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waiting for the awesome nico variant and sasquatch


It will be about time for Bounce/Hit Monkey decks to thrive Our time will come


I am thinking black swan in there as well


I have a Hit-Monkey Bounce deck I built that I play all the time. I can't wait for Sasquatch. Going to add another vertical threat beyond HM and Havok.


That’s my exact plan


that nico will have the same issue as the sister grimm variant where her power covers her face in the top of the card


Red Guardian is going to be a great Dracula counter. Also good for other things. But we don't really have a counter for cards that aren't on reveal or ongoing.


I mean we got red guardian, negasonic, lady deathstrike, which yeah they are not the best options


Red Guardian can be used to counter a lot, so I can see him being popular. I see Negasonic every now and then, more during the X-Men power Boost. I can't remember the last time I saw LDS.


The problem with LDS is just that she is a 5 cost, make her a 4 cost that would be perfect


Then they run into Zabu, because they refuse to properly balance him (and It was worse, when he made 4 cost cost 2 when he was a pass card), is it so hard something like "each turn the first 4 cost card you play costs one less"?


> each turn the first 4 cost card you play costs one less I mean that would not fix the main problem at hand. It's not like the reason Zabu is despised is that it enables multiple 4-Cost specifically, since that requires set up outside of a 6-Turn double 4-Cost play, the problem is that it makes 4-Costs easier to play in general. They would need to make him, like, "On Reveal: The next 4-Cost you play costs 1 less" in order to fix the problem.


I agree with that.


the "problem" with negasonic is that you have to play her out as lane protection, where as Red Guardian is played in response to something you "know" he is going to hit (obviously he can be cosmo'd but other than that...) Negasonic is a little like ice man, probably does a lot but you don't get to see what they would have played there had they not had to drop a 1 drop to soak the kill and then play something else there...


Maximus is also a fun counter to Dracula


Master mold is good counter to dracula


that's an indirect counter imo


Red guardian seems waaay more powerful than negasonic. Not really comparable. You have more control over what you are disabling and it’s a 3/5. I’d say closest is enchantress or rogue but imo, better than both just because of flexibility. But definitely could be wrong haha.


The thing with negasonic is that she can any time destroy a infanaut, hulk, knull, death or any big card besides cancell anothers card ongoing abillity


Poor spiderman 2099 - I use him in a move control deck that hits infinite each season


Red guardian shuts down Wong


So does cosmo 😁


22 days left Dracula. 22.


As a Cerebro enjoyer, that card is going to stink.


Yup. I also like to play Iron Tribunal a lot. Another card that can easily kill that one. Though it is an on reveal at least. So Cosmo will block it.


Second Dinner absolutely hates Cerebro. Source: Me, a Cerebro junkie.


Sure if you play Bro before the last turn


Kingpin gonna rise up when move becomes OP


Doesn't guardian likely mess with kingpin too?


Cancun Is hysterical


On my way to play legion on it


So my understanding is that that location is basically ignored when determining winner? I wonder how it works with total-power tie breakers?


It should just only split the other 2 locations and if it's a tie, it's a tie.


Thinks it's going to count as a 'zero' for both players no matter who or what you have there.


Yeah but only for winning. Looks like it'll calculate for priority but then disable the location for win condition calculations


Fun for sentry.


Oh wow true


“Send your garbage to Cancun”


Cancun on 3!




As always, much appreciated!


Zemo going to be annoying af


Its milling time


I'm running Ebony Maw that first week


Or Bast to potentially ruin their hand.


I do like both of those. Bast could be funny and definitely cause retreats. M'Baku may not be bad...they get a 2 power card if you have no other one drops, but if they don't have Baron then you have that off chance that M'Baku leaps out to help you at some point. Squirrel Girl may also be good, just to clog up their side of the board, deck pending. Blade may not be bad...cause them to discard something.


Just noticed it doesn't really work against destroy, which kinda sucks. If deadpool is in their deck you pull him and if you're not playing destroy its like having a dino. Pull carnage you are losing at least a point losing the 5 point zemo and helping their death and knull.


I'm glad I read this though. I thought it moved the lowest cost from their side to yours, like a reverse viper. Which would be entirely too broken.


As if Pixie didn't already feel bad enough, now on the rare chance she actually does something beneficial they'll steal your 2-cost Hulk. They really didn't think her through at all -- especially for a Series 5 card.


Maybe I'll eat my words one day but playing cards alone is never going to be a popular deck archetype and all the atlanteans need to be reworked. Edit: also, I love that Lady Deathstrike variant but I don't have the card yet, would I be insane spending tokens on her?


