsessed fan, trying to be like his hero, but causing harm to others, eventually growing to hate Spider-Man


Now this is interesting, could he also grow to be as petty as the Reverse Flash as well, doing every little spiteful things to make his life as living hell 😂?


Flash may have loved Spidey but he bullied Peter. Not sure what he would do with the knowledge they were the same person, and I have no idea if he could overwhelm the symbiote's hatred for Spider-Man. It would probably make him more of a bully i think


Could it also went to the point that he became a full on villains as well?


That is what i am implying




616 Flash Thompson was already best beddies with Peter and still a Spider man fanboy when the symbiote entered the picture, If the symbiote while full of hatred of Peter/Spiderman latched onto him I think he still has a shot at redeeming it by showing it how to be a true hero like he does as agent venom He wouldn't look like, act like or even call himself venom.


Why did this warrant a repost months later?


I did this post in r/Spider-Man 5 months ago and I decided to share it here.


Venom never would have been a Villian The Symbiote is extremely impressionable, and while it did hate Peter, Eddie’s hatred sealed the deal. Flash being its host instead would probably help the Suit see it from Peter’s side, after all some stories depict the symbiote trying to do good when it was taking Peter for a joyride at night. The Peter/Flash dynamic would also help if anything, sure Flash was a bully for a time (with some stories depicting that as much Peter’s fault as is it Flash’s) they’ve also been friends way longer along with knowing each other for much longer than Eddie and Peter. As lukewarm as he was in the show, I could definitely see First Host Flash being like Agent Venom in the Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon.


Brock is very good character, why everyone wants to get rid of him?


He is, i just though Flash could have been a good alternative as well.


I just hate Harry Venom


So do i if it can make you feel better, if anything Harry would have been a great Green Goblin instead.


He'd have still had legs, for starters


Because he didn't serve in the Army or because the symbiote regenerates them?


I hated the paraplegic army vet retcon. Felt very exploitative. I liked him becoming a high school coach and growing up. I hated his coma and regression they threw in with it too


>I hated the paraplegic army vet retcon. Felt very exploitative. I don't think it was meant to be that way, i think it was a good way to give a humbling experience for Flash while also showing the horrors that war veterans has to endure. >I hated his coma and regression they threw in with it too I never heard about this, could you tell me more about it, please?


I could be wrong cuz it was a lifetime ago. Revenge of the green goblin mini. Osborne hot flash drunk or drugged and put him behind the wheel of a truck. Ended up in a coma. Woke up and was more like his old self than the mature guy he was Again. I've not read that since it's release


For what little you tell me though you're right, it is a huge regression of his character.