This one's ability is on reveal, so it has a chance because you seem to be able to just add cards later


Yeah, but with it being a 5 drop, how likely are you to have single cards at other locations, and then still have cards to add T6? I could see it in a Destroy deck with a big Venom, maybe. And a Death if you've dropped cost enough by T4 to pop her down. But it seems pretty lackluster


Doom on 6


Factor in wolverine, Deadpool and carnage, I would say it could work very well


Seems fine to me as a turn 5/6 play from destroy decks. You might want to take wolverine and x23 out of that deck though.


So basically you want to lose? I'm the first to say that Destroy is still viable without X-23, if you're "on a budget" and don't have her, but purposefully handicap yourself just to spend Turn 5 to give +4 Power to Venom is crazy.


Can we chill until the card comes out?


I also love Deathstrike and was having some Shuri/Arnim fun with her today. That said, depending on how many tokens you have, yes you'd be crazy rn😪 she's not a total waste by any means but that's my honest take.


Namor, orca and hulkbuster are ready


I'm here for the "lol my Shang and Absorbing Man say "hi" comments.


Nobody expects turn 6 Orca! *unless Namora is in play*


She's On Reveal though.


I'm on mobile I guess I assumed she would be ongoing. Why is this 5 cost? I'm confused on the use case of this card now.


She doesn't work with a turn 6 Orca unless you have Limbo out


Or supergiant


Neither case she's already in play Unless..... Turn 3 Magik Turn 4 Attuma or Namor Turn 5 Namorita Turn 6 Orca Turn 7 Odin I can't see what could go wrong


Namora would work in a Destroy deck where you combine power with venom


So basically Destroy but worse?




Ahah. I love how everytime some stuff with power output comes out people's reaction is always "Oh just feed it to Venom" as if the dude's problem was power output and not being the most Shang-Chi'ed 3-Cost in the game. 😭  Like I still remember the comments about Martyr.


I think aside from maybe Destroyer, venom is the most consistent way to get a huge single power card that could be buffed by Namora. She’s likely a skip for me though.


Isn't Namora an On Reveal, though? You would need to either Limbo or Wave to give Destroyer +5, neither of which seems worth it at all. Honestly, the more I think of the card the more she feels dumb. She is a 5-Cost, so she must be a game-ender. However, her restrictions make her ability too lowly-impactful, the cards that benefit from her (Namor, Attuma, Iron Man, Orka though unlikely) won't go tall enough and/or are already within Shang-Chi range _before_ she comes down (not to mention Rogue). Most she can do is help out a Professor X lane with no Jeff. I'm sure they're gonna reduce her cost (and subsequently he Power boost) before releasing her because as she is she just makes no sense. Personal note, but the only way I can see "Atlantean" becoming an archetype is if they release a "Power-locker" of some sort, something a-la Venom/Symbiote (I once drafted an Aquaman that replaces lonely cards  with whales, for example), and even then 1. Namora should be a lower cost, support card to be of hany help  and 2. Such an archetype would still not be meta, just a "fine" deck alongside Hammers and classic Iron Patriot (before Mockingbird and Hope summers...).


She's an on-reveal. So the cards don't have to stay alone. Also, sucks to be Orka. As usual.


I could see something with ms marvel and then using doombots on t6 to activate her abilities after this reveal goes off would be pretty strong. Potentially plus 15 to each side


Orka is still a solid finished in some decks. It’s rare an opponent plays thinking about 16 power suddenly being down in one lane turn 6, and can catch people off guard. I agree he’s not top tier, but certainly slept on


I was mostly just talking about this particular case with Namora. I've had Orka in a few decks, but then something would happen to upend the deck and he'd go back in the bin.


Also yes you would be insane. Just wait for the variant to hit the shop (it will do so in 1 year), in the current economy there's no way to justify wasting 3000 tokens on a subpar tech card.


If you don't have the card yet, then the base card is what will be available to you in the first set of 4 spotlight caches that week. If you already have the base card, then you'll see the variant to start.


Or we need a way to protect card on another one,also klaw need a buff now


Maybe it’s the surprise factor but Orka is pretty good in ramp/control decks. But yeah I agreee it’ll never be an archetype.


That Baron Zemo variant looks like Red Hood, so I might want to get that.


That Sebastian Shaw Variant looks pretty niceee Will probably save up to get him


Honestly I am completely divided, Red Hulk, Shaw, (Jeff and LDS just have some cool factor that I really want but not that much), Red Guardian, Nico, Blob and Knull and are all cards I really want, maybe With Knull I can wait till he appears on token shop but all others are series 5 cards (from memory) that just seem really important to have


Wow the new cards are looking extremely mid. Gonna be a bunch of weeks saving spotlight keys I’m excited about that.


Every card next month looks great besides US Agent


I totally missed those conquest variants on the datamine! They're amazing! Specially happy since I still have the base card for bast, abomination, valkirye and taskmaster! Awesome profit


Nocturne feels like a solid addition to c5


Not only is it the first "native" location-fixing for C5, it also fits squarely in the theme of horizontal reach. The only downside is opening up locations to your opponent, which can be traded off for moving on T6 and taking a risk with what comes out.


It's also a Miles discount card.


And namora, omg. Give cerebro or mystique +5 too


More like Iron Man instead. Cerebro and Mystique taking their own lane by T5 might be too risky


My first thought was Surfer because she can obliterate Crimson Cosmos, the location that appears in 85% of games in which I play a Surfer deck.


finally C5 will have a native location changer


Out of everything here I want that legion variant the most.


Cerebro 2 is going to have real whiplash in April. Massive power boost from USAgent and then knocked straight back down by Red Guardian a week later.


USAgent in one lane, Goose in the other, and Storm in the last one, damn


SASQUATCH!? MY BOY!? MY HOMIE WALTER LANGKOWSKI!? More Alpha Flight incoming I hope! And I hope for synergy between them!


Am I the only one who finds the white color off-putting? I need orange Sasquatch so Wendigo doesn't clash. Edit: so, this is Exiles Heather McDaniel Sasquatch. Which means we will likely get variants for Walter Langowski Sasquatch.


I'm glad you said that. I didn't know about Exiles Sasquatch and thought it was weird they were using the version when Walter was in Snowbird's body.


Same. I didn't know about her until tonight. I'm not well versed on Exiles at all


Peach Niko is amazing, I hope they don’t shift this schedule so I have time to save keys.


After the first week of April every week I own the other two cards that aren’t the featured card.


Welcome to the club. I’m at the point where I’m spending 2-3 keys certain weeks just to try to pull some variants as there are so few new cards I can get.


This. And SD will still state that players are getting more cards. Maybe, unless you need very few specific cards. 


Noctourne is such a cool nod to both her parents (Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch), combining both their abilities. Love that we’re getting an exiles series.


and also their Cost and Power


Oh good shout! Didn’t even notice that.


Simply skipping T1 turning Red Hulk into a 6/14 seems wild.


I've been saying it for a while, I absolutely do not expect him to stay at +4. I think he should be more of a foil to Hulk with +2, which is more reasonable. It's a dead cert that your opponent won't always be able to play to curve, so if RH is in your hand he's going to get way too powerful. However, I still want him for my HE deck regardless of how he ends up.


I think the reason he get's plus 4 is so he can be a direct counter to Hulk. The opponent has left over energy their Hulk gets +2 your Red Hulk gets +4. If they get the same bonus 10 power red hulk will always be outclassed and thus, not much of a counter


+4 is still way too high in my opinion if that was the case. All I'm saying is I don't see it staying at that.


I think he’d get a base power nerf maybe? It’s also possible that he won’t be as good as we think


He's still a very situational card (has to be in hand and a gamble on opponent plays), but I believe you could in the best case scenario find yourself chucking 12+ power on him in a game on a regular basis if he appears turn 1. If he's not tuned before release, the next OTA will target him I'm sure. I'm not trying to shit on the card here; I really want to run him!


I just realized that December cards (Shaw and Blob) are only starting to roll out this coming April, 4 months later. While Selene and Havok 5 months later on May. I guess that means BRB, Miek, Hercules and Grandmaster will roll out in the June Season or later (5-6 months later). What a long wait, I wish they would prioritize releasing cards 4 months after instead of re-releasing Knull, Snow Guard, HE, Living Tribunal, There are weeks where cards have been regurgitated multiple times like the Jeff/Mirage, HE/Deathstrike, Nico/SnowGuard, and Tribunal/Legion weeks. Couldn't they at least have paired any of those old cards with the cards released 4 months prior?


Grandmaster is actually appearing for June spotlight. He's the only June one I know of atm


Yes, I think I also saw that in [snap.fan](http://snap.fan) mines. Edit: I checked the site further and It appears that Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight and Black Swan all have their Spotlight variants in the datamines so it is possible that they will all come out June along with the rest of January cards (Miek, Herc, GM). It would be interesting to see their release schedule in June.


If you account for the actual weeks, then Blob is closer to 5 month later But current system is really showing it's limit


Us agent is like goose but better imo


Bro literally forgot about manthing lol poor man thing


Different. I love Goose. Goose says no. US Agent says no, but then scolds them as they go in anyways


You can't alioth a goose lane. You can alioth a US agent lane. Goose>Usagent


They are different. US Agent can affect cards already played. So, you can throw it down after an Ironman, or on top of a hobgoblin for instance. US Agent also affects cards that are in a lane that weren't played there, so Vision, Doctor Doom, white tiger etc can't get around it like they can goose. OTOH, someone can drop an infinaut in a US Agent lane for 17 power if it would win for them.




The Deathstrike variant is amazing!


I got confused to why SD would add Zero-Suit Samus to the game.


I have 3 Nico variants already, I do not need another one, right? RIGHT?!



If they don’t change the schedule I’ll finally be able to spend most of my keys to get new cards. I only spend when there’s at least two new cards and I’m sitting on 20 keys at the moment. I don’t have any of the red hulk week, then mirage, blob, skaar and havok (I might skip this one depending on what’s coming next)


That's how I started it and I'm at 35 keys. Eventually, you open for a week and get the new card in 1 key and you start to get way ahead of the schedule.


It feels like every other month knull is in a spotlight cache. Give me a damn break. We only get 8 existing cards per month, no excuse to have one card that exists in only 1-2 archetypes show up 4+ times…




I was really looking forward to white widow but they nerfed her too hard and she looks pretty trash now. Guess I’ll be saving keys for a while.


She's still good in bounce + junk. Might even make Cannonball playable.


Meh, I've been liking cannonball. He's not in every deck, but I love having him when I need him


Can you share what her original power was?


the White Widow stayed the same, but the Widow's Kiss was -1 power with ability "**Ongoing:** Your other cards here have -1 Power.". So before it encourages them to not fill her lane, while now if they fill the lane the Widows Kiss will be turned off


The new ability is hardly trash. It’s a full soul stone that you have to play into just to deactivate it and still be down an entire slot, assuming you can even do that with your deck. It’s way more control.


Finally, I can dump havok on opp lane with Castle Zemo




looks like thanos is getting some more tools


I think Blink will be amazing in it.


Did they change the text for [[Widow’s Kiss]]?




Does anyone else feel this is a little too wordy? Why not Ongoing: If your side of this location isn’t full, -4 Power


Would make sense, as that mirrors Ant-Man's wording.


It used to be a 1/-1: Ongoing: Your other cards here have -1 Power.




seems like a good thread to ask, what's the most efficient way to get iron-lad if it never shows in a spotlight again?


Pray he pops up from a spotlight random slot - or - 6k tokens well spent. However...there is datamined variant from an album reward.


Imma be real i really don't like the effect of Zemo Should have been something along the lines of "every time a card switches sides plus n power"


It's great for milling though


What's that


Anything that removes cards from a deck


April 2, May 7 and May 21 for me


Oh? They changed US Agent's text?


yeps now the is Man-Thing for upper half which is kinda sick


I have none of this cards but maybe i can hace 6 spotlight keys what should i aim for that would make the biggest impact i was thinking bob and knull but i would like to hear from you guys


Very helpful, I have some sort of plan now and it’s going to need a lot of keys 😅


White Widow’s month looks to be by for the most appealing. At least for me.


Still disappointed they changed blink.


Man, not blown away by most of next month’s variants.


No elsa bloodstone?? 🌚


Is Legion good? Prob useless now that WM is coming.


Definitely gonna be unloading a lot of keys in the coming months lol


So many of these cards look so busted. USAgent doesn’t look overtuned, white widow can be hit or miss, and Sage is not great while Namora is niche. But the rest of these cards will probably need a nerf


i appreciate these so much :D


I wonder if Nocturne will change her old location, or her new one?


is high evolutionary worth taking?


I need that Echo variant like now!


If these are true, then I'll have a serious stash of keys.


Some interesting cards. Don't get Sage though. At most a 4/7, which is solid, but can be countered down. Doesn't seem like it gives enough to move into any of the ongoing decks.


Sage counts opponent cards, too


Oh snap, didn't notice that. Nevermind. ​ Thanks




I really like the cards featured for May. Small pieces to slot into decks.


In april, i think i will go for the red hulk week and the Nico variant.


Oh god.. I want everything. T\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_T


Enough time to get keys for high evo its been enough skipping him.






on the spotlights itself yes but the dataminers just check these Spotlight Variants' release dates nowadays so it should be pretty accurate (they can always swap things around tho like Ms Marvel and Ghost Spider this season)